Chapter 451 451 will not compromise

Mo Xue was obviously unable to perform the operation, but in the current situation, Jiang Mu couldn't force others to perform the operation. After all, even the doctor said, her current situation does not meet the donation standard, and her body still needs self-cultivation. .

Seeing Jiang Mu's anger, the smile on Mo Xue's face remained undiminished, "I am planning to open momo's branch near a department store, where there is a lot of traffic and there are many businesses. There are not many clothes and the competitiveness is not so good. Big."

Seeing that Jiang Mu did not return her, she continued, "I chose this place carefully. It perfectly avoids your clothing store and will not affect your business. As a collaborator, I think I have Very caring."

   "Then you mean, I still want to thank you?" Jiang Mu mocked.

   "No thanks, no thanks, I have always been very generous with my partners." Mo Xue didn't seem to hear her ridicule, and his smile remained.

   Jiang Mu shook his wrist, and kept telling herself that she should calm down and don’t use her hands. If she punched her, she would send the other person to the hospital. It’s not a good thing to go to the police station to drink tea.

"I think the two of us are very happy to work together. Don’t be too obsessed with Ru Mu in your clothing store. Ru Mu can only sell last year’s old models. It’s been so long in the summer and there are no new models. This dress must be Can't sell."

"You don't need to say that you should understand this truth? The price of Ru Mu's clothes is not low. Those who can afford it must be fashionable people. Under the premise that such people have new styles, how can they go? How about buying an old one?"

"Your clothing stores are all good places. The rent is estimated to be a lot, and there are also labor costs. If you can't sell them for more than 1,800 yuan every day, then you are losing money. Why do you keep holding on? "

"Now momo’s business is so good. You have done a lot. It doesn’t make sense for me to make money, but it makes you lose money. I think it’s better to let your clothing store sell momo’s clothes. I will give you the lowest purchase price. You will suffer."

  Analyzed by Mo Xue, what he said was justified and well-founded, and he still called me for your good name, and his words did not make people feel uncomfortable.

   Jiang Mu had to admit that in a certain aspect, Mo Xue was still very good.

  If this is replaced by someone else, without saying gratitude, you will definitely think that this is a good boss in your heart.

  However, this hand is of no use to Jiang Mu.

  "Save the province, you shouldn't forget how our partnership started. If you violate the spirit of cooperation, don't say anything else."

   "Also, your careful thoughts and methods don't have to show off in front of me. You changed our clothes to momo clothes. Are you really thinking about me?"

  She sneered, “Don’t say it is so high-sounding, you just don’t want Ru Mu to continue to exist, but you want to cut off Ru Mu’s sales channels? So the Shanghai stock market is really only momo left, is this still amiss?”

  Jiang Mu moved forward and made progress, looking down at her, "They are all foxes for thousands of years, so don't play any chattering. Who doesn't know who? Don't think that you are a smart person, no one is a fool!"

  The smile on Mo Xue's face was put away, and she withdrew her gentle coat. The real Mo Xue actually didn't like to laugh that much.

  "You have to do it yourself in the branch! I will not do anything until the operation is over. You can think about how to decide."

   Jiang Mu didn't want to waste time with this kind of person here, turned around and went to the inpatient department. These days were too busy, she hadn't come to see Wen Liyan for a long time.

Mo Xue chased after a few steps, dissatisfied with Jiang Mu's attitude and decision, "You really don't help? You know, opening a branch is a lot of busy work, not young and old, you have heard what the doctor said just now, I The current physical condition is not very good. If you are so tired, let alone recuperating your body, it would be good if you don’t continue to be weak.

   "When the time comes, I will postpone the operation again, but you can't blame me."

   In the last sentence, the expectation is extraordinarily heavy, and the implication is obvious.

   Jiang Mu didn't even hesitate in her footsteps. What she hated most was being threatened by others. If it weren't for Wen Liyan, she would never compromise with Mo Xue.

  Compromised once, but did not get the agreed result, how could Jiang Mu continue to compromise?

   didn't turn around and punch the opponent, he was very restrained.

Mo Xue saw that her strategy had not achieved the expected results, and was not anxious. Now the initiative is in her hands. She has already understood that Wen Liyan's physical condition is currently fairly good, which is ten days and a half at night. There is no danger in the operation, so she thinks about postponing the operation, and it is best to delay the operation to the branch.

  It is estimated that Jiang Mu did not immediately agree to Wen Liyan's condition because he knew Wen Liyan's physical condition. Since Wen Liyan was not in danger, she also had more options.

  Mo Xue was not at all impatient, because she was sure that the situation before him was temporary. In the end, Jiang Mu would still compromise with her, unless she didn't want to save Wen Liyan!

   Jiang Mu arrived in the ward, saw some sweat bead on Wen Liyan's forehead, and asked nervously, "What's the matter? What's wrong with you? I'll call a doctor."

  Wen Liyan waved his hand, raised the corners of his lips with difficulty, showing a smile, “It’s okay, I just got out of bed and walked a few laps. Maybe the weather is too hot and I’m tired.”

   Jiang Mu didn’t believe it, “It’s really okay. Don’t bear it yourself. We are in the hospital now. So much hospitalization fees can’t be spent every day. If there is a problem, it is natural to find a doctor to feel more at ease.

Wen Liyan laughed out loud, "Do you think I will always suffer? Don't worry, I know my body is really fine, so you don't have to worry anymore. Have you eaten? Why do I think you are losing weight? Some, the jaws are sharper than before."

   Jiang Mu raised his hand and touched his chin, "Is there? Why don't I think? Grandma Sun and his mother didn't notice, otherwise they would definitely tell me."

  Wen Liyan stared at her slap-sized face and delicate features, and said with certainty, "Lean."

  Jiang Mu shrugged his shoulders indifferently, “I’m at the age when I should be thin, and they say that the eighteenth woman has changed. Maybe this is the proof that I have grown up, thinner, and better looking in clothes.”

  Wen Liyan still stared at her and watched her perform without saying a word.

   Knowing that his stubbornness had appeared, Jiang Mu reached out and patted his shoulder, "I said you, I just think too much, the doctor said, you should be honest and recuperate now, don't think about anything."

  Wen Liyan's eyes remained unchanged.

Jiang Mu was a little helpless, "I said Xueshen, I know I look good, but it won't make you lose your mind to this point, right? You look at me like this, and it will make me feel that you have been smitten by my prosperous beauty. Yan was fascinated."

  Looking at Wen Liyan's face, Jiang Mu felt that his face was a bit thick as he claimed to be prosperous.

  Wen Liyan nodded, his ear tips were a little red, "You really look good."

  This time it was Jiang Mu's turn to be dumbfounded. He was so bluntly praised, and it was from Wen Liyan, which made it difficult for him to reflect for a while.

  Wen Liyan recovered, realized what he had said, and quickly changed his words, “Don’t be too tired. Nothing is more important than your body. Am I just a living example?”

"You teach me for such a simple thing?" Jiang Mu gave him a roll of eyes, "Let you cultivate well, and you can cultivate well. You shouldn't put out these perverted papers. Let the kids go, they are the same age. , Being tortured by your perverted problem every day, my head is too bald."

  Jiang Mu pulled out a thick notebook and a stack of straw paper from under his pillow, and looked at the notebook that was more than half written, he knew that he shouldn't be idle these days, basically writing when he has time.

  Wen Liyan looked at the thick notebook, with a soft smile on the corners of his lips, "Anyway, I'm fine in the hospital, just write and write casually."

   "The doctor lets you rest, not just lying down, but the brain should also rest. You said that you always think about such perverted topics and the brain is always working. How can you rest well?"

   Jiang Mu said in disapproval.

  Wen Liyan's expression is serious, "Then you really wronged me. You still need to use your brain for a topic of this level? Don't you just think about it and write it out?"

   Jiang Mu: "..."

   "Don't worry, I listen to the doctor's words very much. When you say take a break, take a break. These problems are just to pass the time, not to use your brain." Wen Liyan explained.

Jiang Mu pulled out a smile with difficulty, "Should I say, is it worth learning God? The question that tortures us is almost bald, it turned out to be handwritten by you to pass the time. People are better than people, and it is maddening! If this is to make Quan Quan Er and Zhao Huan knew that they could not help but doubt life."

  Wen Liyan smiled silently, “Don’t worry about Zhao Huan. When Quan’er comes, you can show it to him. For him, it’s probably not that difficult. It’s a piece of cake.”

   Jiang Mu came interested, "What about me?"

   "It's easier for you." Wen Liyan didn't even want to say.

"Do you believe me so? Quan'er is so sensitive to numbers. In terms of mathematics, he can be as good as me. Don't you think he has an advantage over me in this respect? Why do you think I am better this time? "

   "You have finished the content of the third year of high school. Quan'er is only learning the content of the second year of high school. Although he is very smart, you have an advantage over the person you have learned."

  Wen Liyan explained.

   "I said you weren't it, the papers for high school can't satisfy you anymore? You don't even miss the topic of high school now!"

   Jiang Mu felt that a large number of papers were approaching her.

   "I am idle anyway." Wen Liyan did not explain in detail.

Jiang Mu didn't stay in the hospital for long. Wen Ru was on a business trip, and the deputy director of the garment factory was staring at things about the garment factory. However, she had to keep an eye on Ru Mu's turnaround plan, and she had to deal with Mo Xue. She is really busy.

   "Take care of yourself, don't be too tired." Wen Liyan exhorted before leaving.

   Jiang Mu responded with a smile, "Take a good rest, when you recover, we will write papers together!"

  Wen Liyan just smiled, did not speak.

  In the next few days, Jiang Mu was busy with Ru Mu's comeback plan.

  Momo is the dominant one in the Shanghai stock market, but now there is only one store, and there is no way for the business to expand. As long as Moxue opens a branch, the business will definitely be extremely good.

  Although momo has only one store, its influence is not covered.

  Especially when Ru Mu has no new products, and now it is still selling the old models from last year, the popularity of momo suddenly became apparent.

What Jiang Mu has to do is to break this deadlock.

  The matching designs for bags, hats, shoes, sunglasses, etc. are almost there, but the clothing factory has only made clothing before, and has no experience in producing these, and it takes time to explore.

Fortunately, the deputy director is an experienced person, and there are also some contacts. In a short period of time, he found a few experienced masters, and he personally selected materials, even bought new equipment, and worked in the clothing factory. Lira looks at a new production line.

  After a period of time, some finished products have been produced.

  Jiang Mu attaches great importance to these finished products, and carefully inspects each product before leaving the factory.

  It is about whether Ru Mu will come back, she must be more cautious.

The person   the deputy factory manager is very reliable. Every bag, every pair of shoes, every hat, and even every belt is flawless.

   After she checked, Wu Heping’s car had arrived, and all these items had to be delivered to the clothing store. Zhao Yue was ready to receive them in the store.

  During this period, the clothing store’s business has been greatly affected. As a manager, Huang Liping has begun to persuade Zhao Yue to cooperate with momo. After all, they just opened a store and there is no need to sell which brand of clothes.

  It's just that Zhao Yue didn't agree.

Although she did not know the various transactions between Mo Xue and her daughter, she knew about the relationship between her daughter and Wen Ru. It was now when Ru Mu was in trouble. Originally, there were not many clothing stores in the entire Shanghai market except for her. The store sells Ru Mu's clothes, and the only ones are all in the state-run shopping malls, and there is no competition with her.

  Ru Mu's brand is so popular, but Wen Ru did not expand sales channels in the Shanghai stock market, only supplying her to one person, and basically making her money.

  She can't live up to this intention.

  Now momo is so popular. Everyone is rushing to momo to buy clothes. Few people think of Ru Mu, that is, members of their store, who will go to the store to consume and take care of their business.

  If even her clothing store no longer sells Ru Mu's clothes, then people may really go to Ru Mu completely.

  This is not what she wants to see. The business that the maiden and Wen Ru worked so hard to do, how could they watch it be crushed so hard?

  Although the business has plummeted this month, there may be a loss for the first time from the opening to the present, but she doesn’t care.

  It's not that she can't afford to pay, she won't give up Ru Mu just because of the money loss right now.

  Huang Meili is Wen Ru’s senior sister. Wen Ru also introduced her to such a good job. The relationship between the two is good, but even so, she can’t make her boss lose money for Wen Ru.

  That’s why I proposed not to sell Ru Mu’s clothes, but it was rejected.

    I wanted to update more. I have a high fever. Sorry, I will add it after recovery!



  (End of this chapter)

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