Chapter 477 477 Later

  "You just said you wanted it. After all, you didn't take any money to trade, and you didn't even have a deposit. Why can't I make a bid?" The other voice was soft, but not weak at all.

"Your actions like this are not in compliance with the rules! This snowy bamboo picture is mine, boss, I will give you money now, isn't it 80,000 yuan!" With the voice and actions of a rough man, Jiang Mu was all right. I understand what's going on, but it's just the two buyers who often see each other vying for a painting.

  It’s just that her frowning brows still haven’t loosened.

  "Boss, I offer 90,000 yuan. Sell me this snowy bamboo picture? I really like it, and I am very sincere." The other person started to increase the price, wanting to defeat the opponent with the power of RMB.

   "I am one hundred thousand! I want to buy Zheng Xie's snow bamboo picture for ninety thousand yuan. You also want to be too beautiful!"


  The two people argued so loudly that even in the lively ghost market, they couldn’t hide it, and even attracted a lot of people.

  Zheng Xie and Zheng Banqiao have been obsessed with painting bamboo throughout their lives, and the few paintings handed down are extremely precious.

   Zheng Xie’s painting can appear in the ghost market, but anyone who knows a little about antiques knows the value of this painting.

  Already surrounded a lot of stalls for watching the crowds, now that more people have gathered, Jiang Mu was directly squeezed forward by the power of the crowd.

  It just so happened that she was standing at the closest position, able to see the snowy bamboo picture that was vying by the two people more clearly.

  It’s just that Jiang Mu didn’t have much research on the authenticity of Zheng Xie’s works. However, she had seen Zheng Xie’s original works with her own eyes, so she can compare it.

  For the first time, she observed a painting so seriously and so intently.

This is a minimalist style of snowy bamboo, cutting the complex and leaving the simple bamboo and blue stone show, whether from the artistic conception or the brushwork of the painting, it is the style of Zheng Banqiao. It is no wonder that the two people are fighting fiercely. The price has risen to two hundred thousand.

The stall owner was a shrewd man who looked forty to fifty years old. Seeing more and more people gathered here, he didn’t know where he got a big loudspeaker and shouted at the crowd, “Since everyone has been If you are interested in "Xuezhutu", then bid for the first issue, and the higher price will win!"

   "One is counted as one, everyone can participate! Don't be restricted!"

  Jiang Mu's mouth twitched, and another one came without restraint. Do you think this is your home?

  The owner of the painting has said so, so naturally everyone will not be polite.

Originally, some people were already excited after watching the excitement for such a long time. They restrained and did not open their mouths to ask for a price. They were more particular. They were afraid of changing the rules here. Now, if the host takes the initiative to invite, then it doesn’t matter that they are not rules or rules, and they all participated. Under auction.






  The sound of the bidding price went up and down, and there was a feeling, as if money was no longer money, but a number that was shouted casually.

  Jiang Mu looked around for a week and shook his head slightly. The stall owner is really a powerful one. After thinking of such a good way, this painting will make him a fortune today.

   While she was thinking, she suddenly heard a slightly naive voice shouting, "250,000!"

   Jiang Mu suddenly turned his head, and it was Sun Quan next to him. Jiang Mu was surprised, "Who said that it should not exceed 500 yuan?"

Sun Quan explained in a low voice, "What I said was that the leakage should not exceed 500 yuan. Now it is not the leakage. This is almost the same as the auction. Didn't you say that the beginning of school is your master's birthday, don't you know what gifts to prepare? off the shelf!"

   "Did it for me?" Jiang Mu was even more surprised.

   "Of course, otherwise, what am I doing when I photograph it? I am not a collector, and this is not a picking up." Sun Quan said very straightforwardly.

   Jiang Mu was helpless and didn't know how Sun Quan developed his character. He used to have difficulties at home and when he had no money, he was thrifty. After all, life was forced.

  But now, although he is not a rich man, he is definitely a small asset, but he is still so stingy to himself, but he is not generally generous to his family.

  Now his mouth is 250,000. If the money is spent on himself, Jiang Mu will be even more happy.

"250,000! This little brother bid 250,000, is there anything higher than 250,000?" The savvy vendor asked enthusiastically in front of the loudspeaker. The inciting power in this language, people who didn’t know thought he was What about a professional auctioneer.

  The scene is quiet, and occasionally we can hear whispering discussions in the crowd.

  Some people questioned whether Sun Quan was making trouble, and I wonder if he can spend so much money.

  Someone is discussing with their peers whether to give up or add a little more money, maybe they can buy it.

  "Everyone, this is the authentic work of Zheng Banqiao, and it is in good condition. It is rare in a lifetime and rare. Friends who like to collect Zheng Banqiao's masterpieces should seize the opportunity!"

  The stall owner continued to lobby passionately, trying to sell his painting more expensively.

   "260,000." A male voice rang, breaking the price stagnation.

"Okay, this young comrade will increase the price by 10,000 yuan. Is there any higher or higher?" While the stall owner asked, his eyes kept looking at Sun Quan, his face was expectant, and the meaning was obvious. I hope Sun Quan can continue to increase prices.

  Sun Quan naturally wanted to add, but just as he wanted to raise his arm, he was pulled by a strong force.

   Jiang Mu clasped her wrist forcefully, and Xing's eyes swept away, and Sun Quan understood what she meant.

   "Brother Mu, you really don't have to worry about spending money, this will be my graduation gift for you!"

   Jiang Mu gave a light smile, Xiao Hu’s teeth are white and cute, "Okay, are you a grandfather now? You spend money so unscrupulously, and your tone is so arrogant?"

  Sun Quan blushed a little, “I didn’t, but it’s really appropriate to give your master a birthday gift.”

   Jiang Mubai glanced at her, "That's my master, and the birthday gift to the master has to be bought by the apprentice personally. This is sincere."

  "On our relationship, what can we tell you and me?" Sun Quan didn't care, he was still a little anxious, and if he didn't raise the price,-this painting would definitely be sold by others.

   "Know that you have money, but no matter how rich you are, the money has to be spent on the blade, don't you know?" Jiang Mu released the hand holding his arm and hinted.

  Sun Quan looked around and suddenly shut up.

Just as the two were talking in low voices, this "Snow Bamboo Picture" had already been shouted at 300,000. Sun Quan stood quietly beside Jiang Mu and never participated in the bidding anymore. He changed from a participant to one. See the lively.

  In fact, Jiang Mu wants to leave even more. She is here to visit the ghost market, and she doesn't want to watch the excitement.

  It’s just that there are too many people onlookers here, and the thin bodies of the two of them are really difficult to squeeze out. Simply staying passively, watching the man behind Sun Quan bidding for a painting with everyone, in the end, this man is more financially rich.

  A "Snow Bamboo Picture", a high price of 400,000 yuan was called out in the ghost market, which no one had expected.

  The stall owner is especially excited, that's 400,000!


  He can buy a building, buy another store, buy a car, open his own antique shop, and live a happy and beautiful life with a house, a car, and an industry.

  He won’t have to rely on stalls in the ghost market to make money from now on.

  The stall owner had already figured out how to spend the 400,000, but was brought back to reality by the other party.

"The stall owner, is it really good to do this kind of trap to deceive foreigners and deceive tourists?" It was still the male voice, clear and magnetic, just as relaxed and light as the voice of the price increase, as if what he said was really just Normally, it seemed to be an understatement as if it were just a trivial matter.

  But, for the others around, it's a big deal.

   "This comrade! You can eat anything, but you can't talk nonsense! My things are real, and they are here. Everyone looks at it!"

  The stall owner quickly explained.

   "Yes, this is Zheng Xie's work! It's genuine!" A person who had participated in the bidding immediately jumped out to explain.

  "Right, yes, if it weren't for Zheng Xie's masterpiece, how could I have bid to this level with you?" A bidder also stood up.

  The man just looked at the two men lightly, "You and the stall owner are all in the same group, so naturally you will say that."

  "I’m very curious, if I really put out 400,000 yuan, how much can you two get? Is it a few thousand yuan, or tens of thousands?"

  When the man said so, the two of them suddenly changed their faces.

  "Don't talk nonsense! We don't know the stall owner at all, don't spit people here!" One person immediately retorted.

   “Yes, I’m just a tourist who came here to play. It’s the first time I came here, and it was brought by a friend. The stall owner knew it was a local when he heard his accent. How could we know each other?”

  The other person speaks faster and looks more anxious.

   "You don't know you and you still have such a tacit understanding? Are you too unwilling to tell lies?" The man asked with a smile.

   "I think you just can't get the money to buy this painting, so you are bullying and want to pay the money!" The stall owner responded quickly and immediately found the perfect excuse.

  The two also understood immediately, and quickly agreed, "If you can't get the money, get out! Don't delay our purchase!"

   "No, the poor ghosts still want to buy ancient paintings! The stall owner, the show just now didn't count! We re-bid, this time I will win this "Snow Bamboo Picture"!"

   "If this is the case, then we will re-"

   "Okay, I said you boss, do you really think that all of us are stupid? Such a simple strategy, do you think we will be fooled?"

The young man sneered and sneered. He looked around for a week and pointed to a few people's heads, "You, you, you, and you, you and this stall owner are all in the same group? One pretended to have found the baby, the other Immediately bid with each other, and then the two made some noise to attract everyone's attention. At this time, the stall owner came out to bid."

  "The main task of you people is to shout prices, stimulate everyone around you, and attract everyone to shout and raise prices."

  "I’m still curious, but the question is, you work so hard, how much money can you get in the end? Just calculate 400,000, and you can get tens of thousands?"

  A few people didn't say a word, where the tens of thousands came from, just a few hundred dollars of hard work.

  The crowd onlookers were not fools. At first they were a little disbelief. There is no way that this man is too young, 400,000 yuan, not that he can get it.

  But, after hearing it, let’s take a look at the performance of these people, what else do not understand, this is just a trap, this is just a means for the stall owner to cheat money.

   "You guys are too dark!"

   "No, you can make money freely. You are not making money at all. You are a scam! Proper fraud!"

   "Blackhearted! It's not a good thing at first sight! I think his "Snow Bamboo Picture" is also fake!"

  "Fortunately, I didn't buy it, otherwise I bought fakes, and I must be dead in my heart!"

   "There are more and more scammers now, we all have to be more careful in the future, can't we get caught in so casually!"


  Everyone was talking about it, and the stall owner’s face seemed to be overwhelmed by a dark cloud, and he shouted at the crowd with a loudspeaker, "Walk around, this matter has nothing to do with you, where to stay cool and where to stay!"

  The courage left straight away. Although the excitement is beautiful, it is not a good time to watch the excitement.

"And your kid, don't ask, I'm old Huang in the ghost market, but this!" He gave a thumbs up, "You want to find me not happy, first ask me if these brothers behind them can answer promise!"

  Lao Huang waved his hand, and immediately some unemployed people walked over, carrying the guy in his hand, fierce and evil, the tattoo on his arm was either a blue dragon or a tiger, and it looked even more frightening.

  The stall owner is condescending and domineering, "If you know, hand over all 400,000! Take this "Snow Bamboo Picture"! Otherwise, you won't want to get out of the ghost market today!"

  The scene became tense in an instant. The courageous people who were still watching the excitement stepped back and stayed away from these people. If one of them was accidentally injured, it would be no good.

  The man is not afraid at all, but still has a smile on his face, "It was just a fraud before, now you plan to **** it out?"

   "Stop talking nonsense! I'm going to grab it, what can you do?" The stall owner looked at the group of brothers behind him with an aura.

   Seeing, the battle is on the verge.

Jiang Mu held Sun Quan’s wrist with one hand and put it between the two of them, “Wait, if you want to fight, you can fight as you like. You can fight as you like, but there is a prerequisite, don’t hurt. Innocent people, like me and my friends."

  Originally, both of them were drawn with a full bow, and their emotions had accumulated to the highest bee, as if they would be cut off if one tried hard. However, after Jiang Mu's interrogation, the nervousness suddenly dissipated.

   Jiang Mu and Sun Quan withdrew from the battle circle, only to hear a snap, her hands clasped together, "Okay, you can start fighting."

  The stall owner's face was extremely ugly. He felt that his authority had been provoked, and he gave Jiang Mu a fierce look.


   Modify later



  (End of this chapter)

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