Chapter 478 478 Modification

  The green dragon on the left and the white tiger on the right, with tattoos on both arms, swarmed them, and I didn’t know if it was a rogue or a gangster.

  The stall owner suddenly backed away, leaving space for the thugs. He didn't know where he got a folding fan. While fanning the wind, he smiled and looked in front of the house.

   "Fight against me and die early!"

  I thought it would be foolproof. These foreign tourists, who are unfamiliar with their lives, would not be able to resist even if they beat them up.

However, the smile on his face hadn't lasted for thirty seconds, and there were wailing sounds in his ears. He sent out eight thugs in a daze, all of them fell to the ground, either covering his stomach, or covering his calves, or directly I'm dizzy, I can't even make a sound.

Look at the few people he wants to deal with. The man’s clothes didn’t even get any dust on them, and Jiang Mu and Sun Quan, it’s just like playing, these people in front of them are really like a dish for both of them. Dishes, compared to their real gangsters in the Shanghai stock market, are nothing at all.

  The three of them walked towards the stall owner in unison.

  Looking at the oncoming people, the stall owner’s folding fan has been stowed away, and his steps unconsciously stepped back, " are you doing?"

  The three continue to move forward.

   "I...I warn you, don't mess around!" The stall owner continued to back away.

  The three of them laughed and continued to move forward.

   "If you mess around, I will call the police! The police station is on the street! As long as I yell on the side, the police will go out immediately, and none of you can run away!"

  The man's voice trembled. When he backed away, he staggered and almost fell.

   Then, three ruthless fists greeted him.

  The man directly attacks the lower abdomen.

  Jiang Mu and Sun Quan were the most direct. They faced the stall owner’s eyes, and the stall owner flew out directly, hitting the stall behind them, and with a bang, the stall turned over.

   "The police are here, you can enjoy it." Jiang Mu only left a word and pulled Sun Quan out of the crowd.

  She came to play, but she didn't want to enter the police station. That would be too bad.

  The man looked at the agile and vigorous figures of the two, he couldn't help but hooked his lips, and ran fast.

  He stayed, just in time for the police to come over. He must deal with the remaining problems. The time delay is not a half-century. When he comes out of the police station, it is almost 12 o'clock in the evening.

  "Master, you hurry up and rest, and you have to get up early tomorrow. This time it is my fault. I didn’t accompany you to the ghost market. It made you miscalculate and encounter such a miserable thing!"

  A middle-aged man in a suit looked guilty, and his words were full of regret.

   "Uncle Luo, how can I blame you for this? I went out and wandered on my own. Besides, didn't this have any serious consequences?" Huo Shi didn't care, and didn't take it as a matter of all.

"Master, although it is said that this is in the Mainland, it is not as dangerous as the Hong Kong City, but you still have to bring your bodyguards when you go out. Moreover, I heard that the master is in a relationship again, and I don’t know if there is anyone else’s work in it, so I should be careful. Good point."

  The housekeeper Luo simply broke his heart for his young master.

"Hasn't you already investigated Zhao Yue? It's just an ordinary divorced woman who has a bad life and married a scumbag. After the family becomes rich, the husband doesn't want her, and asks her to take her daughter out of the house... recently I did some business in the past two years. I am very famous in the clothing industry. I rarely go to Hong Kong City. Such a person is very clean. It shouldn't be the trick of that group of people."

Huo Shi said.

"No, I still can't take it lightly. Not now, doesn't mean I won't be in the future. I think the master is very serious this time. For the woman Zhao Yue, he has been in the house for more than half a year, and only one brand has entered the market. It's not an important business. Compared with other big customers, it is really not worth mentioning. If it were before, the master would definitely not be so concerned!"

Steward Luo is still worried, "Besides, Zhao Yue still has a daughter. If the master really remarries, then Zhao Yue must take her daughter to live together in Hong Kong. Who knows if there are other conspiracies? "

   "Even if Zhao Yue has no bad thoughts, but her daughter, who is 19 years old, is a girl now, who knows if there will be a moth?"

Huo Shi wiped the short hair she had just washed with a towel. His smile was hidden behind the towel, but his voice was very pleasant, "I don't think she won't, you don't have to worry about it, Uncle Luo."

   "How do you know?" Steward Luo asked quickly, and then suddenly thought of something, "Have you seen that girl?"

"I was in the ghost market just now. She had her share in the fight." Huo Shi didn't hide it, and narrated the matter again, with a faint joy in the words. He had never met such a girl, and it was really a bit wild. .

   Butler Luo frowned the more he listened, and the more he heard it, the more he felt wrong. He was a person from here, and the tone of the young master would be wrong next year.

The young master is the heir of the Huo family and is still single. There are so many ladies and ladies in Hong Kong. Which one does not want to be born and born, to be talented and talented, to have an academic background, and to have a vision. However, none of their young masters are fancy Yes, even if someone took the initiative to send it to the door, it was just cold, not even a smiling face.

   But now, just a girl who has met once can make him mention it frequently, which is incredible!

  " Rest early. The visit tomorrow is very important. It is related to the future development of the company. There must be no mistakes!" Huo Shi dropped a blockbuster and went straight back to his room to rest. But Butler Luo stayed up all night.

  On the other side of the floor where the two lived, Jiang Mu and Sun Quan did not want to rest in the same suite. of

  Jiang Mu just used the hotel's landline to call Zhao Yue and reported safety.

Sun Quan no longer knew how many times it was the first time he sighed, "I blame the stall owner, why did you say he was so wicked, he set up this kind of bureau! It's a waste of time, so we didn't even go to the ghost market! Opportunity! That's it!"

   Jiang Mu felt very peaceful, "There are many ghost markets like this. If I didn’t go shopping this time, then next time, the ghost city will be there and I won’t run away."

   "Shall we go tomorrow?" Sun Quan suddenly came in interest and asked eagerly.

Jiang Mu shook his head, "If you really want to go, go and see for yourself, but please remember, don't take it casually. Our accent is just a foreigner and it's easy to get caught! Don't be deceived!"

   "If you don't go, I won't go, I promise... I promised Aunt Zhao to take good care of you, how can I let you go out alone?" Sun Quan changed the subject, and immediately changed the subject, "What are your plans for tomorrow?"

  Jiang Mu didn't care about his previous pause, "Get a good rest, and I will show you an excitement tomorrow!"

  Because of this excitement, Sun Quan basically did not sleep well all night.

  He is very experienced. He was full of excitement everywhere through Brother Mu. Now he heard the word excitement from her mouth, it should not be ordinary excitement.

  Facts have proved that stimulation is really exciting.

   Jiang Mu took Sun Quan to Jade Street.

  This street is basically opened by veteran craftsmen. Zhuoyu is the craftsmanship of the older generation, passed down from generation to generation, and passed on.

  Jiang Mu has studied jade carving with Mu Tianzheng for more than two years, and her technology has improved rapidly. In the past two years, she has produced high-quality products frequently. It can be said that as long as her works are released, they will be recognized as high-quality products.

  However, the more this is the case, the higher Jiang Mu's requirements for Zhuoyu will be.

  Skills can be improved through practice, but it is not good to be self-proclaimed. In many cases, you need to communicate with others so that you can improve faster.

  Jiang Mu went to Pingzhou, or decided to come to Shenzhen to visit, just to go to Jade Street and appreciate the works of these old craftsmen.

  Sun Quan is no stranger to Zhuoyu. There is a craftsman named Jiang Mu at home. The family no longer knows how many works she has received. Now looking at the lively Jade Street, he is also interested.

  It’s just that today’s Jade Street seems a bit too lively.

A lot of Santana, Jeep, and some high-end cars imported from abroad are parked on both sides of   . There is one on the street, count one, all dressed in spirit, and at first glance is the big boss.

  Sun Quan was a little confused, "Why do I feel that we two are so incompatible?"

   Jiang Mu also looked dazed, "Let's take a look."

  Jade Street is basically a jade shop here, you can customize it, you can create it yourself, or you can buy it in the Jijin store.

  There are also some large shops. If you can’t hire a master Zhuoyu with exquisite craftsmanship, you just abandon this business, change your mind, change the direction of business, directly purchase a batch of wool, and the shop sells wool.

  Only in this way can we survive in the fiercely competitive jade street.

  Everyone sees that this is also a way. Those shops who don’t have any good craftsmen have also changed their minds and started selling woolen materials.

  Such a store, two stores opened, and it didn’t take long for it to become a climate.

  The two businesses do not interfere with each other, and very often, the two shops will have some cooperation.

For example, some customers have specified jade requirements, such as the rare red jade, purple eyes, and emperor green. If there is no I in the store, you can go to the store selling wool to communicate, or directly recommend the guest to the wool store Shop.

The same is true for wool shops. If a customer offers some top-quality jade, the boss will definitely contact the owner of the Zhuoyu shop as soon as possible, and try to facilitate the transaction between the two parties. After all, the shop of Zhuoyu must stock a lot of materials. .

   Jiang Mu listened to the introduction of the so-called local people ahead to his friends, and finally understood why it was so lively today.

  It turned out that the largest wool shop on Jade Street has just arrived a few carts of wool, and these merchants are all for the wool.

  There are thrill seekers here, and gambling can no longer satisfy them. They have come to seek this thrill of heaven and hell.

  There are some who are fancy jade's future trend, and they come to buy wool for investment and hoarding.

Others are pure jade merchants who come to buy wool. After all, China is so big and there are many jewelry stores. The jade market is vast and the demand for wool is also very large. These people have their own unique channels. , Pingzhou is a big choice for these people.

  There are some people who come here to travel purely. Pingzhou is not big, a ghost market, and a jade street. This has developed into a scenic spot.

   Jiang Mu and Sun Quan followed the people into Wu's wool store.

As soon as    came in, Jiang Mu realized it and blew a whistle. How could this be called a shop?

  This looks no different from a warehouse.

  The shop is very large. Those hundreds of kilograms of wool are placed directly on the ground, and those tens of kilograms are placed on iron shelves. The shelves are arranged in rows and neatly.

  Although the shop looks a bit desolate, the area is very clear.

  There are half-bets with the skylight open, and some full-bets.

  There is also a special brick material area. The wool that has been cut by customers is basically impossible to turn green. They are piled here, ranging from tens to hundreds, and sold at fixed prices.

  There are also some materials with very poor performance, which will also be placed in designated areas and sold at a price.

  Jiang Mu strolled around and couldn’t help feeling, “It’s pretty good. It’s similar to the store in Chuyangzheng, and the details are quite detailed.”

   "There are so many customers in the jade shop opened by Chuyang?" Sun Quan has never been to the capital. He has met Chuyang many times and heard of his shop, but he has never seen it with his own eyes.

   "Almost, when we start school, we will go over and have a look together, then choose a good material and give it to the master as a birthday present."

   Jiang Mu proposed.

  "You give jade materials every year, so can't you be a little new?" Sun Quan was a little disgusted with this gift.

Jiang Mu waved his hand indifferently, "Who makes my master like good materials in this life? The more rare, the more rare, the more he likes it, but he doesn't carve it himself and puts it in the safe. happy."

   "That's true. Gifts are naturally to be given to the other person's favorite." Sun Quan is still at an entry level for antiques, but he really doesn't know anything about wool, so he often listens to Jiang Mu chanting a few words.

  Listening to the clicking sound of the stone cutter in his ear, Sun Quan looked at the pile of wool, "So, otherwise you are here to get the jade for your master?"

   Jiang Mu's eyes lit up, "It's a good idea."

  Jade craftsmen basically have a hobby, that is, collecting all kinds of jade, especially top jade, Jiang Mu is no exception.

Although the house she bought at Dadongmen was basically all woolen materials, she only solved a dozen of them. However, just these few pieces were all made of jade on the glass floor, and she was the rest. The house was rebuilt directly, and the old acquaintance was invited to help her build the courtyard house.

  She set up a special collection room, the security level inside is even the world's top, she moved all the original wool in the house.

  In the past two years, she has also bought a lot of woolen materials one after another, basically all of them are directly solved out, and she also put them in the collection room.

However, she always kept the habit of being unable to walk when she saw the wool. Now looking at so much wool in front of her, her eyes lit up. Sun Quan stepped back. He seemed to see a wolf and stared at a group of them. White Rabbit.

   Jiang Mu’s goal is the piles of wool in the "warehouse", but she didn't know that she had become the goal of others.

   Modification is complete~



  (End of this chapter)

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