Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 479: 479 God's Fate (1)

  Chapter 479 479 God is special fate (1)

Butler Luo recognized Jiang Mu in the crowd at a glance.

No way, Jiang Mu looks outstanding. Although he is a neat, light-colored jeans with graffiti white half sleeves, it can’t be easier to wear. However, some people are just like this. They are crowded in the crowd, even if they are worn again. Ordinary, as conspicuous as usual.

Butler Luo's expression was serious, which shocked Huo Shi.

Following Steward Luo's gaze, he also saw Jiang Mu and Sun Quan, and his lips twitched slightly, "It's a coincidence that we can meet here as well. Does this mean that the two of us are quite destined? "

  The housekeeper Luo looked bad, the young master’s Mandarin was learned from his wife, and the vocabulary like fate was really appropriate.

   "That is not necessarily related to the girl, it may also be related to the boy. After all, the person you met yesterday was not only Jiang Mu."

  Butler Luo said that Huo Shi’s expression collapsed a bit. In fact, he just said it in passing, there is no other meaning, but if you say that you have a relationship with a boy, then it is not interesting.

  "Don't worry, they just came to play at the first sight. There should be no other mess, don't worry." Huo Shi became serious.

   “It is also possible that the other party asked that the young master would appear here, deliberately creating chances of encounters. The Huo family is not an ordinary person.” Luo steward reminded.

  Huo Shi’s gaze is still on the pretty and free and easy figure, “If this is the case, then we as a group of people will have to investigate it carefully. After all, this trip is only known to us.”

  As soon as these words fell, butler Luo's expression suddenly changed, "Leave it to me and I will check it. If I can find out which dog eats something like this, let me see if I can peel it off!"

  Roman Steward is an activist. He turned around and explained it, letting the most trusted and reliable person to investigate secretly.

   Jiang Mu was following a group of people to look at the wool, holding the mentality of giving gifts to the master, this time Jiang Mu finally let go of the poor pile of bricks and went to the serious wool area.

  There are a lot of people in the half bet, because there is either a window wiped or a mouth opened, which is much higher than the chance of a blind guessing bet.

  Some people who are just getting started, or who have not gotten started at all, or who are accidentally proficient, like to come here.

  Although the price here is very expensive, but, the chances of green production are also high, and they are all corresponding, not bad for money, and gamblers, naturally like to come here.

Jiang Mu looked at a skylight that was just wiping a palm, but it was green. The price was 5,000 yuan per kilogram. When he looked at the wool that was at least tens of kilograms, he couldn't help but smashed his mouth. The price increased. .

  If this is in the first two years, the price has not been so outrageous.

  But also, in the past two years, jadeite has become more and more popular, the market has become bigger and bigger, there are more and more jade jewelry merchants, and the price of raw materials has risen, so there is nothing to be surprised.

  That is, the tens of kilograms of wool is empty except for this skylight. There should be nothing. If you spend hundreds of thousands to buy such a piece of wool, it is estimated that the other party will lose money.

This conclusion is not just a judgment made by Jiang Mu using her own experience. She also felt it. She could not feel any fluctuations from this piece of wool. Long-term experiments have allowed her to sum it up, but if there is some jade in it, it doesn’t. It would be such a feeling that Gu Shui had no wave of anger.

I watched a few and a half gambling wool, but the result was not very good. Either there was no jade in it, or the open window performed very well. There was indeed some material in it, but it was too inconsistent with the price of the wool. Even if it is bought, it is at a loss.

Jiang Mu felt that the semi-gambling area was really not suitable for her. She still went to the full gambling area. The price was cheap, the quality was good and the price was cheap. The gambling here was too great, she still didn’t join in the fun, and she didn’t know which one was unlucky. Eggs will buy these wools that can't be solved.

  As soon as she turned around, she saw a familiar figure growing up in front of the piece of wool that was priced at 5,000 yuan a kilogram, but there was no wool in it.

She stopped and stared at Huo Shi. She really didn’t know if this person’s luck was good or bad. Last night, she saw Zheng Xie’s "Snow Bamboo Picture" in the ghost market. Seeing his posture, she wanted to buy it. As a result, the stall owner is a fake.

  I didn’t buy the painting and didn’t tell me, but I had a fight.

  I came to bet on a rock today, and I saw a piece of scrap that performed well, but there was nothing in it. Is this person really unlucky?

   "What a coincidence, are you coming over to play too?" Jiang Mu's vision was too obvious, and it was difficult for Huo Shi not to pay attention.

  Just, why does he always feel that there is a kind of...compassion in this girl's eyes!

  This is a bit surprising, he is dignified, Huo Shao, the heir of the Huo family's seriousness, was pityed by a little girl.

Jiang Mu didn’t pay attention to the complicated light in his eyes, “If you don’t know how to bet on rocks, you still wait to see who has solved the good material. It’s more cost-effective to buy the material directly. Although the price of the material is higher, ,low risk."

Huo Shi's pupils shrank, and he asked in surprise, "How do you know that I came here to buy materials? I can't be like you. Am I here to play?"

  The jewellery shop is still under preparation. Few people know about it. Most of them are people around him. However, listening to Jiang Mu, she seems to know his plan and gave him a very pertinent suggestion.

  The suggestion is indeed good, but the weird thing is how does she know his plan?

  This plan, he only raised a mouth with his father.

  At this time, Huo Shi couldn't help but think a little bit more, does this person really have ulterior motives?

  Meeting twice, is it her elaborate design?

If Jiang Mu knew, she only knew that Huo Shi had opened a jewelry store in her previous life, and because of the experience of sharing misfortunes last night, she finally gave him the mess. If she wanted to make up for it today, she would be reminded by friendship once, and she was caught After making up so much, I will definitely curse.

  Now, facing the possibility of becoming her elder brother who has nothing to do with her blood, she still laughed a little, "Who said I came here to play? What's so fun here?"

  Huo Shi was so overwhelmed that he couldn't say anything to refute, and could only change the subject, "Then what are you doing here?"

  Jian Mu raised his brows, his apricot eyes flashed with a sly smile, "Guess?"

  The tone was a little awkward, Huo Shi was very patient, and calmly tentatively said, "Is it to see someone?"

  Jiang Mu applauded, she was a little surprised, can she be said to be the pride of the world in the mall?

   "Awesome, you can guess it!"

  Huo Shi pursed her lips. Sure enough, she came to meet herself specially! Uncle Luo guessed right, she just had ulterior motives.

   Huo Shi: She really has no intentions of me!

     Jiang Mu: Don't be arrogant about your uncle!



  (End of this chapter)

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