Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 508: 508 You are the one who looks down the most

  Chapter 508 508 The most despised is someone like you

Many professionals from the circle came to the gallery. These people were basically hosted by Shirley. The progress of everyone was basically the same. They appreciated the past one by one, met by chance, and expressed their opinions or themes about a certain painting. , Or skill, or emotion.

  Huo Baozhu was also asked several times by her own teacher, and Shirley was very satisfied with her answer. After all, she was her own student. She had taught her for so many years and was not a white one.

  Other insiders also praised Huo Baozhu.

  A few people came to a picture of "Lake". It happened that Jiang Mu stopped here. Huo Baozhu's eyes turned slightly. For the first time, he took the lead in controlling the right to speak without waiting for the teacher to open the building to ask questions.

   "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

   Jiang Mu turned his head and saw a large group of people. Shirley was standing in the center, surrounded by bigwigs in the circle.

   Regarding Huo Baozhu’s question, she nodded with a face.

  Shirley saw that the student met the girl in front of her, she couldn't help but asked, "Orb, is it just your friend?"

  "I have just met, but she also likes painting very much. She has been learning since she was a child, and she has also been admitted to a university that specializes in painting!"

  Huo Baozhu didn't know the slightest knowledge about schools like the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and he hadn't even heard the name. At this time, he could only use a university that specializes in painting.

  "I have studied this for more than ten years? It seems that you really like painting." Shirley smiled softly. She has great kindness to any student who likes to paint.

   Jiang Mu also smiled, "I like it very much."

  "Teacher, Mu Mu has always lived in the mainland, and there is no chance to get the guidance of a famous teacher. Just today, you will be more tired of the exhibition. Give her a little guidance, which also saves her and him."

  Huo Baozhu proposed.

   Shirley did not refuse, "Everyone, these are our descendants, and they are all likely to become excellent painters in the future. Please give me some suggestions."

  She is not only referring to Jiang Mu, but to all the young people who are interested in painting who came to the exhibition, including Huo Baozhu.

   "That's natural, I'm a teacher, I'm just teaching students, my old line of business." It was a teacher from the Art Department of Hong Kong University, who was also a famous painter himself.

  Huo Baozhu is not interested in this kind of guidance to everyone, her target is only Jiang Mu.

  Looking at Jiang Mu raising her foot and about to leave, how could she make her so happy?

  "After watching for so long, use your eyes to evaluate this piece of work. If you want to be an excellent painter, you must have the ability to appreciate paintings."

  Huo Baozhu's words came out, everyone still agreed very much, and at the beginning, she also asked Shirley to give Jiang Mu some guidance. Now that this question is raised, everyone feels nothing.

  Jiang Mu did not feel surprised, “The blue gradient is distinct, the layers are obvious, the depth is shallow, and the sky is connected, like a dream, like a fairy tale, whether it is a fairy tale or a fairyland, both the color and composition are just right and very beautiful.

  I thought that Jiang Mu would be nervous, stumbling, and even speechless in front of so many bigwigs. After all, the first time she encountered such a situation, she didn’t perform very well because of her nervousness.

However, Jiang Mu's language is fluent and logical. Although there are only a few words of color and composition that can be said as long as he learns to paint, there is nothing new, but this painting does not say anything in depth. The teacher's early painting , There is no deep meaning afterwards. Compared with her first performance, it is much better.

  Huo Baozhu is not convinced, she wants to make Jiang Mu ashamed, not to make her shine!

   "Little girl, not bad." Shirley smiled kindly.

  Hearing Shirley’s praise, Huo Baozhu felt more nervous. Although the teacher is kind, she is still very serious if she encounters problems in the professional field.

   But now, her attitude is a little better!

  Huo Baozhu endured the panic in his heart, and said with a smile, "You are also very good, you know, the teacher will not praise people casually."

  The light from the corner of Jiang Mu's eyes swept over, and Huo Baozhu felt that she had already seen all the thoughts in her heart. For a while, she was a little guilty, and took the lead to look away.

  Children are children. With this little method, I really don’t know what to say! Jiang Mu is speechless. She never hates people with scheming. After all, everyone has what they want and what they want to maintain. It is only because of the differences in background, background and identity that everyone faces these things. The method used is different, which is nothing.

  However, if you really want to do it, then make up your mind and stick to it. Like Huo Baozhu, you obviously hate what she hates, but every time you make a move, the means are very naive.

  That’s fine. On the cruise ship, although the methods were naive, Haolai insisted to the end. Now he digs a hole and gives up halfway!

  This kind of person is what she looks down on most.

  Obviously he wanted to do something, but he was timid, so he went back halfway, and then he was not convinced, and then insidiously poked the probe to continue doing things.

  It's so annoying!

   "What else can you see?" Shirley's voice rang in her ears, pulling back Jiang Mu's thoughts.

  Jiang Mu refocused her attention on the work in front of her. She took it very seriously, almost reaching the state of selflessness.

  Long silence made some people around him a little impatient.

  Some people even wondered whether Jiang Mu really learned to paint. After all, Jiang Mu just spoke and spoke Mandarin, which was too different from Cantonese, English, French and other languages ​​in the field.

  After all, in the eyes of many people, the mainland is equal to poverty and backwardness, and equal to low-level.

   "Can she do it? This is Shirley's exam question. If you don't know, just say that you don't know, no? I also pretend to think, and waste our time here!"

   "Listening to the two sentences she just commented on, they are so ordinary, even a layman can say it, she still has the face to say that she learns to paint!"

"It is such an honor to get the attention of Ms. Shirley! Ms. Shirley is so gentle and kind. If you can't see it, you can't say it. Honest quality, Ms. Shirley might like it even more. I don't know. Why is this person pretending to be profound!"

"Isn't it a mainland girl? What do they know? They will say a few specious comments, thinking that after a few days of learning painting, they think that they are capable and capable, and I don’t know how to show off! I’m such a person. Seen a lot!"

  Huo Baozhu finally found the opportunity, she coughed a few times, “Mu Mu, if you can’t answer, you can just say it, it’s okay, the teacher won’t say anything!”

  Replied to her with Jiang Mu's smirking eyes, so uncomfortable, he still wants to play with her!

  (End of this chapter)

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