Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 509: 509 pairs more in one, modified later

  Chapter 509 509 doubles more in one, modified later

   "You should be a little confused when you were doing this painting?" When Jiang Mu said this, Shirley's eyes lit up.

   "Tell me about it." Shirley was very interested.

  "It’s a feeling. The composition of the whole picture is very good, but in terms of color, I can feel it, a little hesitant, hesitating, like standing at a crossroad, not knowing whether to turn left or right."

   Jiang Mu spoke out what she was thinking. She was not unsure. It was just that she had been watching this painting for a long time, which inevitably made her feel this way.

  Huo Baozhu just wanted to laugh at her. Her teacher is a famous contemporary painter and is very influential in the circle. How can it be possible that her teacher will be confused?

However, before she has been brewing, how to mock Jiang Mu without losing her identity? It's best to make her ashamed, but when she heard Shirley's surprise voice, "Not bad, not bad, when I was painting this picture, I want to change my style."

   "However, I am a little uncertain. After all, after so many years of learning and painting for so many years, it is still a pity to give up the change. I still feel a little hesitant."

   Shirley hasn’t said anything about it before, and even some friends in the circle don’t know about it. Now that I hear it, everyone can’t help but feel a little surprised.

  Even Shirley, who is exceptionally talented and talented, has hesitation. When in doubt, I don’t think so much about the difficulties I have encountered in learning painting over the years.

  Even Shirley would hesitate to think about the issue of style, what else are they upset about?

  It's serious to cheer up and seek a breakthrough!

   "Baozhu said that you were also painting from elementary school, and she seems to be a talented girl. Apart from anything else, she is one of the best in her eyesight and level of appreciation."

Shirley was really happy and spared no effort to praise, "In fact, this painting wheel should not be included in this exhibition. However, because this painting is of great significance to me, I still have it. Some selfishness, let it out."

   "For so many years, it has been ranked first in the exhibition, but I have never really seen the meaning of this painting, girl, you are very good, very talented, and very promising."

  This praise made Jiang Mu suddenly the focus of everyone. There was no other reason, just because the person who said this was Shirley, a famous painter in Europe and the United States.

Jiang Mu is also very happy. She likes painting. It should be said that she only has two hobbies. Painting is ranked first, Zhuoyu is ranked second, and the third is making money. However, this cannot be attributed to a hobby. this kind.

Being praised and praised by a talented painter, she is naturally very happy. There is no such thing as modest and courteous. Jiang Mu directly talked to Shirley about painting. Some of the problems encountered in the week, just took this opportunity. Asking for advice, the opportunity is rare, and the loss never comes.

  Then, Huo Baozhu, who was walking side by side with Shirley, was forgotten behind him unknowingly.

Although it is a three-person group, Jiang Mu and Xueli humbly asked questions and answered questions without reservation. There are also vivid paintings in front of them as example teaching materials, and Xueli can directly use the examples to tell, Jiang Mu It really benefits a lot.

  With such a professional explanation, many times, Shirley just one or two sentences can make her suddenly open up. With such a good opportunity, she will naturally not just ask a few questions.

  The questions really came one after another, that posture, I can’t wait to squeeze Shirley dry.

  However, Shirley herself has no opinion, but is very happy.

  The student is eager to learn and has a strong thirst for knowledge. There is nothing wrong with it. She has not met such an eager student for a long time.

  The question and answer of the two of them, the students who came to see the exhibition behind them also benefited a lot.

  They are in the same major, and they are from a subject class. When they are learning to paint, they will naturally encounter many problems, including the homework left by the teacher, but also have a lot to think about.

  They followed the army and listened all the way. Some of the questions Jiang Mu raised were sometimes encountered by them. Shirley’s answer was equivalent to answering their questions.

  Everyone is very happy and very excited.

  After all, this is Shirley. Although she is stealing the teacher, the current situation is equivalent to getting the teacher's instruction.

  But, the more you go inside, the more a group of students feel that something is wrong. Listening to the conversation between the two, the more they feel a little confused.

  From being happy that the problem I encountered has been answered, to what does this question mean? I understand this, right?

   Here again, how do we understand this question? What are they talking about? Why am I a little confused?

  Finally, what is the question you are asking, why I understand every word, but, even together, I don’t know what it means?

  Are you really talking about painting now?

  Is the original painting so profound?

  At first, some people thought that they might be too scumbag, so they couldn't understand other people's questions, and then when they looked at many people around them with a confused and puzzled look, they understood.

  It's not that they are too scumbag, but they are too stubborn.

  The contempt at the beginning has been put away a long time ago, what about the mainland?

  People can communicate with Ms. Shirley, discuss with Ms. Shirley, and be guided by Ms. Shirley, can you?

  You can't even hear other people's questions. Do you still have a proud face?

Although everyone did not understand what they said, they still tried their best to listen. Maybe they will still encounter the same problem in the future. At that time, they might think about how Ms. Shirley used to deal with such a problem. Look at it, maybe it can make them suddenly open up.

  However, not everyone is so visionary and so easy to learn.

  Someone also started to observe the surroundings after they could not understand the conversation between the two people, and then noticed Huo Baozhu who was parallel to Shirley and Jiang Mu, and the topic began to deviate.

  "How do I feel that Ms. Shirley’s students are in the same state as ours? Does she also not understand?"

  "Can’t you? You didn’t listen to Ms. Shirley’s introduction just now, but Huo Baozhu has been following her for many years. After so many years of study, should I learn something? How can it be of the same level as us?"

   “Yes, if people don’t speak or participate in discussions, they don’t have to understand, but they may also be in etiquette. After all, they are the daughter of a serious upper class society, and there are more rules than us.”

   "At first glance, you followed up. This is a high-class daughter, but she really doesn't have much in terms of rules!"

  "I also have a different opinion. As for the arrogant appearance she was just now, how can she not participate in the discussion if she really understands? Didn't she also express opinions on the first few questions?"

"No, not only did she express her opinions, but she also expressed a lot of opinions. When she saw her, she knew that this person must be the kind of person who loves expression and has a strong vanity. If this kind of person can really understand, how? Maybe give up participating in the topic?"

   "I agree! But it's weird. You said she Haolai has also studied under Ms. Shirley for so many years. Why is she not as good as a girl from the mainland?"

   "Who knows? However, this is more proof that this mainland girl has two brushes! Even the students taught by Ms. Shirley can't keep up!"

   "You said, Ms. Shirley will see that this mainland girl is talented and talented, and will accept her as a student?" Someone turned the conversation and lowered their voice and asked.

"It's hard to say, after all, famous teachers like their girls to be smarter, and they will definitely not let them go when they meet those talented and capable! They are more willing to teach such students, it is more worry-free, and the future is also bright. bright!"

   "Hey, according to your analysis, Ms. Shirley is really very likely to accept a new student!"

   "Damn, this mainland girl is so powerful, if she really becomes a student of Ms. Shirley, wouldn't Huo Baozhu have a good life?"

"There is absolutely no good life. You can compare it to our school. When does the professor go to class without using the school bully in the class as an example? Once the school bully has any results, we will definitely be reprimanded. I don't understand. Now, why are professors so keen to use individual achievements to demand us as a whole?"

  "I don’t understand either. It’s obviously a gap in IQ, and we are ordinary people. Why do we have to be as good as a schoolmaster? It’s really too difficult for us!"

  Speaking of this, everyone really felt the same, thinking of what they had experienced in school, and then looked at Huo Baozhu with sympathy in their eyes.

  Huo Baozhu's thoughts are actually a little lost.

  There is no way. At the beginning of the conversation between the two people, she could understand, participate, and express her opinions. When a problem is encountered, the teacher will throw the corresponding question to her and let her answer.

   made her feel nervous along the way. For fear of the same question, Jiang Mu answered and answered very well, but she didn't understand it and couldn't meet the teacher's requirements, which made the teacher dissatisfied.

  At the beginning, she was naturally far superior to Jiang Mu, and she felt quite refreshing, but as she got to the back, Jiang Mu's question became more incomprehensible to her, and the words of the two became more obscure.

Shirley asked her a few questions, and she faltered and couldn't tell why, but Jiang Mu was able to express some of her own opinions, which made Shirley realize that her students could not keep up with the thinking of the two. He simply didn't ask her any more questions.

  Because of this, Huo Baozhu was idle and his thoughts were erratic.

  No way, she is just like listening to the heavenly scriptures. Even if she forced herself to listen hard, she couldn’t understand it. It was too painful.

  At this moment, the low voice behind her came into her ears, and the sympathetic gaze made her feel depressed to the bottom.

  Not only that, but there was also an unspeakable fear in my heart.

  She is worried that what these people are talking about will become a reality, and it will come true.

  She can’t imagine everything she will face after the teacher accepts Jiang Mu as a student!

  She turned her head slightly, looked at the two people who had a good conversation, and looked at the teacher at that time and was pleasantly surprised, sometimes thoughtful look, and the fear in her heart was even worse!

  No way!

  Never let Jiang Mu be an exam student!

  Absolutely not!

  If she even loses to Jiang Mu in painting, what kind of arrogance will she have in front of her in the future?

  Huo Baozhu took a deep breath, and got twelve minutes of spirit. Listening to the content of the conversation between the two, he was ready to attack at any time.

  Jiang Mu felt that he really made a profit from this trip today. Not only did he admire so many excellent works, but he also met up close with the great painter Ms. Shirley and received such professional and careful guidance!

  This is simply a great thing for Heavenly Pie!

  She feels that some of her previous views on painting have become more immersive, and even she has new inspirations. After she goes back, she must paint it!

  You must know that she will be responsible for Ru Mu's product design in the past two years. Although Ru Mu already has her own design team, she still needs to do the general direction and the big theme.

  She spends more energy on design. It has been a long time since she has no inspiration to create. She always feels that her painting has reached a certain bottleneck and stagnated. If she does not break through, it will be difficult to make progress in the future.

  She was thinking about solving this problem after going to university, who knows, but after a trip to Hong Kong City and a painting exhibition, she was about to solve this problem.

  Is there anything better than this?


  Jiang Mu's heart was full of joy, and his smile became brighter, and that little tiger tooth was extraordinarily cute.

  This is all due to Huo Baozhu. Thank her for a while!

  I just don’t know, will she get even more angry when she hears the thanks.

   Jiang Mu felt beautiful in his heart, when he heard Huo Baozhu speak.

"Jiang Mu, you have learned a lot from my teacher along the way, and you can make a lot of money this time! I see that you have a lot of research on painting theories, techniques, and genres, so you can communicate with your teacher. , Then you look at this painting and give a comment!"

  Huo Baozhu speaks decently, has a relaxed and natural expression, without the slightest unhappiness. It can be said that the acting is superb, and no one can point out anything wrong.

   Jiang Mu had a pair of apricot eyes, swept it over, and looked at Huo Baozhu's increasingly perfect expression, and had to admit that in acting, Huo Baozhu had thrown her 18th street away.

   deserves to be the daughter of a daughter, the effort to sit down together is not what it should be.

  However, it was because she did not meet herself. Sometimes, no matter how good the acting was, it was useless.

   Jiang Muqian responded with a smile, and walked to the pair of "Autumn Forests" that Huo Baozhu had appointed her to appraise, and carefully admired it.

  Huo Baozhu made a move. The students didn't think it was too much to watch the excitement. They also walked to the front of "Autumn Mountains and Forests" to admire the last painting.

   "What do you think of this painting?"

Huo Baozhu did not give Jiang Mu enough time. After seeing her talking to Shirley, Huo Baozhu now dare not relax at all. This is her last resort. If it doesn’t work, then she may be. There is really one more school girl!

    Sorry, modify later~



  (End of this chapter)

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