Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 510: 510 double more in one [modify later]

  Chapter 510 510 double more in one [modify later]

  "Autumn Mountains and Forests", as the name suggests, is a painting depicting the scenery of autumn mountains and forests.

  "The colors are distinct, the technique is adept, and the composition is exquisite." Jiang Mu praised it with no effort.

  Huo Baozhu's smile deepened as he heard it, his brows and eyes were concealed with pride and excitement.

   "You have such a high opinion of this painting, do you like this painting very much?" she asked with a smile.

   "Oh, that's not the case." Jiang Mu said lightly.


  The smile on Huo Baozhu's face disappeared in an instant, and her expression became extremely unnatural. Jiang Mu reversed too fast, and she didn't adjust her expression in time for a while to manage some out of control.

Even the people who followed were shocked. They looked at Jiang Mu in surprise. The owner of the exhibition is standing here. He is a famous painter, and he just helped you answer so many questions. It's just a sentence you don't like her, is this really good?

Jiang Mu didn't care about other people's views on this matter. Her gaze stayed in Huo Baozhu's Shenyang, and the corners of her lips couldn't help but raised, "I thought you should know the answer. This painting shouldn't be Ms. Shirley's work, it's yours. Right?"

  This time it was not only Huo Baozhu, everyone looked at Jiang Mu in shock.

   "How do you know?" Huo Baozhu asked subconsciously. At this time, she no longer had the excitement when she first heard Jiang Mu admiring this painting. Instead, she was shocked.

Jiang Mu looked at "Autumn Mountains and Forests" and said, "There is no problem with the technique of this painting. You are a student of Ms. Shirley. You have learned more than 10% of her painting skills, but your painting is too good. It's faint, it's too normal."

  "I can't experience any emotions from the painting. This is a painting without soul and life. I don't like this kind of lifeless work."

"Ms. Shirley’s works are full of rich emotions. Such a work without emotion will naturally not be her work. And the works that are eligible to appear in Ms. Shirley’s painting exhibition, except for you, a student, I Can't think of other people."

   After this analysis, it is clear and logical, and very convincing.

People who hadn't seen the difference in this "Autumn Forest" came forward to appreciate it carefully, and they really tasted something. The technique of this painting is okay, and the problem is the painting. People don't give it emotions.

  Everyone couldn't help but admire Jiang Mu, and he was able to discover such a difference. This not only requires eyesight, but also requires carefulness.

  Xueba is xueba, not for people like them.

  Huo Baozhu was depressed and a little lost. Her last plan was solved in this way. She could no longer stop Jiang Mu from becoming a student of the teacher.

Shirley didn’t realize that her student’s emotions were not right. She smiled and said, “Your teacher has repeatedly emphasized this question, and now you can see it. In the eyes of knowledgeable people, you can see the difference between the two at a glance. the difference."

   "I still said that, skills are very important, but if you just blindly pursue skills and forget the transfer of emotions, then the work can only be of an ordinary level."

   "When you go back, you still have to think more, find solutions to problems, and break through the bottleneck, so that you can make progress and improve quickly.

  Huo Baozhu muttered in a low voice, if it was really that easy, she would not have been trapped by this problem for more than half a year and had not found a solution.

She was a little tired. Looking at Jiang Mu's delicate face full of smiles, her heart became more and more imbalanced, "My ability is not enough, I need a long time to study and accumulate, you are so good, whether it is appreciation or analysis. They are all righteous, but you are talking about, if it were you, how would you behave like the autumn mountains and forests?"

  Jiang Mu blinked, "What am I going to tell you? You are trying to be lazy, you want to get the correct answer from me, and then you don't have to think, you don't have to work hard to find it, right?"

  Shirley turned her head to look at Huo Baozhu, scared that she immediately explained, "What nonsense are you talking about? I have always been the most diligent, I am just curious about what you think."

   Jiang Mu didn't hold on to this question and didn't let go. Instead, he smiled and looked at Huo Baozhu, "Since you are curious, then I won't answer it, leaving it for you to explore slowly in the future.

  Huo Baozhu: "..." is very angry!

   didn't find the place again, but lost the place!

   "I am also quite curious." Ms. Shirley said.

Jiang Mu’s attitude immediately took a 120-degree turn, with a respectful attitude, “It’s not convenient to paint right now. If it were me, I would work **** color, comparing the red of the maple leaf with the yellow of the ginkgo. Come out, with the clear blue sky and the clear lake, with such a set off, set off the vivid proof and strong vitality."

  Shirley nodded in satisfaction, "It's a good idea, you are very good."

   "Thank you." Jiang Mu didn't have the slightest humility.

  Have ideas, have the ability, cover a wide range of problems, see the problem sharply, and have strong thinking skills. Such excellent students are really rare.

   Shirley thought, “I don’t know if you need a teacher, in your creation, I will give you guidance, are you interested in being my student?”

  Everyone is really shocked. A figure like Ms. Shirley has taken the initiative to accept students! ! !

  What is the beginning of magic?

  Why isn’t the person being fancyed? This is the common idea of ​​all the students present.

  No way, there are so many things that the name Shirley can represent!

Jiang Mu was also shocked by this proposal. The reason she came here was to have the opportunity to appreciate the excellent paintings. If she had the opportunity, it would be an unexpected joy to meet Ms. Shirley and communicate with this boss. Up.

  Where can I get it, the surprise is not over yet.

   "Need, I need it very much." Even Jiang Mu, at this time, his voice couldn't help but tremble.

  "I am very happy to be your teacher, Mu, you are excellent and talented. I believe that one day, you will become an excellent painter." Shirley smiled softly, and her words revealed excitement.

  "It's an honor to be able to learn with you." With a big boss as a teacher, she will have someone who can ask for help when she encounters problems in the future. There is no need to think about it by herself. It is very exciting to think about it.

Jiang Mu was very happy. It was a joy from the heart. She all came to Huo Baozhu, smiling like a flower, with a sincere expression, "This time it is really thanks to you. Without your recommendation, how could I be noticed by the teacher? Thank you so much, Huo Shi is right, you are really a very enthusiastic girl!"

  This sudden bad news made her feel like she was in a cold pool, cold and oozing.

  At first, she was already very aggrieved, but when she heard Jiang Mu's words, it was even worse, and she felt that she was not well.

   Jiang Mu's smile and sincere tone, like a slap in the face, slapped her face fiercely.

  Still enthusiastic?

  Why doesn’t she know that she still has such a label?

  Huo Baozhu really has mixed feelings in her heart. I knew Jiang Mu was so good and proficient in painting. She would definitely not design her for such an occasion.

  I wanted to make her ashamed, but in the end, she gave her the opportunity to show up in front of everyone. Now she is even more favored by her teacher and directly accepted her as a student!

Originally, she was the only student of the teacher. This title was enough for her to be proud of her in the circle for a long time. But now, she is no longer the only one. There is another school girl who is more talented than her. She can imagine it. Jiang Mu, the teacher's energy will definitely be more on Jiang Mu's side!

  Thinking of this, Huo Baozhu really regretted that his intestines were blue.

  It’s okay, why does she have to give Jiang Mu a trip!

  If it hadn’t happened, how could she have such a powerful competitor!

  These thoughts flashed through Huo Baozhu's mind, and it was only a few seconds.

   "You are Aunt Zhao's daughter, and you can barely be considered half of the Huo family. I naturally want to help you."

  Huo Baozhu's heart was dripping with blood. In order to protect her face, she could only say that.

   "I remember what Baozhu said. It seems that your school is about to start in September, and you are still a university in mainland China. If so, you don’t have time to study with Ms. Shirley!"

  Huo Zhenzhen was silent all the way, and finally found a chance to attack.

   But her melancholy expression, no one can say that she was digging a hole for Jiang Mu.

  This is indeed a problem, Shirley thinks she is a bit hasty in enrolling students.

  Jiang Mu thought of this question when she was happy. She was so happy just now that she ignored such an important question!

  "Do you have any plans to study abroad? France, Switzerland, or the United States, it’s okay. I can write you a letter of recommendation. I believe that if these teachers see your talents, they will definitely let you enter the school."

   Shirley asked.

  Everyone is numb after listening. Who doesn't want to study abroad?

  Europe is the palace of art. Here, many painting genres were born, developed, and flourished.

  Moreover, there are many famous universities there, which are not accessible to ordinary people. Now Jiang Mu has someone to write a letter of recommendation!

  This can no longer be described by envy, jealousy and hatred.

  Huo Baozhu is not eager for the opportunity to study abroad. After all, it is the Huo family. It is very easy to want to study abroad. However, seeing Jiang Mu have this opportunity, the teacher thought of this level for her, and she was still in a low mood.

  The hard-working way to let the teacher not accept Jiang Mu as a student just died.

  But, at this moment, Jiang Mu suddenly said, “Teacher, do you want to travel and see different landscapes, which may inspire your creative inspiration even more.”

   "Travel, this is really a great thing, this is my future plan." Shirley said.

"Are you interested in visiting the mainland? You must have never seen the antique prince’s mansion, the pyrotechnic courtyard, and the dignified Forbidden City, as well as authentic specialties, etc. You must have never seen it with your own eyes. of."

Shirley hesitated for a moment. She had never been inland. However, thinking of the things she had never seen before, she finally made a decision, "If your capital is interesting enough, I will stay there for a while. Time can just teach you."

   Jiang Mu smiled even more, "I promise, I will never let the teacher down!"

  The two of you are coming and going, it is considered Shirley's itinerary to go to the capital. Seeing that the problem she throws out is solved by the other party's three times and five times, Huo Zhenzhen is also extremely uncomfortable.

  As if they were just jumping clowns.

  Things are so settled.

  Huo Shi and Sun Quan watched the whole process, Jiang Mu's combat effectiveness was so great, and Huo Baozhu's self-reliance, there was no need for the two of them to come forward, Jiang Mu handled the matter seven or eight.

  One painting exhibition, Jiang Mu should have benefited the most.

   was accepted as a student by Ms. Shirley and showed her face in front of the big guys in the circle. By the way, she learned a lesson from Huo Baozhu, who didn't know the heights, and even dared to play with her. It was a perfect trip.

  Jiang Mu returned to the hotel after staying for a long time. Today’s exchanges stimulated her and gave her new ideas and new inspirations. She wanted to draw as soon as possible.

  Jiang Mu didn't know, after she left, Huo Baozhu became the world of Huo Baozhu alone.

  Shirley leaves. As Ms. Shirley’s student, she naturally has the right to preside over everything on the scene.

  If it is normal, she naturally enjoys communicating with everyone and being treated as the center of the moment, but now, she has no such interest.

  There is one more school girl inexplicably, how can she be comfortable?

"Mummy, am I going to fight Jiang Mu? How come I will be bleaked by her as long as she is there? Why isn't this person taking good care of her on the mainland, so he must come to Hong Kong City? Must come to our Huo's house?"

  Huo Baozhu was very wronged.

  "She hasn't moved into Huo's house yet. If she continues like this, when she does live in Huo's house, will I be even more unlucky?"

  Huo Zhenzhen's face is not good-looking, her baby daughter is so sad, she is almost distressed to death, her daughter is the proud girl of heaven, when has she suffered such a grievance?

  "Orb, leave this to Mommy. If you want to marry into Huo's family, how easy is it! Mommy won't let anyone get in your way!"

  Huo Baozhu is still unhappy, the whole person is awkward, there is no spirit.

   "Okay, your uncle's shopping mall will open tomorrow. At that time, you can choose a few clothes, a few jewelry, and take whatever you like. Your uncle won't care."

  Huo Zhenzhen coaxed.

  Huo Baozhu was barely happy when he heard it, "I will take my friends with me tomorrow, and I must find the place I lost today! Otherwise they think I am really afraid of Jiang Mu!"

   "Okay, well, you can take whoever you say. Just be happy." Huo Zhenzhen was relieved when he saw his daughter's smile finally appeared.

  The next day, the mother and daughter both put on makeup, changed clothes, carried their bags, sat in the family car, and went to the new department store.

  This is a shopping mall built by Huo's own house. There are countless brands in it, and today is the first day of the opening of the new department store.

  Since it is the first day of opening, the tailoring ceremony is indispensable.

   When Huo Zhenzhen and Huo Baozhu mother and daughter came over, they suddenly saw Jiang Mu standing among the ribbon-cutting crowd.

   Modify later, little girls, don’t stay up late, go to bed first~



  (End of this chapter)

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