Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 518: 518 Little friends who are about to part ways (3) to be repaired

  Chapter 518 518 The little friend who is about to part ways (3) to be modified

   "Hey, who? Who are you looking for?" Jiang Mu frowned and said to his family, "It may be a wrong number."

  Huo Shi suddenly came back to his senses, "Thank you for your emperor green, you helped me a lot."

"It turned out to be the eldest brother, and thank you for the essentials you prepared for me. Although I think there may be differences in our understanding of university, I still have to thank you. The picture albums are difficult to buy. The painting tools are also very delicate and the paints are special. rich."

  Huo Shi's lips rose unconsciously, and he could imagine the little girl's expression at this moment, which was very speechless and difficult to describe.

   "It sounds like I prepared the clothes, shoes, bags, and jewelry that you don’t like?"

Jiang Mu sighed, "I will just leave it, otherwise, what should I do? I can't send it back to you, even if I send it back to you, you won't need it. It's better to leave it with me, and I have a chance to find a suitable owner for them. ."

  Huo Shi rubbed his eyebrows, "If it makes sense to pass on gifts from others to others, you are probably the only one."

   Jiang Mu proudly, "That is, after all, I am unique!"

   "Which type do you like, next time I will send you." Huo Shi asked casually.

   "Pleasant to the eye, in line with my aesthetics, and beautiful." Jiang Mu said three criteria all at once.

  However, these three standards are no different from nothing.

  Huo Shi laughed, "I thought you would resign."

   "Why reject? Someone give gifts for free, why would they refuse? I'm not stupid." Jiang Mu made Huo Shi amused of course.

  "The next gift will definitely satisfy you." Huo Shi did not continue to ask the standard. He was very confident in his aesthetic, reasoning, and logical thinking abilities.

   "I'm waiting." Jiang Mu didn't believe it, so Huo Shi gave the straight boy the little crown aesthetic, and he would not step on any thunder when he gave her a gift.

   "Brother Mu, the time is running out. We should start." Sun Quan suddenly raised his voice and shouted.

   "I have something else, goodbye." Jiang Mu hung up the phone directly, then grabbed a backpack and set off with Sun Quan.

  And Huo Shi's mind was still replaying Jiang Mu's words and I was waiting, he could feel the steady heartbeat suddenly lose its rhythm.

  He looked slightly dark, hung up the phone, took the emperor green, and left the old house.


  Here Jiang Mu and Sun Quan went directly to KFC. A group of their friends have agreed to gather here. After all, the school is about to start, and everyone will soon go to each other and report on the start of school.

  Get together before school starts. This is a few people decided before.

  "Tell me, what are you doing during such a long vacation?" The monkey still likes to be very lively. Every time a few people are together, he is the one with active atmosphere.

   "I know you had a wonderful holiday this time, classmate, come, please start your performance, don't restrain! Don't be modest!" Zhao Huan took a Coke bottle and got to his mouth as a topic.

  The monkey was caught off guard by this trick. He originally wanted everyone to share a wave first, and then he finally said that Zhao Huan’s approach directly disrupted his plan.

   "Say, we are waiting, don't worry, we will definitely play the role of the audience." Zhao Qing also said, and she cooperated with Zhao Huan very tacitly.

  She turned her head to look at the friends, "Come here, everyone do as I do, staring at the monkeys, and you must be serious, focused, and sincere..."

  Hou Liangliang listened more and more outrageously, picked up a hamburger, spotted the right time, fast, ruthless, and accurate. When Zhao Qing wanted to speak, he stuffed it into her mouth.

   "Okay, you can shut up, eat more and stop talking."

  Zhao Qing's eyes widened with anger and wanted to punch someone. Hou Liangliang offered Coke with both hands and begged for mercy, "Slowly use it slowly, the audience can't beat people!"

"Actually, there is nothing to say. I just went to the capital and Beijing University in advance. I learned about the situation in the school. When the school starts, we can go together. I will be your guide. Beijing University is very good. Thinking about the next four years, I can study there, I feel a little excited."

   "Then it's all up to you. I won't let my dad deliver it at that time. He is too busy during this time." Zhao Huan said with a smile.

   "Then you didn't help me see our Central Academy of Drama? My parents are also very busy. They run the route every day. I must go to school by myself. I don't know if the school is easy to find."

  Zhao Qing sighed. He has never been out of the Shanghai stock market. Although he looks like he is not afraid of the sky and the earth on weekdays, it is really a little scary to be on the road by himself at such a long distance.

   "At that time, we will go together. We will send you to the school first and help you set up. The same is true for us to report." Zhao Huan said.

   "Of course I also went to your school, not only your school, but I also went to Mu's Central Academy of Fine Arts. How to say, although your school does not have the foundation of Beijing University, it is still very good."

   Hou Liangliang said.

  Zhao Qing smiled and waved, "Monkey, come, repeat what you just said!"

   Hou Liangliang keenly felt a danger, and immediately said, "No, I refuse."

   "I said you ran so many schools, did you bring us gifts?" A leisurely voice sounded, everyone turned their heads, Jiang Mu and Sun Quan walked in.

  The monkey froze for a moment, and then became wise, "Of course I brought it. Am I the kind of person who goes out to play on his own and forgets his brothers and friends? Can you have some confidence in me?"

   Then, Hou Liangliang took out a stack of postcards under everyone's expectation!

  Yes, it is postcards, the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, and various universities. It is a gift. It can't be perfunctory.

  Everyone couldn't help but twitch their mouths, and they all looked at Hou Liangliang with condemnation.

  Yu Du: “I’ve only heard of sending postcards to friends. This is the first time I heard of buying postcards as gifts.”

  Zhao Huan: "Should you not buy this that you want to keep as a souvenir, and then after hearing Mu Mu's words, you used it to make up the number?"

Zhao Qing: "Be confident and get rid of it. But I think you think of our monkeys too kindly. I think the truth of the matter should be like this. The monkeys brought these postcards to show us that they are so long. Where did he go to play during the holidays!"

  Hou Liangliang was shocked: She could even guess this, is she the roundworm in his stomach?

  Everyone kept their eyes on Hou Liangliang, and then stood up one by one, dividing up the burger, coke, french fries, and chicken wings in front of his seat.

   "Take this as a travel gift from you." Zhao Qing ate the chicken wings. The taste was better than before. As the old saying goes, the food that he grabbed was the most delicious.

  Looking at the empty dinner plate, Hou Liangliang was very speechless, "I said you guys? You can't call it yourself. And you, Zhao Qing, don't you need to control your weight?"

  Zhao Qing gnawed the chicken wings for a while, looking at the half of the chicken wings in her hand, and thinking about today's weight, she suddenly felt that the chicken wings in her hand were not fragrant.

   Still Jiang Mu comforted, “It’s okay, it’s just a chicken wing. You can only lose weight when you are full.”

  Zhao Qing retaliated gnawing on chicken wings, as if she was accumulating strength for the next weight loss.

   "Brother Mu, why did you come here?" Hou Liangliang didn't care, and asked with a smile.

   "Of course I brought you gifts. It took some time." Jiang Mu said that his face was not red, and he was not breathing. It really seemed like that.

   "It's better for Mumu. Every time you go out, you will remember to bring us local specialties." Zhao Qing said with emotion, who had solved a chicken wing.

  "You went to Shenzhen this time. I heard that the lychees over there are good and very delicious." Zhao Huan was already looking forward to it.

   "More than that, we also went to Hong Kong City, where we lived for a while, and brought you some local delicacies." After that, Jiang Mu began to dig out of his backpack.

  What kind of snacks, small cakes, biscuits, candies, and rare domestic chocolates, all were placed on the table. People who didn’t know thought they had taken out food and they were going to have a tea party at KFC.

   "Monkey, you learn to learn Mumu, this is the correct mode of returning from travel." Zhao Hua ate chocolate while still not forgetting to complain.

  "Compared with Brother Mu, your postcard is really weak!" Yu Du also joined the discussion.

  "I said you forgot, the monkey, but the person who forgot to bring us postcards, he bought this postcard for himself, and used it as a collection."

  Zhao Qing added, her tone was full of disgust.

   "Sorry, I really forgot, Monkey, you are not qualified to compare with Mu Ge.

  Hou Liangliang: You say yours, and you can say whatever you like. No one can stop him from eating the little biscuits in front of him. He has never eaten such delicious biscuits. In the past, his parents had never brought such biscuits even when they were on business trips to Hong Kong City.

  A few people started chatting while eating. Jiang Mu ordered a lot of them. The staff didn't drive them out. It was a bit too much to take them out to eat.

   "Quan'er, what did you bring us this trip? You can't be lazy. If you think Brother Mu brought it to us, then you don't need to bring it."

  Hou Liangliang took the lead to speak.

   "I bought some of these you are eating now." Sun Quan glanced at Hou Liangliang, "Of course, there are some here. We have a better look at choosing gifts than you. At least, we didn't take postcards to recharge.

  Hou Liangliang shut up, is it good to eat the biscuits? Why must I say these messy things?

   Then I saw the latest Xiaobawang game console, Hou Liangliang's eyes seemed to grow on it.

  On the contrary, Sun Quan seemed to have not seen it, and gave the game console to Zhao Huan, "This is the latest game console, which is quite fun. You can try it when you are idle to pass the time."

  Hou Liangliang’s eyes moved left and right with the game console, "This is the latest model, how can you comment on such an interesting thing in such a disgusting tone!"

  Zhao Huan also played game consoles, but felt that it was just that, not obsessed, she could not understand Hou Liangliang's excitement, but this did not prevent him from cooperating with Jiang Mu.

  "I think playing games is quite a waste and time. It's okay to pass the time in free time. It's better not to take it out when you're busy. This thing is too time-consuming and can't let her take up too much time and energy."

Hou Liangliang heard it and said immediately, "Since you don’t understand and appreciate it, give this game console to me. No, I mean, something like a game console is a waste of time, or let me just leave it alone. , Let the game console waste my time, how can you let such a sinful thing occupy your experience and attention!"

  Zhao Huan: "...Then this sinful game console will be handed over to you."

  Speaking of thick-skinned, she still lost.

  Hou Liangliang is immediately satisfied, the new game console! There is something to kill the time on the way to the capital.

  Sun Quan brought two boxes with exactly the same packaging, one to Zhao Huan and the other to Zhao Qing.

  When they saw it, their eyes lit up.

"When you go to college, don’t just study. You should dress up. These two sets of make-up are more suitable for novices. You should learn how to make-up, especially Zhao Qing. You went to the Film and Television Academy. Make-up is a must-have skill that you must study hard, and your face will be your face in the future!"

  Zhao Huan and Zhao Qing are very happy, and they are a little at a loss.

  They still use cream and make-up on their faces. Their impression is lipstick and eyebrow pencil. However, looking at the bottles and cans, it is eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow, foundation, and the eyes can't use it.

   "But, how do you use these things? I have never used them?" Zhao Huan asked.

   "Come on, I'll show you." Jiang Mu directly put on makeup on Zhao Huan at KFC.

  She chose a very daily makeup, and the makeup is also very simple. In addition, Jiang Mu in the previous life also did some research on makeup, and it was very fast to get started.

  She explained while transforming, even Hou Liangliang and Yu couldn’t help but listen carefully. Those who didn’t know thought they wanted to learn too.

  In less than ten minutes, the earth-colored eye shadow, the bean paste-colored lipstick, and the blush were swiped twice, and it was done.

  A few people looked at Zhao Huan, who had a better complexion than just now, in shock, "This is amazing!"

   "What's your face? Doesn't it look good?" Zhao Huan quickly got up and wanted to go to the bathroom to look in the mirror.

  Zhao Qing took the makeup mirror out of the makeup box first, and pushed it to her eyes, “It’s so beautiful, it’s so beautiful, it’s so good-looking, really, it’s like magic!”

  Looking at the girl in the makeup mirror, Zhao Huan couldn't believe it and patted his face, "How do I feel like a star! This is amazing!"

   "Be confident, you already look good! This is the charm of makeup, wait for you to go to college, and then study slowly."

   Jiang Mu is very satisfied with his craft.

   "This gift must have been specially chosen for us by you, right? Why are you so good!" Zhao Huan hugged Jiang Mu directly and was deeply moved.

   "There is still me, and me, how can you forget me!" Zhao Qing hugged Jiang Mu from the other side, the little sister was on the side, and no one was lost.

   "Brother Mu, there is still me, there is still me!" Yu Du asked.

   Then I saw Sun Quan take out another makeup box with the same packaging from his backpack.

Hou Liangliang laughed unceremoniously, "I said no, Brother Mu, Quan'er, you still said that I don’t care, and you don’t care if you give gifts, even though Yu looks good, but , He is a boy! You won't let him wear makeup too, will you?"

Jiang Mu sighed helplessly, reached out and patted his head affectionately, "Entrance to Beijing University may have overdrawn all your IQ. After school starts, you must study hard, otherwise I am worried that with your current IQ, a semester will end. After that, I will be dropped out of school."

   Hou Liangliang: "...I feel you belittle me again, and I already have the evidence."

   "Thank you." Yu Du was also very excited. No, more should be moved. He gladly accepted this makeup box.

  Hou Liangliang couldn't help but wonder, is there really something wrong with his IQ?

  Otherwise, why is he so happy when he saw Yu Du, a man, received the makeup box!

   "It turns out that you like makeup too. It's my fault. I just found out today that you are like this Yudu."

  Sun Quan can't listen anymore, "I said that if you take a long vacation, how can you put your mind off. This is for Yu Du's mother."

Hou Liangliang was slightly startled. This reflected that Yu Du’s mother had been in poor health and had kidney disease. Each treatment cost a lot. Although there was no life-threatening condition, she had a bad complexion and pale face. This set of cosmetics was given to her. Use just right.

  With makeup, her improvement is just like a normal person. No one will tell from the outside that she is a sick patient.

   "My mother must like it very much." Yu is very grateful, fortunate that he was able to join Jiang Mu at the first high school in the city, and became the same table with her, and through Jiang Mu, he met such a group of partners.

  "A few of us are in the capital. Although not all belong to the same school, Haolai is in the same place. You are in the Shanghai stock market and you are too lonely. So, you have two gifts."

  Sun Quan took out another box from his backpack. This box was a bit bigger than the previous makeup box.

  Everyone is very curious, what kind of gift this is.

  "Don't open it first, let's guess what Brother Mu has prepared. If you guess it, you will get a prize!" Hou Liangliang is the kind of person who won't stop for a moment.

   "Agree." Several people said in unison.

  Come on, this is also a group of people who watch the excitement and don't dislike it.

  Zhao Qing: "I guess it's a watch."

  Hou Liangliang: "Come on, your watch is in such a big box? I should be a book! I like to read so much, it should be the kind that is difficult to buy in China."

  Zhao Huan: “If you like it, Yu Du’s favorite is to make money. Why don’t you say it is a commemorative coin of Hong Kong City?

   Jiang Mu looked at Yu Du and asked with a smile, "Guess what, what do you think it is?"

"It’s not always an empty box, right? After all, there’s only one for everyone. You all go to the capital to study. Although I leave it alone, I don’t have to be separated from my parents, leave my hometown, and adapt to the new climate. In a word, I am still happier than you."

  More than rational analysis.

   "It makes sense! How do I think Yu will win?" Hou Liangliang looked at Jiang Mu.

  The box opened, and everyone was dull.

    Guess what~



  (End of this chapter)

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