Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 519: 519 Youth Doesn't End (1)

  Chapter 519 Youth does not end (1)

  In the box is a row of medicine boxes.

  All-English pill box, even though these are all young friends who are about to go to university, but for this kind of very professional English words, everyone is confused.

"This is a special medicine for kidney disease abroad. It is not available in China. When I was in Hong Kong, I told the doctor about Yu's mother's situation. This was recommended to me by the other party, but you still have to ask Yu about the specific situation. Mom’s attending doctor, they are more professional, and they also get more news than us."

   Jiang Mu carefully urged, “Listen to the doctor’s advice for everything, and use it if possible. If it doesn’t meet Yu’s mother’s condition, then forget it.”

  I can’t even tell what I feel in my heart, being cared for, being remembered, having a friend, no matter when, he will remember your needs and think for you.

  Yu felt that his nose was a little sore. By packing up the pill box, he concealed the sourness in his heart until he calmed down. Then he said lightly, "Thank you."

   "You are welcome, or are you not friends who have made money together?" Jiang Mu said with a smile.

  "Furthermore, we are all going to the capital. You are in the Shanghai stock market. Don't forget to go to Xiaoyanglou. If we have so many people walking away, if we encounter a large order, we will definitely be too busy."

   Jiang Mu asked.

   "I'm a regular part-time job, don't worry, I'm absolutely serious in my work." Yu Du completely calmed down and gagged with a smile.

   "Then we didn't guess right, and the rewards are gone." Hou Liangliang was a little regretful.

   "It's just that your reward is gone, should I have my reward? If you lose, I should have won the corresponding one." Jiang Mu said.

   "No, can it still be like this? We said that there are rewards for guessing, and we didn't say that if you didn't guess, you would lose!" Hou Liangliang was surprised.

   "Why not? If you guess it right, it means I lost it. Now you have not guessed it correctly. The corresponding is that I won. The person who wins should be rewarded. Isn't this an agreement from the beginning?"

   Jiang Mu said of course.

  Xingba, you make sense to force you, and everything you say is right. Hou Liangliang gave up the argument, "What reward do you want?"

   "Let's treat you today." Jiang Mu said without thinking about it.

   "No problem!" Isn't it just a KFC meal? The reward he got when he was admitted to Beijing University is still in his wallet, which is definitely enough.

  Jiang Mu’s apricot eyes curled slightly, and he smiled and said, "Everyone, eat quickly. After we go to the karaoke hall to see and see, today the monkey entertains. Don’t save money for him. You should eat and drink!"

   Hou Liangliang grew up in shock, "Go to the karaoke hall?"

"Let's go to see and see together. We are all grown-ups. Let's go and play." Jiang Mu's words drag everyone's nerves. Everyone is eager to try. They are all young people. They have young people's impulses in their bones. Such occasions. , I heard most of them, so I naturally want to wander around.

  Everyone fought hurriedly. After eating, they were happy and rushed to the largest karaoke hall in Shanghai Stock Exchange.

  Hou Liangliang, who has always been responsible for the active atmosphere, always rushes to the forefront of things, is exceptionally quiet. From the beginning to the present, he has not expressed any opinions.

  Sun Quan, the nearest to him, looked at him in surprise, and heard him muttering something in a low voice.

  "How much is a glass of wine? Twenty yuan? Is it too little, fifty yuan? Anyway, it is the largest karaoke hall in Shanghai Stock Exchange."

  "A glass of wine is fifty for one person, and three hundred for six people. What is the cost besides the drink? Fruit plate? Is it possible for one thousand yuan for this trip?"

   "What are you whispering? Everyone has gone away, so hurry up." Sun Quan reminded him to follow.

  Hou Liangliang’s only thought now is that if he exceeds the standard at the checkout and he can’t spend that much money, will he be deducted for cleaning?

  Thinking of the possible scenes, Hou Liangliang felt his head big. Looking at the figure of Jiang Mu and Zhao Huan and Zhao Qing on their backs, he couldn't help but sigh. You must pay attention to the future when you talk to Brother Mu, otherwise you don't know how you died.

  The treat he thought was a KFC meal, but Jiang Mu's treat was KFC and the karaoke hall. It was too difficult!

  Everyone is a young man. Jiang Mu, who is drinking or something, naturally did not let him go. What he does most is singing with howling ghosts and crying wolves.

   are all 18 or 9 years old. I haven't seen each other for a long time. I saw each other today and had to separate. Naturally, it was a bit crazy to play.

   Unwillingly indulge and sing loudly, making ears itchy.

   To the back, there is no drink anymore, one by one is served beer, and people with and without alcohol immediately appear.

  Hou Liangliang belongs to that kind of special tasteless, but he likes to try, it is not enough to not let him drink, and when he finishes drinking, he takes the microphone and sings.

  It was really a long period of ghost crying and wolf howling. Jiang Mu only felt that he had the foresight. He chose the most luxurious and most popular place in the Shanghai stock market, and the soundproofing equipment was good.

  Otherwise, just relying on these loud voices, it would be weird not to knock on the door next door.

  In the private room, under the flickering lights, Jiang Mu just sat on the sofa, knocking the seeds, drifting away from the crowd, watching them drink each other and play and make trouble.

  In her previous life, she had many regrets.

  I regret not finding my mother. I regret that in order to pray for the meager kinship, I am always pleased with those so-called relatives, forgetting myself, ignoring myself, and putting myself in the lowest position.

  In high school, she had few good friends and no good classmates to get along with, so she was too lazy to graduate from high school, and there was no formal farewell.

  She has always been alone, reading alone, studying alone, and eating alone. In that short life, her memories were not even the slightest color, everything was for others.

  Today, she made up for her regrets.

  She has a group of friends who get along very well. They are using the first party to bid farewell to their high school career. After today, they will continue to move forward. They may not be able to walk along the way in the future, but they are still friends.

  This is great.

  Simple friendship, without any miscellaneous interests and selfishness, such a friend is extremely rare.

   "Why don't you sing or drink? It's too leisurely to sit here secretly and eat melon seeds?" Yu Du came over with a bottle of beer and walked directly beside her.

  "Who will take you back when you are all drunk? I am a driver and cannot drink." The excuse is perfect.

   "You can't sit there, it's boring, come on, sing a song!" Yu Du said this while holding a microphone, and Zhao Qing who was singing immediately stopped and let the accompaniment ring.

  I want to rap and sing nicely here, and only Zhao Qing and Zhao Huan are the only ones who can be very good in tune. After hearing this, everyone realized that there are so many people here, only Jiang Mu has not sang.

    there will be a lot of changes~

     Well, I will try my best.



  (End of this chapter)

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