Chapter 521, 521 new chapter, report (1)

  September, the sun is shining brightly, the temperature in Beijing is not much lower than that of the Shanghai stock market, and when the train is getting off, the heat wave is surging.

Originally, the Zhao family wanted to send their children to school to report. However, Zhao Baomin and his wife ran the bus every day, and had no vacation or time. The two children in the family studied and spent a lot of money. They were also reluctant to take time off and deduct their wages. .

When Zhao Yue arrived, she wanted to give someone away, but she was rejected by Jiang Mu. The reason was simple. Howard came to the mainland and seemed to want to invest. Jiang Mu didn't know whether this was an excuse or the future development plan of the Huo family, but he couldn't. Delay mom falling in love.

  She went to the capital too many times, so she just reported it to her, and she didn’t need to send it away.

  In addition, there is Sun Quan. Wen Ru has already said to pick her up at the station. All this way is on the train. There is no need to send it or not.

   And Zhao Huan did not ask Zhao Baobao to send it when he heard it, so he followed Jiang Mu to report. It was very exciting to hear it when he went out on his own.

  In the end, only Hou Liangliang’s parents were worried. No matter how Hou Liangliang refused, the couple bought train tickets and sent their son to school all the way.

  After all, Beijing University, one of the highest institutions in the country, they have only heard of it before, and they have never seen it before. Now that there is a chance, they can't let it go.

  Hou Liangliang was still very moved. He felt that his parents were really kind to him. He is so old, and he is still worried about him.

  Originally, according to everyone’s economic conditions, I would definitely be more comfortable flying by plane and have faster time. However, when Zhao Qing can go to college, the family has already been hollowed out, so naturally this time will not be so luxurious.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it’s just the money for a plane ticket. Jiang Mu and Zhao Huan can give it out no matter who they are. However, Zhao Qing is a person with strong self-esteem. Plus, it’s really unnecessary. Just made a train together.

  In fact, they are all sleepers, and they are not so tired. They are all seventeen or eighteen years old, which is a strong age. This is not hard.

  It was Hou Zhenhua and his wife who had some backaches. The bed on the hard sleeper was small and narrow. They were very unfriendly to the two very round middle-aged people.

   "I said monkeys, why don't you persuade your parents to let them not come to see you off. You look at the crimes they suffered along the way. What if you get sick?"

  Sun Quan watched Hou Zhenhua rubbing his waist and couldn't help but complain.

  Hou Liangliang was also very helpless, "My mouth is about to wear out. I always said that we will start together and go to school together. There will be five of us. When the time comes, we will take care of each other. There will definitely be nothing."

   "But they don't listen, they have to come to deliver it, alas, they care about me too much, they care too much about me, thinking about it, it is really a sweet burden!"

  This secretly rubbing and showing off tone, the humble little eyes, why is it so awkward, and I feel a little itchy in my hands.

   But thinking about the first day of registration today, forget it. It’s not very good to report with a swollen nose. Those who don’t know thought he was robbed.

   Just when Sun Quan gave up getting fat and beating someone, he heard the two people in front of him who just bought a brand new map of the capital chant.

  Hou Mu: “Today’s report is to go around Beijing University. I have all the cameras ready. I will take a few more photos and round up. We are also people who have gone to Beijing University.”

  Hou Zhenghua nodded: "The fragments are shot, I have enough to hand in the papers."

  Hou Mu: "I will see the national flag raising tomorrow. I have not seen the Tiananmen flag raising. The previous Mrs. Huang showed off in front of me. Isn't it just watching the Tiananmen flag raising ceremony? This time I will also take a good look!"

   "Okay, I will call you in the morning. After watching the raising of the national flag, I will go to the Forbidden City to have a look." Hou Zhenhua expressed his opinion.

   "Also, the Great Wall, climb the Great Wall the day after tomorrow, this must not be forgotten." Hou Mu reminded.

   "Don't worry, I can't forget."

  Sun Quan didn't look for it, and laughed out.

  Hou Liangliang, who just finished showing off, twitched his mouth and stepped forward, "Parents, are you really here to send me to school?"

  Hou's mother's gaze briefly left the map, "Of course, hasn't this already been sent to the capital? What kind of silly question is your kid asking."

   "How do I feel that you are more like traveling, and sending me to school is just a way out." Hou Liangliang couldn't help saying.

"Yes, you are a 19-year-old young man. Look at Mu Mu and they are still girls. They dare to report to school alone. Do you have the face to let us send it? Go to school and call home if you have something to do. , Your mother and I have made arrangements these days, so you don’t have to worry about us."

  Hou Zhenhua didn't feel guilty, and by the way, he turned back and asked, so that Hou Liangliang was so speechless, and then he sprinkled a wave of dog food.

  Well, he thinks too much. This is really a real mom and dad. He just showed off, and then he just slapped and slapped in pain.

  The few friends behind him laughed unceremoniously.

  Wen Ru knew that a group of them had come, and directly drove a seven-seater medium-sized sedan, and sent a few people to the school.

  The first is Beijing University.

  Three of the five of them are studying here, but their majors are different.

  Sun Quan is a computer science department, Hou Liangliang studies finance and trade, and Zhao Huan is a Chinese department. Although it is said that he is in a school, it is not easy to meet each other on weekdays.

  On the first day of the opening of the journal, the school was very lively.

  You can see parents who report to students everywhere, and similarly, there are also many students who come to report alone.

  Many people are powerful, and the group of people split up. Hou Zhenhua and his wife first send Hou Liangliang to the department to report, and then send them to the dormitory. After the arrangements are made, they immediately buy daily necessities.

  Jiang Mu's movements are not slow here. Sun Quan is a boy and he is more independent. Without Jiang Mu and Wen Ru, he arranged himself clearly.

  After moving into the dormitory, directly follow the shopping list that has been written at home to purchase daily necessities.

  He is a big boy, and he doesn't need to be helped by others, just a few back and forth on his own, and it's done.

  In contrast, Zhao Huan spent more time here.

  In addition to the daily bedding, mosquito net, soap, washbasin, washing powder, etc., you also need some other small things.

   Mosquito repellent water must have, cream, comb, rubber band, hairpin. Fortunately, Jiang Mu gave her a makeup box before. This is enough to save it. Otherwise, she will definitely be entangled, whether to buy it.

  In addition, the hygiene products for girls must not be less. When a few people return to the dormitory again with heavy bags, the empty room is already very lively, and the other three students have also arrived.

  One parent is making the bed for the child, and another is cleaning the dormitory. The last one is obviously moving very quickly and has been cleaned up.

  "You are Zhao Qing. Our Jialele didn't do much housework. This is the first time she lives in school. I hope everyone can help her in daily life."

  Someone spoke first.

   Jiang Mu suddenly felt that there was a line of sight, which kept stopping on her body.

    ah ah ah! I will definitely make up what I owe.



  (End of this chapter)

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