Chapter 522 522 Start

  "Everyone help each other, help each other."

  Zhao Huan said with a smile, she introduced herself, and the other three had already met before they came back. Everyone reported their homes. After a few words, the roommates in the bedroom became familiar with them.

  Jiang Mu frowned, and carefully observed the other three roommates. For the time being, there was no outstanding personality and no hostility towards Zhao Huan. Although there was a bit more delicate, it seemed that there was no problem at present.

  Except, she kept looking at her.

  Jiang Mu is not a troublesome person, especially this kind of thinking about what the other party is thinking, she especially hates it.

   "Student Wei Huan, did we know each other before?"

  Wei Huan was the mother who helped make the bed, so she stood quietly and looked at her busy girls.

  "Don't you remember me?" Wei Huan was surprised, and there were many unbelievable voices.

   Jiang Mu was even more confused, "Should I remember you?"

  Wei Huan became even more angry.

"We are a junior high school classmate. I am a representative of the music class. During the school celebration, our class performed a cantata. You ran the tune of the whole class on your own. If you don’t remember me, you should always remember this. Things?"

   Jiang Mu: "..."

  Well, she really can’t blame her. After rebirth, she left the capital and went to the Shanghai stock market, where she went directly to the third year of junior high school in the Shanghai stock market. She really didn't have much memory of junior high school in her previous life.

  Don’t talk about a representative of music class, it’s not sure if the head teacher is standing in front of her whether she will remember the other person.

  However, the school celebration chorus is still fresh in her memory!

  No way, it's really a sensation.

  She is not born with pentatonic insufficiency, or there are some songs that she can learn easily, and she sings quite nicely, but there are some, I don’t know why, how to sing and how to tune out.

  Although the whole class rehearsed many times for the performance of the school celebration, at that time, she happened to be ill. When she recovered, it was the school celebration. The result was a tragedy.

  In fact, she doesn't remember the specific details very clearly, but she still has an impression when she became famous.

  Thinking about it this way, the representative of the music class of memory and Wei Huan, who is under the eyes, really match up.

   "It turns out that you still have such a glorious moment. It's a pity that you didn't see it." Wen Ru laughed and teased.

  "It’s not easy to want to listen. I have time to find a private room and I will sing it to you alone. Jiang Mu replied casually.

   "Sister Wen, life is precious! You should dispel this idea." It is a kind reminder to think of what happened to the party **** before.

  Wen Ru couldn’t help but laugh, "Is it that exaggerated?"

   "If there is a mistake, there is nothing less than it!" The two said in unison.

  A few people chatted happily, and Wei Huan’s mother couldn’t help but envy, “You have such a good relationship. You can study in a school, and you can take care of each other. Unlike our family, Huanhuan is alone.”

   "Auntie, you have misunderstood, Zhao Huan is a student of Beijing University alone, we are not." Jiang Mu explained.

   "If you want to come, you can't even go to Beijing University, the nation's leading university. You can't pass the exam even if you're tired." Wei Huan knows this person's results very well.

   "Student Wei, this is your fault. Our brother Mu is the number one in the college entrance examination in our city. With so many universities in China, she can go wherever she wants to go. There is no way she can't pass the exam."

  Zhao Huan said.

  "The college entrance examination champion?!" Wei Huan suddenly said in surprise, his eyes full of incredible.

   "It's over, now I'm in college, and it won't be interesting to improve my test scores." Jiang Mu's calm and calm, he didn't care about his results at all.

  Because of her inattentive attitude, the people in the dormitory were shocked.

  Not everyone can become the top student in the college entrance examination.

"Then you should have been studying hard in the past few years." Wei Huan thought of Jiang Mu's last-to-last grade in ten thousand years. She still had a hard time imagining how to learn and improve so quickly to get one in the exam. The top pick in the college entrance examination?

  Wen Liyan's face instantly appeared in Jiang Mu's mind. She hadn't thought of Wen Liyan for a long time, and she didn't expect to think of him at this moment.

  It’s not surprising to think about it, it was Wen Liyan who helped her with tuition.

   "It's really hard." Especially to deal with all kinds of strange problems that Wen Liyan put forward, the big emotions have disappeared, and it is more of a nostalgia.

   "Your grades are so good. Didn't you come to Beijing University, did you go to the opposite Hua University?" Wei Huan's mother continued to ask.

   Jiang Mu shook his head, "No, I went to Yangmei, I am an art candidate."

  Mother Wei Huan: Art candidate? Do I have any misunderstandings about art candidates?

  An art examinee's cultural class score even beat the whole city, which is too awesome!

  It is not always said that art candidates have poor academic performance. The purpose of their coming here is obvious, that is, to enter the university.

  And this reason does not apply to Jiang Mu at all.

"After all, you went to Yangmei! I don’t understand why you can hold on for so long? It’s been three years in junior high school, three years in high school, and it’s been six years. You still remember the agreement. You asked me to say what’s good about you. ?"

  Wei Huan sighed helplessly.

   "No, what does it mean after all? I like drawing. Is there anything wrong with applying for a professional school?" Jiang Mo was speechless.

   "Okay, don't hide it, we are junior high school classmates, and your little things are not a problem at all!" Wei Huan said.

   Now it’s Jiang Mu’s turn. She buttoned her ears and felt helpless. “Is there something I don’t know about? Is this a misunderstanding?”

"Misunderstanding? It shouldn't be right? You were chasing Lu Fei's senior, and it was a semester after you chased it. However, the senior still didn't promise to deal with you. He said that his energy should be focused on learning and practicing painting. The university is Yangmei, and now you have also gone to Yangmei."

  Wei Huan didn’t know what to say.

"Just because he said that the British and American said that he gave up on such a good school as Beijing University, you are not afraid to regret it in the future? Senior Lu Fei is very difficult to follow. He was followed by a group of female students, and many people like him went there. ."

   "Although he doesn't like these people now, who is right about feelings?" Wei Huan's emotion dissipated in the air.

Jiang Mu was very speechless, "This joke is really big. I went to Yangmei purely because I like painting. It has nothing to do with others. That Zhang Fei is still Guan Fei, I really have no impression. ."

   "It's Lu Fei." Wei Huan said silently.

   "I hope you can keep this sane when you see him. At the beginning, you couldn't wait to be with him every day."

   Jiang Mu felt a little confused. She felt that she shouldn’t be like this. She actually liked a boy, to such an extent.

  When Sun Quan rushed over after he had packed up, he just heard this sentence, and the whole person felt bad.

    4,000-character basic disk every day, I owe you twelve thousand, and I will definitely make it up one after another!



  (End of this chapter)

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