Chapter 550 550 Are you so cruel, really good

   "I'll find someone to clean the courtyard." Wen Liyan suggested.

   "No need." Jiang Mu's tone still smelled of gunpowder, and he refused completely.

  "It's not a matter of money. In such a short time, even if you can find enough people to clean up the yard in one day, can you guarantee that these people are reliable?" Wen Liyan reminded.

   Jiang Mu is meditating. Although she does not often go to the courtyard house, there are a lot of wool that she has stored in the basement, and there are many works that she has carved over the years in the collection room, which is almost connected to the city.

  If she is really succumbed to it, she doesn’t even know where to cry.

   "I have been in Beijing for two years, it is still okay to find some reliable manpower." Wen Liyan saw the right time and tried again.

   "I hope your people are really as reliable as you said." Jiang Mu let go. After all, what she kept in the courtyard, it would be more than enough to buy such a courtyard.

   "Don't worry, I let Shi Yu stare at him, but you can make him pay for anything missing!" Wen Liyan sold Shi Yu without hesitation.

   "Should you not pay for it? How did it become the time domain?" Jiang Mu asked.

  "He can't even look at the individual. Losing a little money will make him a long lesson and a deeper memory. Don't make the same mistake next time!"

  Wen Li's tone was light, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did.

Jiang Mu nodded and smiled, "Politely sympathize with the time domain, the risk of being a friend with you is simply too great, I don't know when you will be fooled! I think it's better not to be a friend for a person like you. "

  Wen Liyan: Picking up a rock and hitting himself in the foot!

  Time domain: How do I feel something is wrong?


  The next day, the sky was clear and the wind was light and the clouds were light.

  There are many people who travel to the Forbidden City. Fortunately, the Forbidden City has a large area. Even if there are many tourists, there will be no crowds as dense as later generations.

  The two elders of the Sun family were very excited. They both wore clothes designed by Jiang Mu himself. The two bright blue Tang suits were made by the most experienced tailor in the factory. The two elders are very energetic when they wear them.

  Walking on the street is the most energetic old man and old lady.

   "Oh, hello! This is the Forbidden City! The place where the emperor lived!" Sun Hongfen was very excited, looking at the magnificent walls of the Forbidden City, his eyes were almost shining.

   "Unexpectedly, I did not expect that the old man will come to the emperor's house one day!" Sun Zhengde, who has always been a bad word, was also very excited.

   Jiang Mu immediately took out the camera and took pictures of the second elder.

   Her task today is to use up all the film rolls in her backpack!

  The weather is very good today. There are many white moons floating in the blue sky. The two old people are standing by the red wall, smiling brightly.

  Zhao Yue has lived in the capital for more than ten years. He has been to the Forbidden City many times, and his mood is different every time. This time I am the happiest.

  In front, Zhao Yue explained the scenery to the two old people. Sun Quan carried the water cup and prepared it for the two old people.

   Jiang Mu was a few people behind, looking for a good scene to take pictures of the two old people.

  Wen Liyan has been following her slowly, slowly.

  Although the two didn’t speak much, he followed them very enthusiastically.

  Backpack, exchange rolls, and umbrella to block the glare of the camera. In general, it is a very reliable camera assistant.

  The other party didn't take the initiative to speak, Jiang Mu was also happy, and the two got along in harmony.

  Walk to the Yuhuayuan, the second elder of the Sun family went to the rest area to rest, and then Jiang Mu stopped filming.

   "Drink some water, the sun is out, the weather is still too hot." Wen Liyan took out a water glass from his bag.

  Jiang Mu refused, "I brought it myself."

   "Mine has ice cubes in it."

  Jiang Mu immediately jumped the direction of the hand that wanted to unzip the zipper, and took a water glass that looked plain, without feeling embarrassed at all.

   "Ha! It's so cool!" In such a hot weather, a mouthful of ice water is really cool.

  Wen Liyan watched her bold and unruly movements, her black eyes were tightly locked to each other, and the corners of her lips could not help but rise a little.

   "Are there any more?" A few mouthfuls of cold water on my stomach, driving away the heat, I just felt a wave of irritability, which was also dispelled by this cup of cold water, and the whole person was refreshed.

   "There are many rooms in the courtyard, should you mind if I occupy one?" Wen Liyan answered the question.

   Jiang Mu raised her eyebrows slightly, then her apricot eyes narrowed, smiling very cutely, “Naturally don’t mind, Grandma Sun and Grandpa, Quan'er both have them.”

  Wen Liyan was very happy. It was directly reflected in his expression with a bright and excited smile. He was already handsome and the facial features were very three-dimensional. When he smiled at this time, the whole person exuded a charming temperament.

   can still leave a room for him, it seems that the matter is not as serious as he thought.

  This battle is not so difficult to fight.

  It's just that his good mood didn't last long.

  I heard Jiang Mu continue to say, "Give the rent 500 yuan a month."

  Wen Liyan looked at her back, and smiled helplessly, dare to treat him as a tenant, not a relative at all.

  However, it is better than not giving a chance.

  He is not greedy, he plays steadily.

  "Your rent is too expensive, can it be cheaper." Wen Liyan chased him up, bargaining with a smile.

   "No, I am the Prince's residence. The cost is high, and the utility bills are all inclusive, and the price is very fair." Jiang Mu seriously bargained.

   "450, you see I spend most of my time in the hospital, and I haven't started making money yet. The rent is too high and I can't afford it."

Jiang Mu frowned, "Wen's family has worked so hard to find you back, so it wouldn't be so harsh, right? Besides, don't think I don't know that you still have the share of teaching materials and the dividend of Wen's technology. There will be no rich people."

  Wen Li said with a gentle eyebrow, "You know my affairs so well, and you care about me so much! I am very happy, 500 is 500!"

  Jiang Mu rolled his eyes, "It's fine if you are happy."

   "No, when did you hang out to break the ice? Such a great event, how can we not celebrate it!" Sun Quan didn't know when he walked over, looking at the two of them in surprise.

   Jiang Mu clenched a fist with one hand, "Is your injury healed?"

   "I am not! I don't! Don't talk nonsense!" He didn't want to be beaten, he still owed her a beating.

   "Then shut up!" Jiang Mu glared at him with sharp eyes.

  Zhao Yue turned around just to see this scene, and smiled and said to the two elders: "Look at how good their relationship is. From now on, they will all be in the capital, and there will be a care."

  Sun Hongfen smiled and nodded, “Who said it’s not! The three children are together, and they can discuss things together and help each other, how good is it.”

  If they heard what the three people were talking about here, they would definitely not think so.

   Then when he returned to the hotel at night, Jiang Mu found out that she and Wen Liyan had been reconciled inexplicably, which was really awkward.

  (End of this chapter)

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