Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 551: No, absolutely can't say

   Chapter 551 No, absolutely can’t say

After dinner, Jiang Mu was forced to send Wen Liyan back to the hospital as usual.

   "I said you are not in good health, so you should stay in the hospital. Don't go out casually. The weather is so hot. Your body is too prone to heat stroke. It is safer to stay in the hospital."

  She really doesn’t want to go to the hospital every day.

   "Are you caring about me?" Wen Liyan raised his eyebrows.

   Jiang Mu sighed speechlessly, “When will I say you can correct this narcissistic problem! There are so many days left on National Day, I don’t want to send you to the hospital every day.”

  Wen Liyan was not disappointed either, he just continued, “It’s okay, I can take a taxi back, and I don’t have to send it.”

   Jiang Mu is a bit annoying. The family will definitely not let Wen Liyan go back to the hospital by himself. He is now a fragile porcelain bottle in everyone's hearts.

  "Tomorrow, I will just take Grandma Sun and the others to buy daily necessities. You still don’t want to go there. There are no sightseeing items. You should stay in bed and rest in the hospital honestly."

   Jiang Mu proposed.

   "Since it's shopping and shopping, then we have to be there, otherwise, who will help you with your bags!" Wen Liyan said solemnly.

  Jiang Mu:...

   is very good, very powerful, this reason is really useful.

  She tried to keep her smile, "Goodbye."

  It would be better for her to go back and have a good night’s sleep. She doesn’t want to talk to people anymore. It’s useless to say it, it’s just playing the piano to the cow.

  Wen Liyan still smiled, looking at the figure drifting away in the line of sight, he couldn't help but smile, and the whole person became gentle.

   "Brother Yan, what are you going to do now? Brother Mu doesn't mean to forgive you at all. Why do you still have the time to laugh?"

  Sun Quan was very anxious.

"At least she didn't avoid my approach. As long as we can meet, then there will be a chance." Wen Liyan saw very openly. The data from this examination is very good. He is very confident that he will be cured completely, so that he will have the opportunity to accompany her. Go all the way.

  Sun Quan really didn't see any good in this.

   "Otherwise, you can tell Brother Mu the real reason. As long as you tell it, Brother Mu will definitely understand you! Naturally, chances will be reconciled between you."

  Sun Quan proposed.

  Wen Liyan's expression immediately cooled down, and the whole person became serious. The gentleness of the talent just seemed like an illusion, as if it had never existed.

   "No way."

  Simple, indifferent, but firm.

   "But, if this goes on, if Brother Mu never forgives you, what will you do?" Sun Quan was very anxious.

   "No, Mu Mu's heart is very soft." No one knows this better than him.

  He will always remember that at the house evacuated by loan sharks, when he was besieged by a group of debt collectors, the man stretched out his hand to him and took him back home.

   "But..." Sun Quan still felt that he could tell the truth directly once and for all.

   "No, but you have to hold on to this matter, no one can say it." Wen Liyan reminded again.

  Sun Quan sighed Shen Shen, “You don’t have to worry so much. After so many years, there should be nothing to do.”

   "No, you don't understand. Once an accident occurs, none of us can bear it. This must be eliminated!" Wen Liyan said solemnly.

"I know."

  In the end, Sun Quan still lost to his persistence and stubbornness.


  On the third day of coming to Beijing, the two elders of the Sun family were obviously angry later than yesterday. At first glance, they knew that some thunder had arrived while visiting the Forbidden City.

  Zhao Yue was not busy during this time, and the two old people also had time, and there was plenty of time, so they didn’t have to dare to travel. They could go to bed until they wake up naturally, and then go out when they want to go out.

   By the time a few people pack up and go to the mall, it's already ten o'clock in the morning.

  This is unprecedented for the two old people.

  However, I slept beautifully last night, and my fatigue was reduced by half.

  Today, everyone’s task is to buy daily necessities, move directly into the courtyard, and return the hotel house directly.

  October Golden Week, the shopping mall is very lively and people come and go.

  It’s not surprising that a group of people like Jiang Mu come out to go shopping everywhere.

  However, this group of people still attracted the attention of many people.

No way, who made Wen Liyan follow along? His face is too deceptive. People who don’t understand it will definitely be attracted by him when they see his face and fall into it. Among them, don't extricate yourself.

Although Sun Quan's appearance is not as refined as Wen Liyan, he is also a handsome little guy.

  As for Jiang Mu, it’s even better. An absolute beauty, that exquisite and protruding face is unforgettable when people look at it.

  Zhao Yue is also dressed as an intellectual woman, and with the addition of two energetic old people, it is not difficult to understand that their turnaround rate is 100%.

  In fact, the main thing I buy today is bedding, four-piece suits, bedding, and pillows. In the courtyard, only Jiang Mu’s room is complete, and the other rooms are vacant.

  Old people like bright red. For the older generation, only when they meet happy events and only on special festivals, can they have the opportunity to use such a big red.

  After all, these things were not cheap in those days. There was really no choice about what kind of bed linen and quilt to use when the meal was full.

  The old lady couldn't look away when she saw the four-piece set of big red and golden thread show peony.

   "Godmother, take this set if you like it, and then put it in your room." Zhao Yue said with a smile.

   "We don't get married. Isn't it inappropriate to use this color?" Sun Hongfen was a little embarrassed.

  "What's the embarrassment? No one stipulates that only newlyweds can use the big red color. We just like the big red color, so we use it. What can we do?"

   Jiang Mu's tone was arrogant and wanton, and Sun Hongfen, who listened to it, couldn't see his teeth with a smile.

   "Mu Mu said that, so let's do this."

  Jiang Mu stepped forward and took the old man’s arm, “That’s right, we can just use our own happiness, whatever others think of him, how can I say it!”

  This is Jiang Mu's consistent attitude.

   "This set shouldn't be enough, or else I will have another set for a change?" Jiang Mu's first plan was to buy a twenty four-piece set. Except for his own use, all the rest would be kept for the change or had guests come to the door.

Sun Hongfen shook his head, "No, no, one is enough. Your grandfather and I don’t live in the capital. We will return to the Shanghai Stock Exchange in a few days. Just use it these days. Buying a set is enough. Buy too much to waste."

  "We are all in the capital now, so you should move to the capital too, so that we all have another care, otherwise, my mother is busy with work, and you and grandpa are the only ones at home. If something happens, no one will take care of it in time."

   Jiang Mu was very worried. The old man had a lot of sudden illnesses. It would be a shame if someone didn’t pay attention to what happened and caused irreparable consequences.

   "Jiang Mu, why are you still shopping here? Are you ready?" Someone from Huyou stepped forward and asked.

    Wen Liyan: Today is another day that will not be forgiven (╥╯^╰╥)



  (End of this chapter)

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