Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 553: 553 The Envy of Flowing Acid Water (Double More in One)

  Chapter 553 553 The envy of the acid water (double more in one)

"It must be incomparable with the previous life, but your mother takes you by herself and has no academic qualifications. When looking for a job, she can only sell clothes, or do odd jobs to make ends meet. In this case If you still insist on studying fine arts, a profession that has no prospects, it will only make things worse."

Mrs. Zhou is very sensible analysis.

"Fine art is not a profession with no prospects. Our family Mumu will become a painter in the future. Moreover, you may have some misunderstandings about us. Although I am divorced, I am indeed carrying Mumu by myself. However, we There is really no shortage of money."

  Zhao Yue's tone became tougher.

Mrs. Zhou realized that she was emotionally wrong, and she reduced her tone, "I just kindly suggested that there are so many people studying art, and a few become painters, and even painters, there are many who live in poverty. Change another one. Isn’t it great for more promising careers, such as civil servants?"

  Zhao Yue is helpless. It seems that this person has no job, stays at home all day, and has been idle for too long. He likes to find feelings in this way.

"Mu Mu has her own dream. She does what she likes to do. I won't interfere with her. Don't those of us who are parents want our children to live well and have a happy life! Moreover, I can come here for consumption. The income will certainly not be bad, and the things you worry about are all okay."

"Ten thousand steps back, even if the conditions in our family are not good now, I won't let Mumu change a major that she doesn't like. University is a lifetime thing, and our parents should provide them with everything. Conditions allow them to complete their studies safely and without worries."

Zhao Yue is really not at all polite, "But it is natural that Mrs. Zhou did not have such experience. Your family does not need you to go out to make money. If Brother Zhou is capable, you can enjoy the blessing at home. Naturally, I don’t have the profound experience. .

Mrs. Zhou’s expression was a bit ugly. Zhao Yue’s words hit the nail on the head, and it pierced her heart because she was always at home and didn’t go out to work, so she couldn’t get together when chatting with family members. She always felt lonely, even sometimes. Some loneliness, she didn't want to stay at home, and didn't want to play cards, the only way left was to go out shopping.

  Unexpectedly, I met Zhao Yue, met an acquaintance, and tried to relieve the loneliness in my heart. I couldn’t help but say a little more while chatting. My vanity gradually rose, and I couldn’t help but start showing off.

  But, listening to Zhao Yue's meaning now, her vanity and self-satisfaction faded a bit, and she felt a basin of cold water poured down from the top of her head, and the whole person was very cold.

  Look at Zhao Yue's dress again, black suit pants, white gauze shirt on the upper body, and hot long curly black hair. She is very fashionable. If her living conditions are not good, no one will believe it.

"What I said is inappropriate. Are you coming to Beijing to go back to the capital for development? Or just come and play?" Mrs. Zhou changed the subject without feeling embarrassed. The transfer was very blunt, but she could say that the connection was very natural.

  Jiang Mu doesn’t know what to say anymore, can’t you just shut up? I’ve already talked about it now. Isn’t the topic going to stop here? Why must we start a new topic and continue our greetings.

  Are you so lonely?

"Maybe, this time I took my godmother to see the children in the capital. By the way, I might live for a few days." The other party has already shown weakness, and Zhao Yue is not an aggressive personality, and her tone has also eased. It's like gossiping at home.

  For this kind of face-changing trick, Zhao Yue has fully grasped the business in the past two years.

"Have you found a place to live? Your brother Zhou is on a business trip and Zhou Zhou is at school again. He did not go home during the National Day holiday. I went out with classmates and I was the only one at home. Now the National Day holiday, guest houses and hotels are very difficult. Ordered."

Mrs. Zhou is very enthusiastic.

"No, Mu Mu bought a house in the capital a few years ago. We came here today to buy some bedding. We will live there during this time. It's getting late. We chose one after another. There are a lot of things today. I have to tidy up if I buy it back."

Zhao Yue’s words have been said very clearly, but Mrs. Zhou seems to have not understood, she is very enthusiastic, "I have experience in choosing these things, and I am familiar with the boundaries of the capital. You have been back to your hometown in the past few years. The edge is developing rapidly, many places have changed, and you will definitely not find your way."

  It seems that the other party is determined. You must confirm with your own eyes whether their family is really short of money.

  Zhao Yue no longer inked, and said to the salesperson, “Except for the one just chosen, here are the same two sets of the color just chosen for the silk.”

   "Okay, wait a minute." The salesperson beamed his eyebrows, and couldn't help but tremble with joy when he spoke.

Mrs. Zhou glanced at the unit price, her pupils shrank suddenly, "Good fellow! It's expensive, a four-piece set costs 300 yuan, Zhao Yue actually ordered so many pieces in one go, how much money it would cost! "

Regardless of Zhou’s good condition, there is one who can make money at home, and the money is sent to the house eagerly. However, she actually doesn’t have much money in her hands. Her husband gives her a fixed daily expense every month. If there is any extra You need to report to your husband for the expenses.

  Like Zhao Yue, she painted so many without blinking her eyes, she had never experienced it before.

  Looking at the salesperson carrying five large boutique bags, Mrs. Zhou glanced at it. There are basically three or four pieces in each boutique bag, which is four to five thousand yuan in the blink of an eye!

Zhao Yue was very happy to pay. As soon as the black wallet was opened, Mrs. Zhou gave an uncontrollable glance. The thick piles of Grandpa Mao were neatly stacked. She couldn't help taking a sip of water, and she felt that she was really even drooling. sour.

  Even if it is divorced, people will live much better than her.

  Don't say four or five thousand, it is four or five hundred. She spends a lot of time thinking about it.

  Mrs. Zhou’s envy eyes are almost shining.

"What do you do with so many four-piece suits? This is too much to use, don’t you just leave them old, buy a few and use them first, wait until they are worn out, or if you want to replace them with new ones, then try again. Isn’t it enough to buy? There is no need to buy so many at once!"

   "This is what I want to use. There are more people in my family." Zhao Yue said.

   "All use? How old is your family? Can so many people live in it?" Mrs. Zhou was a little bit disbelieved. Even if Zhao Yue lived in the western-style building before his divorce, there were not so many rooms.

   "Can live." Zhao Yue gave a simple answer.

   "I can live in a house with so many people, then my eyes will be opened!" Although he said that, Mrs. Zhou obviously didn't believe it, and Zhao Yue must be talking big, bragging, and vanity.

  Some people are envious of others who have a good life. They are obviously not good, but they pretend to be plain. Not only that, they also try to find all kinds of loopholes to prove that what the other party says is false.

  Zhao Yue didn't stop her either. There was a guide who was familiar with the terrain, and it was indeed very convenient for them now.

  The four-piece suit is just the beginning.

  You have to buy bedding, pillows, and some daily toiletries.

  There are no kitchen utensils, all of which need to be bought new.

  Zhao Yue brought the old man over, and did not pack up any salutes. He just prepared to buy new ones after arriving in the capital. Since they are all out shopping today, of course, I can’t forget this.

  At the end of the day, Mrs. Zhou has become numb.

  She finally saw what it means to spend money like flowing water. She couldn't even think of this kind of life.

Although she doesn’t have many friends, she has met the world when she is socializing with her husband. She has met many officials, wives and businessmen, but she has never seen anyone spend money. Catch up with Zhao Yue.

Mrs. Zhou really accepted the baptism of the rich this day. From the initial questioning, to the later unbelievable, to the numbness now, she no longer had the idea of ​​trying to expose Zhao Yue’s lies in the first place. Up.

  Spending money is like running water, no matter how expensive it is, you don’t blink your eyes. Such a person thinks that the accommodation is not bad.

Although she was mentally prepared, she also imagined that the house they bought might be very large, or a detached western-style house, but when she stood in front of the quaint courtyard, she looked at the huge courtyard, Just like the high-ranking official's house in the TV series, she was able to lay eggs in her shocked mouth.

   "Zhao Yue, this...this...this..."

"This is our house. Mu Mu bought it two years ago. She is now in college. This is our place to stay. We don't need to stay in a hotel when we go back and forth between Beijing and Shanghai. How about, does my girl have the foresight? "

  Speaking of Jiang Mu, Zhao Yue just smiled, with a proud face, and the most outstanding look of my daughter.

Mrs. Zhou is very speechless, is this the point?

  Does the foresight matter?

  How much does it cost for such a big house!

  Furthermore, Jiang Mu is a little older child, where did she get so much money to buy a house!

  You don’t need to think about it. Zhao Yue must have said this deliberately. It should be to show off her daughter, as she proved how correct she decided to divorce her daughter at the time.

  If Zhao Yue knew what Mrs. Zhou was thinking at this time, she would definitely show off her daughter’s "great achievements".

   "The house is messy, and it was only cleaned up yesterday. There are so many things here, many of which are not installed, forgive me." Although that said, Zhao Yue came here for the first time.

  Jiang Mu is leading the way. She walked very slowly, feeling that her eyes were a little useless. The pavilions and corridors, rockery gardens, the scenery is very elegant, and she feels like she has traveled through time and space and returned to the feudal dynasty.

  Zhao Yue likes it more and more, her daughter is really not so capable!

  The light of the line of sight swept to Mrs. Zhou, and she was about to run out of her eyes when she was shocked, and she was even more proud and proud.

  Her daughter is so talented!

  After passing through the small yard in the front, I finally came to the hospital, which became more popular here.

  Jiang Mu has seen the scenery here many times, and he doesn't feel so amazing about it anymore, so he went directly into the living room.

  Zhao Yue slowed down, seriously admiring the beautiful scenery.

  It’s been five minutes since she entered the living room.

   "I’ll tell you, I’m here for the first time. This is the first time I have returned to Beijing after my divorce, and I’m not familiar with my family. You should sit down and drink a glass of water. After a busy day, are you tired?"

  Zhao Yue took a bottle of mineral water and handed it over. There was no way, she didn’t know where to boil hot water.

  Where is Mrs. Zhou thirsty, this day is too exciting.

   "This can't be said to be a house anymore. It should be a house. Such a big house cost a lot of money?" Mrs. Zhou knocked on the side, she wanted to know the exact price.

   "It's okay, it's only tens of millions." Jiang Mu's tone was very plain, not deliberately taking a stand and posing, but that's what she felt.

  The current tens of millions, in a few years, it will be hundreds of millions, more than a billion.

   "Tens of millions!!" Mrs. Zhou raised her voice in shock. She had never seen so much money before.

   "Zhao Yue, you are really amazing. You can spend so much money to buy a yard. Compared with yours, our newly subdivided house can be regarded as a home, at best it is a small nest."

Mrs. Zhou sighed, "It seems that you are divorced right, otherwise, why would you meet such a large-scale object? Such an expensive house, if you say you buy it, he is very kind to you, this man who is always willing to spend money, I must not let it go!"

  Zhao Yue was a little unhappy, “This house was not the money paid by my partner. At that time, I didn’t know my partner. Mumu bought this yard, and she also owned it alone. It will be used as a dowry when we get married in the future."

Mrs. Zhou looked suspiciously at Jiang Mu, who was tilted and leaning on the wooden chair, "How did you make so much money? It's so amazing. Is there any way to share it with auntie?"

   Jiang Mu has searched out the memory of Mrs. Zhou in the vast sea of ​​memories. This man, supported by her husband, likes to show off his excellent son to others. He has no opinion, no own opinion, no own opinion, and always agrees with others.

  Vanity is strong, like to show off, and pin his sense of existence in the eyes of everyone's envy.

  But, she is not a bad person.

  Like all ordinary people, there are some minor problems of this and that, but, in the previous life, her ending was not good.

  "I just had better luck. When I came to Beijing during the winter vacation, I picked up the leak in Panjiayuan. After I sold it, I just changed the house."

Mrs. Zhou enviously said, "Then your luck is really great! You can pick up such a big leak! Your Uncle Zhou also likes antiques, and he also wandered around Panjiayuan during his break, and he did not succeed in picking up such a leak. Yes. Come to play at home when you have time, you can talk to your Uncle Zhou."

   Jiang Mu did not refuse, leaving Zhao Yue to greet him, and went to help the two elderly people clean up the room.

  Get it out quickly, she has more important things to do.

  (End of this chapter)

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