Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 554: 554 I can't get rid of it

  Chapter 554 Chapter 554 can't get rid of Wen Liyan

  It is the first time for the two old people to come here. They have also seen this kind of courtyard house in TV series. In the eyes of the two old men, this can be compared with the Jia's house in the Dream of Red Mansions.

  Although it is said that they have been shopping for a long time, the two of them are particularly interested in the house and are not tired at all. They always have the idea of ​​not being reconciled to not looking at the house.

  As for cleaning up the house, he has long been left behind by the two elders.

  Happy to see the two elders, Jiang Mu feels better.

  She neatly put on the four-piece silk suit that the two elders liked, and received the new clothes and new shoes she bought today in the closet, and bought everything she could think of before returning.

   "Mu Mu, this house is too big, I almost lost my way!" Sun Hongfen has gained a lot of knowledge this time, and his eyes are almost out of reach, and he feels good everywhere.

   "How can you get lost? Just walk a few more times. Our yard is the main courtyard of the courtyard. The front yard is the gate, which is easy to find."

  Jiang Mu took out a piece of paper, took a ballpoint pen, and began to draw a map.

  In fact, if you simply talk about the size of the courtyard, the courtyard is naturally very large, and it is more than 3,000 square meters. If you are unfamiliar, it is normal for a person to get lost in the yard if there is no one to lead it.

   Jiang Mu was worried about this, she explained the layout of the yard while painting.

  Five minutes later, a hand-drawn map of the courtyard is completed.

  I have to say that Jiang Mu’s painterly is not so good, even with a ballpoint pen, it is a single stroke, and there is no need to modify the original.

She drew very delicate and vivid images. After seeing the two elders, they smiled and nodded, "This makes it easier to recognize. When we go out tomorrow, we will look at this map. It’s too late today, otherwise I really want to. Walk around the entire yard in one breath!"

  Sun Hongfen said with emotion.

  "Don't you want to climb the Great Wall tomorrow?" Jiang Mu asked doubtfully.

"What's easy to climb on the Great Wall? In contrast, the problem of houses is more important! I heard from Koizumi and they said that you have an oil painting competition. You don't have to come over tomorrow, and you will be busy with your own affairs. We I won’t go out tomorrow, and I’ll just walk around the garden at home."

  Sun Hongfen made the decision directly.

  Jiang Mu only felt that he was staring at a group of crows flying by, making people speechless. I don’t know who said that when he arrived in the capital, he didn’t even climb the Great Wall. What's the point of a visit to the capital!

  Is it really good to change your mind so quickly?

  "Don’t worry, Koizumi is fine, he will be with us, and the family has all the ingredients and everything. If we are hungry, we will cook by ourselves. You don’t have to worry about us."

  Sun Zhengde said, and Sun Quan behind him stared at him with wide eyes. What does it mean that he is okay?

  He has a lot of things, OK?

  Do you remember who your grandson is?

  After contacting Wen Liyan two more times to send Wen Liyan to the hospital, he finally didn’t have to send someone off today. Jiang Mu said he was very happy and in a very good mood.

   However, when I left, I still saw Wen Liyan and Sun Quan following her, Jiang Mu was puzzled, "I'm back to school, and you live here tonight." She emphasized.

   "It's just that you have to know school before we come to send you back. You are a girl who is going back alone so late. It's still a bit dangerous. Let's be a flower protector."

  Sun Quan explained with a smile, constantly reviewing her favorability score, who told her to forgive him for not here!

   "Thank you, but I don't need it. You should go back to the room. If someone really wants to rob me, then their luck is too bad, and it is estimated that they can only go to jail."

   Jiang Mu carried the school uniform jacket in his hand, very free and easy.

In fact, Sun Quan thinks the same way. No one knows Jiang Mu's skills better than him. He and Wen Liyan are really useless as flower protectors. He doesn't have Jiang Mu to fight, and Wen Liyan's skills are much better than Jiang Mu. , It's just that his current physical condition is not the best. Under the current situation, the most powerful of the three is Jiang Mu.

  The three of them went to school together. On the way, if something really happened, it would be hard to say who would protect who.

   "Let’s go, don’t ask for a car. Didn’t you win a Bentley in Hong Kong City? Just drive it out. Let’s go to school like this. It’s faster."

  Wen Liyan suddenly spoke. After being thoroughly exposed by Jiang Mu, she was too lazy to conceal it. In a word, he knew what happened to her in Hong Kong City.

  Jiang Mu slanted a glance at Sun Quan. If the spy hadn’t confided her, how could Wen Liyan’s information be clear.

   Sun Quan, who was inexplicably caught talking about the smoke and knife, stretched out his hand and pointed at himself helplessly, "What did I do wrong again?"

  "What have you done yourself, do you know what you have done!?"

  Sun Quan has a guilty conscience, shut up and dare not say anything.

   Jiang Mu felt that her driving skills were not bad, so he got in the car and left.

  Directly hit the roof of the car, with the afterglow of the setting sun, the breeze stroked the cheeks, blowing away the heat from the body, and enjoying the lively scenes on both sides of the street, it was really comfortable.

  This is simply enjoyment.

  No wonder so many men like to buy cars, it feels so good!

  On a street with only a few cars, Jiang Mu stepped on the accelerator to the end, and the Bentley, who was already galloping on the road, suddenly picked up speed. ,

  Sun Quan suddenly grasped the handrail above his head, and looked at the speed dial with horror. This is all 200, okay!

  The scenery outside the car window has become an afterimage, and it is too late to see the situation outside clearly.

  Looking at their cars surpassing one after another, Sun Quan felt an excitement and excitement in his heart, and finally was a little worried. At such a fast speed, shouldn't there be any accidents?

  Sun Quan had already begun to play drums in his heart, and he was up and down. If there was an accident, things would not be easy to clean up.

  He wanted to persuade Jiang Mu not to drive so fast, which is too dangerous.

  But, he dare not.

   just got beaten up, and he didn’t want to be beaten again.

  Sun Quan could only turn his head and stuck to Wen Liyan, who was also silent, “Brother Yan, really, think of a way quickly. If you drive so fast, it’s easy for something to happen.”

  Wen Liyan leaned lazily against the seat of the car. The scenery passing by the window did not attract his attention at all. All his eyes were on the back of the driver.

  From the perspective of love, you can just see the white back of the neck, and the earlobes are very thick, which looks easy to pinch.

  The white fingers rubbed unconsciously, and wanted to step forward to try the touch, but did not dare to act rashly.

   "Brother Yan, I said what you are looking at, but you are talking, support or disagree, give some advice! It's really too dangerous to keep going like this!" Sun Quan said impatiently.

  Wen Liyan came back to his senses and suppressed the turbulent thoughts of the cigarette butts.

  (End of this chapter)

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