Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 555: 555 Let's play together (double more in one)

  Chapter 555 555 Let’s play together (double more in one)

"Fortunately, you have been with Jiang Mu for so long. She has an idea in her heart. Don't worry, she will never go wrong. If she dares to drive so fast today, she must be sure that nothing will happen. When have you seen her do it? What do you grasp?"

  Wen Liyan's eyes are gentle, and he recognizes Jiang Mu's ability even if everyone doesn't approve it.

  Being able to improve so much in such a short period of time, and still keep improving in control points, whether it is character or courage, it is undoubtedly admirable.

"Why do I feel that there are many things that Brother Mu is not sure about before doing it, but she always looks confident, as if everything is in her hands, in fact, if she is sure, she really has nothing to do. grasp."

  This point is still figured out by Sun Quan over the years.

  “At the beginning, I didn’t count the reward for finding a bone marrow match for you. She sprinkled so much money and drained so many contacts, but in the end she almost failed.”

  Wen Liyan heard the words and stopped speaking.

The dish was bad, why did he forget? Wen Liyan's most guilty thing is that Jiang Mu didn't take care of the business and didn't go to school very much in order to get a suitable match. In the end, he was threatened and almost followed Wen Ru for him. Bye bye, many people have misunderstood him as a white-eyed wolf before. He felt guilty for a long time because of this incident.

   "Brother Yan, I..."

  Sun Quan's words were not finished yet, only hearing a sharp brake sound, the original speeding Bentley suddenly stopped.

  Because of inertia, everyone subconsciously rushed forward, and then suddenly backed away.

  This sudden movement, no one was prepared, just felt that the brain was shaken a little dizzy.

Before the two of them could react, Jiang Mu opened the door and got out of the car. His movements were sharp. The door banged and was closed again, and the two people in the car reacted.

   "Jiang Mu, you are finally back! Are you going to participate in the oil painting competition?" Lu Fei had been waiting at the school gate for more than two hours.

   "Why don't I know?" Jiang Mu raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't take this matter to heart.

   "But now our department knows that you will not only participate in this oil painting competition, but you also threatened that your results will be better than Feng Xiaoxiao."

  Lu Fei's tone was a little anxious. Feng Xiaoxiao is not an average student. She is not only a school graduate, but she is better than many other students in terms of professional ability and level.

  Jiang Mu is only a freshman, and his professional studies have just begun. The time for practice is not as long as Feng Xiaoxiao. It is too difficult to beat her.

   "You are so anxious, it seems that you think this news is exaggerated." Jiang Mu pursed his lips and smiled, tilting his head close to his ear, "I have a more exaggerated news here, do you want to listen?"

   "What?" Lu Fei asked suspiciously.

   "In fact, Ma Lele in our class will also participate in this oil painting competition, and they are even more arrogant, saying that they will definitely win the prize!" Jiang Mu said.

   "Is she crazy?" Lu Fei exclaimed in surprise.

  Jiang Mu shrugged, "Where do I know this? Anyway, I heard that, just like you heard that I was going to participate in an oil painting contest and threatened to surpass Feng Xiaoxiao."

  Lu Fei immediately heard her plan and couldn’t help but smile, “Don’t worry, it won’t be until tomorrow that Ma Lele is going to participate in the oil painting contest and threatened to win the prize. Everyone will know about it.”

   Jiang Mu's smile was even brighter, and his arm rested on Lu Fei's shoulder like this, "Brother, it's too good."

Seeing that the two were about to leave together, Wen Liyan and Sun Quan immediately got out of the car and chased them down.

   "Mu Mu, don't forget to call Aunt Zhao after going back to the bedroom, lest she worry about it," Wen Liyan said.

   "I know, Quan'er, send people to the hospital, otherwise my mother and grandma can linger on you!" Jiang Muman asked carelessly.

   "Don't worry, Brother Mu, wrap me around, don't worry about Brother Yan, have fun with your game." Sun Quan got into the car with the key and became the driver.

  "Game? What game? Do you still have time to play the game?" Lu Fei asked in confusion.

  "Don’t you think this oil painting competition is like a game? You are also one of them now, and until tomorrow, Ma Lele is also a member."

   Jiang Mu said as he walked quickly towards the direction of the dormitory.

  Lu Fei understood, and smiled mildly, "Then play together. The more people who participate in the game, the more interesting it is."

The conversation between the two became more and more faint. Under the night, Wen Liyan was standing on the side of the road. The street light was already on. The old man pulled his tall and thin figure. He was straight, handsome, and handsome, half-faced. Hidden in the twilight, there is half of the light.

   "Brother Yan, let's go. If you don't go to the hospital anymore, the director should get angry again. Maybe you won't let you go out tomorrow." Sun Quan persuaded.

  Wen Liyan didn't say a word, until he couldn't hear the conversation between the two at all, then he turned into the car and said, "Let's go."

   looked calm and unwavering, as if nothing had happened, but his clenched fist revealed his true emotions at this time.

"Brother Yan, don't worry, the director has already said that your test data is very good, has it entered the normal range, you just need to continue to recuperate, take medicine on time, don't be too tired, you will recover sooner or later of."

Sun Quan is no longer the child who lacks a string. He learned of Wen Liyan’s feelings for Jiang Mu two years ago. He helped Wen Liyan report Jiang Mu’s situation. There is a big reason for thinking about this. One day the two of them could really cultivate a righteous fruit, but he didn't expect that as soon as Jiang Mu was admitted to college, he met "first love," and the two directly began to befriend each other.

  Just now, Wen Liyan saw the process of getting along with these two people with his own eyes, and he would definitely not be reconciled.

   "Brother Yan, don't worry, everything is about your body. As for the matters between you and Brother Mu..." Sun Quan couldn't say anything anymore.

   "Don't persuade me, I know what to do." Wen Liyan said lightly.

  "What are you going to do?" Sun Quan asked.

Wen Li said nothing, but pressed his lips tightly, looking at the night view outside the window, admiring the neon lights flashing in the night, and watching the lively scene on the roadside, lost his senses.

  "Brother Yan, you see, now that Brother Mu also has a target, you know that Brother Mu, that stubborn temper is not good, now with her, Lu Fei is her boyfriend, I think you can still give up."

  Sun Quan looked embarrassed, his voice became lower as he went to the back, and the last word was a little vague to him, let alone Wen Liyan who was sitting in the back seat of the car.

  But at this moment, Wen Liyan, who was originally attracted by the night scene, turned his head, his black eyes were like the dark night outside, as if it could cover everything and drag everything into the darkness.


  The low-alcohol voice was cold, and the whole body was faintly permeated with murderous aura, "It will never be possible."

  Sun Quan, who was sitting in front of him, trembled subconsciously, feeling gloomy behind him, as if he was in an ice cellar.

   "Brother Yan——"

  The voice trembled.

  Wen Liyan closed his eyes and did not say another word.

  He rubbed his fingers gently, feeling the slippery fingers, smelling a faint smell of blood, he slightly curled the corners of his lips, like a rose in full bloom in the night, swaying, confusing, full of danger.


  The oil painting class is very lively recently.

  As soon as the National Day holiday ended, the students just returned to school, and they were confused by all kinds of unexpected news.

  First I heard that Jiang Mu, who had been doing things since the military training, started doing things again, and this time he was close to Feng Xiaoxiao, the school flower, not only signed up for the oil painting contest, but also threatened to win Feng Xiaoxiao.

  Everyone is complaining about it, and there is new news in the news at this time.

Ma Lele, a freshman in the oil painting class, also signed up for the oil painting competition. This one was even more exaggerated and directly threatened to get the place.

  Everyone was shocked.

  Whether it is a library, a cafeteria, a small shop, or in a studio, classroom, or bedroom, you can hear news about them.

"Do you guys tell me what happened to this oil painting class? One is more crazy than the other, the other is more arrogant. This is only a freshman, and one has to surpass the school flower, and one has to win an award. I really don’t know who gave them such a big prize courage?"

"I also want to know. Our school flowers are ordinary people, but they have good painting genes. There are professionals in the family. She has been painting since she was a child. For so many years, not only the teachers in her studies praised her, but I heard that Director Lien And the professor likes her very much!"

"No! She is only in her sophomore year, so she won the prize. Even the seniors and elder sisters of the third and fourth years are not as good as her. Take our department as an example, except for Lu Fei, it is estimated that no one can compare with her. ."

"I've heard of Jiang Mu. Kungfu is very powerful, and very mad, very arrogant, and very arrogant. I haven't thought of anything before. Isn't it just a little girl who just started school? Now I believe it, I dare to say that I can exceed Feng Xiaoxiao, what is this not arrogance?"

"What is arrogance, this is simply bragging! I think she just wants to attract everyone's attention. She is only a freshman and has only been in class for a few days? I don't even think that I have learned much theory, so I dare to make a big joke. Zhanshu! Want to step on the name of the school flower to make a name, I really can't help it."

“I’m really looking forward to it. It’s been a long time since we have seen such a stupid person. When our freshman was just a freshman, the teachers and professors praised her. Some people were not convinced and came to pick up stations many times, but the result was What? It’s not a slap in the face yet."

   "It seems that there will be a good show this time. I am looking forward to the day when the oil painting contest will produce results. She is so self-reliant. The more arrogant she is now, the faster her face will swell in the future."

"I originally admired Jiang Mu. I dared to beat the instructor and fight for myself. She was handsome and cool. But I didn't expect that she was such an arrogant person. She had just been in college for more than a month, so she dared to follow the department. The most talented people are arguing, and they are simply overwhelmed!"


  In the cafeteria, Ma Lele listened to these people's comments, her lips couldn't help but rose, and even the meal was more fragrant. What she wanted was such an effect.

  This oil painting competition is a national competition, and the judging is extremely strict. It is judged by highly respected figures in the industry. Moreover, the competition is not for schools, but for the whole country.

There are so many capable people in the country, and there are countless people with a talent for painting. If you dare to register for this level of competition, you must be very confident in your own painting, or someone who is extremely talented, such as Lu Fei, and For example, Feng Xiaoxiao.

   Such an arrogant declaration by Jiang Mu, it would be weird not to offend the public.

   "Lele, what's the good thing that you are so happy?" the girl who was eating with her asked in confusion.

  Ma Lele hasn't spoken yet, the little attendant next to him has already spoken, "I said you two are deaf? Do you hear the other party talking so loudly?"

"I heard it, but is there anything to be happy about?" The girl wondered, "Jiang Mu has always been arrogant, she can't do anything with people like her? I think, although she is arrogant, she has the arrogant ability. If she opens such a mouth, then she must be very sure!"

Ma Lele was a little unhappy when he heard the last sentence, but when he heard the last sentence, he laughed again, "You are right. Since Jiang Mu dared to say this, he must be very confident. When the result of the competition comes out, who knows what the result will be! Anything is possible."

  She meant something, but when the girl heard it, the other party did recognize her judgment, and couldn't help but be happy, "LeLe, you also think Jiang Mu might really surpass Feng Xiaoxiao, right?"

   "Of course." She waited for the result of the oil painting contest to see if she had any face in school by then!

"Let me say, if you talk about arrogance or arrogance, you still have to be Ma Lele in the oil painting class, don’t you know, this classmate is even better, and she will be able to win the prize! The buddy is already a senior, and he will graduate soon. There have been countless competitions, and the best place is the Excellence Award, but this freshman, facing such a harsh competition, is confident that he will definitely win the prize. Tell me, if this is not a madness, then what is madness? ?"

   "Wow! This year's freshman students are like this!"

  "Hehe, I think it’s very self-esteem, self-defeating, self-confidence, self-expansion, and in the end, I can only ask for hardship!"

"Ma Lele needs severe beating from the society. The little girl in the ivory tower thinks that she knows how to draw, so she feels that she can win a prize in the competition. Typically, she doesn't know the suffering of the world and what it means to be outside. Someone, there are mountains beyond the mountains!"

   "I wanted to win a prize in the freshman year. Who does she think she is? A genius? Ha ha, it's just a lack of discipline. Waiting for the results of the competition to see how she faces her classmates and teachers?"

   "I can only say that this year's younger brothers can't do it. Look, every girl can blow so well. They don't even know how to brag without a school girl. This is too wasteful."

   "Bag, take a bath and thunder, if Ma Lele can win the prize, I will run naked on the playground!"

   "If Ma Lele can win the prize, I will eat all my drawing paper!"

  "What about me? If Ma Lele wins the prize, I will...I will use the rest of my living expenses, please go out!"

   "What should I do, I suddenly a little expect Ma Lele to win the prize!"

  Everyone: "..."

  Ma Lele listened to her, her face with a bright smile suddenly became gloomy.

  (End of this chapter)

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