Chapter 556 556 Confidence

   "If you say you are arrogant, this Ma Lele is much arrogant than Jiang Mu who stayed up all night!"

"Yes, although Feng Xiaoxiao is indeed very powerful and has a family background, the difficulty of surpassing Feng Xiaoxiao is nothing compared with the difficulty of winning the prize. If it is said that the difficulty of surpassing Feng Xiaoxiao is ten Level, the prize is **** level."

  Ma Lele couldn’t eat anymore, he was cold all over, and he slammed his chopsticks, “What the **** is going on? How can there be such a rumor? When did I say that I would participate in the oil painting competition?”

   "Didn't you say it? I thought you listened to Jiang Mu's suggestion and wanted to pass the oil painting contest a blockbuster." said one of them.

"Yeah, I thought it was so, so I didn't tell you. Moreover, you are from elementary school to college, and you are taught by a famous teacher. The level is definitely much better than Jiang Mu. She can participate, why can't you participate? "The other person is also taken for granted.

  Ma Lele wants to vomit blood.

   Jiang Mu was passively participating. It was a rumor spread by her. There was no comparison with her.

   "It's just that, I thought your goal was to crush Jiang Mu in the oil painting competition. I didn't expect you to be so ambitious and want to win a prize!"

   "No, you can rest assured, we will definitely support you! We have confidence in you!"

  The two of them flattered, and Ma Lele took two deep breaths in a row, and then there was no loud shout: I am not! I do not have! Don't talk nonsense!

   "Eat fast, eat fast, hurry up and prepare, this is a great opportunity for a blockbuster! As long as you win the prize, it is even more beautiful than the school flower!"

  Ma Lele: "..."

  You also said that as long as you win the prize!

  Damn, if it’s so easy to win a prize, she won’t be in the morning, she still has to wait till now!

  She can only continue to pick up the chopsticks and continue to eat, but the excitement at the beginning has long disappeared, and her mood is very unhappy.

   "So, this year's freshmen are really talented, we can have a joke."

   "And it's still a series, it's a small climax this afternoon."

   "What's the situation? What small orgasm?"

  "Don’t forget, how many admirers of our school flowers, who will let a freshman who just entered the freshman year step on someone they admire so much?"

   "Did you mean?" Everyone was interested, and there was a leaping light in their eyes.

   "There is a big class this afternoon. Guess what will those admirers do to Jiang Mu?"


  Everyone spoke in unison, which immediately attracted the attention of many people in the cafeteria.

  However, Ma Lele's mood didn't improve much. Jiang Mu was very happy to eat, but when she thought about the rumors about herself, she just wanted to sigh, just to resolve her rumors, and she didn't want to do anything else.

  However, the two people around me don't think so.

   "Let’s go early this afternoon, take a good position, and wait for the theater!"

   "Yes, that's right, I'm going to buy melon seeds, how can there be no melon seeds in the theater!"

   "Then I'll buy water, how about Coke? Just eating melon seeds must be dry."

   "Lele, you don't need to prepare anything, you just need to prepare the entries, and leave the rest to us!"

  Ma Lele: Is it too late to leave now? She didn't even want to participate in the oil painting competition and prepare a Rao Shizi work.

  She is sad now, when she heard someone calling her.

  "Isn't this the class leader? I heard that you are going to participate in this oil painting competition, and you are very sure to win the prize. You are the light of our oil painting class! Our oil painting class depends on you!"

   Jiang Mu patted her on the shoulder from behind him, then stepped directly over the chair, and sat down beside her, with a sincere tone, a sincere attitude and pure eyes.

  People who don’t know the inside story think that what she said is sincere.

  Ma Lele gritted his teeth and lowered his voice, "Is it your ghost?"

   Jiang Mu blinked a pair of apricot eyes, "What are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

  "Don’t try to understand and pretend to be confused! I have never participated in an oil painting competition. If it weren’t for you, how could such news come out? I even said I could win a prize!"

  Jiang Mu put one hand in his trouser pocket and leaned lazily on the chair, "Coincidentally, I never said that I would participate in an oil painting competition, nor did I say that winning Feng Xiaoxiao is easy."

  Ma Lele suffocated, OK, confirmed, it must be her ghost.

   Jiang Mu laughed, "Is it very irritable? Very depressed? Very aggrieved?"

  Ma Lele was about to explode, looking at Jiang Mu's smiling face, she couldn't wait to slap him directly.

   "But it's a pity, you can't explain it. Tell me, is it just that many acts of injustice will kill you?" Jiang Mu smiled more brilliantly.

   "Since you pulled me off the court and spread my rumors around, you must be prepared to be treated the same! What's the point of just playing off the court by myself? Just join you, everyone playing together, it’s so lively.

   Jiang Mu smiles undiminished.

  Just owe as much as you owe.

  Ma Lele gritted his teeth: God is so lively! Who likes to have fun with you.

   "You are all finished, then I won't bother you. After all, you are the one who wants to win the prize. We idlers can't delay your time. Every minute and every second of your current time is very precious!"

  This yin and yang was so angry that Ma Lele couldn't eat anything, so he threw the chopsticks directly and left the canteen angrily.

  Han Yutong gave a thumbs up, "Fourth! Great! How come you haven’t noticed before, your mouth is so good!"

   "Thank you for the praise, it's average." Jiang Mu sat down with a smile, "I finally ordered the braised pork ribs, so I can eat it while it's hot."

  "Yes, yes, the fourth child is a treat, but you can't miss such a good opportunity! Don't be polite, everyone, grab it all!" Han Yutong took the lead in moving his chopsticks.

   "I said you guys are so good, you know it is called braised pork ribs, boiled pork slices are so delicious, are you sure you don't have a bite?" Ba Wang asked, pointing to the red popped pork slices on his dinner plate.

   "Just waiting for your words!" Han Yutong's voice sounded, and the chopsticks had been inserted into King Ba's dinner plate.

   "I said you cut a little bit less and save a few pieces for me, did you hear that?" King Ba also hurriedly stretched out his chopsticks and picked up the braised pork ribs.

  An Ying didn't say anything, but the speed of moving the chopsticks was not at all slower than that of the two.

Jiang Mu was speechless. Seeing the three people’s chopsticks flying on the dining table, Jiang Mu was helpless, “I said, what’s the matter with the three of you? I said the treats, you can call again after eating, yes. It has to be so tightly packed, it's like it's gone after eating."

  As soon as Jiang Mu's voice fell, there was a piece of braised pork ribs missing on the dinner plate, and then she also started to move her chopsticks, quickly grabbing the braised pork from Han Yutong's dinner plate.

   "Who just said you don't need to grab it! Are you too quick to regret this?" As Han Yutong spoke, his movements were faster, and the only braised pork ribs on Jiang Mu's dinner plate was picked up by An Ying.

  The chopsticks battle of the four began immediately.

  The other tables in the canteen are not lively here, which can not help attracting the attention of many people.

The discussion about Jiang Mu became more enthusiastic for a while, but Jiang Mu seemed to have not heard it, still eating lunch happily with his roommates. The things discussed by others have nothing to do with them, just like they are. Everyone said it's not like her.

  After eating and drinking, the four of them walked towards the dormitory.

   "Fourth old sister, this time the sisters really did their best. Can't you just send us away, this one week of lunch, you can leave it to you!"

  Han Yutong looked at Jiang Mu expectantly, and he sighed while talking.

Jiang Mu’s habit of taking other people’s shoulders has come again, "No problem, it’s up to you to wear Ma Lele so fast this time in the competition! When I asked you to eat, I invited you to eat! I had a cafeteria today. , Go to the second canteen tomorrow!"

  Bawang immediately ordered, "Tomorrow I want to eat fish-flavored shredded pork and roast duck!"

   Jiang Mu: "No problem."

   "Then I have to braise pork ribs!" Han Yutong also took the opportunity to order.

   "Dongpo Meat!" It was An Ying who said this.

   Jiang Mu smiled and looked at several people, "No problem, you can eat as much as you want."

  Thanks to this group of sisters, otherwise she would not be so easy to get into the water.

  They are so cute.

  She was lucky to meet these roommates on the campus of the University of Love.

"By the way, the fourth child, although we have spread the news that Ma Lele will also participate in the competition and win prizes, this will not alleviate your affairs at all. You and you still have to participate in the oil painting competition, you are sure ?"

  An Ying asked uneasy.

   "There is a certainty of the wool! We are only freshman! Only freshman! This is a national oil painting competition. Our country has many talents. How can I have that ability!"

   Jiang Mu is not humble, she is telling the truth.

  She loves painting very much. She has chosen this major from elementary school to university, and even university, but she hasn’t really estimated the level of her absorption.

"Don't worry, I have asked my family to hire a famous teacher. No matter what, if you lose or not lose the battle, you start a small stove and let these famous teachers guide you! They are some famous painters in the circle, from their You should be able to learn something in your body."

  Bawang said.

  Jiang Mu was surprised, "The boss deserves to be the boss, he is amazing! You can invite painters, and give me back as a teacher. It's interesting! Brothers!"

  The chin is the same as the king, and the short hair is flashing, and he is very handsome.

"These are all trivial, the key is to see how much you can learn! Anyway, don't put too much pressure on yourself, just do your best. Don't worry, even if it is the final result, you have not defeated Feng Xiaoxiao. We will also try our best not to let the students in the school read your jokes!"

  Bawang said.

"Yes, you can rest assured, you may not be able to surpass Feng Xiaoxiao, but Ma Lele, she will definitely not get the award, then everyone’s focus will definitely be on Ma Lele, with our guidance. Even if everyone is ridiculing, Ma Lele is the one who ridicules. Basically, he would not think of you."

  Han Yutong bluntly stated some of the countermeasures they had discussed.

   Jiang Mu's heart is warm, as if drinking a glass of boiling water in a cold winter day, there are two words all over the body-comfort!

  "I am very grateful for your help. Although it is difficult, I will work hard to turn the rumors into reality!"

  Inexplicably, Jiang Mu burned a raging fighting spirit in her heart, and she didn't even know why.

   "Then you come on, Senior Lu Fei, our eldest son will leave it to you, if you can't take care of him, don't blame me for being polite!"

  Some classmates were defending Jiang Mu, and Jiang Mu's eyebrows were bent with a smile.

   "Don't worry, there will be no problems with people here. I will definitely send her home before ten o'clock in the evening." Lu Fei said seriously.

  It may be because of the particularity of his identity, so many things are inconvenient to talk about. Now suddenly I say such a sentence, which is really very emotional.

   Jiang Mu was intercepted by Lu Fei downstairs in the dormitory, and the two went directly to the studio.

  They have been together for a long time, but there is not much time for real communication, let alone the frequency. Basically, there is nothing else except this time.

"Are you ready for the subject? If you are ready, hurry up and write. The jury is extremely lively this time, and the number of judges has also risen sharply. If you want to get good results, you must let most of the people. satisfaction."

  Lu Fei analyzed it seriously.

"It's true to say that, but right, Feng Xiaoxiao has a rich family background, and she has been a painter at home. She has too many opportunities to be taught all kinds of knowledge. Those may be things she has never even heard. know how."

   Jiang Mu felt a little sour in his heart, and the sourness began to nausea.

  If she had such conditions since she was a child, she would definitely be better today than she is now.

"Don't be discouraged, you are also very powerful! Very powerful! Just the paintings you made in the studio before, every picture is wonderful, I think you still have a high probability of winning, but the premise is, You have to have confidence in yourself."

  A bowl of chicken soup was poured into it, which must be very refreshing.

  Jiang Mu shrugged his shoulders, the corners of his lips smile just right, just showing his white teeth, "Of course! I have no other strengths, so I am confident!"

  Lu Fei smiled helplessly, "I know your confidence."

   "So, with so much confidence, what do you want to paint?" He continued to ask.

   Jiang Mu: "..."

   Sorry, she really didn’t think about it. Last night she thought about it all night, but she didn’t think of the answer. Her mind was messed up until the sun rose, she closed her eyes and squinted for a while.

  "You haven't thought of it yet, have you?" Lu Fei was shocked.

   Jiang Mu nodded helplessly, "I will find it hard, don’t worry, I will definitely participate in this oil painting contest! Don’t say anything else, I can play two contestants at the level of Ma Lele!"

  Lu Fei still looked worried, "Are you really okay?"

   "That's natural!" The voice is super loud, but he is extremely guilty.

  (End of this chapter)

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