Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 557: 557 I am very forgiving, really (double more in one)

  Chapter 557 557 I am very forgiving, really (double more in one)

  The afternoon is the big class for the whole college. The ladder-shaped classroom with more than 100 people basically accommodates the freshmen of the whole college. Naturally, there are also sophomores, juniors and sophomores.

  University has such courses, no matter what major you are studying, you must take it, such as Ma Zhe, such as Mao Gai.

  The large ladder classroom is full of seats.

  The four people in Jiang Mu's dormitory were sitting together. This kind of thinking class, except for An Ying, did not listen carefully to them in their dormitory.

  Jiang Mu brought a picture book. Basically, this kind of class is a must-have choice for her to go on a business trip.

  The four people walked to the right from the exit. An Ying was sitting on the outside. Not only did she bring textbooks, she also brought a notebook. The notebook was neatly arranged and listed important knowledge points. You can see the students' intentions at a glance.

  Inside is Jiang Mu. The book is called a brand new and smooth, and even the name is not complete. There is a character Mu like crazy grass. Compared with the textbook, the content on the picture book is much richer.

After    is Han Yutong. She is holding a picture album. The book is just borrowed. It contains works by excellent painters. This book is very popular in the academy, and there is a queue for borrowing.

  In the end, it was King Ba. This person didn't even take the textbook. Instead, he took a bottle of nail polish and was painting her nails slowly. It is conceivable that she was going to pass this class.

  The four people started from the day of the beginning, and from the first big class, this is the configuration, and they have been used to it in a few weeks.

  As usual today, the four of them have chosen the positions and started to get busy.

Jiang Mu’s words have been half drawn, and they are all her whims, or sudden inspirations, which are all recorded by her. Here are the complete design drawings and design elements, which can be said to be her most precious. Book it.

During college, she also had her plan. This book was the top priority. Originally, she wanted to open a small personal jewelry studio. However, the oil painting competition made her stop. Play, but she doesn't like losing.

  Just which theme is better to draw?


   Jiang Mu was thinking, and suddenly he was slapped on the table. The other party directly threw the thick textbook on her table, shaking her paintbrushes.

  If it were not for her to move back quickly, the book must have hit the back of her hand, and it would be strange if it was not swollen by the time.

   "Are you Jiang Mu?" A sleek boy arrogantly raised his chin to the sky.

   "I'm Jiang Mu, are you a shrew?" Jiang Mu's expression was not good, and his two long legs were lying casually, lazily mocking.

  "Who do you think is a shrew! You are a girl who speaks so inconspicuously, not at all quiet, bluffing, arrogant, just like you, you want to compare with the school girl! What do you compare?"

  The boy's voice was very loud, and the classroom that was originally a little noisy suddenly became quiet.

  The eyes of everyone gathered.

   "It's really funny, who said I want to compare with the school girl? Why don't I know?" Jiang Mu asked back.

  The boy had a belly-up. He set up a lot of situations and imagined Jiang Mu's many answer directions. He thought about how he should refute these answers.

  Just because of this, he prepared a stack of A4 papers, but no matter what kind of paper, he didn't think of this, and Jiang Mu denied it on the spot.

"Do you think that you can avoid this problem if you don't admit it? What you are challenging is the school flower. Do you know the concept of school flower. Now not only our college, but other colleges also know it! You are now afraid and start to deny it. Now, do you find it useful?"

  There was no answer at the first time, which made the boys' aura a lot weaker.

   Jiang Mu was very helpless, and sure enough, the explanation had no effect.

  "Since you like people who are like people, like animals with no IQ, you only believe what you hear and believe what other people say in their mouths, what can I do?"

"Heh! Who do you show this appearance to? Now that you know the gap between you and the school girl, and know that you will definitely lose, so I dare not admit it? As long as you admit that you are not talented and not capable enough, the reason why you will release before will definitely be able If I have beaten Feng Xiaoxiao, I just want to show the limelight! Let this matter go!"

   said the boy.

   Jiang Mu felt that her fist was itchy. She clenched her fist, slapped it, and propped her arm. She sat on the desk, and instantly narrowed the distance with the boy.

   Being so suddenly approached, the boy took two steps back subconsciously in fright, and spit.

   "I am not a very good temper, what kind of green onion, come to me and make irresponsible remarks, you are not qualified!"

Because of being despised, the anger in the bottom of his heart rose again, and the loud voice rose again, "Which onion or garlic do you think you dare to challenge the school flower! If it is better than anything else, I won't say anything. No, who knew that you had the courage to compare oil paintings with the school flowers, and you couldn't help it!"

  "Do you know how many times the school flower has won awards?"

  "Do you know who the master of the school is?"

"you know……"

   "Can you shut up?" Jiang Mu buttoned his ears, hearing impatiently.

  Boy: "……"

Jiang Mu raised his fist, "Don't buzz and scream like a fly. I have a habit. When I hear this sound, I subconsciously want to shake my fist. After a while, if I throw my fist out, it's not mine. You asked for the problem."

  Boy: "You..."

  Jiang Mu raised his fist, the boy shut up immediately, his lips pressed tightly, and he didn't even dare to say anything.

She put her other hand on his shoulder and patted hard, "Very well, I like people who know me. Remember, this is the first time. I am still very tolerant towards classmates. Forgive me this time. You’re here, but if there is a second time, don’t blame me for being rude."

  After finishing, Jiang Mu raised his fist, the back of his white hand, tightly clenched, looking white and soft, but it was full of lethality.

  "You like listening to rumors so much, you should listen to it. During the military training, I even dare to beat the instructor. If you think you are better than the instructor, you are welcome to die."

Among the crowd onlookers, there were already some regrets. They shouldn’t be talking about Jiang Mu’s threats that would definitely surpass Feng Xiaoxiao, but I’m also glad that I didn’t rush in front of her to accuse her, otherwise, it is very likely that this fist would fall on them. On the body.

  Everyone was afraid for a while, they didn't have the skills of an instructor, but they couldn't stand this fist.

   Jiang Mu glanced at everyone, very satisfied with his threatening power.

  But, someone just wants to die.

"Jiang Mu, what are you crazy? What are you arrogant! I tell you, just like you, you are not worthy to carry shoes for laughter!" The high voice sounded, and the people who watch the excitement don't care about talking now, Jiang Mu His fists are still very scary.

   Jiang Mu supported his arm and returned to the seat, not even bothering to take care of it.

  Liu Yue felt that he was underestimated, and he patted the table three times in a row. The thick textbook knocked on the table and looked very majestic.

"You are speechless by me! I see a lot of people like you, don't you just want to show the limelight? I really don't know where Lu Fei is interested in you, so he would give up laughing and choose For someone like you."

Liu Yue became even more arrogant. Seeing that Jiang Mu didn't say a word, he became more proud, "Just like you, smiling with you is deliberate, but the sky, the underground. I advise you to be aware of each other, recognize your own strength, and don't be too ambitious. It makes people laugh."

  "What's the situation? Didn't you hear the bell ringing? It was noisy after class, what is it like!" The teacher walked in with a serious face, and sternly scolded.

   Liu Yue finally understands why Jiang Mu has been silent, and the feeling is because of class.

   "Insidious!" She gasped and gritted her teeth.

  Even the teacher heard her indignation.

   "Insidious! This classmate, what is your attitude! When you talk to the teacher in this tone, who taught you the rules?" The teacher sternly reprimanded.

  "If you have any opinion on my class, you don’t need to listen! Even elementary school students only need to respect the teacher, you are not as good as elementary school students!"

   Liu Yue's face was red, and he was scolded by the teacher and ridiculed by Jiang Mu. That was two levels at all.

"Also, the textbook is for you to learn, not for you to throw away! As a student, you don't even know how to cherish the textbook. I think you can't take this course, the door is there, where Stay cool wherever you go! If you don’t study, don’t mistake others for studying!"

  In the end, Liu Yue could only hold the textbook in despair and left the classroom.

  It was the first time that the teacher was kicked out of the classroom under the watchful eyes of more than 100 people.

  The same boy who came to look for things before heaved a sigh of relief, thanking that he had just slipped fast, and that he hadn't been discovered by the teacher in what he said and did. Otherwise, he must be the one who has been expelled from the classroom.

  When the time comes, you will lose all your face, just like Liu Yue, you will definitely lose your adulthood by then.

  Teacher gave a lecture on the podium. Jiang Mumei continued her great career of drawing pictures, without the buzzing of flies in her ears, even her mood became better.

  Han Yutong: "Fourth, great! Killing without seeing blood!"

   Jiang Mu: "It's a piece of cake, it's not enough."

  Bawang: "Awesome! I like it!"

   Jiang Mu: "Low-key, low-key."

  An Ying was shocked: "So, you saw the teacher a long time ago, so you didn't reply for a while, deliberately irritating Liu Yue and letting the teacher drive her out?"

   "The third child, what do you think? Don't you think this is a coincidence?" Han Yutong was surprised.

  An Ying nodded.

   "I said the third child, you have to take me with you when you go out in the future, otherwise you will be too easy to be deceived!" Han Yutong sighed with emotion.

  An Ying is still shocked, her eyes on Jiang Mu are full of admiration, "Awesome! Fourth, your head is turning too fast, borrow a knife to kill, use it well!"

  "In addition to borrowing a knife to kill people, did you use it to invite you to enter the urn?" Han Yutong asked puzzledly.

  "Why, please enter the urn, I think at best it is to close the door and hit the dog!" For Liu Yue, King Ba didn't like it at all.

  A few people looked at each other and smiled, but did not dare to speak out. The teacher was in a bad mood, and they didn't want to be criticized by name.

  Ma Lele gritted his teeth hard, suppressing the heavy panting, this Jiang Mu!

  It was she who underestimated her. Under such circumstances, she could even come back!

Not only didn’t let the two people ridicule, but solved the two through the hands of the teacher. By the way, they also threatened a large number of classmates. It is estimated that after this class, this matter will be spread again. Then, It is estimated that there will be no people who do not have long eyes who dare to discuss this matter any more.

   Even if it is a discussion, it will no longer be a mockery of Jiang Mu, but will discuss the matter from another angle.

  In addition to Jiang Mu threatening to surpass Feng Xiaoxiao in school, she will also participate in the oil painting competition and win prizes!

  Everyone dare not talk about Jiang Mu, the attention will naturally shift to her side.

  Ma Lele took a deep breath, she hated the current situation very much!

   "The person in front is Ma Lele, right?"

   "Yes, it's the freshman who made a promise and said he could get the ranking."

   "What a madness! A newcomer with no experience, above the top, and high self-esteem, thinks that she can win prizes with her level! This is ridiculous!"


  Ma Lele clenched his fists, again! That's it again!

  In the past few days, she didn’t know how much she had listened to the same thing. At first, he tried to explain. She didn’t say that she would participate in several oil painting competitions or that she would win prizes, but no one believed it.

  Later, she just heard it, and could only digest it by herself.

  Thinking that Jiang Mu had experienced the same thing with her, she could barely be happy.

  The two of them are half a catty, no one is noble.

   But now, Jiang Mu has taken action. The force is worth deterrence. Although it can't solve the problem and can't completely eliminate the message, at least in the place where Jiang Mu is, no one will openly talk about this matter in front of her.

  But what about her?

  The situation is very bad.

  Her situation has not changed in any way, it is very likely that it will get worse and worse in the future.

  The more Ma Lele thinks, the more annoyed, the more he thinks, the more annoyed he becomes.

  She stared at Jiang Mu's back, wishing to see a big hole in her body.

  The teacher spoke vigorously at the front desk throughout the class, but she did not listen to a word. Ma Lele couldn't figure out why things had turned around in such a short period of time, and it was her who was embarrassed.

Jiang Mu was originally very alert, but now one more person has been staring at her. She noticed it the first time. While the teacher was writing on the blackboard, she quickly turned her head and showed Ma Lele. Bright smile.

  Ma Lele almost cursed, showing off! This is naked show off!

   But, she has no way to solve this matter.

  Until the end of get out of class, a sweet bell rang, and everyone left the classroom one after another.

   Jiang Mu cleaned up the album, feeling that the road was blocked.

  Ma Lele blocked her by herself, standing in the cold wind, she didn't feel cold at all.

   "Jiang Mu, I think it is necessary for us to have a good chat." Ma Lele said.

  (End of this chapter)

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