Chapter 571 571 Results

   "What's to be afraid of? I have confidence in my work." Jiang Mu said nonchalantly.

   "Awesome!" Ba Wang gave a thumbs up.

   "Strong!" Han Yutong also gave a thumbs up.

   "Awesome!" An Ying did the same action, and she felt relieved.

After receiving three thumbs side by side, Jiang Mu couldn’t help but smile, “Even if I lose, I’m just a freshman. I still have time to learn, practice, and improve myself. This oil painting competition is a self-testing. It’s those people who think it’s too important."

   Jiang Mu smiled openly, she really thought so.

  Although it doesn't sound so exciting, but these words made a few people admire her even more. Not everyone can do this, so despise the gains and losses.

  Not to mention the current situation.

   "Old fourth, you said you are obviously younger than us, but how do I think you speak like my dad." Han Yutong said smoothly.

   Jiang Mu's mouth twitched, "I'm sorry, I am a young and beautiful girl, not a big five and three rough master!"

   "I mean your tone of voice! It feels like an adult." Han Yutong explained.

  Jiang Mu couldn't help but patted her head, "I said the second child, we are all grown-ups, it's not enough to reach adulthood, and the mind and thoughts must grow."

  Han Yutong was a little dumbfounded.

King Ba looked at the two and said, "I didn't realize that you looked like the third child's father, but now I really think you are like a dad."

  Jiang Mu turned his head to look at An Ying, but found that An Ying was losing her mind and had no intention of expressing an opinion.

She sighed helplessly, and stretched out her arm to put her arm on the shoulders of the two of them, "Well, from today, I will be promoted to dad. In the future, you should stop calling me the fourth child, just call my dad, come, Celebrate my two boudoirs and daughters today, dad, let me treat!


  Bawang and Han Yutong unanimously, several people talked and laughed and walked towards the dormitory. No one noticed An Ying's absence.


  At this time, the panel of judges of the oil painting competition is also very lively.

  This competition can be said to be a wide-spread net, striving to cultivate excellent painters and fill the gap in domestic oil painting. , I don’t want China to lag behind the West too much.

  In addition to several highly respected predecessors of the Oil Painting Association, the judges this time also include professors from related art schools.

  These people can become teachers in higher education institutions, and they have a certain appreciation ability. Basically, these people have several masterpieces, and they all have corresponding status in the oil painting industry.

There are many people who signed up for the competition this time. After seeing each painting, the eight judges will give a score to each work, and then collect statistics. The highest score is the first prize, the second prize, and the third prize. The winners of the Excellence Award are also judged in this way.

  In the grading process, every judge does not know the painter corresponding to the painting.

  After many days of fatigue, the winning results of the oil painting contest are finally coming out.

  Those judging professors with students from our school are the most nervous.

  There are two professors who are particularly nervous, Fang Desheng from Yangmei and Yuan Changjiang from Zhejiang Mei.

  The two were competitors when they were young, and both had proud achievements in the painting world, and even won prizes in international oil painting competitions.

  After that, the two stayed in the capital one by one, went to Yangmei to become a professor, and began to lead students.

  One went to Jiangnan, became a professor at Zhejiang Mei, and began to teach students.

  The two have not distinguished themselves for half their lives. As they are older, their eyesight has deteriorated, and they start to compete with students without drawing.

  Any occasion where two people play at the same time, it will be extremely lively, and this time is no exception.

  The two have similar talents, but they stand on top of each other when it comes to leading students.

  Whether it is a large-scale national oil painting competition award, a regional oil painting competition, or an oil painting-related competition, Professor Fang Desheng of the Central American University loses to Professor Yuan Changjiang of Zhejiang American every time.

  No matter the number of award winners, the quality of the works, or the weight of the awards, they are all inferior to the students of Zhejiang Mei, which makes Fang Desheng nervous.

  Because, in this national oil painting competition, if the Central American Academy of Fine Arts loses to Zhejiang American Academy of Fine Arts, then the name of the country's top art college will really abdicate.

  Zhemei can directly change its name and become the National Academy of Fine Arts!

  Fang Desheng does not allow such results to appear!

  At the beginning, he chose to stay in Beijing and enter Yangmei to become a professor because Yangmei stably stabilized the head of Zhejiangmei. As far as the teaching institution is concerned, he won.

  If China Central America loses to Zhemei again this time, and the heavyweight award is taken away by Zhemei students, wouldn’t his previous choice be a joke!

Doesn't it mean that he also lost to Yuan Changjiang in teaching these years?

  The results of this competition are related to the honor of the school, as well as his personal gains and losses. While Fang Desheng was anxious, he couldn't help pacing back and forth in the meeting room. The big tea pot in his hand had already been filled with tea three times.

  "Lao Fang, you said that you are a lot of age, why are you still so unstable? It's no use worrying about it. The scoring is over and the result is set. You can't change the result no matter how anxious you are."

  Compared with Fang Desheng’s pride, Yuan Changjiang has been drinking tea leisurely, tapping the scene casually, looking very calm.

  "Who said I'm in a hurry? What can I worry about? Why am I in a hurry!" Fang Desheng denied three consecutive years, and walked to his armchair to sit down.

Yuan Changjiang raised his eyebrows, "That's right, you have been working for so many days, are you not tired? You should take a good rest at this time, and the results will come out after the statistics are completed, and we will return with the news when the time comes. That's it."

  He smiled and said, "Ordinary heart, ordinary heart."

  Fang Desheng wants to curse, anyone can be as stable as an old dog like you?

  Zhemei has collected several good seedlings in the past few years, and many competitions have won high gold awards. You don’t have to do anything. You can receive honorary awards while sitting in school. Naturally, don’t you worry?

  "Is that right? Anyway, you Yangmei didn't have any outstanding works this time. Students are not up to date. Even if you are a teacher, no matter how anxious and worrying, you can't change anything."

  Yuan Changjiang said with a smile.

  (End of this chapter)

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