Chapter 572 572 Competition Results

  Fang Desheng said in a cold voice, "The results have not been announced yet, how can you be sure that our school has no outstanding works? Our students are unsatisfied?"

"On the contrary, I really want to persuade you not to be so self-confident. The results have not yet come out. What the results will be is not yet known. Don’t let the results come out by the time. Contrary to what you imagined, that’s a real face. Lost it all."

Yuan Changjiang put down the tea mug, smiling undiminished, "I am different from you. I know the level of my students, from freshman to senior, every grade has good seedlings, and you Yangmei has two sophomores. A talented person, isn't the result obvious?"

Fang Desheng also got on the bar with the opponent. He leaned back, and said in a leisurely manner, "These days, people who can go to school to study oil painting, who has no talent? But you should understand that we are not looking at the number of people. Quality! It means that no matter how many outstanding awards you get, it can't compare to a first prize."

   "It's as if you can win the first prize of Yangmei!" Yuan Changjiang also put away his smile.

   "Okay, okay, two of you don't fight, it seems that the awards of this oil painting competition have been booked by your two schools, I said that you don't put the painters in the society too much in your eyes?"

The president of the   Painting Association said coldly, that the two people are still so arguing at their age, which is a little bit blinding.

  Sure enough, Fang Desheng and Yuan Changjiang glanced at each other and paused for a moment.

  "I don’t deny that there are many excellent painters in society, but students who have undergone systematic learning and training are better than those wild roads in some respects."

  Yuan Changjiang is full of confidence.

"That's not necessarily true. In recent years, few of the famous art schools are from your professional colleges. I don't know where you are confident and discuss the ranking of the oil painting competition now? Just follow you two. As if the school can win prizes!"

  The chairman lightly sneered.

  The meeting room was suddenly silent, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

  A staff member just opened the door and entered, which alleviated the embarrassment, "The result is out! It's too unexpected! It's too unexpected!"

  The two professors and even the president of the Oil Painting Association hurriedly stepped forward, staring at the paper in the hands of the staff with six pairs of eyes, like a hungry wolf staring at the fat.

"Who won the first prize? Was it "The Wilderness", "Starry Sky", "The Wilderness", or "Flame"?" Yuan Changjiang asked immediately. When these pictures were scored, everyone gave very high scores. s work.

  "Yes, yes, which work won the first prize in the end?" Fang Desheng was also anxious, "Is it "Early Morning", "Quiet House", or "Lover"?"

The chairman is relatively calmer, "I guess it must be "Flame". Although the brushwork is a little immature, the meaning, the use of colors, and the composition are excellent. You can't draw without a rich life experience. "

   Then he glanced at the two professors, “It’s definitely not what you can paint the flowers that live in the greenhouse.”

  The staff smiled and handed the list of winners up, "The president is worthy of being the president, and you can guess it! It is indeed "Flame"!"

"Hahaha, let me just say it, if you don't even get the first prize for a work of this level, that would be too much!" The president stroked his beard with one hand and raised his chin to the two of them, "Look. What am I talking about? There are also many outstanding painters in the society! There is no need for you to argue."

   "Who said that the author of "Flame" is not a student of our school, he must be a painter in the society?" Yuan Changjiang was unconvinced.

    will start double update from tomorrow! !

     This flag must stand up! !



  (End of this chapter)

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