Chapter 594 594 Holding thigh

  Feng Xiaoxiao waited for two minutes, but did not hear the words she wanted, so she stood with Jiang Mu in front of the classroom and stared.

  Finally, Feng Xiaoxiao gave up first. She couldn't hold on anymore and took the initiative to speak, "I heard that you invited your classmates to your house for Christmas?"

  Jiang Mu nodded, “After the exam, let’s relax together.”

  "Don't you think there are too few invitations? Christmas is crowded with people." Feng Xiaoxiao hinted.

   "I think so too, so I called my little sister." Jiang Mu said.

  Feng Xiaoxiao: So angry!

   "If it's okay, I'll leave first. It's too cold." Jiang Mu twisted his hands, his fingertips still cold.

   "Ahem! I'll be fine tomorrow. If you have too few people or whatever, I can also go." At the beginning, the voice was a little nervous, but when he opened his mouth, he said nothing.

   didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it.

It will be Jiang Mu’s turn to be surprised. Her senses towards Feng Xiaoxiao are very complicated. This person is beautiful and talented. There are also many admirers at school. Although the friends around her are a little hard to say, but in the final analysis She doesn't have much relationship.

  Furthermore, although this person is arrogant, in some respects, he is still quite cute, as it is now. I heard that she invited her classmates to go home for Christmas, so she took the initiative to take photos.

   Jiang Mu smiled, Xiao Huya is very cute, "Do you want to spend Christmas with us?"

Feng Xiao smiled and pursed his lips, "Who wants to spend Christmas with you? I heard that Teacher Shirley lives in your house, and Shirley doesn't come to school very much for exams recently. I just want to meet Shirley at your house. teacher."

  Jiang Mu suddenly realized, "If this is the case, then don't go. After Christmas, Teacher Shirley will come to school, and then you can meet."

Feng Xiao grinned his teeth, "Well, I just want to visit your house. We are not acquainted with each other, right? You are very talented, and you are different from those who seek fame. Our current relationship should be regarded as friends, right? ? You have invited so many people, how can you miss me?"

  Jiang Mu instantly knew that she was talking about Gao Xin, and she didn't like the Gao family too much.

   "If you're okay, come over together. There may be people you don't know at that time. If you feel uncomfortable, you can go home early."

   Jiang Mu vaccinated him in advance.

  "Everyone is celebrating the festival together, and it’s fun." Feng Xiaoxiao was very happy and left with satisfaction.


   "What did you say? The school flowers are going to be there too?" After returning to the dormitory, Jiang Mu mentioned that King Ba was shocked that he had not had time to put down the review materials, so he leaned forward.

   "No, is your relationship with the schoolgirl so good?" Han Yutong was also shocked.

  "Aren't you rivals in love?" This is An Ying's doubts.

  Jiang Mu was immediately surrounded by the three of them, and was stared at by the three pairs of eyes.

   "I really want to forget one thing." Jiang Mu said suddenly.

   "What's the matter?" The three said in unison.

   "It seems that I forgot to invite Lu Fei?" Jiang Mu said.

   "No way?" The three voices became louder.

   Jiang Mu was guilty of circling her hair, "Recently, he is really busy, and he is also very busy. We didn't even have a chance to meet, so we talked occasionally. I didn't even have a chance to mention it."

  Suddenly she was a little bit confident.

   "Moreover, even if I invite him on the initiative, he doesn't have time. He has been working with Professor Fang recently, so he must have no time to spend Christmas."

   Jiang Mu thinks this explanation is very good, and finds a perfect excuse for himself.

"I said the fourth child, I really sympathize with the school grass, but people are dignified school grass, just our school, I don’t know how many girls fall in love with him, but you, as someone’s object, even forget about Christmas. Now, do you treat him as your object?"

  Han Yutong is simply incomprehensible.

   "Yes, yes, don't you think that you and the school grass are in a very different state from boy and girl friends? Look at our school day lover, how can you two be like this?"

King Ba also began to complain.

"How are we here?" Jiang Mu asked, raising his eyebrows, completely unaware of the problem. "Aren't the two of us good? You can eat together at school, draw together, and occasionally watch a movie together on weekends. Yes, isn't it the way to fall in love?"

   "It's really not like that!" Ba Wang said seriously.

  Jiang Mu blinked in doubt, "It depends on the situation, you seem to know how to look, come, tell me about your love history?" Jiang Mu kicked the leg of the chair, and with a loud sound, the chair stopped directly behind King Ba.

   Jiang Mu made a gesture of asking, "Please start your performance."

  Bawang: "..."

  This is not necessary.

"The fourth child, although we haven't had a target, we have seen pigs run without eating pork! Look at our school where there are so many young lovers every day by the lake. They are in the state of being with men all day long. Friends are sticking together, greasy and crooked, let’s look at you and Lu Fei—"

  Han Yutong said earnestly.

   "What happened to Lu Fei and I? When we were in school, didn't we also stay together all day? Basically, we were together except for sleeping."

   Jiang Mu didn't think there was any problem between them.

   "You are together, but you are not so tired and crooked. Really, you are not like people, not like lovers, but more like good friends."

  Bawang said.

   Jiang Mu frowned and reflected.

  "You have been with you for such a long time, have you done something that a couple should have done?" King Ba continued to ask.

   Jiang Mu counted with his fingers, “Of course there is, you see, eat, watch movies, date, and study together! Isn’t that a lot?”

  Han Yutong gave her a big roll of eyes, "What are these, we are talking about holding hands, hugging, kissing, what have you done?"

   Jiang Mu didn’t say a word, they really didn’t have any intimate behavior, but is this abnormal?

   "Quickly tell me, where are you progressing to?" King Ba continued to ask.

Jiang Mu looked at the three suspiciously, "You three are too gossiping! If you want to know the process of dealing with objects, you can find a boyfriend by yourself and experience it. Then you will know that, maybe, everyone is dealing with objects. There are different ways."

  This is the end of the subject matter. Everyone started on other topics. At the end of the exam, everyone was very happy, relaxed for a while, rewarded yourself, talked about gossip, and the topic jumped quickly.

  And for tomorrow’s Christmas, everyone is most looking forward to it.

  Everyone knows this festival, but no one has ever celebrated it. This is the first time they celebrated, and it was also the first time they went to Jiang Mu's house.


   December 24th.

  The weather is clear and sunny.

  The blue sky, without a trace of haze.

   Jiang Mu originally wanted to take her roommate and Feng Xiaoxiao to take a taxi, but she did not drive to school.

  However, when a few people just arrived at the school gate, two cars happened to stop there.

  A boy standing by the car window, wearing a brown woolen coat, put his hands in his pockets, a cold wind blew, and his dark hair was a little messy, but his handsome features were even more outstanding.

  He just leaned back loosely, but the whole person was like a luminous body, attracting everyone's eyes, and people couldn't help stopping and looking in his direction.

  However, his vision has always been erratic, with no focus in the air, as if looking into the distance again, the whole person is immersed in his own world, strangers should not enter, and others will be denied.

  Many students looked at him, but no one dared to step forward.

   Suddenly, the corners of the boy’s lips raised slightly, revealing a gentle smile, and he greeted him a few steps forward, "Let’s go."

  Jiang Mu was surprised, "Why are you here? Are you not going to school or taking exams?"

   "Don't worry, the exam is too easy for me." Wen Liyan said.

   "Yes, who are you! You are Wen Liyan, a god-study, a nightmare without mathematics! I have never seen any exam that can hardly get you?"

  At this point, Jiang Mu still has full confidence in Wen Liyan.

   "Get in the car, it's too cold here." Wen Liyan opened the car door, very gentleman.

   Jiang Mu beckoned to several people, "Get in the car, aren't you cold?"

   "It's cold, why isn't it cold, but, with so many of us, how do we sit?" Han Yutong asked directly.

   "Everyone can come here, I have a seat here, seven seats, everyone chooses." Shi Yu said with a smile.

  Hangingly, the three people in the dormitory all walked to the car behind them. The fast speed made Jiang Mu suspect that if they could have such a speed in the physical examination, they would definitely not fail.

   "No, you all abandoned me?" Jiang Mu asked with an angry smile.

   "No, isn't there still me?" Feng Xiaoxiao's gaze kept stopping on Wen Liyan's body, and the person who didn't know his eyes thought she was looking at him.

   "Let's go." Wen Liyan just said lightly, but Feng Xiaoxiao entered the rear door, and Jiang Mu entered the co-pilot.

  Feng Xiaoxiao raised his eyebrows, his eyes stopped on the two people.

   "I said Senior Sister, did you like me, or did you like our family to learn from God?" Jiang Mu was speechless.

   "Jiang Mu, didn't you invite Lu Fei today?" Feng Xiaoxiao didn't answer the question.

   "Lu Fei is no longer at school, he and Professor Fang are in a different place." Jiang Mu is still a little guilty.

   "Then you must not forget, Lu Fei is your target." Feng Xiaoxiao emphasized, with a serious tone and a serious attitude.

   Jiang Mu couldn't help but laughed out, "I know this, but you have to know it! I think it is more important for you to remember this clearly."

  Feng Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed, blushing embarrassedly, "That's all the old almanac, don't you mention it? I really don't have any idea about Lu Fei now!"

   "That's good." Jiang Mu said.

   "However, you must also remember that you are someone who has an object, and you have to keep a distance from other opposite sex!" Feng Xiaoxiao's gaze stopped on Wen Liyan's back, and she always felt that this person was a bit dangerous.

   "Then no need it? The person should also have the right to make friends. However, friends are friends and couples are lovers. I can still tell the difference."

   Jiang Mu said seriously.

   "I hope so." Feng Xiaoxiao was really worried.

  Wen Liyan has not been involved in the conversation between the two of them. He glanced at Feng Xiaoxiao, who was sitting in the back seat, through the mirror, and said to himself, is he acting that obvious?

  Even outsiders can feel it.

   However, if it is really obvious, so obvious that even outsiders can feel it, then how can the Lord not feel it?

  Wen Liyan was very helpless.

  The car was driving on a flat road. The road was in good condition, and the road was unimpeded, and it soon reached the courtyard.

  Actually, the courtyard has a gate for the car to drive. Jiang Mu originally wanted to drive in directly so that it would not be too cold, but everyone disagreed.

  Whether it was the roommate in bedroom 203 or Feng Xiaoxiao, after seeing the vermilion gate of the courtyard and the two majestic stone lions, they stopped leaving.

  The car stopped at the gate.

   "My mother! My eyes don't have flowers, right? Fourth, is this your home?" Han Yutong's Dongbei accent came out.

"Quickly, whoever pinches me, my eyes have hallucinations, right? Is this really a place where people live?" An Ying can't be quiet anymore, the power of the courtyard is really too great, even An Yingduo The stimulated spirit is not normal.

   "Ah! You guys are really pinching, it hurts too much!" An Ying sensibly returned to the cage, looked at the two roommates around, and glared at them.

   "Look, has the yard in front of you disappeared? It's still here, so it's not a dream!" Ba Wang said.

   "Fourth old, I really didn't expect that your home is so big!" Ba Wang said with emotion.

   "Let's go, go in and take a look, you will like it." Jiang Mu invited the two into the yard. In fact, she even wanted to drive in.

   Entering the house, everyone just feels that their eyes are not enough.

   "Fourth old man, your family actually lives in the same courtyard as an ancient house! Isn't this too cool?!" Ba Wang said with emotion.

   "But, there is even a pavilion! I like this small pavilion!" Han Yutong said.

   "I like this pond, there are fish in it!" An Ying said.

  "This rockery is also good. It seems to be the hand of a famous artist. There is also this stone. At first glance, it has an extraordinary origin, Jiang Mu, so you are a little rich woman?"

  Feng Xiaoxiao said that, but it was only amazing, but not as exaggerated as others.

   "It's okay, it's okay." Jiang Mu was not humble either.

   "Little rich woman, I will follow you in the future! Are you missing a follower?" Han Yutong said.

   "Miss Jiang, are you still short of bags?" Ba Wang directly bent over, bowed, and asked seriously.

   Jiang Mu patted her shoulder angrily, "What a mess!"

  "Aren’t we trying to hug our thighs? We must hold your thick thighs firmly so that we don’t have to worry about the future. Don’t you say, boss?" Han Yutong asked.

  Bawang: "That's right."

   Jiang Mu angrily gave them two big eyes, "I said you two are normal? Look at the third child, they are very calm, learn more?"

   She looked at An Ying and said.

   "Then Miss Jiang, are you short of an umbrella?" An Ying asked solemnly.

   Jiang Mu: "..."

  (End of this chapter)

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