Chapter 595

"Happy Christmas Eve!"

  Jiang Mu received a warm welcome as soon as he brought someone over.

   "Christmas tree! Is this a Christmas tree? My God! This is too beautiful!"

  Han Yutong stared at the verdant pine tree taller than her, with a few small stars hanging on it, and a few strings of small colored lights. Although it is still daytime, the lights are flashing and beautiful.

  "There are still small gift boxes hanging here! Are there gifts in it? Are gifts for Christmas?" Ba Wang is very interested in these small gift boxes.

  "Christmas is to receive gifts, but it was from the old Santa." An Ying stared at the Santa Claus next to her, with a red hat, a white beard, and a big bag on her shoulders, which was very interesting.

  "I've come to Christmas, so naturally I have to prepare gifts." Feng Xiaoxiao said.

  The three people in the dormitory look at me and I look at you. They are a little dumbfounded. They didn't prepare gifts.

   "It's just being lively together, the gift doesn't matter." Jiang Mu said to relieve the three of them.

   "How can it be indifferent, how can you not even have a gift for the first Christmas?" Feng Xiaoxiao was very persistent about this.

   "Yes, you must have gifts for Christmas. Although today is Christmas Eve, you must have gifts."

  Shirley wears a red hat and looks five years younger. She looks very cute.

  The dormitory trio is tense again.

   "However, this heavy work is left to Santa Claus." Shirley said with a smile.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Come, come, sit here, such a good holiday atmosphere, are you very inspired, such a good opportunity, are you very inspired? Do you really want to pick up the paintbrush and release the joy in your heart?"

  Shirley smiled and looked at several people.

  Only An Ying was eager to try. The others looked at Shirley in shock and almost said, are you the devil? They just finished an exam!

  Today is a holiday!

  They came out to play, not to do their homework!

   "Teacher, it's a bit cold this day. It's better for us to exercise, paint or something, just forget it." Under the crazy hint of the friends, Jiang Mu finally stood up and stopped the proposal.

  "Yes, yes, Mr. Shirley, this is the first time we have visited the fourth child's house. Her house is so big and spacious. We want to visit it everywhere."

  Bawang is not an oil painting professional, and he doesn't have so much scruples in speaking.

  "Yes, yes, teacher Shirley, I have never seen such a courtyard for people to live in. I finally have such a good opportunity. I must take a good stroll around this courtyard."

  Han Yutong said that he was already holding Jiang Mu's wrist.

   "Teacher Shirley, I'll start writing when I get home, and I will hand it to you when the draft is finished." Feng Xiaoxiao is much more thoughtful. It is something that can be met but not asked for to get the guidance of Teacher Shirley!

  "It is a school flower, it is easy to learn." Ba Wang sighed with emotion.

   "It's not easy to get the guidance of Teacher Shirley. Now that I finally have the opportunity, I naturally have to seize it." An Ying understood Feng Xiaoxiao very well.

   "The third child, are you taking the time to draw a picture when you go back? After all, the opportunity is rare!" Ba Wang turned his head and asked.

   "Of course." An Ying said with a smile, such a good opportunity, she will certainly not let go.

  "Why do you go so fast, wait for me, it's the first time I have seen the yard where people live, so I have to take a good look." Feng Xiaoxiao said.

  Jiang Mu: "What is a house where people live? Why do I hear this so awkward!"

   "No way, in my opinion, this kind of antique courtyards only existed in ancient times, or tourist attractions." Feng Xiaoxiao said.

   "That is your idea is wrong." Jiang Mu said ruthlessly.

  The quadrangle courtyard is very large, but the scenery is actually not that much. Many places still take into account the practicality. There are a total of five courtyards. Jiang Mu took a few people for a stroll.

   "Actually, this place is not as big as you think. As you can see, the area of ​​the front yard is only two-thirds of the main courtyard."

   Jiang Mu said.

   "Are you renting out here? I just seemed to see a man coming out of the room. It shouldn't be from your family?"

King Ba’s eyes were sharp, and he saw Zhuang Zhou's figure.

   "That's Brother Zhuang, who is invited by the family to handle daily chores. They eat and live here. The front yard is basically where the driver, nanny, and bodyguard live."

   Jiang Mu explained.

   "My God!" Han Yutong was shocked, and one hand had already grabbed her arm first, "Little rich lady, is there anything you need to do in your family? I think I can."

  “It’s a better treatment to live in a courtyard house!” The king of Ba was also shocked.

   "Why do I suddenly envy your nanny and driver?" An Ying smashed his mouth, and said everyone's aspirations.

   Jiang Mu ignored their nonsense.

  Passing several corridors, and arriving at a moon gate, Jiang Mu took a few people along the way to look around the yard. However, there were two yards that were not inhabited. In addition to hospitality, most of them were used by Jiang Mu himself.

  "Fourth old man, what are your hobbies? What are you doing with a few stones and putting them in the house?" Han Yutong asked, looking at the wool on the desk.

   "No, how did you make this nice house look like a small factory? What kind of machines are these?" King Ba asked, pointing to the various jade-making machines on the desktop.

  An Ying did not say a word, although she was also curious.

   "I didn't expect that you still know how to carve." Feng Xiaoxiao looked at a safety button on the workbench, shocked.

  In fact, Jiang Mu is the most surprised person, "Do you know this?"

   "I just know. The elders in the family like it very much. I have heard about it. In fact, I just know a little bit. I can't compare with you. I can do it myself."

  Feng Xiaoxiao really admires her. It is easy for a person to be excellent in one aspect, but it is too difficult to be excellent in all aspects!

  That means that the person has to allocate a lot of energy to learn other things, which reduces the success rate.

   Jiang Mu is very talented and talented in painting, but today she discovered that she also dabbles in sculpture.

  "I am also a hobby. You can choose one of them. They are all my hands-on works. They are not as good as those bought in the mall. However, it is okay to see a good sign."

   Jiang Mu took out a box from under the desk, turned it upside down one by one, and opened it to several people.

  I saw a piece of white flannelette with many finished products. The quality is different, and there are all kinds of jade, and at a glance, it is really jewel-like.

"My mother, my mother! Fourth, don't tell me this is all you did?" Han Yutong's Dongbei accent came out again, no way, she was so excited, she was so old that she hadn't seen it. So many jewels too!

"They are all hand-trained works. One person chooses one." Jiang Mu is not humble this time, but, in her eyes, these finished products can only be regarded as hand-trained works. If she dares to show these works to the master, it must be. To be punished.

"No, are you overly generous? Fourth, don't tell us about hands-on work. Let's not talk about carvings. It's this jade, such a large piece, which is very valuable. You gave us this way? "

  Wang Ba’s family is also quite wealthy. She has seen a lot of these things. She may not be able to tell them in detail, but she still knows which ones are valuable and which are not.

  As soon as he heard this, Han Yutong's hand that had been stretched out immediately retracted and stopped eager to try.

   "Fourth old, forget it if it is so expensive, we are all good friends, we live in the dormitory together, don’t be so polite!"

"Yes, yes, you still don't give us away. I don't understand these things very well. If you know so, can you tell us what level of material these are? Let me also open my eyes and gain insights. "

  An Ying said with a smile.

   "For the sake of saying so much to our third child, let us introduce it to you." Jiang Mu directly transferred the job to Feng Xiaoxiao.

  Feng Xiaoxiao was still appreciating these works, but when she was mentioned, she was surprised and looked at Jiang Mu in shock, "Will your conscience hurt like this? I'm here for the holidays."

   "Come on, please start your performance, everyone, classmates, introduce and introduce it, it is not troublesome." Jiang Mu twisted the cup and took a sip of hot water.

  The whole person is warmed up.

  Feng Xiaoxiao really wants to say, you don’t need to talk about it.

   Having said that, Feng Xiaoxiao still started speaking from the first one.

"This jade bamboo festival is a spring with color, and the bamboo festival has the meaning of rising steadily. This spring with color is a way of saying in jade, that is, there is a touch of purple on the jade, which is very precious in jade One kind."

  Han Yutong pointed to the jade bamboo knot, "You are too general to say that, and it is not intuitive at all."

   "What do you mean?" Feng Xiaoxiao didn't understand.

  Bawang added, “She meant that instead of introducing so much, you might as well quote directly.”

  An Ying: "Numbers can more intuitively reflect the value of this thing. In other words, how much is it worth!"

  Feng Xiao smiled and looked at the three people in front of him in surprise, "Are you all in such a tacit understanding?"

  "How much is it worth!" The three said in unison.

  Feng Xiaoxiao: "How can this jade bamboo joint cost 50,000 to 60,000 yuan."


  The three people feel toothache.

   "I said the fourth child, are you a boy who disperses money?" King Ba asked.

  "It's not a sprinkling boy, but a sprinkling woman!" Han Yutong said.

   "Fifty thousand yuan, you can give it away if you say it, you are a bit too generous." An Ying said.

  Jiang Mu rolled his eyes to the three of them, "Come to the school flower, continue."

  "The meaning of this apple is very good. It is safe and sound. The quality of jade is about 50,000 yuan."

   "This little fox is lifelike, and the materials used are also excellent, twice as much as the previous one."


  Feng Xiaoxiao really understands it. As soon as an expert takes a shot, he knows if there is any. Whether it is the skill of the sword, the technique of carving, or the fineness of the jade, they all know it very well.

A few people really opened their eyes today. They knew that Jiang Mu was very wealthy and rich. There was such a big yard here. After listening to Feng Xiaoxiao’s narration, they only felt that Jiang Mu was no longer ordinary. Money.

   "I said the fourth child, you said that these are all you came to practice. In other words, you don't know how much jade was wasted before carving out, such a finished product?"

  Han Yutong only felt that she had caught the point.

   Jiang Mu stopped speaking.

   "So, these finished products are nothing but the ones you waste are more valuable, right?" King Ba said with emotion, "Come on, let's open our eyes. How much did you spend on the jade carvings?"

  Jiang Mu pointed to the stone on one side, "It doesn't cost much, it's all grown out of it."

   "No? You mean, such a beautiful jade came out of the stone?" Han Yutong really didn't know, feeling that he had opened a new world.

  Jiang Mu nodded, "Jade has been formed after tens of thousands of years. To put it bluntly, this is a mineral, but this mineral has been given value by us, but its essence is a mineral."

   "It's amazing, such a beautiful jade was actually grown out of a stone, I can't believe it!" Han Yutong was shocked.

   Jiang Mu pointed to a piece of ordinary fabric on the ground, and said, “There is jade there. If you don’t believe me, take a look.”

  The three of them all walked over at once, squatting down and watching.

   Jiang Mu couldn't help but laughed out, “Buying wool is much cheaper than buying rough jadeite. So it didn’t cost much.”

   "No, how did you know that there is jade in that stone?" An Ying can always say it.

   "No one can know that there is jade in every piece of wool. This requires accumulation of experience!" Feng Xiaoxiao said.

   "So fourth, you can not only carve jade, but also look at stones?" An Ying asked.

"I'm not that good. I don't know how to look at wool. It's just good luck." Jiang Mu explained, "You really don't choose one? After this village, there will be no such shop! The only chance is this one. You still have it. There is a chance to repent."

  The three of them moved in unison, without even speaking, they reached out to the wooden box.

   "You can't waste this opportunity!" This was what Han Yutong said, and she took a safety buckle.

  "The ready-made thighs do not hold, and I am too sorry for myself." Ba Wang chose a small corn.

  "The opportunity must not be lost, and the loss will never come." An Ying chose the jade bamboo knot.

  Only Feng Xiaoxiao did not move. She looked at the three of them speechlessly, "You three are really..." After thinking about it for a long time, she finally found a term to describe it, "very tacit understanding."

   just so righteously refused, she thought that the three of them really did not want it!

  Facts have proved that she is still naive.

   "Sister, don't you choose one?" Jiang Mu asked.

"I have it too?"

  Feng Xiaoxiao was very surprised. This time she came to spend the holiday together. She insisted on following her. Compared with her roommate, the relationship between them was really not good. She didn't expect that she also had gifts.

   "You are an expert, as long as you don't dislike my sword skills." Jiang Mu said with a smile.

  Feng Xiaoxiao was not polite, so she directly chose a jade fox. As soon as she saw the jade fox, she fell in love with it.

   "Brother Mu, everyone is here! There is also a guest you did not expect!" Sun Quan hurried over, very excited.

    The website is stuck, so some changes have been made, and it has been revised.

     Update normally today.



  (End of this chapter)

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