"What?" Yunni turns around in surprise and looks at Qin Fusu, "cousin, are you crazy?"

Others don't know Qin Fusu, but both teachers and students in Yunhai middle school know about him. He is a very calm and clear-minded person.

Yunni thinks that a smart man like her cousin must be able to see through Ye CuO's real purpose at a glance. Although Ye CuO didn't know what abominable means he used to cheat his grandfather, he couldn't hide it from his cousin.

At this time, hearing that Qin Fusu actually agreed to let Ye CuO treat Qin, Yunni immediately felt that what the hell Ye CuO was doing, which made Qin Fusu confused.

Cloud wild crane said with a smile: "Ni'er, this little brother is proficient in medical theory. It's not bad for him to make a diagnosis. At least we can let him say what he thinks. If it's right, we'll listen to it. If it's wrong, there's no loss."

Yunni didn't look at Ye CuO: "it's definitely not right! Hum, my grandfather and I have been learning medical skills since childhood. Up to now, we dare not say that we can cure all kinds of diseases. What skills do you have and dare to brag like this? "

Ye CuO's face was calm: "that's you stupid!"

"You -" Yunni is almost crazy, "Ye CuO! What if you can't cure grandfather Qin? "

Ye CuO said, "if I can cure it, what can I do?"

"Well! You've got a fight with me, haven't you? I'm not afraid of you either. If you can cure grandfather Qin's illness, I'll do as you like. But if you can't cure it? "

Ye CuO put out his hand: "it's up to you."

"Good." Cloud Ni a face stratagem succeed of appearance, "you don't go back! Wait, I'll make you regret saying that today. "

Cloud wild crane looked at two people big eyes stare small eyes of the bickering, his face showed a trace of indescribable smile: "well, don't quarrel, let's go in together, let Ye CuO little brother, give Qin old diagnosis."

Yunyehe takes Ye CuO into the ward, and Yunni and Qin Fusu follow them.

Yunni looks at Qin Fusu with a calm face. She seems to be confident. She can't help quietly pulling his sleeve: "cousin, how can you let this guy in to cheat? The treatment of illness is a matter of great importance to the safety of grandfather Qin. "

Qin Fusu took a look at Ye CuO's back and said thoughtfully, "I don't think he should be a liar."

Yunni said curiously, "have you seen him save people?"

Qin Fusu smiles and shakes his head: "no, but I saw him hit people last night. Those sports students in our school should be lying on the hospital bed now. "

Yunni was stunned: "that... Doesn't it mean that this is a violent maniac? No, I heard that ye CuO is a famous loser? Three years in high school, I was bullied for three years? "

Qin Fusu had a trace of brilliance in his eyes: "maybe Ye CuO is different now."

Ye CuO followed Yun Yehe into the ward. He saw that the luxurious ward was full of decay. There was an old man lying on the bed. Although he was not young, his heroic eyebrows were like two sharp swords.

The old man was tall, with high eyebrows and nose. He was very heroic. He was like a hero who had been fighting for many years. He was born with a murderous spirit. But at this time has been suffering from physical emaciation, pale.

The old man seemed to hear the sound of footsteps, opened his eyes and looked at Ye CuO who came in with yunyehe with great interest: "who is this

Yunyehe went to the bedside and said, "Lao Qin, this is a little brother I just met. His name is Ye Cuo. I want him to show it to you. "

The old man on the bed closed his eyes slightly, as if he was disheartened: "even if you can't help it, is there anyone in the world who can cure it?"

Cloud wild crane says with a smile: "anyway idle is also idle."

The old man on the bed laughed, and his voice was still full of breath. It was so loud: "OK, I was going to give up, but you old crane, it's right for me. Let the little brother have a try, and let the dead horse be the living horse doctor. "

Yunni listened and couldn't help saying, "grandfather Qin, it's a matter of your life. How can you just let an outsider try it? It's not like washing clothes and cooking. Do you have a try? "

Old Qin smiles but doesn't answer. He looks at Ye CuO and says, "Ni'er has some questions. How do you plan to answer them, doctor?"

Ye cuosu's face was calm: "I think it's because it's not washing clothes and cooking that we should try. Everyone can do a good job in washing clothes and cooking, so it's not necessary to try. It's only about life that it's worth trying. "

"Well said!" Old Qin nodded happily.

"You --" the cloud neon gas whistling of looking at Ye Cuo, "why don't you take your own life to try?"

"All right!" Qin Fusu smiles and pulls Yunni aside.

Ye CuO went to the hospital bed and said, "Mr. Qin, please stretch out your hand and let me feel the pulse."

Mr. Qin nodded slightly and stretched out his hand, which was full of knife wounds and bullet marks. It was like a silent account of an old soldier's military life.

Ye CuO stretched out his hand to feel the pulse, but he didn't stretch out the three fingers of the index finger, middle finger and ring finger like the ordinary doctors. Instead, he stretched out his thumb and little finger like the figure 61.

The little finger pressed Qin's wrist, but the big finger almost reached the old man's elbow.

"Can you feel your pulse? Can you feel your pulse with these two fingers? "

Looking at Ye CuO's pulse feeling technique, Qin opened his eyes. At the same time, Yun Yehe was surprised and said with one voice, "young man, who did you learn your pulse feeling technique from?"

Ye CuO hasn't spoken yet, but Yunni and Qin Fusu feel that their breath is stagnant at the same time, and the momentum of Qin's body suddenly changes. Just now, he was an old man who was terminally ill, but suddenly, the momentum makes everyone feel a little out of breath.

This is a general whose hands are stained with the blood of the enemy, and his murderous and righteous spirit is condensed.

At this time, Mr. Qin suddenly showed a momentum, which made Qin Fusu and Yunni feel uncomfortable.

However, ye Cuo, who was closely watched by Mr. Qin, seemed to be asleep with his eyes closed.

In fact, as soon as ye CuO put his finger on Qin's arm, he felt a shock all over his body. What he didn't expect was that the old man was obviously sick and his whole body was weak, but his pulse beat was more powerful than that of normal people, even a little excited.

The old man's heart beats much faster than the average person. It doesn't look like he is about to die.

Ye CuO put his finger on his arm. Suddenly, he felt that his finger was shocked, and the old man's pulse was beating away.

Ye CuO frowned and slowly put his hand up again.

After a long time, ye CuO takes back his hand. Yunni looks at him a little unconvinced. She murmurs "pretending to be a God and playing a ghost". She says: "Hey, ye, you pretended to be a God and playing a ghost for such a long time. Can you cure it?"

Ye CuO stood up and said, "it's just a minor illness."

Cloud wild crane, Qin Lao, Qin Fusu three people are both surprised and happy: "do you have a way?"

Yunni is a face of anger: "Hey, my grandfather can't cure the disease, you say it's a minor disease, what do you mean?"

Yunyehe didn't care about yecuo's wording. He came forward and happily held yecuo's hand: "little brother, don't cheat me. Can you really cure me?"

Ye CuO had a bad smile on his lips: "yes, it's just a bit of trouble!"

Qin Fusu said: "as long as you can cure your grandfather's disease, no matter how much trouble you are in, it's not trouble!"

Ye CuO looks at Yunni: "I need a more careful person, preferably a girl, to help me and listen to me."

Yunni looks at Ye CuO and laughs unkindly: "hum, you cheater, you are dying, and you want to cheat people, but you talk about it. What's the way to cure it? If you really can say it, I'll... I'll listen to you, whatever you do. "

With that, Yunni can't help blushing. The last sentence seems to be a little ambiguous. Fortunately, everyone doesn't care much. Only the hateful Ye CuO and the bad smile at the corner of her mouth are more obvious.

Ye CuO looked at the crowd and said, "if I'm not wrong, Mr. Qin should have taken a lot of valuable supplements recently?"

Qin Fusu nodded: "grandfather is sick, we naturally use the best tonic."

Ye CuO shook his head: "if he takes the tonic for another two days, it's the immortal. It's impossible to save him."

Cloud wild crane strange way: "this is why?"

Ye CuO said: "yunlao still remember what I said to you just now, dredging and blocking? Do you think that Qin Lao's organs are constantly failing because his body function is declining, so he needs tonic? Have you ever thought about why his pulse is so strong since he is weak? "

Yunni said angrily, "Hey, ye, are you accusing my grandfather?"

Yunye crane waved his hand: "Ni'er, let him say!"

Ye CuO said: "in fact, the reason why Qin's internal organs are gradually failing is not because his body is too weak, but because he is too strong and his Qi and blood are running vigorously, which makes his body's transportation system unable to load. The more you supplement him, the greater the pressure on his body's metabolic system; The more you take a tonic, the more serious your illness will be. "

Yunyehe thought, "what's the most urgent thing

Ye CuO looked at Yunni and said with a smile, "at this time, you need to make some contribution."

What can I do

Ye CuO stretched his waist: "I know how to treat it, but I'm sleepy and forget it. It's said that if there is a beauty beating her back, she can help out! "

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