"You... You want to be beautiful!" Yunni's face changed directly. She really didn't expect that ye CuO would threaten herself at this time. It's really shameless.

Leaf wrong face with a smile, looking at her, as if to say, do not give me back, today I will not treat.

The small chest of the cloud neon gas trembles to heave up and down, wish can't go up to tear up leaf wrong that face with bad smile directly.

But he turned to look at his grandfather, but he looked at himself expectantly.

Yunni is not happy for a while. She turns her head and looks at grandfather Qin lying on the hospital bed. He is as brave as any young man. At this time, he is suffering from the disease like an ordinary old man. His tall figure is curled up in a hospital bed in pain.

Although Yunni hated Ye Cuo, she couldn't help feeling soft.

She fiercely stares at Ye CuO one eye, in the heart secretly way: knock dead you!

But he had to go to Ye CuO's side and shake his small fist, ready to beat his back. But just as she was about to hammer, she suddenly turned her eyes and said, "Ye, you've been playing tricks for a long time. My grandfather believes in you, but I don't believe it. You say you can cure it, but what if you can't? Let's make this clear first. "

Ye CuO raised the corner of his mouth: "it's true. I didn't mean to say that just now. Since you put it forward, I'll ask, if I'm cured, what reward will you give me?"

Yunni "bah" said: "hum, I'm not afraid of ugliness. I haven't said it yet. You should be paid first. I'll make a bet with you today. If you can't cure it, you'll have to deal with it

Ye CuO nodded: "if I can cure it?"

Yunni took a look: "just you? I'll tell you, now let me beat you up and get out of here. There's still time. Don't wait for things to come out. You can't leave. "

Ye CuO said, "you haven't answered me yet."

The cloud Ni Qi Huhu thought: "if you can cure, I also at your disposal."

Ye CuO stretched out his palm: "deal!"

Yunni doesn't want to clap her hands with Ye Cuo, but she looks at Ye CuO stretching her hand all the time and clapping it with anger, but her little hand is burning.

Ye CuO sits down and winks at Yunni. Yunni sees it and stares at him. He turns his head in anger.

Ye CuO winked at her again. Yunni was ashamed and angry: "are you sick?"

Ye CuO said: "I asked you to come and beat your back. What are you doing standing there? So stupid, how can I get married in the future? "

"You Yunni now has the heart to kill Ye Cuo.

"Bang bang", with anger, Yunni like a drum on the back of Ye Cuo.

"Say, where are you striking iron?" Ye CuO roared at his back.

"You Yunni really wants to kick ye Cuo, but after looking at her grandfather, Qin Fusu and Qin grandfather, she can't help but feel helpless again.

"Hey, use your strength. Didn't you have lunch at noon?" Ye CuO came here slowly.

"I..." Yunni pouted her little mouth so that she could hang on to the oil bottle.

For the first time, Qin Fusu saw his usually arrogant cousin being treated like this. No one was satisfied. The young lady of Qianjin was so obedient that she could not help but turn her head and thought in her heart, ye CuO is not an ordinary person.

After teasing Yunni a few times, ye CuO couldn't help laughing in his heart, but he was still calm on the surface. He said to yunyehe, "can you borrow a pair of silver needles?"

"Of course." Yunyehe immediately took out a cloth bag from his arms. After opening it, it turned out to be dozens of golden needles, each as thin as hair, but full of toughness.

Ye CuO twisted a gold needle and said to the cloud behind him, "well, you don't need to beat your back. My muscles and bones have already moved. When you hammer me again, my hands will shake."

"Hum!" Yunni is not willing to stop at this time. The small fist of fennen knocks on Ye CuO's back quickly and energetically, and then immediately runs to one side, toward Ye CuO's proud tuzui.

Ye CuO didn't pay attention to it. He twisted the needle and stabbed it at Qin laoyangming. The next dozen needles fell down one by one.

Yunyehe is on one side, and his face is changing with each needle falling of yecuo. Sometimes it's the nodding acquiescence of the case, sometimes it's a little surprised, sometimes it's a little puzzled.

Ye CuO's needling is not as slow as that of ordinary traditional Chinese medicine. It is like a whirlwind. There is almost no order for more than a dozen needles to fall quickly. In the blink of an eye, Qin's veins are full of gold needles.

With Ye CuO's arm raised again, this time, yunyehe suddenly turned to one side and pulled Ye CuO's hand: "little brother, what acupoint are you going to drop?"

Ye CuO said faintly: "Tanzhong acupoint!"

"No!" Yunyehe's face changed. "Tanzhong acupoint on the chest is called Qihai, and Baihui acupoint on the top of the head and Yongquan acupoint on the sole of the foot are called the three dead acupoints of the human body. If you put the needle like this, it's extremely dangerous!"

Ye CuO said with a smile: "don't you smell the death and the posterity?"

"This... How can this work? I've been practicing medicine for decades, and I've never seen this kind of treatment. It's not treatment, it's killing people! "

Yunni at this time heard cloud old words, suddenly angry, pointing to Ye CuO: "well, you are really cheating, come on, catch this guy."

The cloud Ni a shout, originally guard in the ward outside of officer, instantly pour in a large number of. Company commander Mo's right wrist has just been pinched by Ye Cuo, which is red and swollen. At this time, he holds a gun in his left hand and points to Ye CuO's head, while a dozen other soldiers, with guns in their hands, point to all parts of Ye CuO's body. At this time, as long as ye CuO moves his finger, his whole body will be smashed immediately.

"Slow down!" Qin Fusu, who had never spoken, waved his hand.

He looked at Ye CuO and was surprised to find that under more than a dozen powerful machine guns, ye CuO still kept his original sitting posture, not only did he not move, but he didn't even glance to the side.

Is this the psychological quality that an ordinary student can have?

Qin Fusu couldn't help thinking secretly at this time.

Old Qin was lying on the bed, but he was looking at Qin Fusu. He suddenly said, "Fusu, would you like to talk about this needle

"Ah?" Qin Fu Su Leng for a moment, "grandfather, this is related to your life, grandson does not know medicine, dare not talk nonsense."

A trace of indifference flashed across Qin's face: "Fusu, you are the eldest grandson of the Qin family and the future helmsman of the Qin family. In the future, not only my life, but also thousands of lives will be put in front of you. You need to make a decision. To become a superior, we must be resolute. We have to be able to do everything, not dare. Today, your grandfather's life is in your hands. It's up to you to decide whether to prick the needle or not! "

Qin Fusu hesitated and everyone looked at him.

Qin Fusu is a very kind man. He has been rich since he was a child. He has wealth that ordinary people can't have in their whole life. However, he would rather be born in an ordinary family, because he would not be cultivated as the heir of a big family, and he did not need to make many cruel decisions. He hated making such decisions and the intrigue between people.

He is as gentle as jade and does not cause dust, but the reality is so cruel. He was born in the most powerful family. He has lived in the whirlpool of power since he was a child. If he was careless, he would die without a burial place.

Today, even the life of my beloved grandfather has become a tool to test my mind. If grandfather died here today, he would blame himself for the rest of his life.

Qin Fusu bowed his head and suffered unspeakable pain and suffering in his heart.

Ye CuO moved in his heart and thought to himself: the old man's words are very loud. It seems that the Qin family is really unusual. It's a pity that I was abroad in my previous life, but I didn't know anything about domestic affairs.

Ye CuO raised his head and found that Qin Fusu was looking at him, so he gave him a smile.

Qin Fusu looked at Ye CuO in a bit of embarrassment: "Ye CuO classmate, although you and I are classmates, if you can save my grandfather today, it's the benefactor of our Qin family. I want to know, how much do you know?"

Ye CuO smiles and says to himself: your grandfather's test to you still hasn't tempered you. You're not cruel enough. I'll give you more fire. Ye CuO said with a smile, "not one percent!"

"Ah?" All the people were stunned. Yunni's beautiful little face turned pale. Yunyehe frowned and pondered. He didn't understand why Ye CuO said that. Just now, ye CuO's needling was obviously medical. Why did he take such a risk under so many machine guns?

Company commander Mo was very angry at this time. The gun in his hand was directly against Ye CuO's head: "young master, you give an order. My old Mo will smash this bastard's head today."

Only Qin's eyes narrowed slightly, and his mouth showed an imperceptible approval.

Ye CuO glanced at company commander Mo: "I'm 100% sure that you can't break my head. I'm still 100% sure. If you put a gun on my head again, you'll be very sorry! "

"I'll shoot you now." Company commander Mo was ready to pull the trigger.

"Stop it Qin Fusu said in a low voice, "all out!"

"What?" Company commander Mo and more than a dozen other soldiers didn't believe their ears, "young master, we..."

"Get out!" Qin Fusu always seems to have a good temper. The whole person is like a piece of jade, incomparably dazzling but without any edge.

At this time, ye CuO and Qin Fusu looked at each other, Qin Fusu compared Ye CuO with a please gesture: "Ye Cuo, please put the needle."

At this time, even ye CuO was stunned. He didn't expect that Qin Fusu had passed the test of Qin's heart so quickly. It seems that Qin Fusu is really not simple.

Yunni was startled and looked at Qin Fusu: "cousin, are you stupid? It's about the life of grandfather Qin. You... "

Qin Fusu waved her hand to stop her from going on and looked at Ye CuO with a smile.

Ye CuO suddenly felt a little pressure at this time, not because of treatment, but because of Qin Fusu.

Although this boy is not good at martial arts, he has courage, knowledge and stomach. After this training, he is more determined. If he stands on the opposite side of himself, even if he can't beat himself, he must be his lifelong enemy.

Qin Fusu is calm and has great wisdom and courage. In Ye CuO's opinion, this kind of person, even if he is not a descendant of a big family, will surely be able to achieve a great cause. The golden scale is nothing in the pool!

What he didn't know was that Qin Fusu looked at him at this time, and he had the same idea in his heart: "this ye Cuo, I must not let him become my enemy, even if it can't be used for me, it should be my best friend."

Ye CuO converged his mind and stabbed Qin Lao's Tanzhong acupoint in his hand.

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