The police car roars into the police station. Ye CuO stares at Yunni all the way. Yunni is very proud. I didn't expect that I would get to Ye CuO in this way.


"Ye Cuo."

"Which is wrong?"

"Right or wrong."

"Why is it called that?"

"Because... My parents want me to correct my mistakes."

"Do you deserve your parents for committing crimes at such a young age?"

"Sister, it's really a misunderstanding. I'm a hero who saves beauty."

"Shut up! You rapist



"I'm a fuckin 'rapist. What gender can I be? Man

"Pa!" Feng Qianyu threw the pen on the table. "Don't be arrogant. Now someone has accused you of rapist."

"That girl and I have a problem, she is waiting for an opportunity to revenge me."

"Since there is a festival, how can you save her?"

"I just have a sense of justice!"

"Shut up. I think you two have a holiday. That's why you are waiting for an opportunity to cheat her into the wilderness and rape her for revenge. At this time, the victim is smart and resourceful, and finds the opportunity to report to the police, so your crime is not successful. " Feng Qianyu points to ye Cuodao.

Ye CuO was speechless: "your reasoning is 10000 times worse than Suya's. please at least comb your reasoning process before drawing a conclusion."

Feng Qianyu clapped and stood up: "shut up! Don't be arrogant in the police station, or I'll make you regret it. "

Ye CuO looks at her. She is very beautiful. How can she be so hot tempered? I'm such a woman. I'll never get married.

Ye CuO knows that when the police interrogate, they must keep calm and meticulous, in order to grasp the information they want to a greater extent. This policewoman, with such a hot temper, must be a novice.

Feng Qianyu sat down and continued to ask, "occupation?"


"Work address?"

"Yunhai middle school."

"Any criminal record?"


"Be honest."

"I've always been honest." Ye CuO deliberately teases her. He knows Feng Qianyu will be angry.

Sure enough, Feng Qianyu raised his head and glared at him: "if you don't cooperate well, I'll give you two more fists."

Ye CuO said, "it's illegal for the police to execute without permission, isn't it?"

Fengqianyu road“ For criminals like you, there's no such thing as self punishment. "

Ye CuO said: "but have you ever thought about what if I'm not a criminal? Just now that girl's name is Yunni. She's my girlfriend. She's angry because of my quarrel with me. That's why she deliberately entrapped me. "

Feng Qianyu does not believe: "how can you have such a beautiful girlfriend?"

Ye CuO said: "it's her who pursues me. I'm the most handsome guy in the school. What's your aesthetics?"

Feng Qianyu snorted coldly and said to a little policeman nearby, "go and see the girl's record and see her name."

The little policeman went to the office next door. Feng Qianyu looked up Ye CuO's information on the computer for a while and found that ye CuO's family had no telephone. He had to find the telephone of a family near Ye CuO's family and dialed the phone, saying: "we must inform your parents about your affairs. You should be prepared."

When the phone is connected, ye CuO secretly shakes his head: it's a big game.

His hearing is very keen. He can hear the voice of the people over there from the microphone. It's the phone of a small store near his home. The owner of the store is a middle-aged woman who is as fat as a pig. She always looks down on Ye CuO's family.

Ye CuO became a "criminal" through her mouth to the ears of the Ye family, but she didn't know what kind of ugly words she would become. Moreover, this fat woman has always had a big mouth. It's estimated that she will be able to sleep happily tonight and spread the story all night.

Sure enough, ye CuO's judgment was right. The voice coming out of the receiver was obviously excited. A middle-aged woman's voice was extremely sharp.

Hang up the phone, leaf wrong heart a little depressed.

I went to the little policeman next door, and then ran back: "the girl's name is Yunni."

Ye CuO said, "you see, I said it."

Feng Qianyu said: "this only means that you know each other, not that you are friends and girlfriends."

Ye CuO's face is helpless: "I don't want to say anything more to you. Can you release the handcuffs first? My stomach is bruised by you. I'll stretch out my hand and rub it."

In fact, this kind of handcuffs can't limit Ye Cuo, but if ye CuO really breaks free at this time, Feng Qianyu, a rookie policeman, doesn't know what he will do. Ye CuO doesn't want to get into trouble.

Feng Qianyu knocked on the table with his fist: "no, if you are really wronged, I will do things by myself, and your stomach is bruised, I will buy medicine for you; But I will find out that you are a criminal later, and I will kill you! "

Ye CuO's face was black: "I can't knead it? It hurts. "

"If you can prove that you are not guilty, I'll rub it for you." Wind thousand feather cold voice way.

Ye CuO couldn't find a word to say. Looking at her tender hand, she said, "I'll wait for you to rub it for me. You have to keep your word, or I won't give up."

At this time, a policeman came in with a file folder. Feng Qianyu stood up and said excitedly, "team Wu, how are you? Can we prove that he is a criminal

Captain Wu said, "he? His identity is no problem. He is a student of Yunhai middle school. The seriously injured person was found out. We compared the DNA data with the wanted murderer and rapist who fled to our city. All the data are completely consistent. We can be sure that he is the most wanted criminal. We can celebrate well this time. "

Feng Qianyu bit the sexy lower lip and said, "since you are a fugitive, why did you suddenly get so badly hurt?"

Captain Wu said unexpectedly, "don't you know? Just now that little girl said, this is her boyfriend. She joked with him, saying that he was a criminal. It was a quarrel between young lovers, just a joke. Besides, this boy has helped us catch the criminal. We have to thank him. "

"What?" Feng Qianyu was stunned. "Wu... Wu team, are you sure?"

"Of course." Wu team with a smile, to Ye Cuo, "young man, you are very brave ah, did not expect that you can actually subdue this escaped several provinces and cities, crime criminals everywhere, this matter we will report to the higher authorities, good reward you, will also inform your school, you can rest assured."

Ye CuO's indifferent face: "no, you can open my handcuffs. I've got two fists on my stomach. It hurts to death."

Wu team was stunned for a moment, and his face turned black: "have you been beaten by our people? Who's calling? "

Ye CuO glanced at Feng Qianyu. Feng Qianyu bit his lips and his face was tangled.

Wu team turned to look at it: "Xiaofeng, you hit people again?"

"I... he didn't cooperate." Feng Qianyu turns his head in a huff.

"Then you can't hit people privately. Even if the suspect is not interrogated, it can't be casually beaten. This is the rules of procedure. Why do you always make mistakes?" Wu team looked at her a little helpless.

Feng Qianyu said: "I'm sorry for the big deal."

Feng Qianyu came to Ye CuO and said with a black face, "I'm sorry, I'm wrong. Put your hand out, and I'll help you with the handcuffs. "

"If you want to release the handcuffs, do you want to release them? When I was what? " Ye CuO looked up at the ceiling and found a secluded tunnel.

Feng Qianyu bit his lip: "what do you want?"

Ye CuO said: "I have a stomachache. Just now someone said that he would rub my stomach for me."

PS: This is a chapter to make up for yesterday's illness.

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