Ye family, in order to wait for ye CuO to come back, the family is still sitting at the dinner table. On the table, is already cold food.

Ye Mu's eyes, because often stay up late, has appeared a trace of fine wrinkles. Since ye Fu was injured and paralyzed in bed, the burden of the whole family fell on her alone. Overwork, let her look a little beyond the age of aging.

"Mom, you can eat first. I think something happened. Last time, he said that the English teacher in his class promised to make up lessons for him. Maybe today he went to make up lessons. " Ye Qianqian sat at the table and said to her mother.

Ye's mother looks out of the window a little worried. She knows that ye CuO has been bullied by her classmates in the past three years. As a mother, who doesn't want her children to live happily, but she can only watch ye CuO's depression day by day, and can't do anything about it, which is the most painful thing for a mother.

Starting from last Friday, ye CuO suddenly seems to have changed a person, a lot of cheerful life waves, which makes Ye Mu very happy. But a few days ago, ye CuO didn't come back all night. Today, she didn't come back very late. Ye Mu began to worry.

Ye Mu looked at Ye Qianqian and asked, "your brother, who are you mixing with recently? Can't it be that you're learning badly? "

Ye Qianqian was stunned for a moment, and quickly shook his head: "it's impossible, mom. My brother has become very good now. He has done well in the exam, and he's sitting in the first row. All the students in his class like him now."

Ye Qianqian's words have not finished, outside, a sharp soprano came in: "Yo, still hiding from your mother? Qianqian, your brother has committed a crime. You can't hide it. "

Ye Qianqian turned his head and saw that it was the lady who owned the store nearby. She was a fat woman who weighed more than 200 Jin. The woman squeezed into the door of Ye's house and immediately brought a bad smell of body odor and sweat.

The leaf mother listened to her words, in the heart a sink: "what do you say?"

The fat woman pointed at her back: "don't you believe it? The neighborhood leaders all know. Just now, the police station called. Ye Cuo of your family was arrested by the police. "

Leaf mother at the foot of a soft, in front of a black, rickety leisurely stand. Ye Qianqian quickly hugged her: "Mom, mom, what's the matter with you?"

Ye Qianqian's voice with a trace of crying cavity, by Ye Mu's pale face, scared to cry.

Ye muqiang stood up and said softly, "I'm ok."

With that, he said to the fat woman, "Madame, can you make it clear?"

The fat landlady said loudly, "Oh, you still want me to make it clear about this shame? Why don't you just ask your promising son? I'm embarrassed to say that he's willing to do such a bad thing. "

Most of the neighbors have a good relationship with Ye CuO's family. After all, Ye's mother is hardworking, gentle and generous. All the neighbors like her, but they hate her.

A neighbor couldn't keep an eye on it. He said to the fat landlady, "sister Bajie, just tell Ye CuO's mother. At this time, it's all from the neighborhood. Why don't you want to help us

The fat landlady was nicknamed Bajie sister-in-law because she was fat. She has a bucket waist, fat clothes will support deformation, but also with the belt hard, hope to be able to make a thin waist, the result is like a rope tied with a pile of pork.

At this time, Bajie sister-in-law listened to the neighbor's words and immediately turned her face: "Yo, who are you? It's your job, isn't it? Really, it's not your children who have been arrested. What's your hurry? Ye CuO's mother hasn't spoken yet. "

Ye Mu took a deep breath and said to Bajie's sister-in-law, "boss, just tell me, what did the police say? Is there any misunderstanding? "

Bajie's sister-in-law sneered: "Ye CuO Ma, you don't believe me? When did my ears fail? I heard it with my own ears. Well, the policewoman made it very clear. Ye Cuo of your family, what's that called? Oh, yes! Attempted rape! Do you understand? "

Ye Qianqian yelled: "you lie!"

Leaf mother foot a soft, directly sit on the ground, face like ashes.

"Ouch, Qianqian, you are a little girl. Don't be so angry, OK? You don't know. Today's little boys don't have any good things. They look at this and that. They look at some unhealthy things all day, and then they go to do bad things. Hum, I've seen a lot. Last time, there was a little boy who came to my shop to buy things. He had a pair of eyes that were very thief, so he glanced at me. When he looked at me, he saw that I was beautiful and had a thief's heart. " Bajie sister-in-law scratched her head and said.

Next to a boss said: "it's impossible, ah Cuo. He has been honest since he was a child."

Bajie said: "sixth master, you don't know. Now, as a child, do you write the word" bad guy "on your face? I didn't know until I was arrested. "

The neighborhood was full of neighbors. They didn't believe Bajie's words very much. But the more she did, the more angry she was. She swore, "you all don't believe me. Together, I'm the kind of person who loves to cheat people? It was a policewoman who called and said that it was necessary to investigate and punish severely. If I lied, my whole store would be collapsed and I would be killed in it. "

In Ye's house, Ye's father's voice came out: "what's going on outside? Why is it so noisy?"

Ye muqiang stood up and walked into the room, barely squeezing out a smile.

Ye Fu looked at him suspiciously: "what happened outside? Why do I seem to hear Ba Jie's sister-in-law talking about ah CuO? "

Ye Mu wiped the sweat on his head with her hand and said, "it's OK. You heard me wrong. They just came to visit."

Ye Fu's body is very poor, so he needs to rest and can't suffer from spiritual stimulation. Ye Mu doesn't dare to tell him the truth.

But unexpectedly, Bajie's sister-in-law suddenly put her head in and said in a loud voice: "Oh, Lao Ye is still lying on the bed? It's really leisurely. Your son has been arrested for attempted rape. You don't know how anxious your family is. Alas, if my boy does such a shameful thing, I'm embarrassed to live here. "

"What?" Ye Fu struggled for a while, and coughed violently, "you talk nonsense, my family a CuO can't do this kind of thing!"

Bajie's sister-in-law laughs: "the police have called my home. If your family is poor and has no phone, the police should inform you directly. In that case, you can keep it from your neighbors. It's a pity that some things are so unfortunate. "

Ye Fu's face changed a few times, and he coughed violently. Ye Mu was in a hurry and stroked his chest with her hand. She wanted to cry without tears, and the whole person was about to collapse.

At this time, a police siren suddenly sounded out of the window, and Bajie's sister-in-law laughed: "Yo, it seems that the police have come to you for investigation. It's so busy, ha ha ha."

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