The neighbors in the outer room also heard the siren, and everyone was nervous.

"Is what Bajie said true? It's impossible. Ah CuO is very honest and warm-hearted. I'm old in arms and legs. If he didn't help me carry water every day, I couldn't have survived. " Six Ye sighs to say.

"That's right. A sensible child was bullied outside. He never said it when he came home. What a good child he was, he was ten thousand times better than the little bastard in Bajie's wife's family who went to the house to uncover tiles."

Bajie's sister-in-law snorted coldly: "what's wrong with my son? My son is a jerk, not a thing, at least not a rape! His family, ye Cuo, is ugly and wimpy. There are no girls in the school who like it. When they grow up, they probably can't find a daughter-in-law. It's not normal for such a person to do such humiliating things. "

"Shut up A respectable old man stopped on the ground with a crutch. "Bajie sister-in-law, they are all from the neighborhood. What do you gloat about? What's good for you when something happens to Lao Ye's family? "

Bajie's sister-in-law immediately retorted: "well, Third Master, you are the most virtuous neighbor in the neighborhood. Everyone respects you. Why? Because you always distinguish between right and wrong. Now it's his Ye family who has done something shameful and lost the big guy's face. Instead of talking about them, you say I don't agree with you! "

The third master is thin and has a goatee, which is similar to yunyehe. But yunyehe, as the first miracle doctor in China, has his own natural bearing. In contrast, the third master is more like a kind old man in the countryside.

Leaning on crutches, the Third Master said, "the big guys are all family members. It's not easy for the neighbors to take care of each other." Say to Ye Mu way, "Ye CuO Ma also don't worry, see others police how to say, if really is a CuO that wa Zi commit a crime, we also recognize! If they are willing to be private, they should lose money for them. If there is no money in the family, we will gather together for you; If people don't want to sue you, they should go to jail. A man is not afraid of making mistakes. A mistake is still small. If he comes out later, he will be educated and corrected. "

Ye Mu nodded, covered her mouth and cried out. Bajie's sister-in-law sneered. Ye Qianqian lost his soul and sat in a chair, like a walking corpse, with no brilliance in his eyes.

Only Ye Fu said coldly: "Bajie's sister-in-law has never been reliable. Who believes him? My family a CuO certainly won't do such a thing! "

Bajie said bitterly, "you paralytic, you should be paralyzed in bed. When can't I speak reliably? There is no girl in your family who wants anything wrong. She will be single all her life. That's why she does this kind of thing; If he doesn't commit a crime, you go and smash my shop now, and I won't stop you. "

"Yes? It seems that I have something to do today. " Outside, ye CuO's voice came coldly.

"Brother?" All of a sudden, ye Qianqian seems to have come to the spirit. In front of her eyes, she suddenly stands up.

Outside the door, ye CuO leads a beautiful girl and walks in. Ye Qianqian and everyone are stunned. Why did ye CuO bring back such a beautiful girl?

Seeing the policeman behind Ye Cuo, Bajie said in a loud voice: "police comrades, you are here to investigate, aren't you? Is it because ye CuO committed a rape case? "

Ye Qianqian looks at Bajie's sister-in-law gnashing her teeth.

After ye Cuo, it was captain Wu. He was stunned and said: "rape case? Oh, there is such a thing. But ye CuO is not a criminal, but a great contributor to solve the case. "

This fleeing shooting and homicide case has troubled the whole police station for more than half a month. The pressure from the superior departments and the people has made the whole police station worried to death. Now that it's finally broken, team Wu seems a little excited and has a high voice.

The people around them were all in a daze when they heard Wu's words. And Bajie's sister-in-law frowned: "what? Comrade police, did I hear you right? Isn't it Ye CuO who committed the case? "

Wu team frowned, and his voice was a little harsh: "how could it be ye CuO? Ye CuO is our great hero in solving the case. He not only found the criminal, but also arrested him personally. This is our excellent citizen. Don't talk nonsense. "

Many of the neighbors nearby all looked at Bajie's sister-in-law with a trace of evil in their eyes.

Bajie's sister-in-law shivered and looked at Wu's team and said, "no, a police Comrade just called to inform the family that ye CuO had committed the attempted rape case."

Wu team looked behind: "who is calling?"

Feng Qianyu was standing behind him. When he heard this question, his head shrank and he vomited his tongue.

Wu team saw that no one answered, turned around and looked at Bajie sister-in-law in doubt. The neighbors around also looked at Bajie's sister-in-law, who was immediately flustered: "Oh, no! There was a phone just now. My mother, I've been wronged. "

"Shut up!" The third master angrily used his walking stick to go to the ground. The neighbors around him looked at Bajie's sister angrily, "Bajie's sister-in-law, you are so immoral. Is it easy for the old Ye family? Ye CuO's mother is a woman with two children and a patient. It's not easy. As a neighbor, if you don't help, you can curse others. It's really immoral. "

"That's right. I'll never go shopping at your house again." The other neighbors echoed.

The third master looked at team Wu and said, "Comrade police, what's the matter? Can you tell us more about it? "

Wu team in a good mood, said: "who is Ye CuO's parents?"

A group of people all looked at Ye Mu sitting beside the bed and ye Fu lying. Captain Wu walked over. Ye Mu quickly stood up, and captain Wu waved his hand: "you're welcome. I want to thank you for raising such a good son."

Captain Wu held Ye Fu's hand and said to everyone, "you should have seen the news not long ago. A murderer and rapist, who was wandering around, had a very bad influence in our city. The superior leaders attached great importance to it and demanded that it be arrested at all costs. To tell you the truth, we don't know when we would have been busy today if ye CuO hadn't arrested the criminal. "

Ye Fu and ye Mu looked at each other excitedly, and saw joy in each other's eyes.

The third master's old face turned into a flower with a smile: "so we Ye CuO xiaowazi are promising? Did you do something great for the country? "

"Yes, sir, I really want to thank you for bringing up such a good child for the people of the whole city. But for him, the personal safety of the people in our city would not be guaranteed. "

The third master burst out laughing: "good, good." Toward Ye Fu and ye Mu gave a thumbs up, "well, Lao ye, you have the ability. No one in our family is more promising than your children."

"That's it All the neighbors around were envious. Only Bajie's sister-in-law had a distorted face.

"Well! Didn't you just happen to catch the criminal? What's the big deal? No, I'm still poor and sick. " Bajie said in a low voice.

At this time, a small policeman beside Wu took out a thick envelope from his arms. Wu team took over and put it on the head of Ye Fu's bed: "here is 100000 yuan, you guard."

Ye Fu and ye Mu were both surprised and quickly shirked: "how can this work? It won't work

"Take it." Wu said, "this is a reward of 100000 yuan offered by the city. Whoever catches the criminal will be rewarded. Your family deserves it."

"What?" Bajie's sister-in-law was on one side and almost spat out blood.

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