Cao Zhen looked at his watch while eating and said, "You still have fifteen minutes. You can start the task after eating. By the way, eat more!"

Hearing Cao Zhen's words, everyone was not sure what the task was going to be. Qin Feng said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, anyway, you have the strength to tear off the famous brand when you are full!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone was shocked. Qin Feng was right. After all, there was a brand-name tearing sport at night. Tear-up famous brands was physical work.

So everyone took the food and ate, but Zeng Xiaoxian and Wang Zulan were stopped by the director.Suddenly the two of them understood that Cao Zhen was because of what they said when they were in Central.

The two hurriedly surrendered to Cao Zhen.Cao Zhencai let them eat, and the two of them hurriedly devoured it. After recording a day's program, the eight of them were tired and hungry.

They don't care about what they eat at all.Seeing their devoured appearance, the surrounding waiters all smacked their tongues secretly.Are these stars!

Baby doesn't care about her goddess image at all, and her mouth is full of food.Many staff members were surprised to see, is this still the pure and lovely goddess?This Nima is simply a female man.

Fifteen minutes later, several people were burping, and the food on the table was almost eaten.Cao Zhen and the others in the director's team have eaten almost the same.

Cao Zhen wiped his hands and said with a small speaker, "Now start the third round of the mission! Great memory test!" Hearing Cao Zhen's words, the eight running men were dumbfounded. At this time, there was only one word in their hearts: "Depend on!"

Cao Zhen smiled and said, "Please turn over the food basket!" Hearing Cao Zhen's words, several people turned the basket over.

Only then did they discover that there were different marks printed on the back of the drawer.There are animals, vehicles, flowers and grass.

Seeing these, Qin Feng immediately understood that this Nima was going to play and watch.Qin Feng hurriedly said to the three members of his team, "Hurry up and remember the above!"

At this time, Cao Zhen said with a smile: "Give you one minute to memorize the above things. Three people will sit there later, and one person will be left to guess. The three people who guess wrong will be punished and replaced at the same time. In ten rounds, the team with the most wins is the winner!

Chapter [-]: The collective stroke of running men

As soon as Cao Zhen finished reading the rules of the game, the players of the two teams immediately began to memorize the location of the pattern on the cage and the location of the same pattern in their hearts.

One minute is short, and it goes by quickly.With Cao Zhen's whistle, the staff on both sides came up and turned over the cages.

Zeng Xiaoxian said with a bitter look: "Director, let me look at it again, I'll remember everything right away!" Of course, the director ignored Zeng Xiaoxian's plea.

Wang Zulan said with a smile: "Zeng Xiaoxian, I think you can barely remember half of it in half a day." Wang Zulan is a blatant provocation!

Unconvinced, Zeng Xiaoxian rolled his eyes and smiled at Wang Zulan: "Wang Zulan, I want to challenge you! Do you dare to come?" Zeng Xiaoxian's eyebrows danced as he spoke.

Looking at Zeng Xiaoxian with an arrogant face, Wang Zulan laughed and said, "Zeng Xiaoxian, are you sure you want to fight me one-on-one?" There was a strong murderous aura in her eyes.

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Wang Zulan's sharp eyes and said with a smile, "Wang Zulan, what are you doing? Come to fight if you refuse to accept it!" Wang Zulan snorted coldly and said, "If you say war, then you will fight, so I'm not ashamed!"

Hearing Wang Zulan's words, Zeng Xiaoxian almost choked.Everyone around is a black line, thinking that Zeng Xiaoxian is so clamoring.Wang Zulan definitely couldn't bear it, but she never expected Wang Zulan to answer so strangely.

This is, the staff of the director's team has already prepared the cage.Cao Zhen said with a smile: "You two teams now arrange your order of play! Then start the game right away!"

Wang Zulan smiled and said, "I am the first in our team!" She looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with provocative eyes.Zeng Xiaoxian smiled angrily and said, "Wang Zulan, are you provoking me?"

Wang Zulan rolled her eyes and said, "I didn't say anything, I didn't do anything! Whatever you think is your own business!"

Seeing Wang Zulan's ill-fated appearance, Zeng Xiaoxian said, "I'll be the first in our group! Let's see how I can kill Wang Zulan!" Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's words, Wang Zulan said with a completely disbelieving expression: "Whoever gets killed in seconds doesn't matter. must!"

Cao Zhen smiled and said, "OK! Now that the first person in both groups has been chosen! Then the others, please sit down on the six chairs here!"

After hearing Cao Zhen's words, everyone turned their heads and looked in the direction Cao Zhen pointed.There are six chairs in a row, and on top of the six chairs help hang a few bags.

After seeing the bag, several people have a very bad feeling.They thought of the flour bag from season one.Qin Feng said helplessly: "I said director, is it really good to waste flour like this?"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Cao Zhen smiled and did not speak.Qin Feng and the other six walked to the six chairs and sat down as if they were on the execution ground.

Cao Zhen smiled and said, "I will name a pattern later. You must find two identical ones at the same time to pass the level! The loser's team will be baptized with flour."

Hearing Cao Zhen's words, the six of them laughed bitterly.This still cannot escape the fate of being baptized by flour.Cao Zhen continued: "After the first person fails, switch to the second person. The winning team can play until they fail!"

Everyone was already familiar with the rules of the game, and then Cao Zhen's whistle, the game started, Cao Zhen looked at Wang Zulan and Zeng Xiaoxian who were standing behind the table and said, "Car!"

After hearing Cao Zhen's words, Zeng Xiaoxian and Wang Zulan were stunned for a moment, and then they started to turn over the cage in front of them.Both are very fast.

Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian was about to turn over, Deng Chao hurriedly said, "Xiaoxian, take your time, don't get excited!" Zeng Xiaoxian said confidently, "Brother Chao, don't worry!"

Deng Chao said speechlessly: "I'm not at ease! You are too unreliable!" Hearing Deng Chao's words, the scene burst into laughter.Wang Zulan smiled and said, "Zeng Xiaoxian, you see that even your teammates don't support you!"

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Wang Zulan angrily and said, "Zu Lan, please find a higher-level excuse next time. Your excuse is really bad!"

Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian and Deng Chao were not fooled, Wang Zulan just turned over the two cages in her hand with a smile.I saw the cage drawer that Wang Zulan turned over.Qin Feng suddenly shouted: "omg (ohmygod)!"

Baby and Tong Dawei were also frustrated.And Deng Chao and the others laughed happily.Seeing the situation, Wang Zulan also looked down and saw that she had a car and an airplane in her hand.Immediately, Wang Zulan also fainted, looking apologetically at the three teammates in his group.

Zeng Xiaoxian laughed proudly and slowly turned over the cage in his hand.After turning it over, Deng Chao and the three of them were still laughing.Suddenly it all stopped.

And Qin Feng, who was originally sad, the three of them instantly changed their expressions.Li Chen said weakly, "Zeng Xiaoxian, are you a pig?"

Hearing Li Chen's words, Zeng Xiaoxian looked down at everyone with an embarrassed expression.Obviously his judgment was wrong.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "What if the director and the two teams are tied?" At this time, everyone was sober and finally escaped the first round of judgment.

Cao Zhen smiled slightly and said, "This is easy to handle! If neither team guesses correctly, then they will be punished together!" Just as Cao Zhen finished speaking, the staff of the director's team released their hands and opened the six bags at the same time. , a snow-white flour fell from the sky.The six unsuspecting people were all hit, and all of them were covered in snow-white flour on their heads and faces! "

And the culprits who caused all this, Wang Zulan and Zeng Xiaoxian, stood there staring blankly at them, and Zeng Xiaoxian, who looked at his teammates covered in flour, actually laughed.

Qin Feng and baby wiped the flour on each other's faces.This is a public show of affection in front of everyone!Completely ignoring the existence of other people.

Chapter [-]: Running Man's Famous Brand Fight

All six were wiping flour on their faces and bodies.Looking at the embarrassed appearance of the six people, the staff at the scene also held back their smiles.Cao Zhen smiled and said, "Zeng Xiaoxian, Wang Zulan guessed all wrong! The two groups are now replaced by the second contestant!"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Baby, you go!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, the baby walked up with a smile, but the flour on the baby's face made the baby's smile look a bit funny.

Deng Chao smiled and said, "Let Bao Beier go if we are here!" Bao Beier smiled and said, "Don't worry! I will definitely win!" Bao Beier waved his fist and walked up.

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