Wang Zulan and Zeng Xiaoxian returned to their respective teams. After baby and Bao Beier were in their seats, Cao Zhen smiled and said, "Piano!"

After hearing Cao Zhen speak about the piano, the baby quickly looked for the memory of the piano in his brain.Bao Beier is also trying hard to recall the order he just remembered.

Soon both of their hands were on the cage drawer.Cao Zhen smiled and said, "The two teams please give your answers!" The baby turned to look at Qin Feng with a smile on his face.Seeing the baby's smile, Qin Feng knew that the baby must have guessed it.Qin Feng also gave the baby an encouraging gesture.

After seeing it, Deng Chao smiled and said, "Why do you two always like to show affection so much! Pay attention to the occasion!" After speaking, Deng Chao deliberately patted his thigh while pretending to be very sad.

Baby turned to look at Deng Chao and said with a smile, "Brother Chao, you should be the one who needs to pay attention!" After saying that, the baby turned over the drawer in his hand.

"OHmygod!" But this came from Deng Chao's mouth.Nima, baby actually guessed right.And it's easy to guess.

At this time, Bao Beier was a little nervous.Obviously, Bao Beier is not very confident in his choice.He wasn't even sure that he was [-]% right.So when I saw that the baby chose the right one, I felt guilty.

Deng Chao looked at Bao Bei'er with expectant eyes and said, "The bag, it's all up to you!" Under the expectation of Deng Chao, Li Chen and Zeng Xiaoxian, Bao Bei'er turned over the cage in his hand.Then the expectations of the three suddenly turned into disappointment.

Then, amid the schadenfreude of the four members of Qin Feng's team, three bags of flour fell from the top of their heads, instantly causing them to get a thick layer of flour on their bodies and faces that they had just cleaned off.

After that, Deng Chao appeared as the captain, but it was of no use. He was killed by the baby in the first time.The fourth is Li Chen.Soon the ten rounds are over.

Qin Feng's team easily won the third round with the strong performance of the baby, so they also got their second clue.

Then Cao Zhen announced: "The final competition venue is the Red Pavilion in Hong Kong, please hurry up!" After that, Cao Zhen took the director team to the Red Pavilion.

The two teams also set out to the macro, and the traitors on both sides were not found, so everyone had a tacit understanding and did not mention the traitor.

If you look at it from this side alone, this episode of the show is really not like the script of Infernal Affairs.But everyone knew in their hearts that when they got to the Red Pavilion, all the harmony and peace would be broken.

Soon, eight people had already driven to the outside of the Red Pavilion, although it was already eight o'clock in the evening.But there are still many running man fans waiting for them outside the red pavilion, and they were warmly welcomed when they got out of the car.

After the eight people got off the bus, they also waved their hands and signaled to the fans, and walked slowly into the red pavilion scene.Cao Zhen was already waiting for them in the Red Pavilion.

The eight people walked up to Cao Zhen and stopped, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.Cao Zhen said with a smile: "Today, the last stage of tearing up the famous brand will start immediately. The rules are very simple. The last person left wins. The competition format is personal tearing up the famous brand! Everyone can be torn!"

Hearing Cao Zhen's words, the eight people at the scene suddenly had their own thoughts.Cao Zhen smiled and said, "Give you five minutes to prepare! The game will start in five minutes!"

After Cao Zhen arranged the task, more than a dozen men in black came and took the eight of them away.Tong Dawei was a little overwhelmed when he participated in Running Man for the first time and asked, "Hey, you are bringing me there!"

But the man in black didn't answer Tong Dawei's question, just carried him forward.Soon the eight people were placed in different places by the men in black.

The broadcast came: "The personal battle of tearing the famous brand starts now! The last winner wins!" But after hearing the broadcast, the eight people didn't take it seriously at all.

Obviously because they all know that the theme of today is not to tear up famous brands, but to find their teammates among the enemies and the traitors among their teammates.

Although each of them has evidence, but there is too little evidence.They still can't confirm who is the traitor and who is the teammate for the time being.So they are very anxious now.But there is no use in being anxious.

Qin Feng sat in the auditorium of the Red Pavilion Gymnasium and carefully analyzed his evidence. Qin Feng was very confident in his own strength, and he didn't think anyone could tear him apart here.

But apparently Qin Feng was a little careless this time and was killed by himself.When Qin Feng found out, he had been trapped in the audience by five people: Tong Dawei, Li Chen, Zeng Xiaoxian, Bao Beier, and Wang Zulan.

Qin Feng said with a wry smile: "Are you trying to encircle me?" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Li Chen said with a smile, "Yes, your strength is the strongest. Of course we have to eliminate you first. . . and then talk about something else."

Qin Feng was very surprised at this time, why they were so united.Although Qin Feng worked hard to do it, it was a one-vs-[-] after all, and Qin Feng had no way to escape.

So Qin Feng was torn down by Bao Beier not long after he resisted.This is also the first time that Bao Beier has torn someone else's feeling!Moreover, Qin Feng was still torn apart, and Bao Beier was very beautiful in his heart.Then came the broadcast.

Chapter [-]: The Counterattack of Qin Feng, the Running Man

The broadcast came: "Qin Feng is out! Because Qin Feng is out, the real theme of this episode is exposed. Now Deng Chao and his traitor in the running men's team have taken the initiative.

The members of the running men's team can only avoid the tearing of the famous brand by Deng Chao and his traitors, and cannot fight back.After hearing this broadcast, Qin Feng was forcibly taken away by the man in black.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and Li Chen smiled proudly.In an instant, everyone knew that they had been tricked by Li Chen.Obviously Li Chen is a traitor of the Deng Dynasty.

But at this time they have no time to reflect on themselves.Because Li Chen and Deng Chao's hunt for them had already begun. baby, Wang Zulan, Tong Dawei, Zeng Xiaoxian, and Bao Baier scattered and fled.And Deng Chao came over and gave Li Chen a high five with a smile.Deng Chao said with a smile, "Chen, this time it's really yours! You can actually eliminate Qin Feng!"

Li Chen is also very satisfied with his successful sniper kill Qin Feng, after all, Li Chen has always played the role of a strong player in the team.But every time, Qin Feng stole the limelight.This time, it can be regarded as Li Chen's perfect revenge!

Sitting in the confinement room, Qin Feng kept moaning and sighing. This time Qin Feng completely lost Jingzhou. When he found out that he was surrounded, five people had already blocked his escape route.

As long as there is a gap for Qin Feng to run away, it is estimated that Qin Feng can run away.But it was obvious that Qin Feng was torn apart this time instead of being able to escape.

Time goes back to the time before the tearing of the famous brand started. This episode was really lucky for Li Chen. In the room where he was sent by the man in black, he found very important evidence on the task reminder card.According to this evidence.Li Chen determined that Deng Chao was his teammate and Qin Feng was his opponent.

So Li Chen had an idea to use the running man's hand to get Qin Feng out. After all, relying on himself to fight with Deng Chao and Qin Feng, the six of them are really not worth watching.

After Li Chen knew Qin Feng's identity, he sent everyone a wrong message through the WeChat group established with the six men of the running men's team. After analyzing the wrong message, everyone determined that Qin Feng really wanted to tear man.Moreover, the baby was portrayed as Qin Feng's traitor, and at the same time, he took the initiative to snip these five people to kill Qin Feng.

And Qin Feng was too careless, thinking too much in the auditorium, and when he reacted, there was no way to go, so it was Qin Feng who was torn up no matter how he resisted.

So there is the beginning scene.Due to Qin Feng's undercover failure, they can only be chased by Deng Chao and Li Chen to tear up the famous brand, but they can only escape and cannot fight back.

Wang Zulan ran the slowest, and was dragged back directly by Li Chen by the collar.Li Chen smiled and said, "Zu Lan, don't resist! Go and accompany Qin Feng!"

Wang Zulan said with a wry smile: "Brother Chao, Brother Chen! Just let me go once, let me run for three seconds!" Hearing Wang Zulan's bargaining.

Li Chen said with a smile: "Zu Lan, even if I give you ten seconds, I don't have time. You can't run away, so just accept your fate!" After speaking, he turned his head and said to Deng Chao, "Brother Chao, I will drag him, you will tear him apart. Bar!"

Deng Chao said with a smile: "Zu Lan, go and accompany Qin Feng, this is the first time Qin Feng has been OUT! It must be very lonely, you go to accompany him!" Pulling on Wang Zulan's back, he heard a thorn, and Wang Zulan's nameplate was already in Deng Chao's hand.

The broadcast came: "Wang Zulan, out!" Although Wang Zulan was reluctant in every possible way, she was taken down by the man in black.

Li Chen asked: "Brother Chao, who is our next target?"

Hearing Li Chen's words, Deng Chao thought about it seriously and said with a smile: "As long as the baby is left at the end, the rest will tear up whoever they see.

Li Chen nodded to express his agreement with Deng Chao's opinion.After all, the baby is a girl, so if two big boys go up and tear the girl up, it is obviously a bit suspicious of bullying.

So Li Chen and Deng Chao were very gentlemen and let the baby go first.But this also allowed them to leave themselves a fatal mistake.After Wang Zulan was eliminated, Zeng Xiaoxian and Bao Beier were torn apart by Li Chen and Deng Chao successively.It's not that they have no strength, but their previous mistakes in judgment made them face the strong pursuit of the two opponents and can only wait to die, and there is no way to do it.

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