But now this sentence is not accepted by too many people, because they are used to peaceful life, and they can't understand why the troops still need to train every day.After all, it is not a soldier, so it is difficult to understand that it is difficult to understand how to raise troops for a thousand days and use them for a while.

The duty of a soldier is to protect the family and the country, but now many soldiers are treated unfairly in the society. For example, some time ago, a celebrity beat up an armed policeman because of a small advance, and the armed policeman was detained for just self-defense Hit people's names. , and the star also pretended to be pitiful on the Internet, winning the sympathy of fans, and the Armed Police Corps also let the armed police undress and leave because of this incident.

Although this incident is just an example, it has also shown that the status of the soldiers in the eyes of the common people is far less than before. The common people in the past knew that the military was their patron saint.

Although the soldiers are still the guardians of the country and the patron saint of the people, it is obvious that many people no longer take the soldiers seriously.

The purpose of Qin Feng doing this program is to let everyone know more about the army and the soldiers.Learn what kind of people are protecting this beautiful country and their happy and stable lives.

So Qin Feng couldn't figure out why his show was killed.Qin Feng thought about it all the way and did not come to a conclusion. The driver parked the car in the compound of the Municipal Party Committee.Xu Long's secretary had already greeted the doorman before, so Qin Feng's car came in unobstructed.

Qin Feng said to the driver, "Wait for me here!" After speaking, he opened the car door and walked into the Municipal Party Committee Building.Qin Feng just walked to the steps of the building when a young man with eyes greeted him and said with a smile, "Hello! Chairman Qin!"

Qin Feng was stunned for a moment. The young man smiled and said, "Hello, I'm Shi Qing, Mayor Xu's secretary! The mayor asked me to wait for you here!"

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Hello, Secretary Shi! Where is Mayor Xu?" Qin Feng stepped forward and shook hands with Shi Qing.Shi Qing smiled and said, "Chairman Qin, come with me!" He walked in front and led the way for Qin Feng.

The two came to Mayor Xu's office chatting and laughing.Seeing Qin Feng arrive, Xu Long smiled and said, "Qin Feng, please sit down!" Qin Feng sat down on the sofa next to him with a smile.

Shi Qing poured tea for Qin Feng with great discernment and went out.Xu Long said with a smile: "Qin Feng, do it first! I still have a document in my hand! And there is another person who wants to see you later!"

Hearing Xu Long's polite tone, Qin Feng said with a smile, "Mayor Xu, you are busy first!" After speaking, Qin Feng sat there without speaking, just drinking tea and admiring the words on the wall opposite him .

Xu Long smiled and said, "The man will come later, he will tell you why you were rejected!" Hearing Xu Long's words, Qin Feng just smiled noncommittally.

Seeing Qin Feng's calm expression, Xu Long also secretly admired him.No wonder he can become such a well-known figure in China at a young age.

After about ten minutes, the door of the office opened, and an elderly man in a military uniform walked in.There was a smile on his face.Looking at his military rank, Qin Feng's body was shocked. Although Qin Feng was not a soldier, he was still very clear about the military rank system of the Huaxia Kingdom.

Those who can be awarded generals in China are all important leaders of the military.Who is this old general?Seeing the old general walking in, Qin Feng and Xu Long both stood up immediately.

Xu Long walked over with a smile and said, "Father, you are here!" Qin Feng was shocked again when he heard Xu Long's name.Mayor Xu's father, Qin Feng immediately knew who was coming.Xu Guoqiang, the No. [-] chief of the Southeast Military Region.

Qin Feng also hurried over and said respectfully, "General Xu, hello!" Hearing Qin Feng's name, Xu Guoqiang smiled and said, "It seems that my identity is not kept secret! Hello, Qin Feng" said Xu Guoqiang He came over and shook hands with Qin Feng.Then he sat down on the sofa opposite Qin Feng.

Seeing Xu Guoqiang sitting down, Qin Feng and Xu Long dared to sit down.After all, in front of this general, Qin Feng and Xu Long are not enough!

After sitting down, Xu Guoqiang said with a smile, "Qin Feng, I am a straight person. Since you are here for the show, then I will also talk about the reason for my rejection!"

Qin Feng hurriedly said: "Please advise the general!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Xu Guoqiang said with a smile: "Your program has a good idea, I agree with both hands! But you are not good in the arrangement of the personnel to participate!"

Hearing Xu Guoqiang's words, Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, but he immediately understood the reason.It must be because of tara. The six members of tara are not only girls, but more importantly, their nationality is Korean.Not from China.The army is the guardian of a country. How can foreigners be allowed to enter the army at will?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng hurriedly apologized and said, "I'm sorry, old general. I know I was wrong!" Xu Guoqiang nodded with satisfaction. He knew that he didn't need to say too much, just click, and Qin Feng would understand.

Xu Guoqiang smiled and said, "I came to see you today not just for this one thing! There is one more thing!" Hearing Xu Guoqiang's words, Qin Feng hurriedly asked, "I don't know what else the old general is looking for from me?"

Xu Guoqiang asked, "Is the Special Forces" your work, right?" Qin Feng nodded when he heard Xu Guoqiang's words.Xu Guoqiang smiled and said, "I hope you can make two more works of this subject!"

Hearing Xu Guoqiang's words, Qin Feng turned his head and said with a smile, "No problem! Wrap it on me!"

Chapter [-]: The whereabouts of Dong Linfeng

Just now Xu Guoqiang proposed the film and television works with the theme of "I Am Special Forces", and Qin Feng immediately locked the two works "Blade of the Nation" and "Fire Phoenix".

These two works and "I Am Special Forces" are both special forces series, but the script of the previous life was too scum in some aspects of the conception.Qin Feng still needs to change the script for this remake, but this is really not a big problem for Qin Feng.

So Qin Feng took over the job without thinking. Xu Guoqiang was also very happy to see Qin Feng agreed so neatly.Xu Guoqiang said with a smile: "This time you have made two works. Whatever you need, as long as the military region can do it, I will try my best to do it!"

Hearing Xu Guoqiang's words, Qin Feng said with a smile: "Actually, there is nothing to do, but I hope that these actors can follow the troops in the military region to conduct some training and tactical movements. In this way, the effect of the TV series will be better. Regarding Qin Feng's request, Xu Guoqiang frowned and said, "Okay, when the time comes, you can bring over the stars who are right for the film, and I can let them feel the atmosphere and training of the army in the army! However, there are You should pay attention to two points. The first point is that they only come into contact with the most common troops. You must know that the special forces are the elite and the fist of the army. Many special forces' information is kept secret at the national level! Therefore, they cannot appear in the military. In front of the camera. Second, don't send those heroines and the like to the army! The army is a man's world, and women should not come!"

Hearing Xu Guoqiang's words, Qin Feng immediately had a black line. You must know that "Fire Phoenix" is mainly about the women's special forces. Originally, Qin Feng wanted to use this opportunity to persuade Xu Guoqiang to let tara participate in that variety show.However, he did not expect that Xu Guoqiang would directly refuse the woman to enter the army training, which made Qin Feng unable to speak.

Xu Guoqiang was the No. [-] chief of the Southeast Military Region. He disagreed, and there was nothing anyone could do.So Qin Feng had to give up the idea of ​​letting tara participate in variety shows, and choose a few male stars to be real men!

After Qin Feng and Xu Guoqiang talked about these matters, they left the Municipal Party Committee Building.Sitting in the car, Qin Feng was thinking about who would be a real man.

The driver suddenly asked, "Chairman, where are we going? Back to the company or back to the love apartment?" Qin Feng rubbed his head and said, "Let's go back to the love apartment!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, the driver turned around. The love apartment drove away.

In the mayor's office of the municipal party committee, Xu Guoqiang stood by the window watching the back of Qin Feng's car go away and stood there with his hands behind his back.Xu Long came over and said cautiously, "Father!"

Xu Guoqiang sighed and said, "Qin Feng is a talented person! As expected of the number one person who values ​​him! This time, please cooperate with him to make this program a good job, and promote our army well."

Hearing Xu Guoqiang's words, Xu Long's heart was shaken at this time. He must be clear about his father's status, and the identity of the No. [-] chief he said was about to be revealed.

Even who is optimistic about Qin Feng, it seems that Qin Feng is really talented.Of course, Xu Guoqiang will not tell his son everything he knows, after all, it is a state secret.Not everyone can know.

Xu Guoqiang said with a smile: "By the way, how about the situation of asking you to investigate Dong Linfeng's criminal evidence?" Hearing his father's question, Xu Long hurriedly replied: "About Dong Linfeng's murder of his father Dong Hanwen. The evidence has been collected almost!"

Xu Guoqiang's face became ugly when he heard Xu Long's words. Xu Long knew that his father was angry because of what Dong Linfeng did.

However, what Dong Linfeng did is simply not a thing. No matter what, Dong Hanwen is his father. He actually murdered his father for the property of Dingtian Entertainment.Just like a beast.

When Qin Feng received a phone call from Dong Linfeng and threatened him last time, he immediately sent someone to investigate Dong Linfeng's whereabouts, but he never found it. In desperation, for the safety of the baby, Yifei and the others, Qin Feng had to dial the number. .Then the task is handed over to the special forces.

After investigation and tracking, the special forces captured Dong Linfeng, who was sleeping soundly, in a villa in Hainan.And it also dismantled a criminal group that trafficked in human beings.

After being gloomy for a long time, Xu Guoqiang said: "Hurry up and collect evidence, and then hand it over to the procuratorate to file a public prosecution. This kind of scum must be severely punished! If it wasn't for discipline, I would have killed him with a single shot!"

Listening to his old man's words, Xu Long also quickly complied and said, "Okay! I will definitely take the time to deal with it!" On the other hand, Qin Feng returned to the love apartment by car.

Qin Feng opened the door of the living room and was shocked. Hu Yifei's baby, Liu Yifei, Qin Yu, Mo and Lin Wanyu were all there. The baby is still holding Qin Xueer.

Zeng Xiaoxian, Lu Ziqiao and the others stood on one side.Qin Feng suddenly understood what was going on.

Sure enough, seeing Qin Feng coming back, before Qin Feng could sit down, Hu Yifei said loudly, "Brother Feng, what kind of "Transformation Plan" do you really want Xueer to participate in?"

Qin Feng slowly poured himself a cup of tea and took a sip and said, "Yes! I must let her participate!" Hearing Qin Feng's answer, the baby immediately objected, "I don't agree!"

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