Qin Feng said with a smile, "You must agree! There is no room for negotiation on this matter! Xue'er must participate!" After speaking, Qin Feng said, "I'm tired, so I'll go back to my room to rest first!" own room.Just let the baby cool down there.

Hu Yifei was suddenly unhappy: "Hey, Brother Feng. We haven't finished talking yet! Why are you leaving! Don't leave! Come back!" Hu Yifei shouted behind Qin Feng.

But Qin Feng did not look back, but went directly to his room.Seeing Qin Feng walk away, Hu Yifei turned to the baby and said, "Baby, what should I do?"

Baby sighed and said, "What can I do? We'll try to persuade him after dinner, hoping he won't let Xue Er go!"

Chapter eight hundred and ten: Qin Feng's intentions

Although Baby, Liu Yifei, Hu Yifei and the others all knew what happened in the past, as long as they acted like a spoiled child, Qin Feng would bow their heads and agree.

In fact, they all knew that it was because Qin Feng cared about them.Today, Qin Feng turned around and left without even listening to their words, which can be said to be the first time ever.

But they also knew in their hearts that once Qin Feng decided to do something, no one could change it.But they really didn't want Qin Xue'er to suffer.

In the evening, Hu Yifei and the others made dinner. Baby went to Qin Feng's room and called Qin Feng for dinner. When he walked to the door, he found that the door was unlocked, so he pushed the door and walked in.

When baby entered, he saw Qin Feng typing something in front of the computer.Hearing the door open, Qin Feng didn't turn his head but said to the baby, "Go eat, just leave me some food! I'm busy now!"

The baby was blocked by Qin Feng before he could speak. The baby opened his mouth and did not speak, but closed the door gently.She also knew in her heart that Qin Feng didn't want to entangle with them about Qin Xue'er.That's why I deliberately didn't eat with everyone.After all, it was Qin Feng's opinion to let Qin Xue'er participate in "The Deformation Plan", and no one else wanted her to suffer.

Hu Yifei and the others saw that the baby had returned by herself. Hu Yifei asked, "Where's Brother Feng?" Then they looked in the direction of Qin Feng's room, only to see that the door was still closed.

Baby sighed and said, "He said he's busy! Let's eat first and leave some food for him!" After hearing the baby's words, everyone understood what Qin Feng meant.Hu Yifei said angrily, "No, he's hiding from us! I'm going to talk to him!"

The baby stopped Yifei and said, "Feifei, don't go! Can you change anything if you go now?" Hu Yifei was also silent after hearing the baby's words.

Everyone knows that what Qin Feng has decided cannot be changed by anyone.Because once he makes a decision, he must do it.No matter who persuades it, it doesn't work.

Hu Yifei clapped the table and sat down and said a little dejectedly, "What should I do? I can't just watch Xueer being sent to the ravine to suffer!"

Qin Xueer also knew that her father and mother had quarreled over their own affairs.Of course, she also knew the reason, and looked at her mothers pitifully, and she didn't want to go to the ravine to suffer.The few days she spent in the mountain village during the last recording of "Where's Dad" left a deep impression on her.

But apparently the mothers were not able to convince the father this time.Looking at Yifei's mother who was sitting there clapping the table, and the melancholy mother baby, Qin Xueer didn't know what to do.Just sit there with your head down.

Baby said, "Let's eat first. Brother Feng and I will be talking later!" At this moment, the door opened, and Bai Yan walked in and said with a smile, "Wow, the rice is delicious!"

However, Bai Yan immediately felt that the atmosphere was not right after walking in. Bai Yan could see the expressions of baby and Hu Yifei.Bai Yan glanced at Qin Feng's absence.

Suddenly Bai Yan guessed what was going on. The baby smiled and said, "Sister Yan, you're back, come over and have dinner together!" Bai Yan also restrained her smile and walked to the dining table to sit down.

Hu Yifei said, "Sister Yan, go and persuade Brother Feng..." Before Hu Yifei finished her words, Bai Yan shook her head and interrupted her, "I can't persuade her!"

Hearing Bai Yan's words, Hu Yifei looked depressed.Bai Yan sighed and said, "We all know Qin Feng's temper. What he has decided will not change, and this time, he is obviously determined to send Xue'er to the crew of the Transformers!"

Hu Yifei pouted and said, "Why is he so cruel! That mountain area is very bitter!" Hearing Hu Yifei's words, Bai Yan smiled helplessly and said, "I'll tell you one thing, you'll understand. The first two Mr. He Jiong from Mango Satellite TV came to the company to talk to Qin Feng about the program. I heard Mr. He Jiong say that these two programs were created by Qin Feng and Mr. Ou Baldai together. According to the news disclosed by Mr. Ou Baldai It was Qin Feng who proposed to let Xue'er participate in this show when he came up with the Deformation Plan! It can also be said that part of the reason why this show was made was because of Xue'er!"

Hearing Bai Yan's words, Lin Wanyu pouted and said, "Why did Brother Feng do this? Why did he let Xue'er go since he knew that this show was going to be hard? Did he do it on purpose?"

Looking at Lin Wanyu's innocent face, Bai Yan smiled and said, "Is there any doubt about this? It must have been intentional!" Bai Yan said, "But have you considered why Qin Feng did this? The next time you make such a big decision to let Xue Er go to the countryside?"

Hearing Bai Yan's words, baby, Hu Yifei, Liu Yifei, Lin Wanyu and the others stopped talking.If they didn't understand Bai Yan's words to this point, they would simply be out of their minds.

Hu Yifei was still trying to defend herself and said, "But there are many ways to educate children, why use this one. And now Xueer is still young, she will be sensible when she grows up!"

Bai Yan shook her head and said, "Perhaps Qin Feng is right. We dote on Xue'er too much, and we've already spoiled her a bit uneducated!" After hearing Bai Yan's words, everyone was at a loss for words.Don't know what to say.

When Qin Feng came out and heard Bai Yan's words, Qin Feng couldn't help feeling warm. Although Bai Yan was not the first to be with Qin Feng, she was definitely the most considerate.

Qin Feng came over and said with a smile, "Sister Yan, you still understand my good intentions!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, the babies turned their heads to look at Qin Feng and their faces were full of guilt.

Qin Feng walked to the baby's side, sat down and said with a smile, "Although Xue'er is still young, I don't want her to feel that being my Qin Feng's daughter is a head taller than others. My Qin Feng's daughter is also an ordinary person, so she doesn't need to be. Do you have any sense of superiority! Children's education should be paid close attention to from a young age. You guys usually dote on her too much and are too arrogant. Let her go to the countryside this time to experience how other children live! She will have different feelings of!"

Chapter [-]: The real man's candidate

They all knew what Qin Feng said, but the baby and the others were still worried about Qin Xueer's participation in "Transformation Plan".Don't worry.

But they also knew that their opposition would not change anything.Because Qin Feng's attitude has already explained everything.They all disagreed in this "Transformation Plan", Qin Xueer had to go.

Qin Feng sighed and said, "When Xueer comes back after participating, you will know the difference between going and not going!" Qin Feng didn't want to explain anything at this time.Because he knew how he was explaining the baby and their thoughts would not change.Only when Qin Xueer has a qualitative change in the deformation meter can they understand their intentions.

Qin Feng was also very excited about whether Qin Xueer's participation in the deformation meter would be effective.Many children in previous lives have undergone qualitative changes in participating in the Transfiguration.But not all children have it.However, Qin Feng still believed that Qin Xueer was not irreducible.

In the end, this matter ended at Qin Feng's strong request.Qin Xue'er could only wait obediently for the recording of "Transformation Plan".Finished this matter.Qin Feng said to Bai Yan, "Sister Yan, how are the preparations for "Real Men"?"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Bai Yan was puzzled for a moment and immediately understood, and then replied, "The general work of a real man is ready, is it on the side of the army?"

Qin Feng replied: "The military has already negotiated! I have already met Mayor Xu this afternoon, and the government's instructions are expected to be sent to the company tomorrow, but tara can't go there for candidates, and then select a few men from our company. Artists take part,"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Bai Yan was surprised for a while. No wonder Qin Feng didn't go back to the company in the afternoon, so he went directly to the city government.However, Bai Yan still admires Qin Feng's ability. You must know that Bai Yan went to the municipal party committee to see the mayor before, but she had a bad face.And Qin Feng solved all the problems as soon as he left.

Bai Yan smiled and said, "I heard He Jiong say you are going to participate in this show?" Qin Feng nodded and said, "Well, I will participate, and Du Haitao from Mango TV!" Qin Feng thought about it after speaking. I want to say: "There is still a baby, you can contact Li Lianjie to see if he can participate! Then you can choose the remaining two candidates!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Bai Yan rolled her eyes, are you asking me to decide the candidate, you have already chosen me and let me decide, are you kidding me?

But Bai Yan still smiled and said, "Okay, I'll pick two people out tomorrow, and I'll contact Li Lianjie tomorrow!" Bai Yan admires Qin Feng's hands-on attitude. There are very few people in Qin Feng's position who can still be so dedicated.

Since Qin Feng acquired the shares of NetEase and Alibaba, and then merged and established the Maple Leaf Group, Qin Feng's worth has skyrocketed.According to Forbes China's statistics, Qin Feng's worth has already caught up with the chairman of Wanda Group, and it is estimated that Qin Feng will be worthy of the name of China's richest man in the next Forbes statistics.You must know that Qin Feng is less than thirty years old now, and he became the richest man in China at the age of twenty-seven. The most important thing is that Qin Feng started from scratch.

After Qin Feng and Bai Yan finished talking about work, Bai Yan suddenly remembered something and said with a smile, "Qin Feng, you guys have been recording the show these days. A big thing happened in the Shanghai stock market! related!"

Hearing Bai Yan's words, Qin Feng asked with a smile, "What's the matter?" Everyone looked at Bai Yan curiously. Bai Yan smiled and said, "Dong Linfeng has been caught!"

Bai Yan's words shocked everyone.Before Dong Linfeng called to threaten Qin Feng, everyone was cautious when going out.Now I suddenly heard that Dong Linfeng was arrested.Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Baby smiled and asked: "That kind of scum is good! How did you get caught?"

Bai Yan smiled and said, "I heard that when the police arrested a criminal group that trafficked people, they caught Dong Linfeng at their headquarters, and it is said that Dong Linfeng is one of their big customers!" Bai Yan said here He looked at Qin Feng.

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