Qin Feng's face became ugly, but Qin Feng was also very fortunate that the special forces were very efficient and found Dong Linfeng. Otherwise, if anything happened to the baby, Yifei, or any of them, Qin Feng would feel extremely guilty. crashed.

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It's not that you don't repay, the time has not come, if the time comes, everything will be repaid! Dong Linfeng himself has done a lot of injustice, and he deserves what he's doing now!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Bai Yan sighed and said, "It is said that the police have found evidence of Dong Linfeng's murder of Chairman Dong Hanwen, and will immediately file a public prosecution!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard Bai Yan's words. Although everyone knew that Dong Hanwen's death had an inextricable relationship with Dong Linfeng, everyone never thought that Dong Linfeng could really betray his father. Gotta go.

Hu Yifei shook his head and said, "This kind of person is really inferior to a beast, and he should have been slashed with a thousand cuts!" Everyone nodded when they heard Hu Yifei's words.A person who can even kill his own father is simply inferior to a beast.

Qin Feng was not surprised at all about this matter.Qin Feng had long guessed that Dong Hanwen was murdered by Dong Linfeng.Just suffering without evidence.

What happened to Dong Linfeng also made everyone sigh for a while.Early the next morning, Qin Feng came to the company with the script he wrote on the computer last night.

Bai Yan arrived with Qin Feng. After Bai Yan arrived at the company, she brought the directors of "Real Man" and "Transfiguration" to the office and urged them to hurry up to prepare.

Then Bai Yan contacted Wang Baobao and Li Lianjie successively.When the two of them heard that Qin Feng invited them to join the real man, they agreed without any hesitation.Although I don't know what this show is for, Qin Feng's invitation is enough.What's more, it was a show that Qin Feng participated in himself.Li Lianjie and Wang Baobao will not refuse!

Chapter [-]: The last place for a man

In fact, Qin Feng chose Li Lianjie and Wang Baobao for a reason.Li Lianjie is a famous kung fu king in China.And he has never appeared in that variety show. If you invite him, it will also be a highlight of the show.And the King of Kung Fu should have no problem with the training of the troops.

As for Wang Baobao, Wang Baobao's famous work "Soldier Assault", Wang Baobao and Xu Sanduo have already been linked.Many people went to join the army after seeing Xu Sanduo.

So it is very suitable for Wang Baobao to participate in this show, and Qin Feng and Wang Baobao have such a good relationship.The second season of Running Man failed to let Bao Baobao in because of the schedule.Qin Feng is still a little regretful, and wants to help Wang Baobao in the fire.Wang Baobao himself is an artist of his own company, and this is also the field of outsiders.

Bai Yan just settled the matter between Li Lianjie and Wang Baobao.The call from the Municipal Party Committee Office came from Mayor Xu's secretary.It was simply to tell Bai Yan that the cooperation between real men and the army had been approved by the leaders.Dingtian Entertainment should submit the detailed program plan.Let the military area prepare.

Secretary Shi's attitude was very good, which made Bai Yan even more incredible.Obviously Bai Yan is a smart person.She knew what to ask and what not to ask.

After Bai Yan dealt with these matters, she began to consider the candidates for the remaining two places. Now Dingtian Entertainment is already a first-class company in China.The strong rise of Girls' Generation and tara has made many singers excited about Dingtian Entertainment.And Qin Feng's Huaxia partner won the Palme d'Or, which made people see Qin Feng's script writing skills.The attraction of a good script to actors and directors can be fatal.

With these advantages, Dingtian Entertainment has absorbed many actors, directors and screenwriters.This makes other companies only envy, jealous, and hate, but there is no way, my company is not as attractive as Dingtian.

After some screening, Bai Yan chose four people, Yuan Hong, Wen Wen, Aftershock, and Li Chen.The four of them are currently male artists who meet Qin Feng's requirements among the first- and second-tier artists under Dingtian Entertainment.

After Bai Yan was selected, she came to Qin Feng's office with the list and asked him to make the final decision.Bai Yan came to Qin Feng's office and saw Qin Feng writing on the computer.

When Qin Feng saw Bai Yan come in, he smiled and said, "Sister Yan, you're here just in time! There are two scripts here, please help me prepare them, wait until the filming of "Real Men" is finished!"

Hearing that Qin Feng was going to make a TV series again, Bai Yan said with a wry smile: "Qin Feng, you really think of yourself as an iron man. You are not short of money now. Why are you still so desperate?"

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Sister Yan, these two scripts are used to promote our soldiers. You can't push them if you want to!" Bai Yan could only laugh when she heard Qin Feng's words.After all, this really can't be pushed.It is estimated that when Qin Feng went to talk yesterday, the leader proposed it.However, Qin Feng was the first one who could be selected by the leaders to shoot this kind of TV series to promote the army.

Bai Yan smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, I'll arrange it, but you also have to pay attention to your health. You are busy with the company every day, and you have to record running men and real men. Hey!" Bai Yan didn't know what to say. All right.

Anyway, she knew that no matter what she said, Qin Feng would never give up her job.Qin Feng really feels like a workaholic.

Knowing that Bai Yan was concerned about himself, Qin Feng smiled and said, "Sister Yan, I know you are worried about my body, but don't worry, my body is as good as a cow!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Bai Yan rolled her eyes and revealed the attitude of a rare little woman.It also made Qin Feng stunned for a moment.However, Bai Yan's little woman's attitude also made Qin Feng feel extremely beautiful.

Qin Feng returned to his senses and smiled and said, "Sister Yan, I will pass the script to you later. Do you have anything to do with me?" Hearing Qin Feng asking himself, Bai Yan took out the names of the four people she had written. He handed over the resumes of the four of them to Qin Feng and said, "These are the four people I selected from the first- and second-tier stars in our company. You can choose two to participate in "Real Men"."

Qin Feng took the information from Bai Yan and said with a smile, "Sister Yan's work efficiency is really high!"

Qin Feng carefully read the information of the four people. According to Li Chen, Qin Feng did not want him to go, because Li Chen also had to take care of running men.Qin Feng's physique has been systematically transformed.Qin Feng can't bear to run back and forth between these two programs.Not to mention Li Chen.So Qin Feng didn't consider Li Chen anymore.

The article, Qin Feng is a little impressed, but obviously the article in this world is not as famous as the previous life.Moreover, Qin Feng personally didn't like the article, so he also removed it.

In the end, Qin Feng chose Aftershock and Yuan Hong.Yuan Hong was one of the members of "Real Men" in his previous life, and he was also the one with the biggest personality change in the army.Aftershock is a professional household of anti-Japanese dramas and spy war dramas in the past two years.After all, he is in line with this show.

Qin Feng smiled and said to Bai Yan, "Sister Yan, choose Aftershock and Yuan Hong!" Hearing Qin Feng's decision, although Bai Yan was a little surprised that Qin Feng did not choose Li Chen, she still smiled and said, "Okay. , I'm going to inform both of them now!"

After speaking, Bai Yan walked out of Qin Feng's office and returned to her office to inform Yuan Hong and Aftershock that they were gone.Qin Feng, on the other hand, opened his mailbox and passed the scripts of "Blade of the Nation" and "Fire Phoenix" to Bai Yan.Then Qin Feng opened the word document and began to write quickly.

Bai Yan returned to the office and notified Aftershock and Yuan Hong.Aftershock was a little surprised to receive a call from Bai Yan. After all, Aftershock was not a top-tier artist in Dingtian.In fact, the popularity of Aftershock is not low, but in Dingtian, which is full of talents, he doesn't seem to raise his eyes. This time I heard that the boss personally ordered them.The aftershocks are of course full of joy and unacceptable.

And Yuan Hong didn't have any other opinions, after all, it was the boss who ordered him.And they also know very well that it is definitely easier to gain popularity when a good variety show is on now than a TV series. Zeng Xiaoxian is a living example.

Qin Feng used a running man to turn Zeng Xiaoxian from a radio host at midnight to a second-tier star of Dingtian Entertainment.

Chapter [-]: League of Legends Online Operation

With the living example of Zeng Xiaoxian, the yearning of some first- and second-tier stars for a good variety show is naturally comparable to a good script.

In the hearts of these stars, they all know that variety shows are simpler than filming and their treatment is relatively better. The increase in salary and popularity is higher than that of a good script.

The key is that a good script is hard to come by, and the chance of a really good script hitting you is almost the same as buying a lottery ticket. After all, Dingtian Entertainment is now the largest entertainment company in China, and there are too many top players.Yuan Hong and the others couldn't rank in it.So now since the boss hand-picked.Of course they are very good.

But this time they didn't expect that the recording of the program was not as fun and easy as they thought.Now that the candidates for real men are ready, we can go to the recording after waiting for the final preparations for both parties to be completed.

Bai Yan reported the results to Qin Feng. In fact, Qin Feng was not surprised by these results.So Qin Feng just asked Bai Yan to prepare the two scripts.

Qin Feng sat in the office and opened the webpage to read the news after finishing his work. However, Qin Feng's lazy thoughts did not last long because Lu Zhanbo's call came.

Before Qin Feng received a call from Lu Zhanbo, Lu Zhanbo's excited voice came over: "Brother-in-law! The League of Legends will be launched soon!"

Hearing Zhan Bo's words, Qin Feng was also shocked.It's finally up and running.Some time ago, the overwhelming publicity, even let baby and T-ara do the game endorsement.Thanks for the flowers that have made countless game fans wait.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Well, you and Mr. Ding are responsible for this matter. We must operate it properly!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Lu Zhanbo said excitedly, "Brother-in-law, because of this type of Games are not common in China, so Mr. Ding meant to do a live commentary of the game the day before the launch. In this way, players also know how to play! It’s easier to get started!”

Hearing Zhanbo's words, Qin Feng smiled and said, "Just look at the arrangement!" Hearing Qin Feng's agreement, Lu Zhanbo said with a smile, "Brother-in-law, as the developer of this game, you are not here. Would you like to play?"

Hearing Lu Zhanbo's words, Qin Feng smiled and said, "Are you sure you want me to go?" Lu Zhanbo said with a smile, "Brother-in-law, you are so famous that you can make a demonstration to drive popularity! And the live broadcast has been confirmed to be on ours. Wai Wai Entertainment and LeTV are both going on at the same time!"

Qin Feng smiled when he heard Zhanbo's words and said, "Okay, leave me a jungler position!" Hearing Qin Feng agree with Lu Zhanbo, he smiled and said, "No problem!"

Qin Feng asked with a smile, "Who are the remaining nine people?"

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