At this time, Du Haitao was dragging a heavy pace and running hard behind him.Wang Jinwu had already run to the front, and he also wanted to compete with Qin Feng and Wang Baobao.But when he saw that Du Haitao was exhausted, Wang Jinwu turned around and came to Du Haitao's side.

Wang Jinwu said as he ran: "Du Haitao, come on! You can do it!" Du Haitao, who was a little downcast, seemed to have a little strength when he heard the encouragement from the squad leader, and shouted loudly: "I can do it!" panting forward run.At the front, Qin Feng quickly pulled away from Wang Baobao.

You must know that Qin Feng's physical fitness has reached a perverted level.Even though Wang Baobao's physical strength is amazing, how could he be Qin Feng's opponent?

Soon Qin Feng came to Du Haitao's side. Qin Feng ran a whole lap longer than Du Haitao. Wang Jinwu was a little surprised to see Qin Feng run here.

You must know that Wang Jinwu has been in the army for a long time, so he thought that the physical fitness of the stars should be good enough to run three kilometers.

But he didn't expect Qin Feng to run so easily, and it seemed that running three kilometers would be the same as playing.You must know that Wang Jinwu is most optimistic about Wang Baobao.

Wang Jinwu also came to join the army after watching Wang Baobao's performance of Xu Sanduo.He has been following Du Haitao all the time, that is, learning from Xu Sanduo, never giving up and never giving up.

Wang Baobao was behind Qin Feng, Yuan Hong was behind Baobao, and Li Lianjie and Aftershock's elderly echelon were behind him.

Qin Feng ran here and saw that Du Haitao's face had turned pale. Of course, this was not a blushing white, but a little pale. When he first arrived in the army, he ran such an intense three-kilometer run, and Du Haitao was really a little overwhelmed. Living.

Qin Feng did not overtake him, but kept cheering by Du Haitao's side: "Haitao! Come on! You can do it! Come on!" Wang Baobao, who caught up, also cheered on Du Haitao.

But at this time, the instructor was unhappy: "What are you guys doing in a group? Hurry up and run away from you! If you are in a group, one person will be punished for five laps!"

Hearing the instructor's words, everyone grinned.Du Haitao almost sat on the ground with no legs.

Chapter eight hundred and twenty first: A strict instructor

Nima, at this time, Du Haitao's heart was galloping past ten thousand grass and mud horses, and he was about to cry.These three kilometers have already made Du Haitao want to die, and now you have to add another five laps.You kill me with one sword!

Hearing the instructor's words, Qin Feng and Wang Baobao had to speed up and run forward.As the monitor, Wang Jinwu still accompanies Du Haitao.Obviously the instructor is not unkind, so the instructor did not bother with Wang Jinwu's escort.They're just trying to give these stars a slap in the face.

Because these stars are well-known big names outside.Now that they suddenly came to the army, they had to listen to the instructors who were much younger than them.Not only did the stars feel awkward, but even the instructors felt pressured.These stars are used to being rambunctious outside, and if they don't obey orders, the instructors will have a hard time.

After all, they were just here to record the show, not real recruits.In the case of real recruits, the instructors have a hundred ways to get them to obey and smooth their edges.

But now, after all, these are stars.And they are older than the instructors.Li Lianjie is really older than the fathers of these instructors.

Although the order from the superior said to treat them as ordinary soldiers, in the end, they are really not ordinary soldiers.

If something unexpected happens, these instructors can't really take responsibility. After all, between celebrities and instructors, public opinion cannot stand on the instructor's side.Moreover, the previous handling of such cases by the army made the instructors very apprehensive.Therefore, the instructors must first give these stars a slap in the face, which is also to let them obey the management, and of course it also means to strengthen their morale.

Qin Feng and Wang Baobao had already finished the first three kilometers and stood there. Although three kilometers was not a big problem, the two of them were still sweating.

Qin Feng unbuttoned his collar easily.It was seen by the instructor.The instructor walked up to Qin Feng and said with a straight face, "Qin Feng!"

Qin Feng immediately stood up straight and said loudly, "Here!"

The instructor stretched out his hand to fasten the button Qin Feng had just torn open, and said word by word, "You are now soldiers! Since you are soldiers, you must pay attention to your image! Who allowed you to unbutton the buttons! Haven't you read the House Rules?"

Hearing the instructor's words, Qin Feng was really stunned. Qin Feng really didn't know the internal affairs regulations.Seeing Qin Feng stunned, the instructor also remembered that they had just arrived in the army, so the internal affairs rules were naturally unclear.

The instructor paused and said, "This is the first time, but the second time is absolutely not allowed!" Hearing the instructor's words, Qin Feng answered loudly, "Yes!"

Qin Feng participated in this program this time. From the moment he entered the program group, Qin Feng was asking himself as a soldier.Although Qin Feng has never stayed in the army, there is one sentence Qin Feng is very clear about, that is, the duty of a soldier is to obey orders!So although I don't know what the hell is the internal regulations.But since the instructor said that he was wrong, then he was wrong.Right is right, wrong is wrong.Qin Feng will not make excuses for his mistakes.

The third one was Li Lianjie, and the fourth one was aftershock, two senior players from the echelon. Although they were not fast, they maintained a stable rhythm and completed the three kilometers in an orderly manner. Feng and Wang Baobao had to fight, so the rhythm was messed up.As a result, for the next mile, Yuan Hong found that his physical reserves could not keep up, so he could only watch as he was overtaken by the duo of the elderly echelon.

When Yuan Hong completed three kilometers and came to the meeting point, his face was red.The result that originally wanted to compare with Qin Feng and the others was overtaken by Li Lianjie and Aftershock.

The last one to complete is Du Haitao.With the encouragement of Wang Jinwu, Du Haitao completed the three kilometers. At this time, Du Haitao's face was bloodless.If he hadn't gritted his teeth and insisted, Du Haitao would have been sitting on the ground by now.

The instructor looked at the six people standing in a row and said, "From now on, you will be members of the platoon and squad of the recruit company. I am your instructor, thank God! From the moment you stepped into the barracks and put on your military uniforms, you You are already soldiers! I don't care what you did in the past. But from now on until you leave the company, you are my soldiers! You must obey orders unconditionally!"

All six of them smiled wryly.However, Qin Feng still took the lead and answered loudly: "Yes!" Hearing their answer, Xie Tian nodded and said, "Wang Jinwu, your first class will give you five minutes to count the prohibited items in your luggage! Five I'll check it out in a few minutes!"

Hearing Xie Tian's order, Wang Jinwu saluted and said, "Yes!" Then he turned around and ordered Qin Feng and the others: "Turn to the right and walk together!"

Then he took them back to his dormitory. After returning to the dormitory, Du Haitao sat on the bed panting and said, "I'm exhausted!"

Wang Jinwu walked over and said, "Du Haitao, hurry up and organize your belongings. Instructor Xie is the most strict among all the instructors. If you don't want to be punished, hurry up and organize your belongings!"

Hearing Wang Jinwu's words, Qin Feng not only stuck out his tongue, he thought he was training, but he didn't expect this instructor to be the most demanding.

Everyone accelerated their speed, and Du Haitao was also squatting there and arranging his things.However, when Qin Feng saw the items sorted out by everyone, he couldn't help laughing.

Looking at the snacks, fitness equipment, and messes that came out of everyone's packages, this is really not coming to the military camp, it really feels like going to camp.

This time, with the lesson of the three kilometers just now, everyone hurry up and sorted out their things when the five minutes were about to come.Waiting for the test of God.

Just five minutes later, Xie Tian pushed the door and walked in. This speed felt like pinching a watch at the door.But in fact Xie Tian didn't pinch the clock at the door.

Xie Tian walked in and saw this time, everyone finished sorting out the items within five minutes.Only slightly satisfied nodded, it seems that the three kilometers just now still have some effect.

Chapter eight hundred and twentieth: the price of talking back

Xie Tian was quite satisfied with Qin Feng's performance this time, although five minutes was an exception.But after all, they are stars, not ordinary soldiers.

Xie Tian was still quite satisfied, but when he walked in front of Yuan Hong's luggage, his face that was supposed to show a smile suddenly turned cloudy and his brows tangled together.

Xie Tian pointed to a round thing in his backpack and asked, "Yuan Hong!"

Yuan Hong had already learned from Qin Feng's body and replied loudly, "Here!"

Xie Tian asked: "Tell me! What is this? Is it needed in the army?"

Although Yuan Hong was a little embarrassed, he explained that he didn't care very much: "This is a yoga blanket, I use it for fitness!" Yuan Hong was interrupted by Xie Tian before he finished speaking.

Xie Tian said: "Don't tell me so much nonsense, I'll just ask you if you need these things in the army?" Xie Tian's words made Yuan Hong a little at a loss as to how to answer.

Yuan Hong, who came to the army for the first time, was still a little uncomfortable with the rules of the army. Yuan Hong still explained: "This is a yoga blanket. I use it for fitness. This can protect..."

Yuan Hong's words were interrupted by Xie Tian again: "I will ask one last time, is this thing used in the army?" Yuan Hong was a little confused by the instructor.

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