Qin Feng also hurried Yuan Hong to wink, but Xie Tian saw all this.Xie Tian said loudly, "Qin Feng, is there something wrong with your eyes?"

Hearing the instructor's words, Qin Feng hurriedly replied, "Report! Instructor, sand got in my eyes!" Qin Feng instantly found a reason.This reason makes Xie Tian unable to say anything else.

Yuan Hong also reacted at this time, and obediently threw the yoga blanket on the pile of things he was found out.Xie Tian said loudly: "You all like fitness, right? From today onwards, the other classes will run three kilometers every morning, and one of yours likes to exercise, so from now on, you will change to armed cross-country for five kilometers!"

Hearing Xie Tian's words, everyone's faces turned green.Qin Feng's face was also not good-looking.A three-kilometer morning run and a five-kilometer cross-country run are two completely different concepts.

Morning jogging is running in the camp, while armed cross-country is in the field, and most importantly, armed.That is, running in full gear.As for the guns, backpacks and other items in the army that add up to dozens of kilograms on his back.That is, running with weight.Five kilometers is the norm in the army, but for Qin Feng and the others who have just entered the barracks, it is a bit overloaded.

After running three kilometers today, Du Haitao was already exhausted and half dead. Now the distance has increased by two kilometers, and he has to bear weight again.Du Haitao deeply felt the malice from the instructor at this time.

At this time, including Li Lianjie, they all felt that this instructor Xie was targeting them.This is too cruel!After checking other people's packages, Xie Tian turned his head and said to them, "Okay, Wang Jinwu leads the soldiers of your class to rest in the dormitory now! After lunch, we will have a physical fitness test in the afternoon!" After speaking, Xie Tian turned his head and left the dormitory.

Seeing Xie Tian walk out of the dormitory, Wang Jinwu gave a wry smile and said, "Okay, everyone, hurry up and take a rest, I'll take you to the cafeteria for dinner in half an hour!"

Hearing Wang Jinwu's words, the six of them hurriedly sat on the bed or on their own stools to rest.Qin Feng asked, "Squad leader, what is the weight of the armed cross-country five kilometers?"

Wang Jinwu said with a wry smile: "I'll tell you first and let you be prepared for tomorrow. Our troops are 35kg, and we're fully armed: military boots, combat vests, luggage. Steel helmets, 95 simulated grabs, simulated magazines, first aid kits, The water bottle, and the rest is the barbell plate. Everyone's weight needs to be weighed!"

Hearing Wang Jinwu's words, Du Haitao's face turned green: "Damn, 35 kilograms is 70 pounds!" Du Haitao said with a sad face: "I'm worried about whether I can move my back tomorrow!"

Li Lianjie and the others also looked extremely bad. They ran [-] kilometers with [-] pounds of things on their backs, and it would be a waste for anyone to run.Take them as young lads!

Qin Feng smiled bitterly and said, "Squad leader, go and apply for it with the instructor. Brother Li Lianjie and Brother Yuzhen are already a little old. Can they be lighter?"

Wang Jinwu said with a smile: "Don't worry, you don't say this, I will apply with the instructor! Although the order we received is to train you as soldiers, after all, you are not soldiers!"

Hearing Wang Jinwu's words, Qin Feng's expression improved a little.Now that the six of them are in a group, Qin Feng himself is not worried about the training of the troops at all, but after all, the other five people still need to worry.

Yuan Hong said rather reproachfully: "I'm sorry, everyone! It's all my fault. If it wasn't for me talking back with the instructor, the instructor wouldn't let us carry a load of [-] kilometers off-road!"

Du Haitao looked at Yuan Hong with complaining eyes and said, "Yuan Hong, don't you know that the duty of a soldier is to obey orders? What do you say you have nothing to do with the instructor? It's all right now, it would have cost me half of the three kilometers. My life is now five kilometers. I still have to carry more than [-] kilograms. I really want to die!"

Hearing Du Haitao's words, Yuan Hong reproached himself and did not speak. Obviously, he couldn't refute Du Haitao. After all, what Du Haitao said was true.Now Yuan Hong has truly realized the meaning of obeying the orders of superiors in the army.

Of course, Yuan Hong also paid tuition.The school he handed in was that the entire class would accompany him on a five-kilometer cross-country every day.

Qin Feng interrupted Du Haitao's complaint and said, "Haitao. Don't blame Yuan Hong! We are both entering the army for the first time! Just remember it in the future! We are a class of soldiers, we are comrades now, and our comrades are Helping each other, not complaining about each other!"

Hearing Qin Feng speak for Yuan Hong, Du Haitao was silent.Li Lianjie also said with a smile: "Qin Feng is right, we are now comrades-in-arms. Companions need mutual help and love! If you complain, don't say anything! Since we are in the army, we must train hard. , it's not worth walking around in the army!"

Aftershock also spoke for Yuan Hong: "Yeah, Haitao, you still want to lose weight, isn't that just right! Five kilometers a day, it's hard for you not to lose weight!"

Chapter eight hundred and twentieth: Raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for one hour

Aftershock's somewhat sarcastic remarks immediately relieved the atmosphere of the scene a lot.In fact, Du Haitao is not special, he just wants to blame Yuan Hong.

Du Haitao usually lacks exercise. On the first day of his arrival in the army, he first let the instructors come for a three-kilometer trip, and then another armed five-kilometer cross-country that sounds scary.This also made Du Haitao suddenly a little psychologically broken.So he went back and said something to complain.

In fact, after Du Haitao finished speaking, he regretted it. Thanks to Qin Feng and the others, otherwise Du Haitao and Yuan Hong might have had a conflict.

Wang Jinwu sat there and said with a smile: "Actually, don't worry too much. The five-kilometer cross-country is a regular event of our troops. Basically, after leaving the company, we have to run! Now it's time to get used to it in advance!"

Hearing Wang Jinwu's words, everyone took a deep breath, and they had to run after they got off the team.However, Qin Feng is still encouraging everyone to say: "Don't worry, everyone may feel that the five-kilometer cross-country is difficult now, just wait until everyone gets used to it!"

Du Haitao smiled bitterly and said, "I really don't want to get used to this!" Hearing Du Haitao's words, Qin Feng jokingly said, "Maybe, when you finish your training for this period of time, you will still feel uncomfortable if you don't run! "

Qin Feng's words made everyone burst into laughter. At this time, Yuan Hong was much better after everyone's comfort and said with a smile, "I won't feel bad about this!"

Yuan Hong then asked: "Squad leader, are these all training items for your troops?" Wang Jinwu smiled and nodded and said, "Yes! The troops in our country are now conducting very formal military training!"

Du Haitao asked: "I don't understand it! It's already an era of peace now, and war is a very ethereal thing in my opinion, and it can't happen in a lifetime. Why do we have to train so hard? ?it is really hard!"

Hearing Du Haitao's words, Wang Jinwu said with a smile: "In the army, as a soldier, you must always remember the saying of raising troops for a thousand days and using them for a while!"

A few people quieted down and carefully tasted these words, Qin Feng said with a smile: "The squad leader is right, no one knows when the war will come. If you don't train regularly, everything will be too late when the war comes!"

Wang Jinwu smiled and said, "Qin Feng is right!" Seeing Wang Jinwu smiling, Qin Feng pointed at Wang Jinwu and said with a smile, "Hey, have you noticed that our instructor looks like a star?"

As the host of Mango Satellite TV, Du Haitao has seen many stars who have seen it carefully and said with a smile, "Hey, he looks like that Wu Yifan!"

Qin Feng and Du Haitao's words eased the atmosphere in the dormitory a lot, and everyone got along more and more harmoniously.Gradually a group atmosphere was formed.

When Qin Feng and the others were resting in the dormitory, the staff sent the morning video tape back to Dingtian Entertainment and told Bai Yan and Director Ou Balcony about the sullen thing they encountered at the instructor's place.

Bai Yan heard that the stars ran for three kilometers before entering the barracks and the instructors ignored the staff, although these were the same as what Qin Feng explained to him before he left.But Bai Yan was still very worried, after all, not everyone's physique was as perverted as Qin Feng's.

Bai Yan dialed the number of the mayor's office, and the call was quickly connected.Secretary Shi's voice came: "Hello! Mayor's Office!"

Bai Yan smiled and said, "Secretary Shi, I'm Bai Yan from Dingtian Entertainment, and I'm looking for Mayor Xu!" Hearing Bai Yan's words, Secretary Shi smiled and said, "Mr. Bai, if you are for the show, Mayor Xu asked me to tell you, so that you can rest assured that there are standards on the side of the army, although it is a little bit bitter, but it will not let the stars have any accidents!"

Bai Yan heard Secretary Shi's words and said with a smile: "But the training intensity is too strong! Can you reduce it a little?" Hearing Bai Yan's words, Secretary Shi smiled and said, "Mayor Xu said, at most, Just train these stars to cry, nothing will happen!"

Bai Yan had no choice but to hang up after hearing Secretary Shi's answer. After all, what Secretary Shi conveyed was what Mayor Xu meant.So Bai Yan couldn't say anything.

Bai Yan hung up the phone and called Ou Balcony again.The phone got through to Ou Baldai and asked, "Mr. Bai, how is your communication with the military?"

Bai Yan smiled bitterly and said, "There's no other way, I can only make the stars suffer a bit!" After hearing Bai Yan's words, Mr. Ou Dayang also knew that this was a communication failure.

Ou Balcony said with a long smile: "Due to the scheduling problem, the first issue of "Real Men" may be broadcast in two days' time on Friday! Can they make a promotional video?"

Bai Yan smiled and said, "Dong Qin has communicated with the military before, and he can record it at any time. You can send someone over here later!" Hearing Bai Yan's words, Ou Balcony said with a long smile, "Dong Qin wants to It's really thoughtful. I'll arrange someone to do it here!" The two chatted for a while and hung up the phone.

Bai Yan sat in the office and looked at her computer in a daze, and suddenly felt a little worried about Qin Feng, although she knew that the training of the army was nothing to Qin Feng.But Bai Yan was still inexplicably worried.

Bai Yan's office door opened, and baby pushed the door and came in.Seeing the baby come in, Bai Yan smiled and said, "Baby, what's wrong?"

Baby smiled wryly and said, "Isn't that rural child from "Transformation Plan" going to the Shanghai market today, I'll pick her up later. I'll stop by and chat with you!"

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