Hearing the baby's words, Bai Yan smiled and said, "I think you are here to inquire about Qin Feng's news, right?" The baby's cheeks slightly reddened by Bai Yan's words.

Bai Yan pretended to be serious and said, "Qin Feng and the others have a bad time in the army!" Hearing Bai Yan's words, the baby's face changed instantly, and she asked anxiously, "Sister Yan! Qin Feng, he What's wrong? What's wrong with him?"

Bai Yan laughed when she saw that the baby was about to cry in a hurry. When she saw Bai Yan smiling, the baby realized that Bai Yan was teasing her.

Baby blushed and said, "Sister Yan, you're teasing me again! It's too bad! I'll sue you when Brother Feng comes back!" Hearing what the baby said, Bai Yan smiled and said, "But Qin Feng and the others are in the army. The days are really hard, and the training is very strict!"

Chapter [-]: Physical Fitness Test

Hearing Bai Yan's words, the baby became anxious again.But this time Bai Yan didn't tease her and said, "Don't worry, it's just that the training intensity is relatively high, nothing else!"

Hearing Bai Yan say this, the baby was relieved, but the baby was still worried and said, "Do you think Brother Feng will be tired? Will he be injured?"

Bai Yan smiled and said, "I must be very tired. I ran [-] kilometers today, and starting tomorrow, I am armed for [-] kilometers a day! There should be no injuries. Although the training is strict, the troops will still grasp the scale! "

Baby asked worriedly: "Five kilometers off-road?! How tiring! They are going to record a show, not really going to join the army! Why is this!"

Looking at the anxious baby, Bai Yan said with a wry smile, "I think so too, but Qin Feng personally planned the show this time, and he also contacted the army. I just touched the nose when I called to protest. Ash."

After listening, Baby pouted and silently cursed the person who ordered Qin Feng to be strictly trained.Then Xu Guoqiang kept sneezing in an office of the Southeast Military Region.

In the boot camp, the whistle that spread throughout the corridor woke up the six people who were still immersed in their nap.Wang Jinwu, the squad leader, was already used to the life of the army. While the six of them were still in their dreams, Wang Jinwu was already neatly dressed and stood in front of their bed urging them to get up quickly.

Wang Jinwu called them next to each other: "Get up quickly! It's time for a physical fitness test!" Wang Jinwu slapped their beds while calling.Because Wang Jinwu knew that if once they assembled, the speed would be slow.Must be punished again.This time the above order is to train them strictly.Of course, just training is not the goal of looking for trouble.

Qin Feng was the first to get up among the six.Then Qin Feng got dressed and helped Wang Jinwu to urge others to get up.

When the six people came to the training ground, Xie Tian was already standing there waiting for them.Wang Jinwu trotted them all the way.

After Wang Jinwu led them to stand, Xie Tian came over, Xie Tian didn't pick them up late.Xie Tian just came over and said to them: "This afternoon, we will have a physical fitness test on you! Wang Jinwu! Take your soldiers over there for the first test!"

Wang Jinwu saluted and said, "Yes!" Then he took Qin Feng and the other six to the training ground where the first test was conducted.After arriving at the place, Wang Jinwu turned around and said to them, "The first physical fitness test will be conducted! Hold your belly!"

Hearing Wang Jinwu's words, Du Haitao subconsciously looked at his slightly bulging beer belly.I was a little worried about whether I would be able to pass this level.

After noon, Du Haitao had already figured out that he came to the army to participate in the training for the past few days, and he did not expect to do well, as long as he did not drag his feet and got a qualified result.

Wang Jinwu continued: "The whole body is lying on the stomach, the palms of the hands are flat, and the feet are straight and close together. Slowly lift to a 45-degree pause, then swing to the left and then to the right. After returning to the middle, stay still for one minute!"

Xie Tian walked over and said, "Wang Jinwu, set an example for your soldiers!" Wang Jinwu turned around and replied, "Yes!" Then he went to lie down in front of Qin Feng and the other six.

Then do a standard end belly position.Xie Tian pointed at Wang Jinwu and said, "Did you see it? This is the stomach! Get up!" Hearing Xie Tian's words, Wang Jinwu got up from the ground.

Xie Tian said: "The six of you start below!" Following Xie Tian's command, all six of them lay down.Then follow Wang Jinwu's actions just now.

Although the action of holding the abdomen is the most basic action in the army, although this action is simple, it can exercise the muscles of many parts.Qin Feng and the others are no longer in the army. Obviously they don't know this. It seems that this action is very simple, but they are all at a disadvantage here.

When Qin Feng was lying on the ground and doing what Wang Jinwu had done, he immediately felt that this action was not as simple as it seemed.Surely someone won't be able to do it.

Sure enough, before Qin Feng thought about it, Du Haitao's legs shrank back over there.Xie Tian immediately shouted, "Du Haitao! What are you doing? Straighten your legs!"

When Du Haitao heard Xie Tian's words, he gritted his teeth to straighten his legs as much as possible.But Du Haitao is too fat, and the most important thing to exercise is the abdominal muscles.For Du Haitao, whose belly is full of fat, this action is too difficult.

Du Haitao just barely stretched his legs for a few seconds, and the unbearable feeling made Du Haitao curl his legs back again.

Xie Tian stood in front of Du Haitao coldly and said, "Du Haitao, if you can't stretch straight, then I won't shout the next password. Your comrades in arms will accompany you to do this action!"

Hearing Xie Tian's words, Du Haitao wanted to cry.I really want to do this action, but my stomach is really too meaty, and I can't do it at all.

Qin Feng next to him encouraged him in a low voice, "Come on, Haitao. You can do it!" Hearing Qin Feng encouraging Du Haitao, Xie Tian turned his head to look at Qin Feng's original rebuke and held back what Qin Feng had done. is too standard.It is even more standard than what Wang Jinwu demonstrated just now.And it's very stable without the slightest shake.

Seeing Qin Feng's behavior, Xie Tian's mouth showed a faint smile and said, "Qin Feng! They all take one minute, you have to hold your belly for two minutes!"

Qin Feng was a little speechless when he heard Xie Tian's words, but he still followed the instructor's order and replied, "Yes!" Then Xie Tian continued to look at the other people.

Li Lianjie still looked like he was holding his belly, the aftershocks were a little hard, and Wang Baobao and Yuan Hong's faces turned red.With Qin Feng's encouragement, Du Haitao's actions were a little more standardized.

Seeing Du Haitao grit his teeth and insist.Xie Tian said, "If you can't hold on, you can call it out!" Before Xie Tian's words were finished, Du Haitao screamed hoarsely.

Hearing Du Haitao's cry, Qin Feng's expression became very exciting.This cry made Qin Feng think of some bad pictures.

Eight hundred and twentieth chapters: the dragging team members

Although Du Haitao screamed and tried his best to lift his leg, he obviously failed the first test.The first person to complete the first physical fitness test was Qin Feng.Although Qin Feng took two minutes, it was twice as long as the others.But the others are struggling households.So Qin Feng was the first to complete it.

Seeing that when Qin Feng finished, no one else had finished, Xie Tian said coldly: "Except Qin Feng, all the others are unqualified!"

Hearing Xie Tian's words, the other people all looked bitter.Xie Tian said to them: "Now take the second test, those who fail will be trained later!"

Hearing Xie Tian's words, Qin Feng and the others all got up from the ground and lined up to walk behind Wang Jinwu to the second test venue.


So in everyone's heart, this test is not taken seriously.However, Qin Feng was not worried about himself at this time.But he felt that Du Haitao and the others were too happy.

After arriving at the venue, Qin Feng and Wang Baobao were in a group, Aftershock and Li Lianjie were in a group, and Du Haitao and Yuan Hong were in a group.

This grouping is also related to the quality of the players themselves. Aftershock and Li Lianjie have been labeled as the old gold group, although Aftershock does not admit that he is very good.But there is no way anyone can make him the second oldest player in the team.

And Du Haitao is the worst one, Yuan Hong is the one most targeted by the instructors, and is naturally divided into the same group.As for Qin Feng and Wang Baobao.Both of them are the two with the best physical strength and physique.

If they are divided into two groups, it is estimated that the other players in the two groups are under pressure.So put the two of them in a team.


Hearing Xie Tian's words, Qin Feng and Wang Baobao laughed bitterly at the same time.Qin Feng couldn't understand it at all.The instructors had strict requirements before, and Qin Feng had nothing to say.But now from the last two times, the instructor is obviously targeting himself.This made Qin Feng a little unbearable.

Qin Feng stood at attention and replied, "Report!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Xie Tian said, "Tell me!"

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