Qin Feng replied: "Comrade Instructor, I don't understand, why do Bao Bao and I do more than others?" Hearing Qin Feng's question, Xie Tian's face changed and said, "Let you run as much as you want. Reason! You must remember that the duty of a soldier is to obey orders at all times. Do you understand?"

Yes, Xie Tian used this sentence to block Qin Feng's questions.Qin Feng also made the blockage very uncomfortable.Qin Feng replied loudly, "Understood!"

After recording the show today, Qin Fengjue wanted to talk to the people from the show team.But for now, let's finish running the 10x10 first.

Then Qin Feng put on a running posture.After Xie Tian's whistle, he ran out quickly, and Wang Baobao followed closely.When they completed the first reentry run, they understood that the reentry run was really not as simple as they thought, no wonder even the troops gave such a long time frame.

But at this time, Qin Feng and Wang Baobao didn't have much time to think about this because they needed to complete twice as many tasks as others to complete the task.So the two of them gave up their distractions and ran on this project with all their might.Soon the two of them completed the task.

Their speed also stunned the other four, and Wang Jinwu and Xie Tian nodded secretly.Qin Feng and Wang Baobao stood aside after finishing, followed by Li Lianjie and Aftershock.Two people can accomplish this task without any problem.When it was time for the third group of Du Haitao and Yuan Hong, Xie Tian suddenly asked: "Du Haitao, you and Yuan Hong, who do you think can finish first?"

Du Haitao said confidently and loudly, "I will finish before Yuan Hong!" Hearing Du Haitao's answer, Xie Tian's mouth rarely showed a smile.Qin Feng also laughed secretly, Haitao's cowhide was blown up, and running back and forth was not a straight run.It's not as simple as you think.

Xie Tian smiled and asked Yuan Hong, "Yuan Hong, what do you think of Du Haitao's words?" Yuan Hong turned to look at Du Haitao and shouted, "Come on!"

Then, thanks to the sound of the whistle, the two quickly ran out, and Du Haitao also tried to outrun Yuan Hong.But obviously a fat man is racing against a skinny man.

The results were obvious, and there was no suspense.Yuan Hong was the first to complete the task.Du Haitao panted and said, "I thought it was easy to run back and forth. But obviously I think too much."

Xie Tian walked over with the results and said, "Du Haitao, Yuan Hong, and Aftershock are unqualified! We will practice more later!" Then he turned his head and led them to the site of the third task.

Xie Tian said: "The third test, sit-ups! It's still the grouping just now. Fifty people are a group. Everyone must do more than four groups to be qualified! Start now!"

Then Qin Feng said to Wang Baobao: "Baby, let me come first, you help me press my feet!" Wang Baobao nodded, Qin Feng lay on the ground, and Wang Baobao pressed on Qin Feng's feet.

Yuan Hong is helping Du Haitao press his feet.Aftershocks are helping Li Lianjie press his feet.Then the test started as soon as the whistle blew, and the presser feet in the three teams kept checking the number.

Sit-ups are not difficult for Qin Feng.Li Lianjie is also the king of kung fu who exercises regularly. Although he is old, he cannot influence Li Lianjie's words.

But for Du Haitao, sit-ups are simply painful.He is more than enough to face the fat on his stomach!

Chapter [-]: Dormitory Call

Here, Qin Feng and Li Lianjie are flying, and the speed checkers can't keep up.But Du Haitao's face was flushed, and it was time-consuming to do.

Yuan Hong couldn't bear to press his feet anymore, it can be described as simply unbearable to look directly.And when Du Haitao had only done more than [-] times, he could no longer get up.

Yuan Hong felt anxious, but there was nothing he could do. Du Haitao's body was sitting here, and his stomach was full of fat.It's simply not too difficult to do sit-ups.

Yuan Hong turned his head to look at Xie Tian, ​​and found that his attention was on Qin Feng's group. Yuan Hong quietly stretched out a hand and pulled Du Haitao.

Du Haitao looked at Yuan Hong gratefully.With Yuan Hong's help, Du Haitao felt a lot easier, but he didn't do much.Because Qin Feng and Li Lianjie over there have already completed it.

Xie Tian immediately stopped and said, "Qin Feng and Li Lianjie pass the test, you two groups will continue!" After speaking, Xie Tian stared directly at Du Haitao and Yuan Hong.

Xie Tian asked coldly, "What were you two doing just now? Do you think I didn't see it?" Yuan Hong and Du Haitao both lowered their heads when they heard Xie Tian's words.They didn't expect their behavior, thank God saw it clearly.

Xie Tian said coldly: "Yuan Hong, do you know? What you did just now was not helping Du Haitao, but hurting him. If it was on the battlefield, you were sending Du Haitao to the enemy's gunhole!"

Hearing Xie Tian's words, Yuan Hong lowered his head and paused and said, "I was wrong!" Hearing Yuan Hong admit his mistake.Xie Tian's face improved a little and said: "Your physical training has all ended, and if you are not qualified, you should consciously train more! Wang Jinwu!"

Hearing the instructor calling his name, Wang Jinwu hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Come on!" Xie Tian said, "You are training with the soldiers of your class, and you can see for yourself that less than half of the grades passed! With such a poor grade, you don't Is it ashamed?"

After Xie Tian finished speaking, he left with a cold face. After seeing Xie Tian gone, Wang Jinwu said, "Let's continue to practice! Qin Feng and Li Lianjie are both qualified. Get up. Du Haitao and Yuan Hong come with me to practice turning back and forth!"

After speaking, Wang Jinwu took Du Haitao and Yuan Hong to the venue where they ran back and forth for practice.As a result, before Du Haitao ran twice, he felt like his stomach was churning.Du Haitao hurriedly stretched out his hand and made a report, opened his mouth and vomited.

Wang Jinwu hurried up and asked with concern: "Du Haitao? Are you alright?" Du Haitao waved his hand and said, "Squad leader, I'm fine, I can still run!"

Wang Jinwu took Du Haitao to the side to rest and said, "Don't be brave! You are tired and vomit and run! Go and rest! Yuan Hong, go get water for Du Haitao!"

Yuan Hong also hurried to get water with a concerned look, and the staff next to him also hurriedly handed Yuan Hong a bottle of water.Wang Jinwu helped Du Haitao to sit down on the lawn.

Du Haitao took the water that Yuan Hong handed over and took a few sips before suppressing the nausea in his chest.Yuan Hong said to Wang Jinwu, "Squad leader, this training intensity is really unbearable in the future!"

Wang Jinwu smiled and said, "This is normal! But for you, it's really tiring to do this on the first day. I don't know what the headquarters thinks. But we can only obey orders!"

Hearing Wang Jinwu's words, Yuan Hong said with a smile: "Haitao is exhausted and vomited! Can you apply step by step!" Wang Jinwu smiled and didn't answer.But obviously no answer is already the best answer.

Yuan Hong went back to training with a gloomy face.In the afternoon, the six people kept training on the training ground.until dinner time.Wang Jinwu took them to the canteen of the recruit camp for dinner.

After dinner, everyone went back to the dormitory.Wang Jinwu took out a landline phone and said with a smile, "You should have handed over your mobile phone before you came! There is an old tradition in the army that recruits can call home to report their safety on the first day they arrive in the army! Everyone has a limited time. three minutes."

Du Haitao said with a smile: "Squad leader, what are you doing in three minutes? Can you play two more minutes?" Wang Jinwu smiled and said, "Call your family to report your safety, three minutes are enough. You need to know about other soldiers. But it's only two minutes."

Wang Jinwu smiled and handed the phone to Qin Feng and said, "Qin Feng, please call first!" Qin Feng accepted it politely and said with a smile, "Alright then, I'll come first!"

Wang Jinwu suddenly said, "Speak on the speakerphone!" Hearing Wang Jinwu's words, Qin Feng's head suddenly turned black, right?How can I be so embarrassed when I turn on the speakerphone?

Qin Feng dialed the baby's mobile number.At this time, the baby is having dinner with everyone in the love apartment.The child who was swapped with Qin Xue'er had arrived at the love apartment.

When learning about the child's family and life background, baby, Hu Yifei and Liu Yifei were all crying.Just don't be too sad.At the same time, she was even more worried about Qin Xueer's life in the countryside.

The baby's cell phone rang suddenly, and when I picked it up, it was a strange landline phone, and the baby was a little curious as to whose phone it was.Only people who know your phone number know your phone number.

Baby answered the phone, and Qin Feng's voice came from inside: "Baby!" Hearing Qin Feng's voice, the baby was first shocked and then happily said: "Brother Feng, I miss you so much! How do you call from a landline phone? come over?"

Qin Feng coughed dryly and said, "I'm in the army's dormitory now, and I'm using the army's phone! Then I'm using the speakerphone!"

When baby heard Qin Feng's words, he suddenly snorted: "What, Brother Feng, are you using the speakerphone over there? Wasn't that what you just said was recorded on the show?"

Qin Feng laughed dryly and said, "Yeah!" Hearing Qin Feng's answer, baby immediately blushed! When the baby thought that what he said just now was recorded in the program, it is very likely that it will be broadcast on TV, and the baby suddenly became more shy.And the others in the love apartment couldn't help but laugh.

Chapter [-]: Emergency gathering in the middle of the night

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the baby's face turned red.She didn't expect that Qin Feng was actually on the speakerphone, and she went up to directly say the love words that she missed so much.

Baby's side was a little silent, Qin Feng looked at the rest of the people with smiles on their faces, even the squad leader Wang Jinwu was grinning.

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