But the time is only three minutes, so Qin Feng still said with a smile: "Baby, each of us only has three minutes of talk time. Let's hurry up and chat!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the baby was a little disappointed and said, "It's only three minutes?!" The baby was originally full of words, but after all the trouble just now.When I heard that there was only three minutes, the baby didn't know what to say.

Qin Feng didn't speak when he saw the baby, so he was anxious and had to find a topic to talk to the baby by himself.Qin Feng smiled and said, "Baby, Xue'er is already there, right?"

Hearing Qin Feng talking about Qin Xue'er, the baby suddenly thought of Xue'er again, and the baby replied, "Well, Xue'er has already arrived. I was taken to my house today as well. I heard the little guy say that their family is very hard. I don’t know if Xue’er will endure hardship and suffer grievances!”

Talking about the baby's voice was a little choked up, Qin Feng really wanted to give himself a big mouth, nothing to mention Qin Xue'er.Originally, the baby was very dissatisfied with her letting Xue Er participate in "Transformation", but now she knows that the environment there is so bad.It's strange not to worry about death.

Qin Feng hurriedly shifted the topic to the love apartment, because Qin Feng's relationship with the baby was only public, so he could not directly ask Hu Yifei about their situation in front of everyone.Now, once the relationship between Qin Feng and baby, Hu Yifei, Liu Yifei, Lin Yuner and Lin Wanyu is exposed, Qin Feng will be ruined.God can't save Qin Feng.

Qin Feng had to ask, "Baby, are you all okay?" After hearing Qin Feng's words, baby and Hu Yifei knew that Qin Feng was still concerned about themselves.The people in Qin Feng's dormitory thought that Qin Feng was dealing with his friends.Everyone is still feeling that Qin Feng is a good person. Now that he is so famous and worth, he is still so good to his friends.It is a blessing to be friends with Qin Feng.

Baby replied: "Well, everyone is fine, I just miss you. When will you come back?" Hearing what the baby said, Qin Feng smiled and said, "I miss you too! We are training in the army now. I just entered the boot camp today! I don't know when I can go back, maybe we'll go back after training!"

Hearing Qin Feng's answer, the baby was very dissatisfied.Qin Feng himself is the design planner of the show.He said he didn't know when the training was over, he was just perfunctory!

In fact, this time Qin Feng was really not perfunctory. Although Qin Feng was the chief designer and planner, Bai Yan and Ou Balcony were responsible for the specific matters.After all, Qin Feng is the CEO of Maple Leaf Group and is also very busy (in fact, it is not busy, it is just a reasonable and legitimate reason for Qin Feng to be lazy).

Therefore, how the program is recorded and how it is carried out is not under Qin Feng's control.So Qin Feng really doesn't know how long this show will be recorded.

Qin Feng and baby briefly said a few words, and the time is almost up.Qin Feng hung up the phone.Then handed the phone to Li Lianjie.

Li Lianjie dialed his wife's phone. Although Li Lianjie and the others are old and married, the phone is full of love.

Looking at Li Lianjie's happy expression.Qin Feng couldn't help sighing that he hoped that he and the baby could be as loving as Li Lianjie and his wife when they were old.In fact, Qin Feng is more entangled in how he should face Hu Yifei and the others.Qin Feng was extremely troubled when he thought of this question.

After that, Yuan Hong, Du Haitao, Wang Baobao, and Aftershock all called home one by one.There was a happy expression on everyone's face after the phone call.

Because although they only called for a few minutes just now, everyone felt the warmth of home and the affection of family members.After all, family love is the most touching and moving feeling in the world.

After the call was over, Wang Jinwu put the phone away.Then the seven people sat on their own small benches in the dormitory and started chatting about their daily life.

Wang Jinwu's relationship with everyone has also become very close.Everyone also felt that their squad leader was really good.Caring about everyone.

Wang Jinwu also shared his experience with everyone, and also talked about his experience in the army in the past few years.Everyone chatted until the lights were about to go out, then went to the bathroom to wash up and went back to the dormitory to lie down.

When everyone was ready for a good night's sleep after a tiring day, Wang Jinwu suddenly smiled and said, "Later, you all don't fall asleep!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard Wang Jinwu's words.Du Haitao asked, "We're all so tired, why aren't we allowed to sleep?" Qin Feng had already guessed it and said, "Squad leader, is there an emergency gathering later?"

Wang Jinwu looked at Qin Feng and smiled and said, "Qin Feng, you know it very well!" Qin Feng said with a smile, "I see that many TV shows are like this!"

Wang Baobao also nodded and said, "Yes, the troops do often come to urgently gather during the recruit training period!" Hearing their words, Du Haitao sighed and said, "I hope it's not too late, otherwise what will happen tomorrow morning? Can you get up?"

Sure enough, after they lay down for about an hour, a crisp whistle suddenly sounded in the corridor.After hearing the whistle, Qin Feng immediately sat up and said, "Get up quickly!" As soon as Qin Feng's voice fell, Wang Jinwu's voice also came: "Emergency gathering! Get up quickly!"

Wang Jinwu was stunned when he heard Qin Feng shouted out before him, knowing that he had been a soldier for several years.Qin Feng's reaction speed was definitely faster than his own.This also made Wang Jinwu a little surprised!

However, Wang Jinwu didn't leave much time to be surprised, but quickly dressed and got up to urge them to gather at the playground, because he knew that Xie Tian was a very strict instructor.

Eight hundred and twentieth eight chapters: punished again

Although Wang Jinwu reminded everyone in advance before going to bed, the training intensity is too great for them today. After their heads touched the pillow, although they tried their best to persuade themselves not to sleep, there will be an emergency gathering later. , but obviously they can't fight with their double eyelids.

He fell asleep every twenty minutes when he touched the pillow, and in his dreams he was dating Zhou Gong's daughter.So when Wang Jinwu and Qin Feng woke up and called them, they were still dreaming.What's more, Du Haitao actually drooled.

Qin Feng and Wang Jinwu called everyone up, and when they got dressed and came downstairs to gather, the soldiers of the entire recruit company had already arrived.Xie Tian stood in front of the team and looked at the few people who rushed over in a hurry.

Qin Feng and the others quickly stood in their positions.Xie Tian went mad again: "Wang Jinwu!" Obviously, Wang Jinwu, the squad leader, was unlucky.Such a group of soldiers can only be lectured by the instructor every day.

Wang Jinwu stepped forward and said loudly: "Arrived!" Xie Tian looked at Wang Jinwu and said, "Do you still have a sense of time? How long have you seen the soldiers from other classes arrive? You let everyone stand here and wait for the three of you. Minutes, don't you feel guilty?"

Xie Tian slapped his face with a reprimand.Not to mention that Wang Jinwu couldn't raise his head, Qin Feng and the others all lowered their heads, if they really wanted to dig a hole and jump in.

Thank God is not only strict, but also vicious.Qin Feng was depressed. It was a bull to be able to practice such a vicious tongue in the army.However, what Xie Tian said also made them unable to find any reason to refute.

As a result, Qin Feng and the others, who were usually extremely popular in front of others, were humiliated by the instructors in front of a group of recruits.

After Xie Tianxun finished speaking, he said: "The following is three kilometers at night, and all the first class will add one kilometer later!" Hearing Xie Tian's words, Du Haitao almost didn't call out!Nima, it's running again. The three kilometers in the morning have already made Du Haitao want to die. Now it is four kilometers.There are five kilometers left tomorrow morning.

Du Haitao thought about it and burst into tears.I have come to the army, or a long-distance running training camp.This time I really want to lose weight.It's hard not to lose weight.

However, they did not dare to disobey the instructor's order.Following the slogans of the squad leaders, Qin Feng and the other recruits ran neatly together.

Xie Tian shouted to the team that ran far away: "Sing to me that unity is strength! Sing loudly!" He heard the instructor's order.As the squad leader of the first squad, Wang Jinwu was also the squad leader of the leading team that ran at the front of the entire company and sang loudly: "Unity! Prepare to sing!"

Then the whole company of soldiers sang: "Unity is strength! Unity is strength, this strength is iron, this strength is steel, harder than iron, stronger than steel, and fire on fascists and let all undemocratic systems die. , toward the sun, toward freedom, toward the new China, shining brightly..."

Loud singing resounded throughout the barracks.Then the entire company of soldiers sang and ran.Du Haitao felt that running was easier than in the morning.

In fact, it is normal to be relaxed. The most important thing for running is to adjust the breathing and pace. When the whole team runs, the breathing and the pace are driven by everyone. Running is quite energy-saving, and running is not so tired.In addition, this morning, Du Haitao and the others also ran for a walk. In the afternoon, they were so tired that they vomited. They had already made their bodies adaptable. km, that must be exhausting.

Just when Du Haitao was complacent, it was obvious that Xie Tian could become an instructor of the army, and he was naturally familiar with these routines.Therefore, Du Haitao's excitement did not last long.

With Xie Tian's instruction again: "Everyone disbands, disperses and runs! Run as fast as you can!" Although the recruits have just joined the army, they have undergone a period of training.Obviously, the soldiers have learned the basics of obeying orders. Although everyone knows that running like that is very tiring, they still dare not disobey the instructor's order.

So after Xie Tian's password was issued, everyone quickly ran away.And it was Qin Feng who was still leading the way.

Wang Jinwu knew that running Du Haitao like this would definitely be abolished, so he turned around and went back to run.Li Lianjie and Aftershock's senior gold group still rely on the rhythm of their own senior golden group to run forward. Yuan Hong also learned to run at his own rhythm.

But Wang Baobao was surrounded by several recruits at this time, and these recruits were all Wang Baobao's fans.I have to say that Wang Baobao's popularity in the army is quite high, even higher than Qin Feng's, which shows how deeply Xu Sanduo's image is in the hearts of the people.

One of the fans said, "Baby, you have always been my idol, and I only became a soldier after seeing your Xu Sanduo." Hearing the soldier's words, Wang Baobao also grinned slyly.

The fan said, "Let's run together!" Wang Baobao nodded happily, and then ran forward with a few fans around him.

Where Xie Tian stood and looked at Qin Feng, who was running at the front, he couldn't help but be a little surprised. Obviously, Qin Feng's performance in the boot camp today gave him a deep impression.An excellent soldier.But it is a pity that Qin Feng is so famous now.Obviously you can't be a soldier anymore.This makes Xie Tian very embarrassed.

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