Wang Jinwu was so anxious that only sweat broke out on his head. Wang Jinwu gritted his teeth and said, "Report, I am the squad leader of the first squad, and I am responsible for my soldiers. I will share half of the burden of Li Lianjie and the aftershocks!"

Hearing Wang Jinwu's words, Li Lianjie immediately responded and said loudly, "Report to the instructor, as a soldier, I can bear half of my load."

After hearing what Wang Jinwu and Li Lianjie said, everyone understood.They are sharing the burden and then resolving this matter.So Yuan Hong, Yuzhen, Du Haitao, and Wang Baobao all expressed their desire to share the burden for their comrades-in-arms.

Xie Tian was relieved to see that they all stood up. One hundred and forty pounds spread over seven people is better than Qin Feng alone.And thank goodness also knows that this is the only step down.

Xie Tian said angrily on purpose: "I don't care what method the seven of you use, but the total weight of 490 pounds is not less. I will give you five minutes. If you haven't set off in five minutes, the distance will be doubled!" He left in a huff.

See thank God gone.Wang Jinwu breathed a sigh of relief, this matter was finally resolved.Everyone's face was saved.

Wang Jinwu turned his head and said, "Let's bear the burden of Li Lianjie and the aftershocks equally, and hurry up and prepare for departure. After the time is over, we will look good again!"

Hearing Wang Jinwu's words, everyone nodded.Qin Feng suddenly said: "You can carry your own weight. I can carry the weight of three people."

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Wang Jinwu almost fell.My brother, it's hard to solve the problem.Why are you so arrogant.

Li Lianjie also persuaded Qin Feng to say, "Qin Feng, stop being angry. Let's go quickly!" Hearing Li Lianjie's words, Qin Feng said with a smile, "Brother Li, do you also feel that I am angry?"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Li Lianjie was stunned for a moment. According to his understanding of Qin Feng, Qin Feng was not an impulsive person.Just now, Li Lianjie thought that Qin Feng was really angry that he was so angry.

But looking at Qin Feng's current appearance, he looks a little sullen.Could it be that Qin Feng can really carry that much load.This thought also frightened Li Lianjie instantly.

Li Lianjie said suspiciously, "You can't joke about this, Qin Feng!" Hearing Li Lianjie's words, Qin Feng laughed, and then began to play with the weight of the three people on himself.

Li Lianjie stopped the others who were about to persuade Qin Feng and laughed and said, "No one can stop Qin Feng's decision! I also believe him." After speaking, Li Lianjie just took his gun and put on his clothes. training clothes.

Others also organize their own belongings and load.They set off in five minutes.And when Xie Tian saw Qin Feng's weight, the whole person was not well.Is this still human?

Chapter [-]: The instructor is not cold

At this time, Xie Tian's heart was still full of shocks, apart from the thousands of grass and mud horses galloping past.Things that have already been done have become what they are now, what are you going to make trouble for?

Xie Tian turned his eyes to Wang Jinwu, Wang Jinwu naturally understood the meaning in Xie Tian's eyes, but Wang Jinwu just shrugged, the helplessness revealed in his eyes made Xie Tian unable to understand.

Xie Tian waved his hand and said, "Let's go now!" Then Xie Tian turned around and left, and Wang Jinwu took Qin Feng and the others to run.All eyes are on Qin Feng.

After Wang Jinwu and the others left, Xie Tian turned around from nowhere and turned around and got into an off-road vehicle that drove slowly in the direction of their five kilometers off-road.

Although Xie Tian was very upset, Qin Feng was a big star after all, and he was the chief planner of this show.The leaders of the military attach great importance to this matter, after all, it is related to the issue of publicizing the image of the military.So there can be no surprises.

Qin Feng just started running with a load of more than [-] kilograms on his back. Wang Jinwu followed Qin Feng and kept looking at Qin Feng. In case Qin Feng was exhausted or something unexpected happened, he could reach out as soon as possible.

Li Lianjie and Aftershock also stared at Qin Feng intently.But everyone was surprised to find that Qin Feng ran faster than Du Haitao, and everyone who saw Qin Feng's running state was dumbfounded.

Xie Tian, ​​who was sitting in the off-road vehicle, looked at Qin Feng with his binoculars, and his mouth was closed in surprise.This is too brutal.Nima, you let the other soldiers know that they will be beaten to death.

Yuan Hong said in surprise: "Oh my God, Brother Feng. How did you do it? Carrying a Du Haitao's weight is faster than Du Haitao's running! It's too brutal!"

Du Haitao explained reluctantly: "Yuan Hong, what are you talking about? What does it mean to carry something that is about the same weight as me! The amount of things that Brother Feng carries is 210, and I'm just over a hundred. Heavy! Brother Feng is too good!"

Yuan Hong pouted and said, "Du Haitao, we're still good friends if you don't talk about it. Your weight should be over 200, okay?"

Yuan Hong's words made everyone laugh. Qin Feng gasped and said, "Hai Tao, let your weight hit Yuan Hong's face."

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Du Haitao was speechless.At this point, Du Haitao was already in tears in his heart.The reason is simpler, Du Haitao's weight is 200.5 kg.Why don't you make him depressed?

Wang Jinwu kept caring about Qin Feng and said, "Qin Feng, you're fine. If you can't bear it, say it immediately. Don't be brave!"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Little cass! Come on everyone. Go back to breakfast early!"

Hearing Qin Feng talking about breakfast, foodie Du Haitao immediately swallowed.Suddenly it seems that there is the motivation to continue running!

Seeing Du Haitao's appearance, Li Lianjie smiled and said, "Haitao, no wonder you can gain weight!"

Hearing Li Lianjie's words, Du Haitao said aggrievedly: "I'm really hungry without breakfast! And the food in the army is really good!"

Hearing Du Haitao's words, several people said together: "Food!" After that, everyone laughed, and then a few people ran forward together.

The seven people ran forward, and their optimistic attitude not only infected the cameraman who followed them, but also Xie Tian who was sitting in the off-road vehicle.

In fact, Xie Tian is not a very cold and impersonal person. He is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. This kind of person needs time to get in-depth contact to know their heart.

But this time, he acted as a demanding instructor with Qin Feng and the others.But the army needs such instructors.

This type of instructor is obviously not flattering.But when the things they hand over to the soldiers make the soldiers feel good, the soldiers will understand their good intentions.

In fact, Qin Feng understands Xie Tian's thoughts very well, because Xie Tian's character is very similar to Lei Zhan in Fire Phoenix.

For people like them, they would rather let the soldiers scold themselves behind their backs than feel unwilling to let the soldiers die on the battlefield because of their relaxation, although the war is currently far away for everyone.But soldiers should always be ready!This is the real Chinese soldier!

Qin Feng and everyone finished running 200 kilometers together. When they returned to the boot camp, Qin Feng took off his weight and sat on the ground.Obviously, after running five kilometers with a weight of more than [-] pounds, Qin Feng's physical quality was amazing and he couldn't help but feel tired.

Wang Jinwu and Li Lianjie hurriedly stepped forward to help Qin Feng. Before Li Lianjie could reach out, a figure had already helped Qin Feng one step ahead. Everyone turned their heads to see that it was none other than the instructor, thank heaven.

Xie Tian supported Qin Feng and said, "Qin Feng, are you alright?" Hearing Xie Tian's words, Qin Feng smiled and said, "It's alright, it's just a little out of strength!"

Xie Tian said to Wang Jinwu, "Hurry up and send Qin Feng back to the dormitory to rest! Recover your strength."

Wang Jinwu nodded, and Li Lianjie took Xie Tianfu's side.Then thank God turned to leave.

Wang Jinwu and Li Lianjie hurriedly helped Qin Feng back to the dormitory. The others wanted to follow him back, but Qin Feng rushed him to have breakfast.The discipline of the troops is strict, and the meal time is fixed and limited. If you miss the time, you can only starve.So Qin Feng drove them to dinner.

After Wang Jinwu and Li Lianjie sent Qin Feng to the dormitory, Qin Feng also urged them to eat.

After Wang Jinwu and Li Lianjie left, Qin Feng leaned on the bed alone. It must be said that Qin Feng was exhausted from running for five kilometers.Qin Feng took the others away and exchanged a bottle of physical energy recovery potion from the system. He drank it directly and felt that his limbs regained strength.

As soon as Qin Feng regained his strength, he heard the door of the dormitory open. Qin Feng sat up and took a look. It was Xie Tian.In his hand was a bowl of porridge, a side dish and a few steamed buns.

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