The heat from the breakfast told Qin Feng that Xie Tian had just brought it from the cafeteria.Qin Feng didn't expect Xie Tian to bring him breakfast. Although Xie Tian's expression was still so cold, Qin Feng still felt Xie Tian's concern for him.I can't help but sigh that in fact, thank God it's not very cold!

Chapter eight hundred and thirty second: shot

Qin Feng was also inexplicably moved when he saw the breakfast sent by Xie Tian.Maybe this is the friendship between the comrades.Xie Tian is not a cold-blooded person. He usually has the same strict requirements for other soldiers. Wang Jinwu once told Qin Feng and the others that when he was training at that time, Xie Tianlian was hiding in the toilet and crying secretly.

Thank goodness is such a strict person.Not only for the soldiers, but also for himself, and for this he also won the title of Demon Instructor.But it's not really thankful.After a long time of contact, you will find that the devil instructor also has a fiery heart, but he usually hides his inner fiery with a cold appearance.

Today Qin Feng's cross-country running has completely convinced this devil instructor.For Xie Tian, ​​he himself was very unhappy that his superiors asked him to cooperate with Dingtian Entertainment's training and recording programs.If it is someone else, it is estimated that he would like to have such a chance to become famous. You must know that Xie Tian is not a special forces soldier, and it does not matter.It is not possible to stay in the army for a lifetime. For Xie Tian, ​​it is actually an opportunity to have such an opportunity to be famous.Of course, this is why Xie Tian's leadership gave him a lot of attention and let him train.

But thank goodness does not feel how good this opportunity is.Even against this behavior.Xie Tian is a very pure soldier. A soldier who is pure in his eyes is to protect his country with his own life.It's not there to entertain the public.

So he was very disgusted with the recording of such programs.He thanked God that he was not a dead brain, after the ideological work was done by the superior leaders.He obviously also knows that this show is actually more to promote the army and educate the public.So he obeyed the orders of his superiors and participated in the recording of this show.

But obeying the order does not mean that he has approved such behavior in his heart. In Xie Tian, ​​the olive green military uniform and the national emblem on the brim are sacred and inviolable.Therefore, Xie Tian is extraordinarily diligent in carrying out the orders of the leaders to exercise these stars well.The hard work even made veterans like Wang Jinwu feel like they were really targeting the stars.

Xie Tian's idea was to deliberately make some difficulties to make these stars retreat, but after seeing Qin Feng running [-] kilometers with a weight of more than [-] pounds, and the seven people helping each other during the running process.Xie Tian's thinking has changed.He always thought that these stars could not endure hardship.But Qin Feng and the others used their actions to prove that they also told Xie Tian.We can suffer.

Qin Feng and their efforts won Xie Tian's approval.So Xie Tian would take the initiative to deliver breakfast to Qin Feng.When Xie Tian had this idea, he already recognized Qin Feng and the others as his comrades-in-arms.

However, since the two had not had much contact before, and Xie Tian was not a very good word person, so after the breakfast was delivered.Xie Tian simply asked and left.

After Xie Tian left, Qin Feng sat on the bed and started eating without much thought. After all, after running [-] kilometers on an empty stomach, Qin Feng was already hungry.And there will be training later.It is said that they are going to touch the gun today.Even Qin Feng was very excited. After all, all teenagers dreamed of carrying a steel gun in a heroic manner.

Qin Feng just ate half of it.Li Lianjie and the others are back.Wang Jinwu also specially served Qin Feng breakfast, but everyone was stunned when they saw Qin Feng eating breakfast.

Qin Feng took everyone's reaction into his eyes and said with a smile, "Instructor Xie came to give me breakfast just now!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone looked at each other in dismay.Because in everyone's heart, they never thought that Xie Tian would bring breakfast to Qin Feng.

Only Wang Jinwu smiled and said: "Congratulations, you have been approved by the instructor!" Yuan Hong asked in confusion after hearing Wang Jinwu's words: "Monitor, what do you mean by that?"

Wang Jinwu said with a smile: "I told you before that Instructor Xie is not a ruthless person, but you still don't believe it. Believe it now! He recognized you as his comrades in arms! So you can feel the other side of him. It's gone!"

Hearing Wang Jinwu's explanation, everyone suddenly nodded.However, Wang Jinwu quickly said with a bitter face: "What about this breakfast? I have too much!"

Qin Feng took the breakfast from Wang Jinwu's hand and said, "I just didn't have enough to eat! Today's physical exertion is too much!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone nodded.After all, Qin Feng carried three times their weight and ran five kilometers today.Especially Li Lianjie and Aftershock were a little embarrassed.After all, Qin Feng carried it for them.

Du Haitao also said with lingering fear: "Yeah, I will run for half my life if I run with weight!" Hearing Du Haitao's words, Wang Jinwu jokingly said: "Haitao, on the first day of this time, you will run for half your life! No more. What will you do tomorrow?"

Hearing Wang Jinwu talking about the morning run tomorrow, Du Haitao felt a little drunk when he thought of the sour taste of his body in the morning.A whimper is emitted at random. "Help!"

Seeing Du Haitao's appearance, everyone laughed.In fact, everyone is no longer afraid of difficulties at this time.Because everyone knows a truth, that is, brothers are of the same mind, and their profits are broken!

After breakfast, Qin Feng drank the super stamina recovery potion that he had exchanged for a long time when everyone was not paying attention. Qin Feng felt that the sweet and sour taste was a bit like the three essence blue bottle.

After drinking the recovery potion, within five minutes, Qin Feng felt that he was instantly revived with blood.The sour feeling all over his body has disappeared.

Qin Feng followed everyone to the training ground.Wang Jinwu said with a smile: "Later, everyone will follow me to get the gun! Today is the long-awaited teaching and training of the rifle!"

Hearing Wang Jinwu's words, everyone except Li Lianjie and Aftershock cried out with excitement.After all, there are too many shootout films between Li Lianjie and Aftershock.Although I haven't touched a real gun, I still touch a lot of simulated guns.Even so, there was still a trace of excitement and excitement in the eyes of the two of them.

Chapter [-]: One-handed gun

Qin Feng and the others followed Wang Jinwu to the weapons depot of the recruit camp. Xie Tian had already prepared the weapons.Then everyone has one hand, and everyone gets a gun with a look of excitement.Including Li Lianjie and Aftershock is the same, although I have been exposed to many imitation guns when filming.But this time, it was real guns and ammunition.

When Xie Tian saw that they got the weapons, he said to them: "Don't laugh and play after getting the guns! Hurry to the training ground!" Xie Tian was still as stern as ever.

Wang Jinwu took Qin Feng and the other six to the training ground. Wang Jinwu explained to them as he walked: "When training later, you must remember that the instructor's password has been given! You can only perform actions! Guns at people!"

Du Haitao looked over and over with excitement while holding his gun.Suddenly Du Haitao asked, "Squad leader, can I take the gun apart and take a look?"

Hearing Du Haitao's words, Wang Jinwu had a black line. Fortunately, Du Haitao said it in front of him. If Xie Tian heard it, it is estimated that Du Haitao would suffer again.But obviously Du Haitao's luck is not so good.

As soon as Du Haitao finished speaking, Xie Tian's voice came from behind the team: "Du Haitao!"

Hearing that Xie Tian called his name, Du Haitao felt bad!

Xie Tian said with a rare smile, "Do you know the gun in your hand?" Du Haitao had a sad expression on his face when he heard Xie Tian's question.

If you ask Du Haitao about a kind of food, it is estimated that he can still know what kind of food it is. Now take a gun and ask Du Haitao if he knows what kind of gun it is.Du Haitao was only dumbfounded.

Xie Tian turned his head and asked, "Do you know?" Hearing Xie Tian's question.Qin Feng stood at attention and said, "Report! I know!"

Seeing Qin Feng in high spirits, Xie Tian also had a strange expression on his face.When he brought breakfast to Qin Feng just now, Qin Feng was still full of exhaustion, and he was so energetic after just a while.

Xie Tian was just stunned for a moment, and didn't stop for too long before continuing to ask: "Qin Feng, come and tell everyone about this gun!"


Hearing Qin Feng's words, Xie Tian was surprised again. He did not expect Qin Feng to be so familiar with the information on the 95 rifle.

What Xie Tian didn't know was that although Qin Feng was an otaku in his previous life, he was more of a technical house and a military house.

Therefore, Qin Feng is naturally clear about the structure of the most common and most commonly used rifle in the Chinese army.Thank God's question naturally can't trouble him.

Hearing Qin Feng's answer, Xie Tian smiled and said, "Qin Feng's answer is very good! It seems that Qin Feng knows a lot about firearms! Qin Feng, tell me you have a gun now, what are your feelings and feelings? "

Qin Feng stood at attention and replied: "A gun is the second life of a soldier. It is better to sweat and sweat than to lose a gun! Carrying this gun means that we will use this gun to protect our family and the country! This is the mission of a soldier. And responsibility is also the supreme glory of the soldier!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Xie Tian looked at Qin Feng with a very surprised look, obviously he did not expect Qin Feng to say these words.

There is nothing wrong with Qin Feng's words, and what he said is very correct. As a soldier, this is indeed the case!

Xie Tian nodded and asked, "Aftershock! How do you feel?" Hearing the instructor ask himself, Aftershock took a breath and said, "I feel the gun is a little light!"

Xie Tian's face changed when he heard Aftershock's words. Seeing Xie Tian's face change, Wang Jinwu also sighed softly. He knew that Aftershock said something wrong.

Xie Tian did not continue to ask aftershocks but turned to ask Li Lianjie: "Li Lianjie, how about you?"

Li Lianjie also answered loudly: "It's really too light!" Hearing Li Lianjie's words, Du Haitao couldn't help but say: "I don't think this gun is light!" Can't stop laughing.Qin Feng and Wang Jinwu frowned, then sighed helplessly.

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