In the office of the executive chairman of Dingtian Entertainment, Bai Yan was also anxiously turning around, and a video was connected to the computer in front of him.On the other end of the video is the crew of "Transformation Plan" that Qin Xueer followed.

Qin Xue'er, who was lying in the arms of the staff member, was dazed and hung on the water, and she kept calling baby mother.

No matter what Bai Yan said into the computer's microphone, Qin Xue'er was still calling the baby's name, ignoring Bai Yan.

Bai Yan could only wait for the baby's arrival. After Baby went out, he drove all the way to Dingtian Entertainment.It's hard to imagine that a baby girl can drive the car so fast.

This time, the baby drove Qin Fen's iconic Kosenig, so it was quickly photographed by reporters.

The reason is very simple. The car not only speeded but also ran a red light. The traffic police in Shanghai stock market know this car. After all, there are only so many Kosenig cars in the world, and the only one with this car in Shanghai stock market. Qin Feng is alone.After all, Qin Feng is now the number two existence in Forbes, who is chasing after the chairman of Wanda.How dare the traffic police stop the car?

Photos of the speeding vehicle soon appeared online.Netizens are all talking about it, because the speed is too fast, the driver in the car can't see who it is.So everyone thought it was Qin Feng.

After the baby came to Dingtian Entertainment, he hurried to Bai Yan's office. As soon as he met the baby, he asked, "Sister Yan, what happened to Xue Er?"

Bai Yan took the baby's hand and came to the computer. When the baby saw Qin Xue'er on the other end of the computer video call, the baby's eyes turned red all of a sudden.

Baby hurriedly took the microphone and said, "Xueer! Xueer! I'm baby's mother! What's wrong with you?"

Bai Yan said to the baby on the side: "Xue Er, it seems that she is not used to the environment over there. She seems to have caught a cold at night. She started to have a high fever early this morning. The fever didn't subside. She kept calling you and Qin Feng's names. I called you!"

Hearing Bai Yan's words, the baby said, "Hurry up and bring Xue'er back!" Hearing the baby's words, Bai Yan said with an embarrassed expression, "I have informed Qin Feng today, what he means is..."

Although Bai Yan's words did not go on, the baby instantly understood what Bai Yan did not finish.Obviously, it wasn't that Bai Yan didn't want to take it, but Qin Feng didn't allow it.

Baby asked, "Is it Brother Feng who didn't let me pick you up?" Bai Yan nodded helplessly when she heard Baby's question.In fact, Bai Yan couldn't understand Qin Feng this time.Why not pick up Cher.But Qin Feng's reply on the phone was very firm, and no one was allowed to interrupt the recording of the program without permission.

So Bai Yan was very helpless, which was why she informed the baby, and wanted the baby to persuade Qin Feng.

Baby said to Bai Yan, "Sister Yan, can you help me contact Brother Feng? I want to ask him!"

Bai Yan picked up the phone and dialed the "Real Man" crew. Bai Yan said to the other end of the phone, "Tell Qin Dong that baby wants to talk to him!"

On the other end of the phone, they knew that it was Bai Yan's phone number, as well as the relationship between baby and Qin Feng.So I quickly went to Qin Feng.

Baby stood there anxiously, but to no avail.The feedback from the other side of the phone was that Qin Feng did not answer the baby's call.

Hearing the news from the other end of the phone, the baby was stunned. She did not expect Qin Feng to be so determined.

Baby was on fire, Qin Feng sent Qin Xueer there to experience life, the baby endured, Qin Feng made Qin Xueer suffer, and the baby also endured.But now Qin Xueer is ill, and Qin Feng doesn't let her come back, the baby can't bear it anymore.

Baby stood up after hanging up the phone and said, "Sister Yan, where is Brother Feng and their training? I'm going to find him! I'm going to ask him face to face, what is he going to do?"

Seeing the anxious look on the baby's face, Bai Yan also said helplessly: "I don't know very well. But baby, don't worry now, it's useless for you to go to Qin Feng! You also know that he is very determined. Difficult to change!"

Baby was a little discouraged when he heard Bai Yan's words.Because Bai Yan is right, Qin Feng is not a person who changes his decision at will.

Bai Yan advised the baby, "Baby, why don't you go to Xue'er's place first to see how Xue'er is doing?"

Hearing Bai Yan's words, the baby immediately said, "Okay. I'll go now!" As he spoke, he was about to leave.

Bai Yan pulled the baby, and when the baby encountered Qin Xue'er, she became impatient.Then don't care about anything.This made Bai Yan speechless for a while.

Bai Yan took the baby's hand and said, "You go home now and pack your things, and I'll arrange a plane ticket for you and someone over there will pick you up at the airport!"

After hearing Bai Yan's words, the baby realized that Qin Xue'er was now in a remote mountain area, not by her side.

Chapter eight hundred and thirty sixth: the first shot

Baby nodded and said, "Excuse me, Sister Yan! I'll go home and pack up now!" After saying that, Baby walked out of the building and returned to the love apartment without looking back.

Bai Yan also called her secretary to quickly book the earliest flight to that place today, and at the same time notified the program team over there that baby was going!Let them pick you up at the airport!

After finishing packing, Baby went to the airport and went directly to the mountain to see Qin Xueer.The little ones in the apartment were handed over to Hu Yifei to take care of them.

Qin Feng got up from the lunch break and found out about the baby flying to the mountains, and sighed, but he also knew that the baby loved Qin Xue'er too much.So he didn't say anything.

And although the incident of the baby driving Qin Feng's Kosenig over the red light was exposed, but the media and Qin Feng have a good relationship, and no one mentioned this matter, and Qin Feng asked Bai Yan to use his micro Bo issued an apology.This thing is over.

Fans can also understand that after all, their daughter is sick, and it is normal for parents to be anxious.It didn't cause much disturbance.And "Real Man" and "Transformer" are also known by everyone.

Mango TV simply took this time to announce all the two variety shows.

Fans were immediately excited, Qin Feng made two variety shows.And he joined in himself.

You must know that the variety shows that Qin Feng has participated in since his debut up to now, in addition to "Running Man" and "Where Are We Going Dad", are also guest appearances in "I Am a Singer" for two episodes.Now Qin Feng designs and joins in person.Kung Fu Emperor Li Lianjie's first variety show, the most important thing is to cooperate with the army and enter the military camp.

These numerous highlights have already made many fans excited.Therefore, when Mango TV released the news that "Real Man" would be filmed and broadcast as soon as possible, fans' attention to Mango TV increased even more.

"Real Man" became popular before it aired.Ou Danchang was delighted to see Mango Satellite TV's recent skyrocketing ratings, and his cooperation with Qin Feng made a lot of money.

Of course, these Qin Fengs naturally do not know that Qin Feng is now receiving new training with his friends in the boot camp, which is target shooting.

As a soldier, shooting is a compulsory course. Although they are only recording the program this time, their entire program process is that six people enter the army as recruits for training, so shooting with guns is naturally one of the items they need to train.

This project is very novel for six people, but there are very exciting things.After all, these things are things they have not been exposed to before.

After following Wang Jinwu to the target shooting site, he looked at the target positions set up on the opposite side.With the ammunition box at the front of the team, and touching the Type 95 assault rifle on their shoulders, everyone was excited.

Although they were all empty bullets, this did not change everyone's mood.

For Du Haitao, being able to carry a gun and hit a target in the army is enough for him to blow a wave in front of He Jiong and Wei Jia after returning to Mango TV.

Qin Feng also touched the gun in his hand excitedly. As a military controller, he was able to touch real guns in the army, and he could also hit targets. Although it was a blank bullet, it was enough to make Qin Feng feel excited. .After all, there are very few guys who don't like this.

After arriving at the training ground, Xie Tian walked to the front of the team.See Xie Tian's cold face.Everyone was frightened.

Now thank God the name of the devil coach has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.Everyone was afraid of him.Because if you are not careful, you may be punished by him.

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