Xie Tian walked to the front of the team and said, "This afternoon, we will practice live ammunition!" Xie Tian waved his hand and said, "All the recruits are out!"

Hearing Xie Tian's words, all the squad leaders of the recruits quickly stood in a row at the front of the team, and of course Wang Jinwu was among them.From the gathering speed, it is obvious how big the gap between recruits and veterans is.

Xie Tian said: "Now, the squad leader of the recruit squad will give you a shooting demonstration!" After speaking, Xie Tian shouted: "The first group is advancing to the shooting ground!"

As Xie Tian's password was issued, all the recruit squad leaders walked towards the shooting range in neat steps.Then lie down neatly and start reloading.

Xie Tian is also explaining: "First reach the position and then load the bullet in the prone position, then open the safety, pull to the 1 position, and then move to the 1 position. Is it clear?"

The recruits at the back replied loudly: "Clear!" At this time, the squad leaders had already made all preparations for the shooting.

Xie Tian turned his head to the squad leaders and said, "After adjustment, shoot yourself!" Following Xie Tian's order, Wang Jinwu took the lead.Only a few shots were heard, pop, pop, pop.Wang Jinwu has already completed his own demonstration shooting.Then the other squad leaders completed the shooting simply and neatly.

Obviously, many recruits were trembling with the gunshots when they saw the shooting for the first time on the scene.After all, this is their first time!

After the squad leaders finished the demonstration, Xie Tian didn't say much, just let the soldiers come forward to try the design.Qin Feng, Li Lianjie, Du Haitao and several other recruits were in the first group.

The three came to the shooting range according to the demonstration of the squad leaders just now. Qin Feng and Li Lianjie were better, but Du Haitao was obviously overexcited.Holding the gun, I couldn't put the magazine in for a long time.

And here Qin Feng is the first to complete the preparations.Xie Tian still let him shoot himself, so Qin Feng shot without hesitation.

When Qin Feng's gun rang, Wang Jinwu was startled, and Wang Jinwu suddenly smiled wryly.And Xie Tian was also stunned for a moment, looking at Qin Feng suspiciously.

This preparation is too fast, the preparation speed is obviously faster than Wang Jinwu.It was the first time that I shot at such a fast speed, and the results were probably terrible.

Chapter eight hundred and thirty seventh: five guns and fifty-five rings

Everyone felt that Qin Feng was a little impulsive, and this speed really made everyone not optimistic about Qin Feng.In everyone's consciousness, Qin Feng is only a rookie after all. With such a fast speed, neither Wang Jinwu nor Xie Tian are sure that they can fight well.

No one is optimistic about Qin Feng, they all feel that Qin Feng is a little impulsive, and he should prepare more.When Du Haitao heard the gunshot from Qin Feng's side, he was dumbfounded and forgot that he was still shooting.

But everyone's discussions did not affect Qin Feng's state.Qin Feng finished his bullets very steadily.Then with a slight smile, he picked up the small red flag at hand and inserted it at his target position, indicating that he had finished shooting.

Seeing Qin Feng's actions, both Wang Jinwu and Xie Tian shook their heads at the same time.At this point, they no longer had any hope for Qin Feng's performance.

Because if Qin Feng said that the preparation process was fast, he might have explained it because he was familiar with guns before, but Qin Feng's shooting speed was too exaggerated.There are no gaps in between, not even a 0.5 second pause.The rhythm of using a rifle as a machine gun.

This speed is possible if it is a special force, but Qin Feng is a recruit who has never hit a target before.At such a speed, it is a miracle to be able to hit the target.

So Xie Tian and Wang Jinwu didn't hold any hope.Wang Jinwu felt a pity for Qin Feng. If Qin Feng could prepare more for a while, he would definitely get good grades.

After Qin Feng finished fighting, the other fighters started shooting one after another, but both the preparation time and the time between each shot were much more than Qin Feng used.

The last one to complete the shooting was Du Haitao. Du Haitao was so excited about the first shot that he had to set the red flag a few times before he succeeded.

After everyone finished shooting, Xie Tian said to them: "Now each of you will go to your own target and see your score!"

After hearing Xie Tian's words, everyone went to their target.There was an inexplicable smile on Qin Feng's face.Li Lianjie walked forward and said to Qin Feng: "Qin Feng, you could actually prepare more just now, and you are shooting so fast and the recoil of the gun is so strong, you can't shoot like that! Your shoulders are fine, right? ?"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Brother Li, you can rest assured! Don't you know my physical fitness? I have carried more than two hundred pounds. What is this recoil?"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Li Lianjie also thought about it. Qin Feng ran five kilometers with a load of more than [-] kilograms. This recoil was really nothing.

The two of them chatted and walked forward when they suddenly heard Du Haitao yelling. When they looked up, they saw Du Haitao standing there with a look of frustration.

Qin Feng walked over and asked, "Haitao, what's the matter with you?" Du Haitao stood there with his head down and weakly pointed at his target.

Li Lianjie and Qin Feng looked up and saw that Du Haitao's target had no bullet holes.It means that Du Haitao didn't hit one of the five shots just now.That is to say, Du Haitao got the duck eggs this time.Suddenly a helpless smile appeared on his face. In fact, it was not surprising that Du Haitao played duck eggs. After all, it was the first time he touched a gun.And Du Haitao's physique is so poor.The recoil of continuous shooting is great.How could his fat body withstand the huge recoil?

When the two saw Du Haitao's target, they both sighed softly, and then both walked to their target.When Qin Feng saw his target, he was stunned for a moment and then smiled.

Li Lianjie walked to his target, looked at it, and nodded in satisfaction.Li Lianjie shot five shots in the air.The remaining four bullets hit three sevenths and one eighth.Li Lianjie nodded. Li Lianjie was still very satisfied with his first target shooting.

Li Lianjie walked to Qin Feng's side and asked with a smile, "Qin Feng, what's your score? I hit 29 and got a shot!" Hearing Li Lianjie's score, Qin Feng smiled and said: " My grades are slightly better than yours!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Li Lianjie turned his head and looked at Qin Feng's target. After reading it, Li Lianjie was stunned, and Li Lianjie looked at Qin Feng in disbelief and said, "Qin Feng, aren't you? "

Qin Feng smiled and nodded, after seeing Qin Feng admit it.Li Lianjie's whole body was not well, and he looked at Qin Feng as if he was looking at a monster.

Then everyone returned to the shooting range. Xie Tian took over the statistics and read it aloud. When he read Qin Feng, Xie Tian sighed and said, "Qin Feng hits one shot, ten rings!"

When they saw this data, Xie Tian and Wang Jinwu were both stunned. If Qin Feng could stabilize a little more and hit two more bullets, the results would definitely be very good.But unfortunately it was too fast.

Xie Tian had just finished reading his grades when Qin Feng loudly said, "Report!" Xie Tian stopped when he heard Qin Feng's voice and looked up and said, "Tell me!" Qin Feng stood at attention and said, "Reporting instructor, I feel that my grade statistics are not good. Wrong! Request a new count!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone was stunned.No recruit has ever questioned his grades being counted wrong.Because it is normal, five bullets hit the target with five bullet holes. Check the positions of the five bullet holes and add up the number of rings.Basically you can't go wrong.

But now Qin Feng actually questioned that the ring number statistics were wrong. Could it be that the statistics of soldiers are not good at math?But that's not right, Qin Feng has only one bullet hole here.This is definitely not wrong.So why does Qin Feng doubt it?

Xie Tian and Wang Jinwu both thought that Qin Feng felt that his grades were too poor to accept.But Xie Tian suddenly thought of a possibility, and hurriedly said loudly: "Wang Jinwu, go and bring Qin Feng's target!"

Wang Jinwu obviously thought of something, and hurried over.When I walked to Qin Feng's target and took a closer look, I was stunned. How could it be possible?But Qin Feng really did it.

After Wang Jinwu came back with Qin Feng's target, he handed it to Xie Tian, ​​Xie Tian took a closer look in his hand, and sure enough, Qin Feng's score was not ten rings.But fifty-five rings!

Chapter [-]: Baby, are you here to be funny?

Xie Tian felt a bitterness in the corner of his mouth, Nima.This is too brutal.Fifty-five rings (in the calculation of the number of rings, if the bullets are all shot from one bullet hole, add an extra ring! Qin Feng's five bullets all pass through one bullet hole, so adding five rings is fifty Fifth ring) This is only possible for special forces snipers.

Xie Tian and Wang Jinwu have been soldiers in the past few years, and they have never seen anything done in the ordinary army, even the top snipers in the special forces can do it!But what they saw now, a guest who came to the army to record the program, an amateur played the fifty-fifth ring.

Now Xie Tian and Wang Jinwu's hearts are not only shocked but also shocked.Just now they felt pity for Qin Feng's reckless shooting.But it was obvious that Qin Feng was not rash but confident.Thinking of what they thought just now, both of them felt their faces heat up.

Xie Tian hopes that he is wrong, but although there is a bullet hole on the target, the traces left by five bullets passing through one bullet hole and the traces left by one bullet passing through are completely different. I have experience. The veterans can be seen.Soon, the news of Qin Feng's legendary achievement of the [-]th ring came from the team. Both the veterans and the new recruits looked at Qin Feng with admiration. You must know that in the army, you can achieve such a result. Without exception, they are the elites among the elites, and the kings of soldiers among the kings of soldiers.

Wang Jinwu asked in disbelief: "Qin Feng, what did you do before? Could it be you?" Wang Jinwu wanted to ask, but suddenly thought of the confidentiality policy and quickly shut up.

Now Qin Feng's identity has become very mysterious in everyone's eyes.Wang Jinwu's hesitant words made everyone even more puzzled.In fact, Wang Jinwu didn't do it on purpose.

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