Because Qin Feng's marksmanship is too shocking, except for some state departments that cannot be mentioned, only the elites in the special forces can do it.

But obviously he is not the latter, so Wang Jinwu naturally attributed Qin Feng to the former.So when he wanted to ask, he didn't dare to ask anymore when he thought of the confidentiality regulations.

As for Li Lianjie, their opinion was that Qin Feng had a conflict with a large Japanese family when he took his childhood to the United States. Not long after Qin Feng was taken away by the police station, the embassy sent someone to pick him up. .Including the recording of this program, I heard that they did not agree in the early stage, but Qin Feng went there and approved it immediately.

People are the easiest to think about, so when these messes are linked together, Li Lianjie and the others also came to an astonishing conclusion, that Qin Feng's identity is unusual.When they think of this, they think about Qin Feng's talent since his debut, but his luck is also good and scary.So it strengthens their conclusions.

For a time, everyone's thoughts were different, but the only thing that was the same was that they looked at Qin Feng with more admiration.

Xie Tian was also stunned for a long time, not knowing what to say.Just move on to get the next group to do live fire.Aftershock, Wang Baobao, and Yuan Hong also achieved good results, Du Haitao was the only duck egg among the six.

However, although Li Lianjie and Yuan Hong have achieved results, they did not pass.Although Qin Feng's fifty-fifth ring led the audience, the overall score of the first class was indeed the worst.

Xie Tian said to Class [-]: "The passing rate of your class is only half now. Bring the other classes back, and Class [-] will stay and continue training!" After hearing Xie Tian's words, the other squad leaders took the soldiers back.Only Wang Jinwu and Qin Feng were left there.Xie Tian said to Wang Jinwu: "Wang Jinwu, you are responsible for making them all familiar with target shooting in the afternoon. You must pass all the tests tomorrow afternoon!"

Hearing Xie Tian's words, Wang Jinwu saluted and said, "Yes!" Then Xie Tian left, Wang Jinwu said with a smile: "Everyone has done a good job, but there are still some small details that are not good, work hard! Passed!"

Qin Feng said, "I'm here to help Haitao train! Squad leader, you can help Yuan Hong and Li Lianjie!" Wang Jinwu nodded when he heard Qin Feng's words.In fact, Wang Jinwu also knows that although Qin Feng is only training a Du Haitao, it is obvious that the training difficulty of a Du Haitao is greater than that of Li Lianjie and Yuan Hong combined.

Wang Jinwu said to Aftershock and Wang Baobao, "You two practice on your own!" Then the extra training for the first class began. After an entire afternoon of training, everyone's grades passed.Du Haitao couldn't close his mouth when he saw his score.

There was no emergency gathering the next night, and everyone slept soundly.When they woke up in the morning, the first class was still their five-kilometer heavy-duty cross-country. This time, Xie Tian was very reasonable and only allowed Qin Feng to carry his own weight, while the weight of Aftershock and Li Lianjie was canceled.

After running for five kilometers, Wang Jinwu took them to the playground of the camp and began to train them in a queue.Cohort training is also one of the basic training of troops.

It seems to be very simple, that is, turning left and right, walking in unison, walking forward, and training of three rotation methods.In fact, these are often practiced in military training in college and high school.

When Wang Jinwu said it, everyone felt that it was very simple, and it felt that this was the easiest training since entering the military camp.But even in the most relaxed training, the first class is still full of problems.

"Wang Baobao! Can you tell the difference between left and right?" Wang Jinwu reluctantly stopped them and walked to Wang Baobao, who had not yet corrected his movements, and asked.

Wang Baobao hurriedly corrected his actions and said, "Report! I can!" Hearing Wang Baobao's answer, Wang Jinwu was really unable to complain!It is already the Nth time that Wang Baobao has given such an answer. It is estimated that Wang Baobao can't remember exactly how much N is.

Wang Jinwu watched Wang Baobao turn around strangely and really wanted to say loudly, "Baby, are you here to tease me?"

Chapter [-]: The boot camp is over

Looking at Wang Baobao at this time, Wang Jinwu didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment.Because Wang Baobao's actions simply made Wang Jinwu laugh, neither angry nor angry.

Qin Feng and the others stood there watching Wang Baobao turn left and right, and the swinging of his arms almost felt like he was about to get drunk.He is the only one who can swing his arms backwards and forwards at the same time.

Qin Feng and the others had seen the scene of the same hands and feet but moving forward and backward at the same time. This was the first time they had ever seen it, and they were almost drunk.

Wang Jinwu has brought new recruits for the past few years, and Wang Baobao is definitely the first.Wang Baobao also knows where his problems are, but he can't correct them when he trains.

But Wang Baobao just couldn't control himself, and as soon as he got up, his arms and legs went out together.Wang Baobao was about to cry while practicing, feeling that he could barely walk.

Qin Feng and the others couldn't bear it for a minute when they saw Wang Baobao's bizarre actions.The other people were all giggling. Qin Feng was directly looking at other places. Qin Feng was really afraid that he would accidentally laugh out loud.

Wang Baobao practiced for a whole morning, but nothing changed, it was still the same.There is no sense of direction at all, and the steering in three directions is okay, but everyone who turns left and right will be drunk.

Facing Wang Baobao's enigmatic transformation, Dharma King Jinwu is really willing to bow down.After lunch.When everyone returned to the dormitory, everyone sat on the bed chatting and resting.

Wang Baobao started the Xu Sanduo mode by himself, stood in the corner and started to practice alone. Qin Feng walked over and said, "Baby, I'll practice with you!"

Wang Baobao scratched his head a little moved and said, "No, I'll just practice by myself! You are all tired, go and take a rest, there will be a target test in the afternoon!"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Are you worried about my marksmanship?"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Wang Baobao thought it too, Qin Feng is the existence of the fifty-fifth ring!Better than the instructors!And the steering itself is really bad.Even if you practice alone, you don't know which way to turn.

Yuan Hong and the others saw Qin Feng here to help Wang Baobao practice steering, and they also came over. Now everyone has really integrated into the atmosphere of the army.We all form a collective environment.

Yuan Hong and the others came over to help Wang Baobao correct his strange twist.However, Wang Baobao's steering is indeed a bit shocking.

Wang Jinwu walked over and said, "Baby, don't practice yet. Take a good rest! This afternoon is the live-fire test, everyone must pass all!"

Du Haitao smiled and said, "Don't worry, the squad leader, we have no problem!" Hearing Du Haitao's words, Wang Jinwu smiled and said, "Actually, you are the one I am most worried about!"

Du Haitao was speechless for a moment, Wang Jinwu said with a smile, "I had to wait until after the live ammunition assessment to tell you! But I'll tell you now! After today's live ammunition is over, your recruit company life will end, Now you're going to a new company!"

Hearing Wang Jinwu's words, everyone suddenly couldn't react. Wang Baobao asked suspiciously, "Squad leader, why did the recruit company end so quickly?"

Wang Jinwu said: "The recruit company is originally a month, but you are recording the program, how can you be allowed to stay in the recruit company for a month!"

After hearing Wang Jinwu's words, everyone realized that they were indeed here to record the show. Perhaps it was because of Xie Tian's strict training that everyone had forgotten that this was a show and really regarded themselves as a soldier.

Thinking of the upcoming separation, everyone suddenly fell into silence.The atmosphere is weird.There was a bit of parting melancholy in the inexplicable air.

Everyone's heart seems to be heavy.Yuan Hong, who was usually the most dishonest, seemed to have crystal tears in the corners of his eyes at this time.Everyone's heart is haunted by the sadness of parting.But no one took the initiative to mention the word parting.

In the afternoon, after the lunch break, Qin Feng and the others were taken directly to the training ground for the live ammunition assessment. Qin Feng's results were still excellent, but the amazing results of the [-]th ring did not make everyone feel that much. Happy, because everyone knows that when the assessment is over, they will leave the recruit company.

Although the days of the recruit company are only a short two or three days, but they left too much, too much moved in my heart.Whether it is the approachable Wang Jinwu or the strict devil instructor Xie Tian, ​​all this seems to be touching everyone's emotions.

This time the performance of the first class was perfect, not only did they all pass the test.And got the first grade average.When the assessment was over, everyone felt the sadness of parting.

Wang Jinwu took Qin Feng and the others back to the dormitory to pack their luggage.Wang Jinwu took them to the camp gate of the recruit company. At this time, Wang Jinwu was obviously more excited than Qin Feng and the others.

Xie Tian was already standing at the camp gate of the recruit company, and standing beside Xie Tian was the trainer of the recruit company.The instructors are here to award titles to the recruits who have completed the training of the recruit company. After receiving the title of instructors, it means that they will be a real Chinese soldiers from now on.

Xie Tian stood there in silence. After the instructor read Qin Feng and their names, Xie Tian walked up to each of them with his military rank, and put the military rank on their shoulders for them.

Seeing the military rank on their shoulders, although Qin Feng and the others knew that this was just for the effect of the show, they were still very excited. Wang Baobao and Du Haitao were the most excited. In the end, they couldn't hold back their tears. The training was very strict, but at the moment of farewell, Xie Tian also had red eyes.

Xie Tian would ask them a few words when he was wearing the military rank for them. In the end, Xie Tian was the first to cry out of his excitement.

After that, all the people at the scene hugged and cried, and after the completion of the title, everyone's eye circles were red.

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