Chapter [-]: The running man in this issue has no baby

Parting is always sad, even though it's only been a few days.But everyone already has a deep friendship in war, and they all regard each other as the most reliable comrade-in-arms and the one who can give his back to him.

Although everyone had all kinds of reluctance before, but this did not prevent the arrival of separation.When Qin Feng and the others got into the car and left the barracks, Qin Feng and the others all left with tears in their eyes.

Wang Jinwu and Xie Tian also had tears in their eyes. As veterans, they had welcomed many new recruits to join the army. Of course, they had also bid farewell to their comrades many times at the station.

Even though Qin Feng and the others were sent off today, they still felt the emotion of sending off their comrades.Qin Feng and the others sat in the car silently, apparently because of parting.

A staff member stood there watching Qin Feng, hesitating to say anything, but finally stepped forward and said softly, "Dong Qin!" Hearing the staff member's words, Qin Feng recovered from his thoughts and looked at the work. The staff said, "Well? Is there something wrong?" Hearing Qin Feng's question, the staff replied, "Mr. Bai called just now and said that Miss Baby is going to the filming site of "Transformation"!"

Qin Feng nodded and said, "I already know!" The staff mentioned this matter before, and Qin Feng also knew about it. After all, Qin Xueer was ill, and the baby was relieved to see her!

The staff said: "Mr. Bai said that Qin Xueer's fever has subsided, but Miss Baby insisted on staying at the scene to accompany Qin Xueer! Here, Director Cao Zhen arranged for the third phase of Running Man to start soon!"

Qin Feng rubbed his forehead at the staff's words. Originally, Qin Feng's life in the recruit company was the content of the first issue of "Real Men". After they arrived at the company, Qin Feng would leave to record and run. The content of the third issue of the male, now that the baby is going to see Qin Xueer, she is unwilling to come back. Seeing that the third issue of the running male will be recorded immediately, Qin Feng has no idea for a while.

Qin Feng thought about it carefully and said, "Go and connect with Mr. Bai, I want to discuss things with her!" After hearing Qin Feng's words, the staff hurriedly took out their mobile phones and dialed Bai Yan's office.

The call was quickly connected, and the staff handed the phone to Qin Feng. Qin Feng picked up the phone and heard Bai Yan's voice: "Hello, is that Qin Feng?"

Qin Feng rubbed his head and said, "Sister Yan, it's me!" Hearing a trace of exhaustion in Qin Feng's voice, Bai Yan suddenly became a little worried.

Bai Yan quickly asked, "What's the matter with you?" Hearing Bai Yan's concerned tone, Qin Feng said with a smile, "It's alright! Don't worry! Sister Yan, I heard that the baby is going to take care of Xue Er in the show crew?"

Bai Yan said helplessly: "Yes, this time Xueer is alone in the mountains, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and the temperature is low at night, Xueer can't worry about her baby alone. I will follow Xueer in the mountains to take care of her!"

Hearing Bai Yan's words, Qin Feng felt guilty for a while, but in his heart, Qin Feng didn't want Xueer to suffer.But there is no way, Cher has to get rid of those problems in order to grow up.

Qin Feng was silent for a few seconds and said, "Then let the baby stay where she is. I can rest assured that she is here. In addition, let the show team take care of the two of them!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Bai Yan replied, "Well, don't worry, I'll make arrangements later, but what about the running man?" Hearing Bai Yan mentioning the running man, Qin Feng had a headache. It is arranged, if it is delayed at this time, all the following itineraries will be delayed.

Qin Feng thought for a moment and said, "Tell Director Cao Zhen to arrange the guests and content of the third episode of Running Man as soon as possible. Baby will not participate in the third episode, and the recording of the show cannot be delayed!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Bai Yan was a little surprised and said, "Do you mean that baby will not participate in the recording of the third episode of Running Man?" Qin Feng rubbed his head and answered affirmatively, "Yes! The third episode of baby will be I'm not participating! As for the recording of the fourth episode, it is estimated that she will be back!"

Bai Yan asked, "Would you like to find someone to replace him temporarily?" In the first season, Qin Feng was unable to participate for a while, so Dingtian Entertainment asked Zheng Kai to be Qin Feng's replacement.Now Bai Yan is also planning to find someone to record a show for the baby! "

In fact, Bai Yan's proposal is quite pertinent, but it is obvious that Qin Feng does not like to record Running Man as a one-week couple with someone other than the baby.So Qin Feng's answer is NO!

After hearing Qin Feng's answer, Bai Yan smiled and said, "Well, I understand what you're thinking! I'll discuss this matter with Cao Zhen now!"

Qin Feng rubbed his forehead and said, "Thank you! Sister Yan!" After speaking, the two hung up the phone.Bai Yan dialed Cao Zhen's phone number. After listening to Cao Zhen's program schedule, Bai Yan showed a satisfied smile. If it was according to Cao Zhen's program content, it would be difficult to deal with the baby if she was there. Now that the baby is not around, it is more appropriate.

While Qin Feng sat in the car and continued to close his eyes, the car slowly drove towards a military station.The men will spend the rest of their training there.

After driving for about two hours, the car slowly stopped at the entrance of the troops' battalion.After the car stopped, several officers in military uniforms came over.

Qin Feng and the other six also got up from their seats, sorted out their military uniforms, and got out of the car in an orderly manner.After Qin Feng came down, they consciously stood in a row.

One of the officers led by them walked in front of them, Qin Feng and the others immediately saluted each other neatly when they saw their rank.

The officer also returned a military salute with a smile and said with a smile on his face: "Hello! I am the instructor of the company you are about to join! On behalf of the company, I welcome you to join!"

Qin Feng and the others stood at attention and said loudly, "Please give instructions from the instructor!"

The instructor was very satisfied with Qin Feng's performance and said with a smile, "Come with me, and I'll take you to your dormitory first!" After speaking, he turned and walked towards the camp.Qin Feng and the others lined up in a row and walked into the barracks.

Chapter [-]: The third period of Running Man begins

Qin Feng and the others followed the instructor to the dormitory, and as they walked, the instructor introduced them to the company they were about to train.The instructor smiled and said: "The company you are here is Yang Gensi's company, and my company is the company where the super hero Yang Gensi was alive. It is the first company in the Chinese army to be named after a hero! It is also the only company named after the company commander. Named company!" The instructor's face was full of pride and pride when he talked about this.

Obviously being able to become a soldier of Yang Gensilian is a very honorable thing for ordinary soldiers.However, Qin Feng was not able to feel the glory of being a soldier of Yang Gensilian too much, because he was going to leave the army meeting in Shanghai to participate in the recording of Running Man.

Qin Feng and the others moved into the company's dormitory under the arrangement of the instructor.After settling in, because Qin Feng is going to go back to record running men soon, and a few people here will go back with Qin Feng to shoot the propaganda poster of a real man, after all, the first episode of this show has already entered post-production.It will be broadcast as soon as the production is completed.

So they just reported to the company, and then took the bus back to the Shanghai Stock Exchange.Of course Qin Feng is the busiest one, because he wants to participate in the recording of Running Man immediately after shooting the poster.Therefore, after returning to the Shanghai stock market, the content of the poster part is the part of Qin Feng that is prioritized.

Qin Feng's part was soon completed. After the filming was completed, Qin Feng rushed back to Dingtian Entertainment to join Deng Chao and others to prepare for the recording of the new episode of Running Man.

Qin Feng didn't go back to the love apartment because he was too busy with work. Moreover, in the current love apartment, Little Dot was recording "Transformation", so Qin Feng didn't want to disturb the recording of the show.

When Qin Feng came to Dingtian Entertainment, Deng Chao, Zeng Xiaoxian, Wang Zulan, Bao Beier, and Li Chen were already waiting in the company.

After all, the baby is not here this time. If one or two of the other five people are missing, there is no need to record the show. If there are seven running men in total, if they ask for two or three leave, the audience will really complain about it.

Qin Feng walked into the conference room and hugged everyone first. Everyone knew that Qin Feng was recording a show in the army recently. Deng Chao asked with concern, "Qin Feng, how is it in the army?"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Ting is good! I lived a very comfortable life. I ran five kilometers with dozens of pounds every day. It was a great exercise!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, several people's mouths and jaws twitched.Is it a very comfortable day to run five kilometers with dozens of pounds on your back?Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly wondered if Qin Feng had become a masochist after joining the army?

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and said, "Brother Feng, have you been trained crazy?" Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's words, Qin Feng said with a black line, "Xiaoxian, even if you are crazy, I won't be crazy!"

Hey, does this sentence sound familiar?Where have you heard it?Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly thought that when Chen Meijia and Lu Ziqiao were quarreling, this sentence pattern often appeared. The basic routine is that no matter what you do, I will not do it!Thinking of this, Zeng Xiaoxian's chrysanthemum and flowers suddenly tightened.

Zeng Xiaoxian quickly hid to the side.Qin Feng ignored Zeng Xiaoxian and said with a smile, "Did Director Cao Zhen say how to record this episode?"

Deng Chao said with a smile: "This, Director Cao didn't say, just informed us that the baby will not participate in this issue. Let's make sure to push everything away."

Hearing Deng Chao's words, Qin Feng just nodded and said, "Baby really has something to do and can't participate in the recording of the show when he is out of town."

Qin Feng told them about Qin Xueer's participation in "Deformation Plan" and her fever, and then the baby went to the show team to take care of Qin Xueer.Everyone is familiar with it, and they all know that the baby is very fond of Qin Xue'er, so they understand the baby's going to the crew.

Deng Chao asked concernedly, "Xue'er, are you alright?" You must know that Deng Chao only wanted to form a family with Qin Feng, and he always regarded Xue'er as his future daughter-in-law, so he was very concerned.

Qin Feng said with a smile: "It's alright, the fever has subsided. But the baby is still worried, so he stayed!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Deng Chao was relieved.

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