Hearing Qin Feng's words, Chen Meijia suddenly screamed: "Ah! Ah! Phuket! The tourist resort Phuket! Sunshine, beaches, bikinis, and handsome guys in swimming trunks!" With an idiot-like expression.

Looking at Chen Meijia's nympho look, Lu Ziqiao was all upset.Lu Ziqiao said angrily, "Chen Meijia, your saliva is drooling!"

Hearing Lu Ziqiao's words, Chen Meijia was not fooled. Chen Meijia said angrily, "Lu Ziqiao, you think I am Teacher Zeng. You want to deceive me Chen Meijia! Humph!"

Zeng Xiaoxian, who was on the side, had black lines all over his head, with an aggrieved expression on his face.Who am I offending, why am I lying on the gun again? !Qin Feng said with a smile, "We're going to record a show. I don't think there will be any bikinis in Sunny Beach!"

Zeng Xiaoxian also said with a smile: "Brother Feng, you think so well! As long as we don't let us bite a mouthful of mud, I'll be satisfied! As for those things, I don't even dare to think about it!"

Hearing what Zeng Xiaoxian said, this was actually Qin Feng's worry. Qin Feng didn't think that the running man's director team would really let them go to Phuket to play safely for a few days.

The next day, Qin Feng and Zeng Xiaoxian got up early in the morning and went to Dingtian Entertainment.When they arrived, Deng Chao, Li Chen, Wang Zulan, and Bao Beier had already arrived.

When it comes to traveling, one of the six people is more energetic than the other.Deng Chao said with a smile, "This time I can really have a good time!"

Director Cao Zhen came to Dingtian Entertainment at nine in the morning.Cao Zhen smiled and said, "You guys came quite early this time!"

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Director Cao, it seems that we come earlier than you every time! You are always so late!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Cao Zhen smiled and said, "Well, it's alright. Now everything It's all arranged! We're off to the airport now to take a flight to Phuket!"

Hearing Cao Zhen's words, all six of them let out bursts of excited screams.The six people took their luggage and got into the business car of the Running Man show group.Then the group headed to Shanghai Airport with excitement to go to Phuket.

When the six people arrived at the airport, the airport had already made all the preparations.The six people here followed the staff directly into the terminal from the VIP channel.

They walked into the waiting room and attracted many fans to watch.Everyone knows that the running man has set off again, but careful fans have not found the figure of the baby.

Everyone is very strange. You must know that Qin Feng and baby are not only realistic couples, but also the one-week couple in Running Man that everyone wants to see the most.

But this time I don't know why the baby is not there.In the face of everyone's questions, the director team did not give a specific explanation or the like.

Six runners took an international flight to Phuket, near Thailand.After arriving in Phuket, the director team took six people directly to a hotel by the sea to stay.

After Cao Zhen arrived, it seemed that he really came to enjoy it. He did not announce any tasks, nor did he announce the schedule of the task program.

The six people are very strange, but they come as they come.Cao Zhen didn't release tasks, and didn't start recording programs. This also allowed the six people to have a good time at the beach after a break. It really gave people the feeling that they were not here to record the program, but to travel.

When they returned to their room after dinner that night, they found a note on the table in their room.

Qin Feng opened the note on his desk.It reads tomorrow morning at eight o'clock in the presidential suite on the 16th floor to find your mission clues.

After seeing the note, Qin Feng said with a smile, "Sure enough, we still have to start recording the show! But it's still too early to start at eight tomorrow morning. Now I'll have a good night's sleep and talk!" After speaking, Qin Feng came to the bed to change I took off my clothes and took a shower, then I washed and fell asleep.

The other five also received different notes.But the time is tomorrow morning so they are not in a hurry.They all washed and went to sleep.

At this time, Director Cao Zhen was sitting in a room on the 33rd floor of the hotel, with six beautiful women sitting opposite him.The six beauties were patiently listening to Cao Zhen introducing them to the rules of tomorrow's game.

But obviously the beauties were frightened by Cao Zhen's rules.One of the beauties asked suspiciously, "Director, are you sure that you will slap them when you meet tomorrow?"

Cao Zhen smiled and said: "No problem, this is the theme of this issue of Running Man. Then you all need everyone to memorize a line tonight. Then the first thing you see tomorrow is to give them a slap in the face. Slap!"

Eight hundred and fortieth chapters: The running men are blinded

Hearing Cao Zhen's words, one of the cute female voices said, "Is this really okay? But it feels so exciting!" The other girls also laughed when they heard her words.Sounds thief.

Cao Zhen looked at the six beauties sitting across from him. Although they were all picturesque, but looking at the excited expressions on their faces, Cao Zhen had already imagined that tomorrow morning, when six running men bumped into them. Sometimes it will be such a picture, and when you think about it, it feels so beautiful that you can't watch it.

Cao Zhen smiled and said, "Okay, now you start picking your teammates tomorrow and the lines you want to say!" Cao Zhen took out a box from his side and placed it on the table in front of the six people.

The six people extracted the names of the male guests from the box one by one and the lines corresponding to the lines they were going to say tomorrow. "Oh, I drew Qin Feng!"

"Why did I get Wang Zulan?" "Don't worry, you and Wang Zulan's heights really match!" After the girls finished drawing their teammates and their lines, they started fighting.

Cao Zhen left the room after completing his task. After all, there are three women in a show, and these six women are estimated to be able to turn the sky.Cao Zhen was afraid that he would give up in the end.

The six made a fuss for a while, then returned to their seats and began to familiarize themselves with their lines in preparation for tomorrow's show recording.

The next day, just after five o'clock in the morning, the people in the program team started to get busy, and began to prepare props and place some equipment such as cameras in the six locations selected by Qin Feng and the six of them.

The time soon came to eight o'clock in the morning. For the first time, the running men were not woken up by the whistle of the director's team. They all slept very comfortably, as if they were on vacation.

This time their breakfast was delivered to their rooms by the hotel staff. When they finished breakfast, their cell phones rang, and a text message was sent urging them to follow the arrangement on the note last night to find their respective rooms. clue.

So the six people followed the instructions on their note and came to the place where they wanted to complete the task.The first person to arrive was Zeng Xiaoxian. Zeng Xiaoxian's location was in the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel.

Zeng Xiaoxian came to the restaurant with sunglasses in a cool way. When he came to the restaurant, he found that the whole restaurant was empty, only at a table in the middle, a girl was sitting there, with her back to herself, with a sassy face. short hair.

With her back facing away, Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't tell who she was, but it should be inferred from her back that she was a beautiful woman. As for the method of inference, Lu Ziqiao must have given it to Zeng Xiaoxian.

Zeng Xiaoxian immediately understood that this person in front of him is estimated to be his partner today, and it is also a happy thing to be able to partner with a beautiful woman. Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly felt that Director Cao Zhen did not fool himself this time, and it was indeed a full-fledged episode.

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and walked behind the beautiful woman.The beauty also heard the footsteps behind her, and when Zeng Xiaoxian stood behind her, she stood up abruptly.

Seeing the beauty stand up, Zeng Xiaoxian was also stunned for a moment.Before she could react, she saw the beautiful woman turned around and splashed herself with a water glass in her right hand.Then the next second Zeng Xiaoxian felt that his face was full of scorn.

Zeng Xiaoxian was caught off guard and didn't understand the script yet.I saw the beautiful woman walking in front of her and taking off her sunglasses.Then he patted Zeng Xiaoxian's cheek with the hand that had put down the water glass.Just a few clicks.

Zeng Xiaoxian was completely stunned.But Zeng Xiaoxian still recognized the beauty in front of him as Han Enjing from Tara.

Han Enjing said in very unfluent Mandarin: "Is this what you ordered? Why isn't there any crab noodle cake that Ben Gong likes to eat?"

At this time, Zeng Xiaoxian hadn't reacted yet, and asked dumbly, "Aren't you Enjing? What is it?" Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's words, Han Enjing slapped Zeng Xiaoxian's cheek harder and said, "This palace's name is you. Can you mention it?" Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian was still looking at himself with a dull expression, Han Enjing pointed his finger on his forehead and said, "What are you looking at? Ben Gong rewarded you with food because he was afraid of you and your sickness. Your sister is begging for food on the street?"

At this time, Zeng Xiaoxian had already reacted, but he still didn't know how to answer Han Enjing's dialogue, because he didn't know what kind of drama it was. In fact, Han Enjing didn't know either, he just followed the lines given by the director. Just read it down. If Deng Chao was there, he would definitely know, because this is the line of Concubine Hua in "The Legend of Zhen Huan" starring his daughter-in-law Sun Li.

Of course, Deng Chao at the moment is also very miserable.Deng Chao was going to a conference room on the eighth floor.As soon as he walked in, he saw a woman in a wheelchair with her back to him. When Deng Chao leaned over to see who it was, the girl said in very poor Chinese, "The password is Ziling's birthday, right?"

One sentence made Deng Chaomeng circle, who is Ziling?However, after the girl turned her face, Deng Chao recognized her as Park So Yeon from Tara.

Park Suyan looked at Deng Chao coldly. Deng Chao's reaction speed was obviously faster than Zeng Xiaoxian's, but she still couldn't escape the fate of being beaten. Park Suyan grabbed the bag on the table and stared at Deng Chao's back. beat.

Deng Chao was jumping up and down.Although Deng Chao knew that this was a subdivision of a TV series, he really didn't know who Zi Ling was?

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