And while Li Chen was sitting in the gym while he was doing his boring exercise, he suddenly felt a figure walking towards him quickly. Before he could react, he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder.

Li Chen turned his head to look and was startled.I saw Park Zhiyan looking at him with vicious eyes, and Cherry Xiaokou was about to be on his shoulder.The pained Li Chen also screamed, Li Chen was also stunned, why did Pu Zhiyan appear here, and he looked at himself with such eyes, and bit himself fiercely, what is this going to do?

The screams of the running men kept coming from the building. Obviously, the results of the other running men were not very good!

Chapter eight hundred and forty-fifth: the female guests of this issue

Deng Chao, Li Chen, Zeng Xiaoxian, all three of them were confused at this time, and they couldn't understand the situation at all. They just saw three picturesque women beating him like a female man.And obviously this is the arrangement of the show team, they can't fight back, they can only hide.At this time, they were still thanking Cao Zhen for providing them with the welfare bureau.Now they have cursed director Cao Zhen in circles in their hearts.

And the other three were horrible.Bao Bei'er came to a room on the tenth floor. As soon as he entered the door, he heard a melodious piano sound. Bao Bei suddenly came to the spirit, beautiful guest!Thinking of Cao Zhen's words, Bao Bai'er was excited for a while, and it really was the first phase of welfare.

Bao Beier tiptoed over to the place where the piano sound came from.Bao Beier wanted to surprise the other party in the past, but obviously the girl knew that Bao Beier had walked behind her before he approached.

Then when Bao Beier smiled and wanted to say hello to her, the girl suddenly turned around and raised her hand and slapped Bao Beier in the face.

As soon as the girl turned her head, Bao Beier recognized her as Li Juli, a member of Tara.But Bao Bai'er didn't understand at all, she just wanted to go up and say hello, why she actually gave herself such a big fire.

Li Juli originally wanted to read her lines in Chinese, but when she got to her mouth, she realized that she forgot how to say it in Chinese and had to say it in Korean: "I'll pay you back this slap!"

Hearing Li Juli's words, Bao Beier was completely dumbfounded, Nima.Are you bullying me for not knowing Korean!But I really can't, what the hell is she talking about?

Bao Beier was completely dumbfounded, and turned to look at the staff for help.But there was no translator in this room at this time, so Bao Beier didn't know what to do at all.

Wang Zulan came to a SPA room, Wang Zulan smiled and said, "Is this going to give me a SPA early in the morning? Where is the SPA? Where is the massage? Where are the beauties?"

Suddenly, a female voice came and said, "You all know?" But it was obviously in Korean, and Wang Zulan couldn't understand it, but he also recognized that this beautiful woman with a height similar to him was Quan Baolan in Tara.

Wang Zulan covered his mouth and said, "Ah! It's you!" Then Wang Zulan didn't have any other reaction, and Quan Baolan rushed towards him and kept talking, but obviously Wang Zulan didn't understand Korean, so he It also sounded confused.

And after Quan Baolan finished speaking, the whole person jumped on Wang Zulan's body and grabbed his collar with a fierce look, but obviously Quan Baolan was originally cute, even if she made a fierce expression, it would look like Cute.There is no fierce look at all, but a bit of cuteness that feels like a spoiled child.

Wang Zulan panicked and said, "Hey, hello, beauty, I am a married person. This made my wife see that I was going to kneel on the washboard!"

Qin Feng felt that something was wrong when he came to the room on the note after breakfast, because he felt that Cao Zhen would never be so kind to give them benefits.

But when Qin Feng walked into the room, there was a massage bed in the room.The staff motioned Qin Feng to lie on the massage table, Qin Feng didn't know what the hell they were doing.

But he still lay down on it very cooperatively. Just when Qin Feng didn't know why, he suddenly saw Park Xiaomin walking in. Qin Feng asked suspiciously, "Xiaomin, why are you here?"

But Park Hyomin didn't answer him, but said with a cold expression, "Don't you want to be in the sun again? Would it be nice to cover you?" Qin Feng's body.

Park Hyomin also speaks Korean, and Qin Feng is proficient in various languages ​​and naturally understands it.But Qin Feng didn't understand what they were playing!

Qin Feng asked in Korean suspiciously, "Xiaomin, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaomin also looked at Qin Feng with an extremely resentful look and said, "Since I married into this family, for five years, I don't know how to write the words "Xianqingfu"?

Qin Feng also got up from his seat at this time, and he also realized that it must be the beginning of the program designed by the director team.Qin Feng said with a smile, "Xiaomin, come and have a seat! This is to enjoy the happiness!" Qin Feng stretched out his hand to pull Xiaomin.

But before Qin Feng's hand could be stretched out, Xiaomin slapped it open, Xiaomin said resentfully, "Do you still remember who I am?"

Hearing Xiaomin's question, Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, but he still didn't think of Xiaomin's role in the cosplay.

Xiaomin was already immersed in her role: "You forgot me so soon? I'm the daughter-in-law Lin Pinru who was kicked out by you!"

After listening to Xiaomin's words, Qin Feng felt a familiar name, but he didn't remember who Lin Pinru was. Looking at Qin Feng's appearance, Park Xiaomin's eyes, whose acting skills exploded, became even more sad.

Pu Xiaomin watched Qin Feng go into a state of rampage and approached Qin Feng step by step, saying, "I know you hate me, why do you hate me? Why do you hate me so much?" All of a sudden overturned the corner and fixed it on the wall.

Qin Feng didn't know what the drama was at this time.Qin Feng smiled bitterly and said, "I don't hate you, I just don't know who Lin Pinru is?"

Park Hyomin shoved all the things on the table next to the ground at once, and said in a very excited tone: "Don't explain it! I don't want to hear you say it!"

Then Park Xiaomin threw himself on Qin Feng's body, tore his clothes, and tore them with his hands.At this time, Qin Feng was sweating profusely, and he was about to call the director team for help!

This time, Qin Feng really saw the horror of a woman who went mad.Qin Feng vowed not to make girls angry.Just when Qin Feng was at a loss, the staff next to him took out a baffle.

The staff smiled and said, "cut!" After hearing the staff's actions, Hyomin instantly returned to normal!

Chapter [-]: Sassy Girlfriend Special

The staff here shouted, "cut!" Hyomin immediately changed from the ruthless expression just now to her usual appearance, Xiaomin took Qin Feng's arm and said, "Qin Feng Oppa! I'm sorry! Just now, it was all the director who told us to did that!"

At the same time, in several other locations, the members of T-ara are expressing their apologies to the running men one after another, and the running men will naturally not believe that this group of lovely girls will be like just now, so Cao Zhen is gorgeous If Cao Zhen knew that he would vomit old blood, obviously yesterday, when he heard that he was going to beat up the running men, each of the six was more excited than the other.

Qin Feng smiled wryly and said, "Can you tell me what's going on? It's a bit too sudden!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Xiaomin covered her mouth and laughed. expression.

You must know that in tara's heart, Qin Feng was the kind of feeling that made them feel that they could only see from a distance, but did not dare to approach, because Qin Feng was too perfect in their eyes.

He is handsome, talented, and attentive. Every advantage can be found in Qin Feng. I feel that he is a perfect man.The allure of women is simply too great.Few can resist his charm.

The six members of T-ara all played inconspicuous roles in their respective companies before joining Dingtian Entertainment, and even they themselves never thought that they would have the success they are today.And it was none other than Qin Feng who changed all this.Therefore, Qin Feng has a different status in their hearts.

Looking at Park Hyomin who was giggling, Qin Feng also smiled and knew that this was the arrangement of the show team.

Qin Feng smiled and said to Xiaomin, "Let's go!" Xiaomin nodded obediently, looking like a good girl.There is absolutely no fierce look that imitated Lin Pinru just now.This is the real Park Hyomin.

The staff motioned for them to hold hands.Qin Feng knew that this was for the effect of the show.It is estimated that this time Cao Zhen is going to do a couple special again.Apparently Qin Feng had already guessed that the other five running men must have had similar experiences to himself. As for why Cao Zhen invited T-ara to the scene this time.Qin Feng understood after thinking about it.

T-ara's debut album is coming out soon, and their first concert is coming soon.This time, the running man is also to promote them.

Everyone can understand this kind of behavior. After all, this situation is normal in China. As long as a new movie is released or a new album is released, it is indispensable to be promoted on the most popular variety show.

Happy Base Camp used to be a must.Now there is one more run, brother. It wasn't long before T-ara went to Kuaiben, so naturally this time, they can only let them come to the running man to promote their new album.

Obviously, Cao Zhen is also aware of T-ara's status in Qin Feng's mind, so he let them come. After all, before, including the first season, few stars could come here to promote their albums or new films.

Qin Feng naturally took Park Hyomin's hand and walked to the recording site outside the hotel.Qin Feng didn't feel uncomfortable, but Park Xiaomin's face immediately turned red like a ripe apple.

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