The male god I admire the most in my heart, holds my hand, and Park Hyomin seems to be surrounded by happiness.It was like a deer was banging around in my heart.

When Qin Feng took Park Xiaomin's hand and came to the recording site outside, the others hadn't arrived yet.Qin Feng and Park Xiaomin stood there waiting for the others to arrive.

Qin Feng smiled and said to Cao Zhen, "Director Cao, what about the good fortune and benefit?" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Cao Zhenthief smiled and said, "Isn't it good fortune or benefit now? Hyomin!"

Qin Feng said with a smile, "The blessings and benefits are too great. It was a violent beating just now. I'm stunned!" While Qin Feng was talking to Cao Zhen, Wang Zulan's iconic laughter came. .

"Haha, Director. Although the game you designed before made me curse you many times, I still want to thank you!" As he spoke, Wang Zulan took Quan Baolan's hand and walked over.

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Zulan, is it because the director team finally found you a partner with the perfect height this time?" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Wang Zulan smiled happily and said, "Yes, I Finally, you don't have to look up at my partner!" Qin Feng could understand Wang Zulan's mood.

In the first episode of Wang Zulan's first season, he partnered with supermodel Lin Zhiling. At that time, he was dubbed the cutest height difference by the running men's friends.

Wang Zulan's height has always been his flaw, and this time his partner is Quan Baolan, and their heights are basically the same.So this makes Wang Zulan very happy.The director team finally humanized him once.

Li Chen and Park Zhiyan came out closely behind Wang Zulan and their group, Li Chen screamed as soon as he saw everyone, "Oh, it hurts to death, I was bitten by Zhiyan just now! "Speaking of that, Li Chen showed his arm for everyone to see.

Although it was bitten through the clothes, everyone could still see the clear tooth marks on Li Chen's arm.Park Ji-yeon, Hyo-min and Bao-ram all snickered on the side.

Wang Zulan looked at Li Chen's shoulder gloatingly and said, "Wow, it's a good bite! It's really good! I want to be bitten too!" Wang Zulan took off her coat and exposed an arm.

Park Zhiyan snorted coldly and said, "Are you ready?" Wang Zulan smiled and nodded.Pu Zhiyan grabbed Wang Zulan's arm and slammed it down.

Wang Zulan immediately screamed and hugged her arms and said, "Wow, you are serious!" Quan Baolan smiled and said, "You think we women are easy to bully!"

Just as they were fighting, Park Soyan was pushing a wheelchair, and Deng Chao appeared in a wheelchair.Deng Chao waved as he walked, "Brothers! Women are so scary!"

Chapter eight hundred and forty seventh: Cao Cao, the pit father

Qin Feng asked with a smile: "Suyan, what have you done to our super brother?" Park Suyan said with aggrieved expression: "I just did what the director asked! But I didn't expect super brother to be so weak! "

Hearing Su Yan's words, Qin Feng and the others all burst into laughter.Deng Chao was despised by Su Yan for being so gorgeous.Hearing Suyan say this, Deng Chao must fight back.As a pure man.How could he let such a little girl despise him.

Deng Chao said: "In our family, my status is very high! In our family, your sister Li would not dare to challenge me like this!"

Hearing Deng Chao's words, Zeng Xiaoxian's humble voice came from behind and said, "Brother Chao, don't forget, the show is being recorded now, and the cameras are all there!"

When Deng Chao heard Zeng Xiaoxian's words, he immediately said to Cao Zhen: "Director, that line just now is not mine. Let's record it again!"

Cao Zhen smiled and said, "It's okay, I feel pretty good!" Hearing Cao Zhen's words, Deng Chao said with a wry smile: "Director Cao, I have to criticize someone like you who doesn't care too much about the fun. .You have to know that your behavior will contribute to the arrogance of domestic violence!"

Cao Zhen smiled and said, "Forgot to tell you, Deng Chao, our theme for this issue is the Sassy Girl Special!" Hearing Cao Zhen's words, Deng Chao burst into tears and finally spoke to the director fiercely. :"you are vicious!"

Their conversation has already made several other groups of guests laugh out of their minds.Although Tara and the others are not very fluent in Chinese, they have no problem with listening. It's just that when they are having a conversation, Korean comes out in a hurry.

At this time, Enjing and Zeng Xiaoxian also came to everyone's side.Li Chen asked with a smile, "Enjing, it's hard work for you to get up early in the morning to walk pigs?"

Hearing Li Chen's words, Enjing smiled.Zeng Xiaoxian still said with his signature cheap smile, "Who are you calling a pig?" Li Chen rolled his eyes and said, "Whoever admits it is!"

Suddenly Zeng Xiaoxian didn't know what to do next.Just at this time, the last group of Bao Beier and Li Juli also came to the scene.

Everyone also welcomed Ju Li's arrival. Bao Beier said to Li Juli, "See? I'll just say that you have mistaken the person. It must be this Wang Zulan with the same hairstyle as mine!"

After hearing what Bao Beier said, everyone realized that Bao Beier was wearing a golden wig on his head.Wang Zulan smiled and said, "What the hell? You have blonde hair and I have black hair! How could it be me?"

While they were chatting, Xiaomin curiously looked at Bao Baier's hair cap, but his hands became a little bigger, and suddenly the unique Hallyu Oppa turned into a bright-headed Shaolin monk.

Li Chen pulled Qin Feng and asked, "Brother Feng, have you been beaten?" Qin Feng said with a smile, "I was beaten up!" Wang Zulan said with a smile, "You are still only beaten, mine The nostrils are going to take medicine!"

Hearing Wang Zulan's words, Quan Baolan couldn't help laughing again.Li Chen showed the teeth marks on his shoulders.Deng Chao said with a distressed expression, "I was beaten and put on a wheelchair!"

Bao Beier came over and said, "Come on, brothers, you can see that the left side of my face is a little bigger than the right side, and it's swollen!" Li Juli smiled and said, "Oba, do you want me to take yours? Make the two sides evenly balanced!"

Hearing Li Juli's words, Bao Beier screamed and covered his face, "OhMyGod! I don't want it anymore! My face is already very round!"

Zeng Xiaoxian said bitterly, "My knee hurts so much! The Queen made me kneel on my toe plate just now! This is the cruelest punishment in the history of running men!" The scene suddenly turned into a meeting scene where several running men cried. .

Hearing what Zeng Xiaoxian said, Qin Feng said with a smile, "Aiya, every time I find out that I have to have a queen fan to be able to hold down the bitch Zeng!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Li Chen said with a smile, "After all, he is a slut! Only the queen can stop his arrogance!"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and said, "What are you talking about! Who is a slut!" Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's words, everyone rolled their eyes collectively and looked like who knew who was sleazy, and Zeng Xiaoxian didn't know what to say.

Cao Zhen smiled and said, "Okay, everyone is here now! The running man of this episode has officially started recording!" Suddenly, the cameraman on the side scratched his head and said, "Director, the machine broke down just now, inside the room. The ones that were not recorded, we are going to re-record!"

Hearing the cameraman's words, several beauties screamed YES!And Qin Feng and the others are screaming in agony, isn't it, this is a fool!Although it was just a performance just now, several of them were fooled.And a few girls seem to be petite and frail, but it's really not too hilarious to beat up a few of them.

After seeing their reaction, the cameraman smiled and said, "I'm joking, just for fun!" Qin Feng and the others almost vomited blood when they heard the cameraman's words.Qin Feng said with a smile, "You've learned badly! You have the same virtue as Director Cao!"

Cao Zhen said with a smile: "Okay, now I'll announce the rules of the game today. Today is a special competition. This competition requires each team and their partner to work together to complete tasks. According to the ranking of tasks completed in each round , each group will get a different number of voting cards! Then there will be a vote in each round. The team with the most votes will get the biggest prize in the final brand tearing session!"

Speaking of which, Cao Zhen is estimated to be stuck. At this time, everyone is calculating in their hearts how to get the most votes, and even thinking about whether to vote for themselves.Because everyone thought that the one who got the most votes would have a bigger advantage, and they were even considering who to ally with.

But the plot is often different from what everyone thinks.Cao Zhen said the last two words slowly: "Disadvantage!" Hearing Cao Zhen's words, everyone almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.Nima, what a fool!What kind of rule is this!Just don't be too playful.Director Cao, how can you cheat on your father?

Chapter eight hundred and forty-eight: the game begins to form an alliance

However, everyone reacted immediately, and Zeng Xiaoxian laughed proudly and said, "Brother Feng, Li Chen, aren't you all dead!" Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's words, the other people also laughed proudly, only Qin Feng and Li Chen The two of them couldn't laugh at all.

Qin Feng and Li Chen are the two most capable running men, and they are also the two people who can often survive to the end in the tearing of famous brands.Especially Qin Feng is the winner almost every time.Now the rule announced by Cao Zhen is simply the rhythm of killing Qin Feng.The other groups will definitely vote for Qin Feng and Li Chen without even thinking about it.

Qin Feng looked at Cao Zhen with sweat and said, "Director, is this what you call fortune and profit? Isn't it too embarrassing?" Hearing Qin Feng's complaint, Cao Zhen said with a smile, "Qin Feng, you I have always been partnering with baby, but now I have replaced you with another beautiful girl, and it is not inferior to baby in every aspect. Isn't this a blessing and a benefit?"

Zeng Xiaoxian and the others were all gloating and saying, "Yes, this is a welfare! This is a welfare!" This kind of rule is really a welfare for them.Voting for Qin Feng and Li Chen, putting them at a big disadvantage, this is the greatest blessing and benefit to the other four groups of running men.After being suppressed by Qin Feng and Li Chen for so long, he was finally able to turn over.

This feeling is simply refreshing, and it is completely more refreshing than traveling to Phuket.However, Qin Feng and Li Chen felt the cold-skinned malice from the director's team and several other groups of running men in this hot summer.

Qin Feng smiled wryly and said, "It seems that I need to do something before the game starts!" Everyone looked at Qin Feng in confusion and wanted to know what Qin Feng wanted to do.

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