Qin Feng walked up to Li Chen and patted Li Chen on the shoulder and said, "Brother, form an alliance!" Li Chen was stunned when he heard Qin Feng's words, and the others were also dumbfounded.

Deng Chao was the first to react and stood up and said, "OH! What did I see? You guys formed an alliance at the beginning of this match?!"

Qin Feng said with a smile, "This time the rules are too tricky for us. We won't survive if we don't have an alliance! Our two groups will definitely be targeted by you if we don't have an alliance!"

Li Chen smiled and said, "OK! We must form an alliance! Otherwise, we really won't have to play this episode!" So Li Chen and Qin Feng successfully formed an alliance before the game started.

All of a sudden, Deng Chao and the others, who were still gloating about misfortune just now, were unhappy, even though they said that this time the director team gave them a very convenient condition to target Qin Feng and Li Chen.

But now the alliance between these two people has completely wiped out their blessings and benefits just now.This is very unpleasant.The promised benefits are gone now.

A few of them tasted a bit empty and happy.Just after Qin Feng and Li Chen formed an alliance, Enjing suddenly said, "I feel that we can also form an alliance with Qin Feng and Ouba!"

Hearing Enjing's words, Zeng Xiaoxian was stunned for a moment and suddenly thought that it was the same, although Qin Feng and Li Chen are very strong now, after all, 2v4 is not easy to say, and if you add your own words, the power will be balanced.He also just happened to be able to lie down on his thighs and win.

Deng Chao immediately jumped out to stop it. Originally, the alliance between Qin Feng and Li Chen was already very difficult to deal with. Now, if Zeng Xiaoxian is added, it will be even more difficult to deal with. Although Zeng Xiaoxian's combat effectiveness is almost negligible, one more cannon fodder is better than Let Qin Feng and the others have one more cannon fodder.

Seeing that both sides were vying for him, Zeng Xiaoxian's sense of existence suddenly exploded, and he brushed a wave of existence angrily.Of course, it is estimated that even if Zeng Xiaoxian knew that both parties were treating him as cannon fodder, he would be able to blow it off.After all, the thickness of Zeng Xiaoxian's face cannot be inferred by ordinary people.

For alliances between players, the director team cannot interfere.In the end, Zeng Xiaoxian still chose to join the alliance of Qin Feng and Li Chen. Obviously, En Jing's opinion is greater than Zeng Xiaoxian's opinion on this decision.

After all, every time with a group of guests who compare Queen Fan, Zeng Xiaoxian's opinion can basically be ignored.So Zeng Xiaoxian's opinion can't decide anything.As for the reason why Enjing chose to join Qin Feng's alliance, it was because of Qin Feng.

Cao Zhen smiled and said, "Okay, now our show will start soon. Come up and get the task card." Qin Feng stepped forward and took Cao Zhen's task card.

Deng Chao smiled and said, "Xiaomin, read it in Chinese!" Seeing Deng Chao's smirk, Xiaomin knew what Deng Chao was thinking.

Xiaomin took the task card from Qin Feng's hand and said with a smile, "I'll come!" Although Xiaomin really wanted to read, her Chinese skills were obviously not enough to support her reading.

Seeing Hyomin's card, the five good sisters, Jiyeon, Eunjing, Baolan, Juli, and Soyeon, also rushed over to help her read.Then with the joint efforts of the six sisters.I finally read the mission card.

"Please go to the tennis court in the center of Phuket!" Hearing Xiaomin's broken Chinese and unreliable pronunciation, several other people laughed.

Deng Chao said with a smile: "Tennis court!" Deng Chao deliberately corrected Xiaomin's pronunciation.Hyomin laughed awkwardly.Xiaomin thought silently that she must learn Chinese well.

After receiving the task card, the six groups of members took three cars to the Diamond Stadium.Qin Feng and Li Chen were in the same car.

Zeng Xiaoxian and Deng Chao took a car.Bao Beier and Wang Zulan took a car.The six groups of members traveled to the Diamond Stadium by car.

In the car, Zeng Xiaoxian asked with a smile, "Enjing, which member of your T-ara is more aggressive?" Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's question, Enjing and Suyan began to tilt their heads.

After a few seconds, Enjing said with a smile, "I feel Zhiyan! Zhiyan is a third-degree black belt in Taekwondo!" Zeng Xiaoxian's surprised mouth couldn't close when he heard Enjing's words.

Zeng Xiaoxian can't imagine that Zhiyan is actually a [-]rd dan black belt in Taekwondo!Suyan smiled and said, "Enjing, you are also a [-]rd dan black belt in Taekwondo!"

Hearing the conversation between Suyan and Enjing, Zeng Xiaoxian and Deng Chao didn't know how they felt at all.This is too brutal.

Chapter [-]: The girl is so violent now

Zeng Xiaoxian was very depressed at this time, quite depressed.His teammate is actually a black belt and three belt player in Taekwondo.This made Zeng Xiaoxian completely unacceptable.

Zeng Xiaoxian's worldview at this time will be destroyed by Enjing and Zhiyan.The two little girls who look so beautiful are actually taekwondo masters.Amount is already very high for Zeng Xiaoxian at least.

Zeng Xiaoxian didn't understand that these girls were not afraid of destroying the skin of their hands when they practiced taekwondo every day.Zeng Xiaoxian felt that as a peace-loving person, he could not accept this reality at all.Simply brutal.

As a married old man, Deng Chao is obviously stronger than Zeng Xiaoxian, a single young man.Although Zeng Xiaoxian and Zhang Zixuan are together, it is obvious that he cannot have such a profound experience as Deng Chao.

Deng Chao asked with a smile, "Enjing, why do you guys practice taekwondo?" Hearing Deng Chao's question, Enjing pouted and said, "Of course it's to prevent sex and wolves! We can protect ourselves once we know taekwondo. Now, if you encounter a lecher or a wolf. Humph!" Enjing put on a very professional taekwondo move, and Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly felt her legs go weak.Fortunately, it was Deng Chao who drove the car.No one noticed Zeng Xiaoxian's reaction.

In the other two cars, everyone was discussing the same topic.Bao Lan and Ju Li, Wang Zulan and Bao Beier were sitting in a car.

Bao Beier said with a smile while driving: "Do you know why the director team let the two groups ride in one car this time?" Bao Tianzhen replied: "It may be the problem of the director team's funding!"

Hearing Baolan's words, Wang Zulan looked at Bao Baier angrily, he had already guessed what Bao Baier was going to say.Wang Zulan said: "Bao Baier, drive well!"

Looking at their appearance, Baolan was confused.And Gu Li was there to touch up her makeup with a mirror and her own makeup pencil.Yan Ran wants to be a quiet beauty!As if the topic they were discussing had nothing to do with her.

Bao Beier smiled and said, "Zulan, what are you excited about! Do you know what I'm going to say?" Wang Zulan rolled his eyes and said, "I'm your brother, can I not know what you think!"

Hearing Wang Zulan's words, Baolan burst out laughing, and I have to say that Bao Baier and Wang Zulan are really a bit like each other.When the poster for the second season of Running Man was released some time ago, many netizens had already discovered the resemblance of the newly added Bao Baier and Wang Zulan.

A very funny netizen found two children who looked like Wang Zulan on the Internet, and then PS together the photos of Wang Zulan and his daughter-in-law, as well as the photos of Mr. Jin Xing and Bao Baier.Then the happy family of Wang Zulan is marked on the back.Wang Zulan's elder brother, elder sister, daughter-in-law, son and daughter all have.It also attracted many netizens to repost it.Wang Zulan and Bao Beier also laughed and didn't get angry at the kindly ridicule of netizens.

Of course, Wang Zulan corrected a little, that is, Bao Beier is his brother, not his brother.However, Bao Beier is naturally not to be outdone.Instead, the two quarreled over who was the elder brother and who was the younger brother.However, no conclusion was reached.

So Bao Beier immediately countered and said: "NO! The eyes of the majority of netizens are sharp, anyway, everyone recognizes that I am your brother. As my brother, do you still want to jump back!"

The quarrel between the two made Bao Lan, who was sitting on the side, laughing non-stop.After putting on makeup, Ju Li and Bao Lan sat there quietly watching the two face-collaring monsters quarreling in front of them.

In Qin Feng and Li Chen's car.Li Chen was driving the car, Qin Feng was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, and Zhiyan and Xiaomin were sitting in the back.

Jiyeon and Hyomin are the two closest in age in T-ara and have the best relationship.Of course, they are also the two most popular people in T-ara.

Jiyeon was reclining in Hyomin's arms and the two of them were whispering, not knowing what the two of them were talking about.Li Chen and Qin Feng were analyzing what to do in the next game.

Qin Feng said: "Chen, we will try our best to get the best results in the game later, and then we will have the most votes. Zeng Xiaoxian can't count on it, as long as we don't hold back, we will vote later. In the first round, we voted for the Deng Chao group. In the second round, we voted for the Bao Beier group. Which Wang Zulan group did not have much combat power. Let Zeng Xiaoxian solve it. Then I will be in charge of Deng Chao. You are in charge Bao Beier!"

After hearing Qin Feng's arrangement, Li Chen nodded and said, "This is possible! But I just don't know what the final disadvantage is. Also, I don't know how to tear up a famous brand!"

Qin Feng turned his head to look at Hyomin and Zhiyan, who were hugging each other and whispering to each other, and asked with a smile, "I'm worried about Hyomin now, and Zhiyan should have a third-degree black belt in Taekwondo!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Zhiyan asked in surprise: "Oba, how do you know that I am a third-dan taekwondo?" Qin Feng said with a smile: "You forgot, I am your boss! Of course I do, Enjing It seems so!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Li Chen said in surprise, "Oh my God! Zhiyan is a third dan in taekwondo?! No wonder she hit me so hard just now!"

Hearing Li Chen's words, Zhiyan's eyes widened, and Li Chen suddenly stopped talking.Qin Feng said with a smile: "Fortunately, Enjing is also on our side. I feel that Enjing's combat power is more reliable than Zeng Xiaoxian! It should be no problem to deal with Zulan and Baolan!"

Xiaomin smiled and said, "Susu, leave it to me! As for Ju Li, leave it to Zhiyan!" Zhiyan pouted and said, "Are you sure you can tear off Susu?"

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