Hyomin touched Jiyeon's nose and said, "You'll see it later!" Then the two of them slapped together again, obviously beauties are very attractive.

But Li Chen didn't dare to be distracted, obviously as a driver.Li Chen is still very professional.With the laughter and laughter in the three cars, the running man and the members of T-ara arrived at the tennis stadium in the center of Phuket, where the first mission took place.The first mission is about to begin.

Chapter [-]: Goodbye Toe Press

Running Man and the members of T-ara came to the gate of the tennis court to get off and followed the staff's guidance to the tennis court.

When the runners came to the stadium and saw the facilities on the ground, everyone's faces turned bad. This is the first time for the members of T-ara to go to Running Man. Although they have seen Korean Running Man before, it is clear that the young girls do not know what they are about to face.

Zeng Xiaoxian shouted: "OH! NO! Why, why is it a toe press again?" Before Enjing asked Zeng Xiaoxian to kneel on the toe press, but Enjing herself had never experienced the sour taste of a toe press, so Enjing used it with contempt. His eyes looked at Zeng Xiaoxian, obviously disgusting his partner's behavior before the game started.

In fact, not only Zeng Xiaoxian's expression changed, even Qin Feng's expression was not very good. You must know that Qin Feng used to be the one who ran the [-]-meter race with Jin Zhongguo.

But obviously Qin Feng can run, but he doesn't like the toe plate.Qin Feng shook his head and said, "It tastes a little sour!"

Xiaomin asked worriedly when he heard Qin Feng's words: "Ouba, is this toe press plate terrible?" Hearing Xiaomin's words, Qin Feng said with a smile, "It's not terrible, it just tastes sour when you walk on it!"

Deng Chao protested: "Director Cao, we are nothing, but do you have the heart to watch these beautiful girls being tortured by toe boards? Are you really not afraid of being smashed by T-ara fans?"

Cao Zhen smiled and said, "Chao, I'm actually quite scared as you said, and I don't have the heart to let these girls be tortured by toe boards! Here is the mission card, you'll know after reading it!"

Deng Chao took the mission card suspiciously and glanced at it quickly. Deng Chao was speechless, and then burst into tears and said, "Director Cao, you are too ruthless!"

Wang Zulan took the task card from Deng Chao's hand in confusion, and Bao Beier said with a smile, "Brother, let Bao Lan read the task card in Mandarin!"

Obviously, Bao Beier was not at ease. Bao Beier felt that it was time to ridicule him, but Bao Beier forgot that the three groups of them were now in an alliance.

Wang Zulan wanted to protect Baolan, but Baolan volunteered to take over the task card and said word by word in not very fluent Chinese: "Toe press board relay race, do it with your partner!"

Although Baolan tried very hard to speak in a standard way, but after all, he just learned Chinese and read the cooperation as a foreword, but there is no problem in the whole sentence.

Wang Zulan clapped his hands and said, "Wow! Understood! It's great!" Originally, Wang Zulan was encouraging Baolan, but with the spoiler of the scoundrel Deng Chao, the taste suddenly changed.

Deng Chao also said with a wicked smile: "Wow, it's not easy! I finally understand it!" There was only a hint of ill will on his face, but no encouragement.

Wang Zulan read a sentence for Baolan: "Complete the relay on the toe plate!" Baolan continued reading: "Get the ranking according to the order of completion!"

Everyone laughed when listening to Baolan's poor Chinese pronunciation. In fact, Baolan couldn't help laughing at the end.Suddenly Baolan felt possessed by Zhiyan.

Zhiyan is the most popular in T-ara, but she often laughs inexplicably during performances, and all kinds of fanciful laughs come out.

However, Jiyeon's laughing scene made fans feel that she is very cute, and it can be regarded as a kind of sincere expression, not the kind of star who is very contrived.Popularity does not drop but rises.

Cao Zhen smiled and said, "I'm repeating the rules!" Deng Chao suddenly interrupted and said, "Wait a minute! Baolan read it in Chinese just now. Should we also translate it in Korean to Korean friends? After all Our Running Man also has fans in Korea!"

Hearing Deng Chao's proposal, Wang Zulan said with a smile, "Didn't we just split into two major alliances! Baolan just read it, let Qin Feng send a representative to read it!"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "It's just a little cass!" He took the task card from Bao Lan and read it in fluent Korean, making Wang Zulan stunned.

Wang Zulan said dumbly: "I really believed that Qin Feng can speak Korean this time. His Korean is better than my Mandarin!"

Hearing Wang Zulan's words, Baolan said with a smile: "Our T-ara's Korean songs are all written and composed by Qin Feng Ouba, of course he knows Korean!"

Wang Zulan patted her thigh and said, "It's a mistake!"

Cao Zhen said with a smile: "I'll repeat the rules below. Six groups of players will compete in three rounds, and the first place in each round will win. First, the running man hugs his female guest over the bar with the princess hug. The way to hold the female guest to finish the [-]-meter toe board, then use the parts other than the limbs to pop the balloon, and finally stick the hat on the grid above to complete the task."

Zeng Xiaoxian stared at Cao Zhen and said, "Director, do you have a fever? Toe press, three rounds?! Fifty meters in one round! You are trying to kill our rhythm!"

Cao Zhen said lightly, "It's only [-] meters. Qin Feng ran [-] meters last time, so it's not too bad!" I heard Cao Zhen talk about Qin Feng.

Zeng Xiaoxian said, "Qin Feng is BT, can we compare with him? Can we compare?" Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian's reaction, Enjing said with a bit of disgust, "Isn't it just a toe board? As for what!"

Speaking of which, Enjing walked to the toe plate and stepped on it. Enjing, who was originally calm, let out a scream after touching the toe plate for 0.05 seconds.Then quickly jumped off the toe board.

Seeing Enjing screaming in agony, Zeng Xiaoxian laughed heartlessly and said, "Haha, I said just now that the toe press is terrifying! You don't believe it! Believe it now!"

Enjing looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with very resentful eyes.Qin Feng and Li Chen were very calm, because it was obvious that this task was all about running men's physical strength and upper body strength.Among these two running men, Qin Feng was the first, Li Chen was the second, and there was no one else.

A level that others find difficult.It seemed so easy and simple for the two of them.The only suspense now is that one of the two groups is the first!

Chapter [-]: It's that simple

Deng Chao was seriously dissatisfied with the rules set for this issue at this time.Deng Chao protested: "Director Cao, this phase of the task is tailor-made for Qin Feng and Da Heiniu! How could the few of us be their opponents!"

Zeng Xiaoxian ran to Qin Feng's side and suddenly lifted Qin Feng's t-shirt to show Qin Feng's perfect abdominal muscles on his chest and said, "Director, look. What are these, eight pack abs!"

This move by Zeng Xiaoxian also made the members of T-ara scream. "Wow! Qin Feng Ouba's figure is so good!" Hearing that he didn't know if it was Bao Lan or Su Yan, Qin Feng had black lines all over his head, and he didn't expect Zeng Xiaoxian to come directly to pull his clothes.The slut really did not play cards according to common sense!

How could Qin Feng let Zeng Xiaoxian go?Qin Feng immediately used his own way to treat his body.He pulled up Zeng Xiaoxian's t-shirt and said with a smile, "Xiaoxian, then tell everyone what you are?"

Looking at the soft flesh on Zeng Xiaoxian's stomach, there is a sharp contrast with Qin Feng's abdominal muscles.Qin Feng still underestimated the thickness of Zeng Xiaoxian's face.

Zeng Xiaoxian was not false at all, and said calmly, "I am a piece of fresh meat!" Zeng Xiaoxian also made a cute expression.

Immediately, everyone at the scene couldn't hold anymore, and their stomachs were twitching with laughter.Qin Feng couldn't help laughing too. Really Nima is indeed a slut Zeng.Sure enough, no one can stop the cheapness wherever it goes!

Director Cao Zhen and the staff of the director's team are also about to laugh.Although they were used to seeing the joking looks of running men, but sometimes they couldn't stop laughing at all.

Cao Zhen said with a smile: "Okay, I'm talking about it. The first place in this round will get five voting cards, the second place will get four voting cards, the third place will get three voting cards, the fourth, fifth, and sixth place. A voting card for each!"

After hearing Cao Zhen's words, Qin Feng looked at Deng Chao with a smile and said, "Brother Chao, you are finished!" Deng Chao looked at Qin Feng with a puzzled look, Qin Feng said with a smile, "I team up with Li Chen and En Jing. The group is already in the alliance. We decided to vote for you in the first round!" Qin Feng also directly ignored Zeng Xiaoxian's existence.After all, Xiaoxian's fighting power is not as good as that of Enjing, who is [-]rd dan of Taekwondo.

Zeng Xiaoxian immediately protested: "Hey, Brother Feng, why is it your group, Li Chen group, and Enjing group? Shouldn't I be the leader of our group?"

Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's words, Enjing glanced at him and said, "Are you sure?" Seeing Enjing's eyes, Xiaoxian immediately hesitated.Xiao Xian smiled and said, "Actually, it's all the same! Anyway, I'm also in this team!" Xiao Xian's face is indeed unusual.Whether it is admitting counsel or subduing, he is so decisive, others really can't do it.

Deng Chao suddenly felt that this round was not good.Qin Feng and Li Chen are both capable of impacting the top two, if they can get the top two smoothly.They got nine voting cards, plus one from the Enjing group, that is, ten voting cards.This is too scary.

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