There were two rows of chairs on the floor in the room. Cao Zhen said, "Boys sit on one side, girls sit on the other side!" Hearing Cao Zhen's words, Running Man and T-ara members sat on the chairs on both sides.

Zeng Xiaoxian walked up to Cao Zhen to pick up the mission card. After getting the mission card, Zeng Xiaoxian glanced at it roughly and suddenly made a sound, and everyone turned their heads to look.

It turned out that Zeng Xiaoxian was only looking at the task card. Li Chen, who was sitting next to him, secretly moved his chair away. Zeng Xiaoxian, who didn't notice that the chair was removed, sat on the ground.

Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian's appearance, everyone's stomach cramps suddenly.Qin Feng said with a smile, "Xiaoxian, what is the mission?" Zeng Xiaoxian knew that Li Chen was joking with himself, pulled back his chair and sat down and said, "This mission, I think you will like its name!"

Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's words, everyone's curiosity was lifted.Wang Zulan came over and said, "What is the mission?" Zeng Xiaoxian replied with a smile, "Touch your face!"

When they heard Zeng Xiaoxian's words, everyone was curious about what game this was?Cao Zhen explained: "The task is to ask the girls to cover their eyes, and then touch the boy's cheeks in turn. To guess the boy's name. Determine the winner based on how many boys' names are guessed!"

Hearing Cao Zhen's words, the members of T-ara were a little dumbfounded, because they were not very familiar with the boys in front of them. Although they were all Dingtian Entertainment artists, they didn't have much contact with them. Now let them rely on themselves. Touch the features of the boy's face to determine the boy's name. The members of T-ara suddenly felt that this game was going to be a joke!

Chapter [-]: What are you doing?

Several members of T-ara showed embarrassed expressions on their faces, asking them to touch their faces with their hands to recognize people, and they were still strangers. This is not too difficult.

Qin Feng smiled and said to Park Xiaomin, "Xiaomin, it's actually not difficult to recognize. You found out that the six of us have our own characteristics. As long as you feel the characteristics, you will definitely be able to recognize them!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Pu Xiaomin looked at Qin Feng's six people's faces thoughtfully, trying to see how each of the six of them was different from the others.

Qin Feng's words immediately reminded everyone that Park Jiyan and the other five and Park Hyomin looked at the six running men together, and it has to be said that the number of people is great.

Soon they discovered that each one was different.Quan Baolan smiled and said, "We'll find out by touching the hair later, the one without hair must be Bao Beier!"

Hearing Quan Baolan's words, everyone saw that the only one with a bright forehead among the six running men was Bao Baier.Bao Beier picked up the wig and brought it to his head.

But it is of no use, because the difference between wigs and real hair is still very big.You can definitely touch it.The runners here are also starting to explode their characteristics.

Bao Beier said with a smile: "Wang Zulan, can you shrink your nostrils? Otherwise, when you touch your nose, Wang Zulan can be inserted, and Wang Zulan can't be inserted!"

Hearing Bao Baier's words, Wang Zulan said angrily: "My nostrils can only expand, but they can't shrink!" In fact, Wang Zulan was also very helpless.After all, my nose is so special.

You can judge yourself by simply touching your nose among the six people.My nostrils are bigger than other people's.This is unstoppable.

Enjing smiled and said, "Zeng Xiaoxian's teeth are uneven, and the other people's teeth are very neat. When you touch your teeth later, you will know if it is Zeng Xiaoxian!"

When they heard Enjing's words, everyone was very surprised. They didn't expect Enjing's observation to be so meticulous. Even Zeng Xiaoxian's teeth were different.

But let's take a closer look, although Zeng Xiaoxian closed his mouth, Li Chen soon used force to open Zeng Xiaoxian's mouth again.

Deng Chao said with a smile, "Actually, it's not difficult to find Zeng Xiaoxian, as long as you touch his face, it's Zeng Xiaoxian!" Hearing Deng Chao's mockery of himself, Zeng Xiaoxian immediately retorted: "Why is my face so old? Why is it drooping?"

Enjing immediately said, "Xiaoxian's face is not particularly old!" Hearing that Enjing defended herself, Zeng Xiaoxian was not only moved, but also a reliable teammate.

But apparently Zeng Xiaoxian hadn't been moved yet, and Enjing continued, "Compared to the other five running men, he's just a little bit older!"

Hearing Enjing's words, Zeng Xiaoxian almost spat out a mouthful of old blood on Li Chen's face.At this moment, Zeng Xiaoxian's heart was full of grass and mud horses galloping past.Enjing, is it really good for you to say that to your teammates?Are you here to help me, or to make up for the knife?

However, Enjing told Zeng Xiaoxian with her own actions that she was obviously here to make up for the knife.At this time, Enjing has turned into a madman who fills the knife.

Not only Zeng Xiaoxian was hit by a knife.Even Deng Chao and Li Chen were lying on the knife.Qin Feng and the others all looked at Enjing in surprise. They didn't expect that Enjing's mouth was so slippery.

In the end, with the unremitting efforts of the members of T-ara, everyone finally summed up the characteristics of six people.Wang Zulan is characterized by a big nose.Zeng Xiaoxian is characterized by uneven teeth, and Bao Baier is characterized by a bald head.Li Chen is characterized by a big face, Deng Chao is characterized by a round face, as for Qin Feng.As long as it is not the above five types, it must be Qin Feng.

After hearing the characteristics that T-ara members summed up, everyone was dissatisfied.Deng Chao smiled and said, "Why didn't you find Qin Feng's characteristics?"

Park Hyomin smiled and replied, "Qin Feng Oppa is the most perfect! I can't find his faults!" Hearing Park Hyomin's words, the other five nodded in agreement, and Deng Chao and the others made a sound. An unwilling wolf howl.

Cao Zhen smiled and said, "Okay, the time has been delayed for so long! The show is about to start!" Hearing Cao Zhen's words, everyone went to their respective places!

Cao Zhen said with a smile: "The order of this round is based on the results of the previous round. The three worst performers in the previous round will play rock paper scissors, and the loser will start first!"

The last three in the last round were Zhiyan, Ju Li, and Bao Lan.The three of them started rock-paper-scissors, but Jiyeon lost the first round.

After Cao Zhen saw the results, he smiled and said, "Then it starts with Zhiyan! Please put on a blindfold!" Hearing Cao Zhen's words, a female staff member stepped forward and put on a blindfold for Park Zhiyan.

After Zhiyan put on the blindfold, Cao Zhen said to the running man again, "Now all the boys are starting to change positions!" After hearing Cao Zhen's words, Qin Feng and the other six began to change positions with each other.

After changing positions, Cao Zhen smiled and said, "Zhiyan, you can start!" A staff member supported Zhiyan's arm and helped her to the back of the seat of the six running men, and let her start with the first person touch.

The first person Zhiyan touched was Qin Feng.Qin Feng's performance was calm and smiling.Zhiyan simply touched Qin Feng's cheek and said with certainty, "It's Qin Feng Oppa!"

Seeing that Zhiyan touched Qin Feng so quickly, Qin Feng felt incredible.How did you get caught out like this?Didn't Jiyeon wear her blindfold?

But if you look closely, you can't really see anything with the blindfold. Qin Feng doesn't even know where his flaws are.Then the second is Deng Chao.

Deng Chao deliberately grimaced to make it more difficult for Zhiyan to figure it out.Looking at Deng Chao's grimacing appearance, the other T-ara members all had a stomachache from laughing.

But obviously Zhiyan wasn't stumped, and Zhiyan spread her hands evenly and slapped, slapped, slapped right on Deng Chao's face.While hitting, say, "Relax your muscles!"

Deng Chao was beaten in the face and cried out in his heart, "What are you doing!"

Chapter [-]: Qin Feng's special sign

Don't look at Park Jiyan's small figure, but after all, she is a woman who has practiced Taekwondo, so her hands are not small at all, and Deng Chao almost didn't cry when he slapped him.

After these few hits, Deng Chao stopped making a face, and his tears were about to come out.Looking at the few people behind such a violent scene, no one really dares to make faces.This slap is simply not too sour.

Pu Zhiyanzi touched Deng Chao's face and said to himself, "Well? Have a beard?! Is it Deng Chao or Li Chen? Li Chen's face doesn't seem to be that big, and Deng Chao's face doesn't seem to be so droopy! Is it Zeng Xiaoxian?"

Park Jiyan has been immersed in his own world thinking, and Li Chen, Deng Chao, and Zeng Xiaoxian are about to vomit blood.Deng Chao had already secretly determined to buy some good cosmetics to take care of his skin after he went back this time.

And Zeng Xiaoxian was even more depressed, why did he lie down when he said his face was drooping.And Li Chen immediately put a small face label, watching their expressions and Zhiyan's actions.

The other members burst into tears with laughter.Quan Baolan was reclining in Park Xiaomin's arms.Covering her stomach and laughing non-stop, Xiaomin also leaned on Han Enjing's body crookedly.

Park Soyan and Li Curi hugged each other, but Le's mouth couldn't close.The staff of the director's team also stood there and held back their laughter.

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