The few times that Deng Chao was beaten just now, the staff of the director's team were already happy to sit on the ground.

Park Zhiyan thought about it for a long time and said, "This is Li Chen!" Hearing Park Zhiyan's words, Qin Feng asked, "Zhiyan, are you sure?" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Zhiyan replied: "Guess! I thought about it for a while. It feels like Li Chen is the one with the bigger face!"

Hearing Zhiyan's answer, several people laughed wildly. Just now, Li Chen was labeled with a small face, but now his small face has turned into a big one.

Li Chen shook his head helplessly, his partner is really enough.Li Chen touched his face and felt very good about himself.Is this a big deal?

Then the third is Wang Zulan. Zhiyan just touched Wang Zulan's iconic big nose and burst out laughing and said, "This must be Wang Zulan!"

Wang Zulan spread out his hands helplessly, obviously this is not what Wang Zulan wanted, but his big nose is a sign, and it can't be changed at all.

Then the fourth Bao Bei Er, Zhiyan touched it for a long time and didn't recognize it, then tugged at his hair, feeling that the hair was a little loose and immediately reacted: "This is Bao Bei Er!"

Bao Beier also sorted out the wig that was about to fall off by Park Zhiyan with a wry smile.And Park Jiyan continued to touch the back.

The fifth is Zeng Xiaoxian, Zhiyan didn't recognize it after touching it for a long time, and suddenly thought that there is another Zeng Xiaoxian with special teeth that he didn't find out.However, Zhiyan was going to touch Zeng Xiaoxian's teeth, but here Zeng Xiaoxian tried his best to keep his mouth shut to prevent Zhiyan from touching it.

Here, Zhiyan can feel the resistance of the other party. Zhiyan broke his hands together and said, "Open your mouth! Open your mouth! Let me touch your teeth!"

Said that he was trying to open Zeng Xiaoxian's mouth with both hands, but Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't resist with his hands, and Zhiyan quickly opened his mouth.Zhiyan recognized who it was when he touched it and said with a smile, "It's Zeng Xiaoxian!"

Zhiyan was obviously too excited to say that he just slapped him, and his two hands were in close contact with Zeng Xiaoxian's face, and Zeng Xiaoxian immediately knew why Deng Chao was grinning.

Zhiyan's hand strength is really not ordinary.Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian's aggrieved look, Deng Chao began to secretly laugh beside him.

At the last one, Zhiyan touched it casually and said, "This is Deng Chao!" Because Deng Chao was the only one left, Zhiyan chose the last one and said it was Deng Chao.

After Zhiyan's judgment was over, Cao Zhen said with a smile, "Park Zhiyan and Li Chen have chosen the right four! The next one is Li Curie!"

Zhiyan was still quite satisfied with the results and jumped back to his position.Li Curie walked over with the help of the staff.

The first person she touched was her partner Bao Beier. When Bao Beier deliberately sent his fake to Li Curie, Li Curie recognized Bao Beier effortlessly.The second was Qin Feng, and then Qin Feng was recognized without any accident.Qin Feng was immediately speechless.This is too unscientific.How could he be recognized so easily.Qin Feng wondered if their blindfolds were not properly worn.

However, except for Wang Zulan, the following Li Curies were recognized because of their big nose, and the other three were not recognized.Cao Zhen said with a smile: "Li Curie and Bao Beier's group have selected three! Now, Quan Baolan will choose!"

Wang Zulan said with a wry smile: "Director, this game is so unfair! They know it's me as soon as they touch their noses!" Hearing Wang Zulan's words, Qin Feng smiled bitterly and said, "Zulan, you can be content, at least you know. You were recognized for touching your nose! I don't even know how I was recognized!"

After hearing Qin Feng's words, everyone remembered that Qin Feng had been recognized in two rounds.Deng Chao said with a smile, "Qin Feng, do you have any special sign, we don't know!"

Hearing Deng Chao's words, Qin Feng smiled wryly and said, "I don't even know why I was recognized! I'm depressed!" Qin Feng's complaints attracted the ruthless gloating of a few running men.

Pu Xiaomin said with a smile, "Qin Feng Oppa, you really have something special about you, so we will all recognize you! So accept your fate!"

Hearing Pu Xiaomin's words, everyone was interested. Qin Feng had a special way to identify him. Deng Chao and the others seemed to smell the smell of gossip.

Qin Feng said with a puzzled look: "Is there something special about me?" Qin Feng looked at himself and then touched his face several times with his hands, but he didn't find anything special. place.

Qin Feng also cast a suspicious look at Pu Xiaomin.

Chapter [-]: Is this issue a slap special?

Seeing the doubtful eyes cast by Qin Feng, Pu Xiaomin and the others all covered their mouths and snickered. Obviously, the six members of T-ara knew how to recognize Qin Feng.

This made Qin Feng very unhappy. It was as if he was standing naked in front of these girls without clothes on. However, the six girls still snickered and didn't tell Qin Feng how to recognize Qin Feng.

Deng Chao asked curiously, "Susu, do you know how to recognize Qin Feng?" Hearing Deng Chao's words, Park Suyan smiled slightly and said, "Of course I do!"

Deng Chao then asked: "Come on, tell me how to recognize Qin Feng?" Hearing Deng Chao's words, Park Suyan smiled and said, "You want to know?"

Deng Chao, Zeng Xiaoxian and the others nodded suddenly, and then looked at Su Yan very seriously for fear of missing a word, including Qin Feng himself.

Park Soyan smiled slightly and said, "I want to know! I'll tell you when this show is finished! Don't worry!" Suyan took out her housekeeping skills and blinked.

So Yeon's aura when she blinked is really charming.Looking at Su Yan's appearance, Deng Chao covered his nose and exaggeratedly said, "Ah! No way! I'm going to have a nosebleed!"

Seeing Deng Chao's exaggerated acting skills, the audience laughed again.After getting the T-ara members to reveal Qin Feng's secret at the end of the current round of missions, the show was able to continue!

This time, Quan Baolan came up to touch, and Qin Feng was the first.Obviously Qin Feng also broke the jar, since the six of them are confident that they can touch themselves.Qin Feng felt that it was meaningless for him to hide.

Quan Baolan simply touched Qin Feng's face and said, "This... is Deng Chao?" Qin Feng was stunned when he heard Quan Baolan's words, and then suddenly burst into delight.Finally got it wrong.

But obviously Qin Feng wasn't happy for too long. Quan Baolan said with a smile, "Oba, I admit I'm wrong, are you disappointed? Qin Feng Oppa, don't worry, Baolan won't admit you wrong!" Quan Baolan pinched Qin Feng's face mischievously.This made Qin Feng's coursing just now disappear without a trace.Emotional Baolan was teasing himself just now.

With these three times, it is more accurate to determine than satellite positioning.Qin Feng also gave up completely.It seems that he can only accept his fate!Qin Feng has already made up his mind. After they tell their own characteristics, they must change it!With the help of the system, Qin Feng is still very confident that he can change.

Quan Baolan easily found Wang Zulan, Bao Beier, Zeng Xiaoxian, and Li Chen.I have to say that Quan Baolan really exploded in a small universe this time.Touch five people in a row.

Zeng Xiaoxian was dumbfounded and gave a thumbs up, saying, "This is a strange woman! You can touch it right! I'll take it!" Then Quan Baolan walked to Deng Chao's side.

Deng Chao sat there and didn't dare to make a face and said that it was obvious that Zhiyan's slap was very effective.But obviously today is the unlucky day for Deng Chao.

Quan Baolan had already touched five people, and after touching Deng Chao, he wanted to say Deng Chao's name.But when the words came to his lips, Quan Baolan suddenly couldn't remember Deng Chao's name.

Due to the time limit, Quan Baolan kept saying, "This person is...this person is...what's the name?" And Enjing in the girls' seat smiled and said, "Baolan, are you talking about my partner? "

Enjing also wanted to mislead Deng Chao. Baolan was anxious, but she couldn't remember Deng Chao's name, so she waved her hand on Deng Chao's face!

As a result, the familiar clapping, clapping, clapping, clapping sounded again at the scene.Deng Chao was in the mood to vomit blood at this time.

If it wasn't for the fear of being recognized, Deng Chao must have said loudly, "What are you doing?" Deng Chao almost burst into tears at this moment.

Seeing Deng Chao who was slapped and slapped in the face by Quan Baolan, everyone looked at him with sympathy.When the last time came, Quan Baolan still couldn't remember Deng Chao's name.

Director Cao Zhen laughed for a long time before saying, "Okay! Quan Baolan and Wang Zulan have chosen the right five people, now it's Park Suyan's turn to choose the right people!"

Obviously, Cao Zhen was amused enough by Quan Baolan's act of hitting Deng Chao's face when he was in a hurry.Park So-yan stood up and was about to touch it.

Deng Chao stood up in dissatisfaction and said: "Stop! I want to say what kind of grudges do I have with you T-ara? What grudges? Director, this game can be played, but I can't slap my face again. If this goes on, my face will be gone tomorrow. The law has seen people!"

Deng Chao said with an aggrieved expression and pointed his finger on his cheek.The slap prints of Sapphire and Jiyeon are still there.

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